Now a TV Series of the Legend of Zelda could work better than a film and I mean a good TV series, not this....
Let's pretend this didn't happen.
Now here are ideas to make a good and epic Zelda Tv Series one thing it should be the Game of Thrones for all ages. No sex, blood, gore, incest, or "Well, Excuse me, Princess." LOL.
Now if I were make this show I would first make it about 13 episodes, an hour long, and the first and second season would be Ocarina of Time, third season Major's Mask, forth season Twilight Princesses, and Fifth and Sixth season would be Breath of the Wild. I also look at the mangas for inspiration because the mangas are amazing to read, I recommend reading them. It's debatable on whether Link should talk or not, but here's what I think they should do and it compromise everything. Make Link like Samurai Jack were in Samurai Jack he doesn't talk much but only talks when he's with people something like that. That would work a lot. There is no cockyness to Link. Unlike..... that other show!!!

Influence material.
First idea this is from my cousin suggested this is that every episode should have Link going through a temple that will make it very cool like seeing Link go through each temple facing all sorts of danger and you're wondering how is he going to make out alive or how is he going to get the big boss. Also add Mystery and the thrill of exploring as well. Like Link gets to be amazed by what's in the temple and we want the audience want to be amazed as well.
Second idea if their going to make this into TV series skip all of the side quests and for what its worth skip one temple thats just not needed. If they were adapted Ocarina of Time I would recommend skipping the Water Temple but it's not likely to happen. Instead include all of the temples just change up in the Shadow Temple instead fighting of Bongo Bongo make it Dark Link instead. It be epic fight with Link fighting himself.
Third idea give Link more of a back story and have more character development like show us Link's parents and how he ended up in the Kokiri forest. Like the first episode should tell Link's origin. Like in game cannon Link is the son of a Hyrule Knight and a lady noble making him a noble. Also his the Hyailn Shield should not be bought at store there should be more meaning to it behind that shield for it is Link's Father shield. Impa gives it to him after he gets the master sword and explains the meaning behind that shield, also revealing his true origins. Build a romantic relationship with Link and Zelda, now I would not do this but, don't do a love triangle between Link, Zelda, and Malon. I know it is likely that could happen whatever studio made this show would create something like this but, I wouldn't. Although, I would give hints that Malon is in love with Link and he is somewhat attracted to her, but Link has more feelings towards Zelda.
Forth Idea casting and show runners now for the most important thing above all is getting good showunners, writers, and actors. Now we need good show runners for this I would say go with the Game of Thrones show runners but thats too obvious. Now I would recommend Joss Whedon,(Buffy, Angel, Avengers.) J J Abrams,(Star Trek, West World, and Lost.) Eric Kripke,(Supernatural, Timeless.) Noah Hawley, (Legion.) or Miles Millar.(Smallvile, The Shannara Chronicles, and Into The Badlands.) I think one of those guys would do a good job but I have to pick I go with Eric Kripke, Miles Millar, or Noah Hawley I don't think they would do it but thats who I go with.
Now casting for my choices for Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Malon, Darunia, and the rest of the characters in Ocarina of Time. Now first with Link now for Link had about seven actors in mind to play him and no ladies for the role of Link just so you know. Thomas Brodie Sangster, Miles Heizer, Ansel Eigort, Harry Styles, Charlie Heater, Charlie Plummer, and Liam Hemsworth.
Now in the show Link is much like his character in the games but he's got some characteristics from the Ocarina of Time manga. One thing also Link will talk but not a lot, at one point he would even say "I'm not much of talker." When he's a kid he's shy but he's a brave kid and when he's adult he's like Samurai Jack. Link's friendly, brave, adventuress, and smart. Link and Zelda do develop a romantic relationship with each other but lets just say like the game Link and Zelda don't stay in the same timeline and live happily ever after. Link has feelings for Malon and Malon has feelings for him too but Link tries to maintain a friendship with her because he loves Zelda. Link's motives are explore all of Hyrule and save Hyrule from Ganondorf.
