Thursday, 28 November 2019

My Fourth and Final Wolverine Movie Fan Cast and Ideas


So this is my final Wolverine Movie Fan Cast and Ideas. It's been great, but this is the last one. I hope I have enjoyed my previous three Wolverine movie ideas: The Savage Wolverine, Wolverine: Weapon X, and Wolverine VS The Hulk. We come to my final Wolverine film idea and fan cast Wolverine Reckoning. I know it sounds like Ragnarok, but it's totally different. It's not as goofy as Ragnarok was, but I love Ragnarok.
In this film, Wolverine has lost the adamantium in my third X Men film, which I will work on soon. Wolverine now has bone claws again, and this story would adapt Wolverine Origins storylines Reckoning and Romulus as well Daken, Jimmy, and Laura's story arc.
Wolverine's first scene is him teaching students how to fight ninjas.

The fourth film has Wolverine going up against the real mastermind behind Weapon Plus, which is Romulus. In this film, Wolverine struggles without the adamantium, his healing factor is prolonged, and he's meeting his children for the first time. However, Wolverine is still a badass, and he's not letting the loss of the adamantium make him give up. He's still fighting, becoming a teacher in the X Men.

First, I will start with my cast, and then I'll talk about my ideas for my final Wolverine film.

Scott Eastwood as  James Logan Howlett/Wolverine.
Now, after the events of Fatal Attractions, Wolverine has lost the adamantium, but that has not stopped him from being an X Man. He is now a teacher at Xavier School, he also is the leader of the X Force, he is currently in a relationship with Storm, He works a lot with Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde, and he still has arguments with Cyclops. After remembering his past, he visits the old Howlett Estate, paying his respects to his family except for his real father. It isn't until he is attacked by a young man named Daken with a weird mohawk with claws like him. After the fights with Daken, he learns that Daken is his son from Itsu. Daken tells him that Romulus saved him and that he was the real founder of Weapon Plus. Wolverine is shocked by this reveal, and learning that his unborn son lived is a shock to him. Wolverine later meets with Nick Fury, who reveals that Romulus was the real mastermind behind Weapon Plus. Now he has formed a new Weapon X program and shows that he is after Wolverine and anyone with his blood in him. Wolverine then remembers his other son Jimmy, goes with the X Men to rescue him and sees Wolverine interact with Jimmy and even bond with him. Wolverine decides it's time for him to end Weapon Plus once and for all. In this film, we see him being a father and a mentor, but heads u,p Wolverine is not going to die; no one can do what James Mangold did with Wolverine's death in Logan. Wolverine also learns he has a clone daughter named Laura, X 23.

Ryan Potter as Daken/Dark Wolverine.
Daken is one of the main antagonists of the film. In the movie, Daken was raised by Romulus after Daken his adopted parents and is now part of Weapon Plus; it's not brainwashing like Bucky, nor is he being forced to; he's joining because he wants to. Daken intends to kill his father for being blamed for his mother's death, and he feels abandoned by his father and doesn't bother to avenge his mother's death. Daken is a complete psycho, and he has killed more people than his dad, but he does have some humanity. He does show some signs of good. However, he's still a lousy guy, like he killed a baby once that was his adopted brother. Now Daken was taught and raised by the wrong people; unlike his dad or brother and sister, he wasn't good. Romulus and Cyber were his mentors who just introduced him to be worse at what he is. Daken, in the film, takes the name Dark Wolverine opposite to his father, and don't expect a happy father-son story. This is a tragic and sad story. Daken first meets their father at the old Howlett Estate that Wolverine visits at the film's beginning. The two fight and reveal I'm your son, and I hate you. Daken later fights his brother Jimmy Hudson, but Jimmy tells him that Romulus actually killed his mother and that Weapon Plus will use him to get what they want. The fight ends with both brothers and their sister teaming up against Cyber and Romulus.

