Why It's Time to Recast Black Panther and my thoughts on Denzel Washington in the next film.

In my past blogs, I've written articles about recasting T'Challa, aka Black Panther, after Boseman died. Now, it's been four years since Chadwick died. I believe it is time to recast the character, and as I wrote before, Chadwick's family has even said that the character should have been recast, and they said Chadwick would have wanted that. To see the character's story continue, I have shown three great actors who would be great T'Challa, and I wrote ideas on how they could bring back T'Challa. However, from what I've seen from Marvel Studios, they won't do it unless they are planning to secretly recast the character for either Doomsday or Secret Wars because Secret Wars will be a reset film, so we could get a fresh reboot of the franchise with T'Challa as the primary focus moving forward. We all want T'Challa back because many fans wish for T'Challa to return to the MCU even after Wakanda Forever killed him off. What's worse, we're noticing that Marvel is erasing the character. A good example is X-Men 97.

In 97 this Black Panther is T'Chaka, but it was established back in the 90s that it was T'Challa, and the old Fantastic 4 show, which was in the same continuity as X-Men and Spider-Man, animated that Black Panther was T'Challa. It was explained to Beau DeMayo that at the time, Marvel was still grieving over Chadwick's death, and they told him to replace T'Challa, which I understand, but at the same time, I'm like, guys, they have already established who Black Panther was in this before the MCU. Also, they are doing the same with two Marvel games with Black Panther, but it's not about T'Challa.
I remember Nate Moore once said that Chadwick would have wanted us to continue Wakanda's story, but the thing is, T'Challa is the heart and soul of Wakanda, and taking it out doesn't work. The excuses of its mantle we're like Nate, T'Challa is the definitive Black Panther just like Bruce Wayne is to Batman because it doesn't matter if it's Dick Grayson, Terry McGinnis, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Jace Fox, or even Jim Gordon. The definitive Batman is Bruce Wayne and always will be.
This is what is frustrating: William Hurt has been with the MCU since Phase One, and five months after he died, they recast him with Harrison Ford for Captain America: Brave New World. It's double stranders if you think about it.
I know they give the character of T'Challa a son, and he's named after him, but I find it sad that he doesn't have a father in his life. One thing I learned about Chadwick Boseman was that he didn't like the absent father troupe.
This kid should still have a father figure in his life—a father figure who isn't dead but alive and inspires him to grow into a fine young man.
So, I believe they should get a variant of T'Challa who becomes a father to this son he never had, just like how X-23 was reunited with Wolverine at the end of Deadpool and Wolverine because she got her dad back, and he got a daughter and a family in return. They should do that with the T'Challa variant, who has lost everything but regains a new life and family in the MCU.

I don't get why Marvel is so determined to keep this character gone. I know Chadwick Boseman was a great guy, and he was my first choice to play Black Panther, but I know he would have wanted to see this character live on. As one of his friends said, he wanted people to see the character, not him. He saw the importance of Black Panther. We've had tons of Supermen, Batmen, Spider-Men, Hulks, Captain Americas, and even Wolverines (If you count Henry Cavil's cameo.) Why can't we get the same with T'Challa? It is time to recast the character with a new actor, and again, I think Doomsday or Secret Wars is the right way to bring back to T'Challa. Kevin Feige has also said that he is now open to recasting certain characters, so let's hope he will say we are going to recast T'Challa. Ultimately, they will recast everyone once the MCU is rebooted and reset. It will happen whether you like it or not.

Like I said it's time to bring the character back and if it has to variant I'm cool with that as would everyone else. If you've seen my past blogs you already know what type of T'Challa I would interduce.
Now I know Ryan Cooger is working on the next film. If Kevin Feige decided to bring back the character, they would have to convince him and the cast because I know Lupita Nyong'o doesn't want a recast, but if they explain that it's a variant and it's not Chadwick's, it might convince them. Depending on how the story is, like Deadpool and Wolverine, they didn't change Logan's story. They just brought in a variant, and they even had Henry Cavil play a Wolverine, and now we want Henry as the MCU Wolverine. Do something like that. I would love to see John David Washington or Aldis Hodge play Black Panther. They would be great.

That's why I believe it is time to bring T'Challa the Black Panther because he is the definitive Black Panther. It's not a mantle. I don't care what Nate Moore says; it doesn't matter how many Black Panthers there have been. T'Challa always comes to mind when you think of Black Panther.

It's been four years, and it is time to recast the character. I hope they will announce something like maybe Doomsday or Secret Wars will bring back the character. This is a character that should have lived on even though losing Chadwick Boseman was devasting to all of us, and I lost an uncle to the same cancer he had. So it hit me on personal note when I learned what type of cancer Chadwick had.
I know Marvel was doing what they thought was best, and yes, many people and I didn't like the idea of killing T'Challa out of respect because we believe that Boseman would have wanted the role to live on and his brother confirmed this. There is no wrong side to this argument. Even on the anniversary of Boseman's death, fans still talk and discuss why they want a recast of T'Challa.
It is time to bring back the character and get a new actor to play the role.

I believe it is time to recast Black Panther with a new actor.
What do you think? Do you like how they are going, or do you want the character to be recast and return in the next Avengers and Black Panther films?
Let me know.
If you haven't heard, Denzel Washington will be in the next Black Panther film. I love Denzel, and he's one of the best actors out there. I have always said his son John would be a great Black Panther. I would love to see that happen. Now, as some of you know or don't Denzel is the reason that Chadwick went to acting school, as he helped him. As Chadwick said, there would be no Black Panther without Denzel. Denzel Washington is a fantastic actor and in great shape at his age.
Here are two characters I can see Denzel playing in the third film.
One is Changamire, the Vladimir Lenin of Wakanda, who wanted socialism and the removal of the monarchy. I can see him playing this character, and he might be the main villain of the third film. Denzel can play great villains, so he would be suitable for this role.

He is playing a T'Challa variant who is older and wiser, but I don't want to see that. I want a young T'Challa but don't want the character to get the broken old man treatment like Indiana Jones and Luke Skywalker. If Marvel decides to bring back T'Challa, but they reveal Denzel is going to play him, but it's an old man version of the character who fought RDJ's Dr. Doom, sure, but I don't want that variant to be old even if he's a Gandalf type character. It's like the Lanterns casting an old actor for Hal Jordan. I want a young variant of T'Challa not an old man.
Those are my thoughts on who Denzel Washington might be playing, but we must wait and see. I can't wait for Gladiator 2, so I think Denzel joining the next Black Panther film is a great choice. What are your thoughts on that? Let me know.