Zelda would be like video game counterpart and the manga verison too. She's a got a good heart, she very wise, noble, strong-willed, and a wise leader. Zelda has visions of Hyrule being destroyed by Ganondorf and Zelda believes the gods are telling her to prepare and find the hero will save Hyrule and protect the Sacred Realm. Zelda meets Link and believes that is the hero that will save all of Hyrule. Zelda obviously becomes Sheik in the show and Sheik's role be like it was in the game and also some influence from the manga.
Ganondorf is the King of the Gerudo Tribe and the only male in the tribe as well. Ganondorf seeks to take the power of triforce and rule the world. The Gerudo tribe at first sees Ganondorf as the one who lead them to glorious future, but Ganondorf doesn't care for his people only for himself.
Now for the rest of the cast with some original characters.
The Kokiri tribe
Mckenna Grace as Saria
Saria is Link's best friend. Saria is the Forest Sage of the Forest Temple.
Jake Brenan as Mido
Mido is Link's rival like the game Mido treats Link badly because he doesn't have a fairy and bullies him often. He also has a crush on Saria, Doesn't like Link because he feels that Saria likes him more, and often acts as the leader of the Kokiri tribe.
Max Baroudi as Ike Know it All
Ike Know it All is a character who thinks he's know whats outside the koriki forest. Ike often hangs out with Link and Saria and he's often help Link outs when it comes to Mido.
Marsi Martin as Fado
Noah Jupe as Roku
Maggie Elizabeth Jones as Robin
Robin is another original character and she is named after Robin Williams. Robin is kind, funny, and is friends with Link and best friends with Saria. She also has a crush on Mido.
Cheif Dauria is the leader of the Goron Tribe. Dauria is tough, stern leader, but has secret love for music and deeply cares about his tribe and their safety. When he meets Link he does not give him the spiritual stone unless he slays King Dodongo a wingless dragon that has been eating the Goron tribe. Dauria is the Fire Sage of the Fire Temple.
Sean Astin as Bogi
Eddie Marsan as King Zora De Bon XVI
King Zora De Bon XVI is the King of the Zoro tribe and as well the guardian to Lord Jabu Jabu.
Ross Butler as Satoru
An original character also Satoru is named after late video game designer Satoru Iwata. Satoru is Zora that helps Link be a swimmer and he plays a bigger role when Link's adult. He uses a spear in battle and he's secretly in love Ruto but is very bitter to Link when he founds out its him that Ruto wants to marry.
Now The Gerudo tribe.
Zelda Williams as Nabooru
Yes Zelda Williams as Nabooru daguhter of Robin Williams as Nabooru. Nabooru is Geurdo rebelling against Ganondorf, she does not support Ganondorf's goals and wishes to see him stopped.
Nabooru is the Spirit Sage of the Spirit Temple.
Christian Serrato as Evago
Another original character. Evago is a geurdo warrior who is loyal to Ganondorf, not only that Evago and Ganondorf are lovers too.
Keshia Castle Hughes as Aveil
Aviel is a warrior and lady of the Gerudo fortress. At first Aviel was very loyal to Ganondorf but after her encounter with Link, she began to see Ganondorf as the villain he is and decided to support Link and rest of Hyrule against Ganondorf.
Lisa Bonet as Nivena Horseback Archery and Swordship Master
Nivena is a master horseback archey and she teachs Link how to use a bow and arrow while riding Epona as well using a sword on a horse.
Toks Olagundoye as Twinrova (Koume and Kotake)
Ganondorf's surrogate mothers basically one actress can play both roles. Koume and Kotake are Ganondorf's advisors as well the both of them raised him and believe he will be the one to lead Geurdo in a glorious future.
The Hylains
Linus Roache as King Daphnes Nohansen of Hyrule
The King of Hyrule was never shown in the game so in the show the King is present. King Daphnes is a loyal, good hearted ruler but he doesn't want his daughter leaving the castle all the time.
