Friday, 29 December 2017

Superhero films of the year

This year, we had five great superhero films and one that sucked! I'm going to rank best to worst.

So lets get started!!! 

Ranking Best Superhero film

1. Logan 

Hands down, the best film I've seen this year. This is also the last time we will see Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. This movie was a great ending to his portrayal as Wolverine. This film is also Patrick Stewart last performance as Professor X and newcomer Dafne Keen breakout performance as X 23. However, my only problem with this film is its villains. I thought the villains were poorly written, not that memorable, and I feel like they should have gone with Sabertooth or Daken Wolverine's son. Fox was working on that villain problem but now that they are owned by Disney maybe... it will just give us villains we want to see. The movie delivers us what we always wanted to see an R-rated Wolverine film, and it's all thanks to a mere with a mouth lol. Logan is this year's best Superhero film hands down.

2. Wonder Woman 
Wonder Woman is the best DC film since the Dark Knight. The film was everything we wanted in a good DC film. Let's be honest, in 2016, DC had two huge let downs. Wonder Woman changed all that. We have a story of woman who wants to go out and save the world, and it's just awesome. Gal Gadot did a better job in this movie than BVS. The story makes more sense than BVS and Suicide Squad, and the supporting cast is funny, awesome, and cool. It was about time a Wonder Woman film got made and it turned out great! Let's be honest, female superhero movies have habit of sucking, but Patty Jenkins turned that all around. I always believed Wonder Woman should be made by a female director and it happened. It turned out awesome because they focused on a story not building up a universe. I kind of wish Patty directed Justice League instead of Zack it would have turned out better. This is one of best films DC and WB have made yet. Just remember WB, just be thankful Wonder Woman was hit despite Justice League sucking, even though Ares wasn't a good villain, but hey, he's still better Eisenberg and Belly Dancer Enchantress.

3. Spiderman Homecoming and Thor Ragnarock (Number 3 is a tie.)

First I'm going to start with Spiderman Homecoming. Spiderman Homecoming hands down is the best Spiderman movie. It's on the same level as Spiderman 2 and one of the reasons why, because Marvel Studios finally got to make a Spiderman film. After Sony screwed up with Amazing Spiderman 2 they made the right call and made a deal with Marvel. It was best decision they ever made. Spiderman Homecoming was funny and full of great action scenes. Tom Holland was amazing and spectacular as Spiderman. The supporting cast were great like Ned Leeds is such a better friend than Harry Osborn and Michelle aka MJ was a funny character, but I don't think she's that MJ maybe she's a cousin. The Vulture was a great villain, and Aunt May is hot. This movie felt like a John Hughes film and by that I mean his good films, not his bad films. Spiderman Homecoming give me everything I wanted in a Marvel Studios Spiderman film even though there were some things where I was a little confused and annoyed by. None the less, this was an amazing movie. 

Thor Ragnarok is another third movie in a trilogy that was better than the first two. It's like Marvel studios has broken that curse where the third film is always the worst. Thor Ragnarok was awesome, so much fun and having the Hulk in this movie was awesome because he was so cool. Valkyrie was also a great character she was awesome, and I'm hoping she and all the other female Marvel characters get an A Force movie happening. Loki, as always was great, and Hela the Goddess of Death she was a great villain. Not to mention, she kind of fixed some plot holes in the MCU. Hela, Vulture, and Ego were great villains - it's kind of like Marvel is fixing their villain problem. Hopefully next year Thanos will be a great villain. This movie was a lot of fun and certainly a lot better than the first two. Thor vs Hulk was awesome fight and now I want see Wolverine vs Hulk now. Thor Ragnarok was great movie and one of the best movies I've seen this year.

4. Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2 

Another great Guardians of the Galaxy film with great music, great characters and a good villain. Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2 was a fun movie to watch and the best character was baby Groot. Everyone in the movie did a great job and Kurt Russell was a great villain. Anyone who gives someone cancer is the most evil person out there. A lot of people complain that this film was copying the first one and I don't see that, I think it was it's own thing. The new characters in the movie, like Mantis, were very funny character and very interesting as well. Taserface, wow! He was just funny and I think he should have been called Scodumface. LOL. It was really sad when they killed Yondu because he was awesome in this film, and I got to say, Marvel killed off a character that I deeply liked a lot. Remember how in Age of Ultron they killed off Quicksilver and nobody gave a shit? But when Yondu dies you are crying and saying he was Peter's daddy. "I'm Mary Poppins y'all!" Love that quote. I love this film, and I got to say, I'm excited for Avengers Infinity War because these A-holes are going to be in it and James Gunn confirmed that vol 3 will be the last time we will see Starlord, Rocket, Gamora, Groot, Drax, and Mantis.

5. Justice League 

Now this film sadly failed and was a let down. Now before I start, I want to say that this movie is better than BVS and Suicide Squad but my personal reasons why it failed was because this film was rushed by WB and poorly set up. After this movie, you will want to re watch the Justice League animated series again. The film's problems are its story, some of it's characters, its villain, and its cgi like this for example. 
WTF is this!?!
 I know Henry was under contract by Paramount not to shave for the next Mission Impossible movie, but still honest to god, Read my review of Justice League to see how l feel about this film. After BVS, I think the studio should get rid of Zack Synder and let someone else take over writing, delayed this film until 2018 or something and focus on the movie in front of them rather than build the universe. Still, the cast in the movie did a good job. Ben was a great Batman, and honest to god, Ben! Make up your mind and just say I'm Batman or not because we're tired of this whole issue you have with the studio. Gal was great as always as Wonder Woman. Erza Miller, like I said, was good but debates are now starting on who's the best Flash. Jason Momoa was great as Aquaman, and I'm very excited to see Aquaman in 2018. Cyborg, the cgi was bad on him, but hopefully it will get better, and Superman, well he's starting to act like Superman, just hope to god he doesn't cgi his whole face next time. The villain was awful. DC officially has that villain problem and so far Zod is the best DC villain and he killed millions of people. Still hoping DC and WB will move forward with Flashpoint and erase its worst decisions. 

Well these are the superhero films of 2017 and next year we have Avengers Infinity War, Deadpool 2, Black Panther, Aquaman, New Mutants, and Dark Phoenix. Will they all be good or some of these films suck? Who knows.