Nicholas Hamilton as Jimmy Hudson/Wolverine Jr.
Now Jimmy Hudson is another son of Wolverine, and he plays a massive role in this film. After learning that he is Wolverine's son from the last movie, Jimmy wants to meet his dad, but his adoptive parents are mixed about the idea. His mom Jill is protective of him, but his adopted dad understands why he wants to meet him, for Wolverine did save Elias's life. However, Sabertooth and Wildchild come to town to hunt down Jimmy; Romulus wants Jimmy because he has the adamantium inside of him before Wolverine loses it. Sabertooth almost kills Jimmy's adoptive parents, but Jimmy tries to stop him, but Sabertooth is too powerful. It isn't until Wolverine arrives with three other X Men that Wolverine and Sabertooth have a rematch, but it ends with Sabertooth escaping. After that, Jimmy goes with Wolverine to the X Mansion, his adoptive father understands, but Jimmy's mom doesn't want that, but Jimmy explains it's the only way to keep them safe. While Jimmy goes to the X Mansion, he gets to know his father, and the two of them have fights, but they do bond later on. Like Wolverine says, "I couldn't save Daken, but I'm just glad you got raised by people who taught between right and wrong." Also, Jimmy has a love interest, and that is a girl named Rachel from his school who is kidnapped by Sabertooth and one of the reasons Jimmy goes with his father. 

Dafne Keen as Laura Kinney/X 23
To be honest, it's hard writing Laura because I love the way James Mangold wrote her in Logan, but if the MCU is ever going to reintroduce the character, hopefully, they will do the character justice. Unlike Daken and Jimmy, Laura is a clone of Wolverine, but a clone by birth. Her mother, Dr. Sarah Kinney, was tasked with creating a clone of Wolverine that would be more powerful. However, Sarah made sure her daughter did not become a potent weapon but actually had humanity and knew the difference between right and wrong. Unfortunately, her attempts were in vain, for Romulus, Dr. Zander Rice, and Martin Sutter made sure Laura would grow into a complete killing machine by creating a chemical called Trigger 42. Laura becomes a killing machine, but the only thing that keeps her calm and reasonable is her mother until Martin Sutter kills her. Now, she is nothing but a killing machine. Until she meets her father and brothers, we will see Laura is just a lost kid who doesn't think she's being used for all the wrong reasons. Laura wouldn't have a massive role in the film. It's a small role mainly because I want to focus more on Wolverine, Daken, and Jimmy. After all, it's a father and son story. I can sure I would use Laura again in an X Force Fan Cast I plan to do.

Michael Shannon as Romulus 
 Romulus is the film's main villain, and it's revealed that he was the real mastermind behind Weapon Plus. Romulus is a lupine, humans that evolved from canines instead of apes. Romulus is like Wolverine has a slow aging factor. In fact, he was around during the Romain empire and even became emperor at one point. Romulus has been after Wolverine's family for years as he wanted one of them to become Weapon X and his right hand. Romulus now plans to make Daken and Laura his new Weapon Xs in hopes they will help conquer the world. Unlike her brother, Romulus has a sister, but she is not a bad guy.  Romulus has two gloves whose blades are forged in adamantium. He doesn't have claws coming out of his actual hands, but he is a very skilled warrior, a skilled tactic, and a healing factor. In the comics, Romulus is 7 feet tall, and Michael Shannon is 1.91, but I think Michael Shannon is an excellent choice to play the role. Hell, he was awesome as Zod in Man of Steel. 

Hailee Steinfeld as Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde would play a major in the role film mainly because Wolverine was her mentor and taught sword combat, basically Samurai training. Kitty's role is she helps Wolverine and helps him bond with Jimmy and later Laura. Kitty sees Wolverine as an older brother figure because her dad died. After all, he was there for her when her dad died. Kitty would join Wolverine in stopping Weapon Plus along with Nightcrawler and Jimmy. She would also later train Jimmy and Laura to become X Men. Kitty is my favorite female X Man after Storm. I think this is a character that needs to use more because, to be honest, I didn't like how she wasn't the one who went back in time to save the future in Days of Future's Past.

Bill Skarsgard as Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
Nightcrawler, in the comics, he and Wolverine are best friends, so like the comics, Kurt and Logan are now best friends. Wolverine even nicks name him Blue Elf. Nightcrawler plays a significant role in the film like Kitty as he volunteers to help Wolverine shut down Weapon Plus and help free the mutants trapped by Weapon Plus. Nightcrawler is my third favorite X-Man, and I feel like he needs to get it done right. I mean, Fox's version, I felt like they wasted him after. This another X-Man character needs to get done right.