Katheryn Winnick as Impa
Malon is the daugher Talon the owner of the Lon Lon ranch. Malon is you're typical girl who dreams of marrying a heroic knight but also wants to someday run the Lon Lon Ranch. Malon has a pet horse named Epona who eventually becomes Link's horse that we all know and love. Malon is in love with Link which does cause a love tringle but's not brought up or shown a lot. In the end I would have Link end up with Malon because the forth season which will be Twilight Princesses. The Link in that game will be a descanted of Link and Malon. Also Epona's descanted will be the Epona from Ocriana of Time.
Nick Frost as Talon
Talon is the owner of the Lon Lon Ranch and provider of cows, chickens, and horses. Talon often shown to be lazy and loves to sleep.
Link's Parents would be in the show but only in the first episode and thats it. The first episode would show us Link's origin and how he ended up in Koriki Forest. Link's Father Aryn was a knight of Hyrule and one of the best knights too. Link's mother was a noble lady who loved to play harp. These two unseen characters were in the game and manga but never made full appearance nor did we get to know them. So the show we would get to know these characters more and the harp that Sheik uses is Link's mother's. Impa doesn't just take Link's father shield to remember him by she also took his mother's harp too. She gives Link the shield and gives Zelda the harp that she uses when she's Sheik.
Zelda Creators Shigeru Miyamoto, Elji Aonuma, and Takashi Tezuka would have cameos like here's two scenes I have in mind.
First Elji and Takashi's cameos are they are two salesmen who are selling food at Hyrule market, Link eats their food without paying and they tell him he owes them a hundred ruppees, but Link doesn't know what that is and then Zelda comes to him pays them a silver ruppee that is worth two hundred ruppees. They let Link go after because they only care about ruppees.
Now Shigeru's cameo would be this, Link is in Karaokia Village siting on benching looking at how the people of Hyrule who have been struggling with Ganondorf as ruler of Hyrule. Then Shigeru sits next to Link and says "You know its good to have someone like you, helping us in these dark times." Link about to say something but Shigeru stops him and says "A delayed hero is a good hero, a bad hero is bad forever." thats a quote he said about video games except its about Link being a hero.
That's my Cast for a tv series in fact Ocriana of Time would be Season one and Season two.
The Third Season would be Major's Mask
Yo this short film is amazing check it out. If we got animated Zelda like this it would be a big hit.
Now the third season would be darker, more scarier, and be more supernatural.
I work on a Major Mask series soon but won't have done for maybe month I have other stuff to work on.
Still, I hope you enjoy my cast and my ideas. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas let me know.
Now casting for my choices for Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Malon, Darunia, and the rest of the characters in Ocarina of Time. Now first with Link now for Link had about seven actors in mind to play him and no ladies for the role of Link just so you know. Thomas Brodie Sangster, Miles Heizer, Ansel Eigort, Harry Styles, Charlie Heater, Charlie Plummer, and Liam Hemsworth.
If I had to choose I would go with Charlie Heaton for Link. Now one thing they should do is have Link and Zelda be played by two different actors like one a grown up and one a kid. You know stay more true to the source martial. For a kid actor for Young Link I would go with Charlie Shotwell.
Now in the show Link is much like his character in the games but he's got some characteristics from the Ocarina of Time manga. One thing also Link will talk but not a lot, at one point he would even say "I'm not much of talker." When he's a kid he's shy but he's a brave kid and when he's adult he's like Samurai Jack. Link's friendly, brave, adventuress, and smart. Link and Zelda do develop a romantic relationship with each other but lets just say like the game Link and Zelda don't stay in the same timeline and live happily ever after. Link has feelings for Malon and Malon has feelings for him too but Link tries to maintain a friendship with her because he loves Zelda. Link's motives are explore all of Hyrule and save Hyrule from Ganondorf.
For Zelda my casting choices are for the older Zelda are Skyler Samuels as adult Zelda and Shree Cooks as young Zelda.
Zelda would be like video game counterpart and the manga verison too. She's a got a good heart, she very wise, noble, strong-willed, and a wise leader. Zelda has visions of Hyrule being destroyed by Ganondorf and Zelda believes the gods are telling her to prepare and find the hero will save Hyrule and protect the Sacred Realm. Zelda meets Link and believes that is the hero that will save all of Hyrule. Zelda obviously becomes Sheik in the show and Sheik's role be like it was in the game and also some influence from the manga.
Now for Ganondorf I looked up many actors who could play such an iconic villain and my choices were Eric Bana, Luke Evans, Richard Armitage, Idris Elba, or Pilou Asbask. My choice would have to be Richard Armitage.
Now for the rest of the cast with some original characters.
The Kokiri tribe
Mckenna Grace as Saria
Saria is Link's best friend. Saria is the Forest Sage of the Forest Temple.
Mido is Link's rival like the game Mido treats Link badly because he doesn't have a fairy and bullies him often. He also has a crush on Saria, Doesn't like Link because he feels that Saria likes him more, and often acts as the leader of the Kokiri tribe.
Max Baroudi as Ike Know it All
Ike Know it All is a character who thinks he's know whats outside the koriki forest. Ike often hangs out with Link and Saria and he's often help Link outs when it comes to Mido.
Marsi Martin as Fado
Fado is a friend of Mido's who doesn't take kindly to Link either simply because he doesn't have a fairy.
Roku is another original character. Roku is also buddies with Mido and makes fun of Link as well for not having a fairy. Roku also owns a small little store.
Maggie Elizabeth Jones as Robin
Kate Micucci as Navi
As we know Navi is the most annoying character in Zelda. We all hate her but she's got to be in this film but we can always re write her character and make her funny, cool, and not that annoying.
Sean Bean as The Great Deku Tree
Yes Sean Bean as The Deku Tree and yes we all know death is certain for this character. The Deku Tree is guardain of the Koriki tribe and often a father figure to the Koriki.
Now the Goron tribe
Nonso Anozie as Chief Darunia
Cheif Dauria is the leader of the Goron Tribe. Dauria is tough, stern leader, but has secret love for music and deeply cares about his tribe and their safety. When he meets Link he does not give him the spiritual stone unless he slays King Dodongo a wingless dragon that has been eating the Goron tribe. Dauria is the Fire Sage of the Fire Temple.
Sean Astin as Bogi
Bogi is an original character. Bogi helps Link through Dodongo's cave and even teaches him about Goron culture.
Max Charles as Link Hero of the Gorons
Dauria's son and named after Link. Link is trying saving his tribe from Voovle the lava dragon and also be a hero like Link and be good leader like his dad.
The Zora Tribe
Mae Whitman as Adult Princess Ruto and Storm Reid as Child Princess Ruto
A spoil princess but later becomes a better character. Ruto is the only daughter of King Zola and heir. She is also the guardian of the spiritual stone and is to give to one she will marry.....There will be no marriage with her Link. Ruto is the Water Sage of Water Temple.
King Zora De Bon XVI is the King of the Zoro tribe and as well the guardian to Lord Jabu Jabu.
Ross Butler as Satoru
An original character also Satoru is named after late video game designer Satoru Iwata. Satoru is Zora that helps Link be a swimmer and he plays a bigger role when Link's adult. He uses a spear in battle and he's secretly in love Ruto but is very bitter to Link when he founds out its him that Ruto wants to marry.
Now The Gerudo tribe.
Zelda Williams as Nabooru
Yes Zelda Williams as Nabooru daguhter of Robin Williams as Nabooru. Nabooru is Geurdo rebelling against Ganondorf, she does not support Ganondorf's goals and wishes to see him stopped.
Nabooru is the Spirit Sage of the Spirit Temple.
Christian Serrato as Evago
Another original character. Evago is a geurdo warrior who is loyal to Ganondorf, not only that Evago and Ganondorf are lovers too.
Keshia Castle Hughes as Aveil
Aviel is a warrior and lady of the Gerudo fortress. At first Aviel was very loyal to Ganondorf but after her encounter with Link, she began to see Ganondorf as the villain he is and decided to support Link and rest of Hyrule against Ganondorf.