Travis Fimmel as Victor Creed/Sabertooth
Sabertooth would return in the fourth Wolverine film as one of the main villains. Victor Creed gets a new look and costume. Sabertooth is now working with Romulus and Weapon Plus again but his true goal is to get revenge and kill Wolverine. Sabertooth is sent to capture Wolverine's son Jimmy Hudson however, luckily Wolverine stops him but Sabertooth escapes and he mocks Wolverine for losing the adamantium by saying he's weaker now. Sabertooth will learn how wrong he is later in the film. There will be one last epic fight between Wolverine and Sabertooth and this is my last Wolverine movie film I would give fans Wolverine fans what they want an epic battle between Wolverine and Sabertooth.

 Yuri Kolokolnikov as Omega Red
Omega Red would return in the film in my previously film he was killed off, but no one really stays dead. Omega Red was brought back to life by Weapon Plus and along with the help some former soviet Russian scientists who Romulus worked with. In truth this Omega Red is a clone of the original Omega Red. He faces off against Wolverine again but later retreats living Wildchild to his dead and in the end he's defeated by Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde.

Jamie Campbell Bower as Kyle Bibney/Wildchild
Wildchild is a mutant with animal like instincts and has long sharp claws. He is also Romulus's right hand and makes his debut in this film as he and Sabertooth work together to capture Jimmy. Wildchild reveals that Romulus is the one who has guided Wolverine most of his life to what he is now. There will be a fight between Wolverine and Wildchild which will end with Jimmy killing Wildchild with the muramasa blade.

Joshua Jackson as Elias Hudson
Elias Hudson is Jimmy's adoptive father and sherif of a town in Vancouver who adopted Jimmy after Wolverine saved his life. He is injured by Sabertooth but survives which is one of the reasons Jimmy goes with the X Men so that Sabertooth won't come after his adoptive parents.

Tara Spencer Nairn as Jill Hudson
Jill is Jimmy's adoptive mother and a radio host. She's a very protective mother for she doesn't want Jimmy getting involved with the X Men and wants him away from his father.  However, though she later accepts Jimmy's decision to join the X Men for she knows Jimmy is trying to do the right thing.

Barbara Lennie as Dr. Sarah Kinney
 Dr. Sarah Kinney plays a role in the film were she is trying to get her daughter out of Weapon Plus but later in the film she is killed by Martin after she almost came close to freeing Laura. Sarah wanted her daughter to be free from Weapon Plus and not become what Romulus wants her to be.

Clive Standen as Cyber 
Cyber would be in the film as one of the main villains he is also Daken's mentor who trained Daken in combat and taught him to show no mercy to anyone.  He has adamantium cyborg arms given to him by Romulus and he has a history with Wolverine. That goes back at one point were Wolverine was trained under him in WW2 but he didn't like what Cyber was doing and he was doing some other awful stuff and so Wolverine cut his arms off. Cyber and Wolverine would have a rematch but Wolverine will get the worse beating but luckily his kids take him down.

Sandie Sink as Rachel Anne
 Rachel Anne is a girl from Jimmy's high school and is mutant with telepathic powers. Rachel is actually from a different reality and she is fact Rachel Anne Summers she is daughter of Cyclops and Jean Grey. Rachel will be a love interest for Jimmy. Rachel would reveal that is from a different reality and you know multiverse is coming to the MCU with Dr. Strange 2. She is capture by Weapon Plus but is later saved by Jimmy, Kitty, and Nightcrawler.

 Daniel Dae Kim as Martin Suttler
Martin Suttler in the comics was an original member of Weapon X and was the new head of Facility that created X 23. In this version is he is the new head of Weapon Plus working for Romulus and he also he kills Laura's mother Dr. Sarah as he was determine to make Laura into the ultimate weapon for Weapon Plus. In the end he is killed by Laura.

Domhnall Gleeson as Dr. Zander Rice
Dr. Zander Rice is the son of Dale Rice who help founded the original Weapon X. He would appear in the film and this time he's a major scumbag and creates a trigger that makes X 23 go into a full killing machine. He's killed by Wolverine himself for what he did to Laura.  

Elarica Johnson as Lucia Callasantos 
Lucia is a mutant with a feline like appearance and she has a sister named Maria who both sisters serve as Romulus's bodyguards. She wants to wipe out the human race she blames them for the death of her parents and siblings. She is taken down by Kitty Pryde.

Nathalie Emmanuel as Maria Callassantos
 Maria is a mutant and like her sister has a feline apperance but she servers as one of Romulus's body guards but she's not as hateful as her sister. She hates the people who killed her family but doesn't blame all humans for it. In the end she goes rogue and joins the New Mutants.

 Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury
Nick plays a small role in the film and in this film he reveals to Wolverine, that Romulus was the real mastermind behind Weapon Plus and the Weapon X project. Nick also reveals to Wolverine that Romulus has been tracking Wolverine's bloodline for years and wants make him and his children into weapons that will kill anyone or anything to achieve Romulus's goal.

Robbie Amell as Scott Summers/Cyclops
Cyclops plays a small role in the film, he helps Wolverine find Weapon Plus as well the two still have arguments but they do respect each other for Jean's sake. By the end Cyclops is given the Muramasa blade by Wolverine and Wolverine tells him if he looses control, he trusts Scott to be the one to put him down. Showing mutual respect for each other. In the mid credits Scott and Jean learned that Rachel is in fact their daughter from a different reality which would set up another X Men film.
This would be sign mutual respect. 
Between Scott and Logan.

Jane Levy as Jean Grey
 Jean would play a small role in the film, she shows signs of being attracted to Wolverine but remains loyal to Scott. She later meets Rachel is another telepath like her and she learns that she is her daughter from another reality.

Daniel Radcliffe as Hank McCoy/Beast 
 Beast would play a small role and design a new suit for Wolverine. This suit would make his healing factor be faster before the adamantine was taken out of him.

Sonequa Martin Green as Storm
Storm would play a small role in the film and in film she and Wolverine are in a relationship. She encourages Wolverine to spend time with his son Jimmy and tells him that he shouldn't fear what would happen if he bounded with his son.

Now that's my cast for my final Wolverine film and now here are my ideas for my fourth Wolverine film. 

12. Full Bone Clawed Wolverine 
Now in the film Wolverine has had the adamantium ripped out of his body by Magneto and now his healing factor is slower and he could die if he fatally injured. In the film he's full bone clawed Wolverine even without the adamantium he's still awesome. Since loosing them he's been training everyday and with the help X Men he's a much better fighter and as well he is now leader of X Force. Wolverine has even become a full time teacher and even though the kids like him they know never to piss him off. 

11. Wolverine gets a new suit.
Wolverine would be getting a new suit design by Beast that would help in combat as well it helps increase his healing factor like it did before he got the adamantium. The suit also has system that helps him a bit in combat but Wolverine doesn't use that system because he doesn't need it. The suit is from the Marvel Now storyline were he lost his healing factor and it was setting up Death of Wolverine. Don't worry I'm not setting up Wolverine's death in the film. 

10. Wolverine and Kitty's relationship as mentor and student in the film.
Wolverine and Kitty have had a long history with each other like Wolverine became a mentor to her and she learned swordsmanship from him. Kitty's role in the film it's basically a big brother and little sister arc were she's trying to help Wolverine end Weapon Plus, but also shows him he needs be father to his kids. Kitty tells him there might be a chance to save Daken but Wolverine doubts it for he is a grown man he made his choice. Eventually by the end of the film Wolverine has Kitty train Jimmy and later take Laura under her wing.    

9. Wolverine and Nightcrawler best buddies.
Now Wolverine and Nightcrawler are best friends in the comics and this film they are best friends. Wolverine nick names him Blue Elf. Now in the film Nightcrawler would play a big role just like Kitty he helps Wolverine take the down the reformed Weapon Plus. As he tells Wolverine, he needs to be spend time with Jimmy and train him which Wolverine does after his advice.

8. We see Wolverine use the Muramasa Blade a lot in this film.
In this film we will see Wolverine use the muramasa blade in the film. he brings it with him because it's the only thing that kill Romulus as well any other mutant in the weapon X program as well the ones with adamantium and a healing factor.

7. Father and Son bonding but not that way.
With Daken being in the film we will see a one on one fight between Father and Son. Daken hates Wolverine for he blames for his mother's death and wants him dead for all the hell he went through as a kid. Wolverine brutally accepts he can't save his son and he has no choice but to fight. There is still a part of him that wants to help him even if it's too late. In film we see that Daken chooses to do this he's not forced he's doing for himself but doesn't mean Daken has no redeeming qualities? Nah he does get redemption in the comics. In the film we would some small redemption for the character. With Jimmy it's more difficulty but accepting growing to love his dad, and Laura same thing we got in Logan.