Lisa Bonet as Nivena Horseback Archery and Swordship Master
Nivena is a master horseback archey and she teachs Link how to use a bow and arrow while riding Epona as well using a sword on a horse.
Toks Olagundoye as Twinrova (Koume and Kotake)
Ganondorf's surrogate mothers basically one actress can play both roles. Koume and Kotake are Ganondorf's advisors as well the both of them raised him and believe he will be the one to lead Geurdo in a glorious future.
The Hylains
Linus Roache as King Daphnes Nohansen of Hyrule
The King of Hyrule was never shown in the game so in the show the King is present. King Daphnes is a loyal, good hearted ruler but he doesn't want his daughter leaving the castle all the time.
Katheryn Winnick as Impa
Impa is Princess Zelda's guardian and member of Sheikah tribe. Impa is also a skilled warrior and also a ninja as well. Impa also knew Link's parents and even keeps a shield that was Link's father and that would give the Hyilan shield more purpose. Impa is the Sage of Shadows and the Guardian of the Shadow Temple but after Dark Link is defeated she is relieved to be the Sage of Shadows.
Madelaine Petsch as Older Malon and Francesca Capaldi as Child Malon
Malon is the daugher Talon the owner of the Lon Lon ranch. Malon is you're typical girl who dreams of marrying a heroic knight but also wants to someday run the Lon Lon Ranch. Malon has a pet horse named Epona who eventually becomes Link's horse that we all know and love. Malon is in love with Link which does cause a love tringle but's not brought up or shown a lot. In the end I would have Link end up with Malon because the forth season which will be Twilight Princesses. The Link in that game will be a descanted of Link and Malon. Also Epona's descanted will be the Epona from Ocriana of Time.
Talon is the owner of the Lon Lon Ranch and provider of cows, chickens, and horses. Talon often shown to be lazy and loves to sleep.
Ben Crompton as Ingo
Ingo is Talon's bussiness partner and works at the Lon Lon Ranch. Ingo is greedy crook who wants to take over the Lon Lon Ranch.
Jim Broadben as Rauru
Rauru is the Sage of Light and the guardian of the Temple of Time. Rauru is also that annoying owl
that helps Link as a kid but he would be less annoying.
Alexander Skargard as Arn and Natalie Dormer as Sera. Link's Parents
Link's Parents would be in the show but only in the first episode and thats it. The first episode would show us Link's origin and how he ended up in Koriki Forest. Link's Father Aryn was a knight of Hyrule and one of the best knights too. Link's mother was a noble lady who loved to play harp. These two unseen characters were in the game and manga but never made full appearance nor did we get to know them. So the show we would get to know these characters more and the harp that Sheik uses is Link's mother's. Impa doesn't just take Link's father shield to remember him by she also took his mother's harp too. She gives Link the shield and gives Zelda the harp that she uses when she's Sheik.
Zelda Creators Shigeru Miyamoto, Elji Aonuma, and Takashi Tezuka would have cameos like here's two scenes I have in mind.
First Elji and Takashi's cameos are they are two salesmen who are selling food at Hyrule market, Link eats their food without paying and they tell him he owes them a hundred ruppees, but Link doesn't know what that is and then Zelda comes to him pays them a silver ruppee that is worth two hundred ruppees. They let Link go after because they only care about ruppees.
Now Shigeru's cameo would be this, Link is in Karaokia Village siting on benching looking at how the people of Hyrule who have been struggling with Ganondorf as ruler of Hyrule. Then Shigeru sits next to Link and says "You know its good to have someone like you, helping us in these dark times." Link about to say something but Shigeru stops him and says "A delayed hero is a good hero, a bad hero is bad forever." thats a quote he said about video games except its about Link being a hero.
That's my Cast for a tv series in fact Ocriana of Time would be Season one and Season two.
The Third Season would be Major's Mask
Now the third season would be darker, more scarier, and be more supernatural.
I work on a Major Mask series soon but won't have done for maybe month I have other stuff to work on.
Still, I hope you enjoy my cast and my ideas. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas let me know.
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