6. How to interduce Laura in the MCU.
Now Laura aka X 23 was made her big screen debut in Logan and she stole the show. Now the question is how would the MCU interduce her? Well there are two options. One, she comes into the MCU through multiverse continuing from where Logan left off. That idea could work kind of what they did with Jimmy in the comics putting him in the main Marvel Universe after Ultimate End. Now there is the other option they reintroduce the character maybe give her a more comic-inspired origin like seeing her raised that Facility and her brith mother Sarah. I would have Laura join X Force in the end of the film and gets train by her dad to kill only bad people as we'll Kitty becomes a mentor to her like Wolverine was to her. I would have Laura become Wolverine but when I mean that there would be more then just one Wolverine there be four Wolverines.

5. Wolverine and Jimmy's relationship and setting Jimmy up to be the next Wolverine.
In the ultimate comics, Jimmy never meets his dad for he was killed off in a story called Ultimatum which is really awful by the way. In the film when Jimmy meets his dad the both of them at first don't bond just like that. Jimmy still considers Elias to be his dad but he wants to get know his real dad and has deeply admire him for hearing all of these stories about him as well how he saved Elias's life. Now in the film we see Jimmy and Logan train together and they get to know each other. Wolverine express he's glad Jimmy isn't like him he was raised by the right people and points out that is relate to Elias because Wolverine is a Hudson too. We also see Jimmy bond with other X Men like Kitty, Nightcrawler, and even Cyclops, In the film he develops a relationship with Rachel who is also a mutant too with telepath powers. In the film he goes with his dad to stop Romulus and end Weapon Plus. As well the film would foreshadow him taking up the mantle of Wolverine and just so you know there can be more than just one Wolverine. He would end becoming a student of the Xavier School and become a member of either X Factor or Alpha Flight.

4.Sons of Wolverine: Brother vs Brother.
Now in the film we would have a fight between Jimmy and Daken its basically older brother vs younger brother. We need to fight a scene between the two as one brother looks up to their father and another hates their father. In this fight we also see the brothers and admit in another life they would have been family and they wouldn't be fighting. Laura doesn't get involved mainly because she is too busy killing Martin and Dr. Rice for killing her mother. One of the film's theme it's a father and sons storyline. We see these two brothers who have the same father but from two different worlds.

3. Give us one last epic battle between Wolverine and Sabertooth.
Now since this my last Wolverine film I would have Wolverine and Sabertooth have one last epic battle to the death. Before Wolverine and Romulus fight, Sabertooth and Wolverine have one last epic showdown. It needs bloody and gory with a moment oh shit, Wolverine is going to die but wins by an inch. We need to see one last epic battle between these two characters. 

2. Set Daken up to become a Dark Avenger.
Now with rumours of a Dark Avengers film in the works I really think Daken should be in that film because the character was a founding member of that team. I would have the film end with Daken surviving but he's not a good guy but he goes on a spiritual quest of trying to be a better person. I think we could see the character being set up to join the Dark Avengers and even dawning one of his father's old costumes. I don't how Marvel would interduce the Dark Avengers and what team it will be based on but I'm hoping Daken is part of it.

1. Wolverine VS Romulus.
When Wolverine learns that Romulus was one who started Weapon Plus, Wolverine becomes determine to kill Romulus especially that fact he was one who had Itsu killed and destroy his son's life making into someone who is down a path he can't go back on. In the final fight Wolverine would the Muramasa blade to fight Romulus because it's only thing that kill him as Wolverine learns that Romulus's claws are fake they don't come out of his hands their attached to the gloves. Wolverine taunts him and says, "You're not what I'm going to become...I'm what you've always wanted to be."
The film would end with Wolverine killing Romulus and Wolverine embracing Jimmy and Laura making them full time X Men. Jimmy joins X Factor and becomes a part time member of Alpha Flight and meets his half sister Polaris and Laura joins X Force with Wolverine as her mentor and Kitty as a mentor to her as well.

That is my fourth and final Wolverine film. I really hope you guys have enjoyed them its sad to depart from them, but hey all good things come to an end. I don't know how the MCU will interduce Wolverine or if they give the character his own film or already be part of X Men, but I hope they do a good job with Wolverine. In the future I will do a X Force Fan Cast, X Factor Fan Cast, and a Dark Avengers Fan Cast in the future. As well more X Men Fan Cast in the future too. I also do plan spin off Fan Cast and Ideas for other X Men characters.