Thursday 25 June 2020

My Thoughts On Michael Keaton Returning As Batman in The Flash Film

Michael Keaton is Batman again.

Now if you haven't heard or have, Michael Keaton is going to be Batman again. I mean everyone dream of him coming back and them giving him a proper send off because his Batman film series didn't get a proper ending or fans are hoping Michael comes back for a Batman Beyond film.
Now this news has may many fans happy and apparently Michael's return will have a bigger role in the DCEU because he's rumoured to be the Nick Fury of the DCEU. Which I think is really cool and I don't know what DC is doing but hopefully this will work out for them.
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Even at 68 Michael can still play a bad ass Old Man Batman.

Now here are my thoughts on Michael Keaton returning as Batman. First I want to say I think its amazing their getting him to play Batman again well a retired Bruce Wayne most likely. I love him as Batman like he is one of the best Batman actors and I love Batman 89 childhood favourite of mine and I loved Batman Returns too. This upcoming Flash film from what I heard will involve the multiverse so this Batman is Tim Burton's Batman because at first people thought he was going to play Flashpoint Thomas Wayne/Batman but they have now announce that Flashpoint Batman won't be in the film. They are going with Michael Keaton's Batman instead like legit.  I don't know what role he will play besides being a possible a Nick Fury of the DCEU and I don't know what this Flash movie plot is I hear its Flashpoint but it will have a different take on it.

One thing that will be interesting is this film will be somewhat of the lost third film of Tim Burton's Batman film series. Now there are all sorts of ideas and theories of what could have happen to Michael Keaton's Batman after Batman Returns. Also me and many others are hoping we will see a Batman Beyond with Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne.
Here's what I think happened to Keaton's Batman after Batman Returns and what role he would play in the Flash film.

First Idea and Theory on what happen to Keaton's Batman after Batman Returns.
First Theory is Bruce continued to fight crime as Batman for many years he fought against Riddler, Two Face, Bane, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Man Bat, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Mad Hatter, and Harley Quinn. He eventually recruited Dick Grayson aka the first Robin and Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl.
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Dick Grayson is whom he took as his ward after his parents death at the hands of Tony Zucco, he trained Dick and Dick became Robin The Boy Wonder. Later on he eventually become Nightwing and left Gotham for Bludheaven.
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Bruce then recruited Barbara Gordon and she became Batgirl, in this version Barbara Gordon is the granddaughter of Jim Gordon instead of his daughter. The actor who played Jim Gordon in the old films was like in his 60s so I would make her the granddaughter instead it makes more sense.

So for many years they fought crime together until Dick gave up on being Robin and he became Nightwing. Eventually Dick left Gotham to live in Bludheaven he wanted to be his own hero and he wanted to get out of Bruce's shadow. Barbara remained at Bruce's side until she was crippled by the new Joker. Barbara would go on to be the new commissioner of Gotham after she recovered from her injury but decided not to be Batgirl again but to purse a career as a police officer like her grandfather. So Bruce looses Dick and Barbara even though Dick still continued to fight crime as Nightwing they never really speak to each other.

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The deaths of Alfred and Jason Todd are two of the main reasons why he quits. 

Later on Bruce eventually took in Jason Todd and made him the new Robin but we all know were this going he was eventually murder by a new Joker. Jason's death had huge impact on Bruce and he realized he should never place this burden on anyone. Bruce was also getting older too to the point he wasn't sure he couldn't do this anymore and the day gave up being Batman was the day Alfred died. Alfred died of old age and his death has a huge impact on Bruce because he has lost his father figure in his life. So he quits being Batman because he's now too old and Alfred is dead as well Jason's death haunted him for many years.
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So Bruce would be in late 60s most likely 70s now. However, even though he quit being Batman eventually he saw how much the city was suffering now from crime. Bruce realizes Gotham needs a Batman. Eventually Bruce would meet a young man named Terry McGinnis. Terry becomes the new  Batman with as Bruce as his mentor.
I could see them doing like basically do a Batman Beyond somewhat idea were Bruce is the mentor to the new Batman. Terry would have the same origin where he's young man in his late teens or early twenties. His father is murder by Derek Powers and Jokers, he lives with his mom and little brother. However, its likely they will change some of Terry's origin like I don't see the whole Amanda Waller created a clone of Batman to replace Bruce Wayne either if he dies or gets retires. Instead I can see them doing this were Terrys learns that he is in fact Bruce Wayne's son and his mother is actually Selina Kyle aka Catwoman.
Let me explain, you see Catwoman after Batman Returns was still alive and committing crimes but she still had feelings for Bruce and he still care about her too. One night the two of them reunited and they ended up sleeping together and eventually Selina left Gotham for good and she became pregnant. She gave birth to a baby boy but she couldn't bring herself to raise him so she put him up for adoption and he was adopted by Warren and Mary McGinnis. I think likely in the film Terry doesn't know yet that he is actually Bruce's son but if they do a spin off they could dive into that.

I'm hoping we are getting Batman Beyond.
So this what I think happened to Michael Keaton's Batman after Batman Returns and I think we will see him retired now and he's now a mentor to Terry whose is the new Batman. Bruce will likely already know Terry is his son but won't reveal it to him not yet.
I am hoping this Flash film will set up a Batman Beyond Movie series because Robert Pattionson's can be the main stream Batman films and this one can be in its own separate universe were we would have someone else as Batman.

Now as of this Flash film it is likely going to recon the DCEU after you know BVS, Suicide Squad, and Justice League. This film might have Flash travel to different realties maybe because either he's exploring the multiverse or maybe Reverse Flash is messing with reality he has to stop him. I can see this film expanding on the multiverse and it could lead spin offs like a Batman Beyond film with Michael Keaton. Also its likely the Flash film will recon the main stream DCEU films like I wouldn't be surprise if the film ends with Flash talking to Batman now played by Robert Pattison instead of Ben Affleck. I think Michael's Batman will inspire Flash or help Flash stop Reverse Flash from whatever he is he's doing depending if Reverse Flash is the villain of the film.
I think Flash will likely team up with this Bruce Wayne and Terry to save the multiverse most likely.
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So those are my thoughts on Michael Keaton coming back and what I think the Flash film will be about. I don't think Ezra Miller is coming back because after he attacked that girl from Iceland I have feeling WB might just re cast him. I hope they do because I don't think he was a good choice to play Flash he just didn't do it for me and he looks like nothing like Barry Allen too. So if they do re cast Ezra I'm fine with that but don't get me wrong I still think Ezra Miller is a good actor and I've seen him in other movies he's a really talent guy but he's just not Flash to me. 

Still what do you think of Michael Keaton coming back as Batman are you excited? Like do you think his Batman will be like and what role do you think he will play. Let me know leave a comment and tell me what you think.

Tuesday 16 June 2020

What I Want To See and Don't Want To See In The Next Indiana Jones Film.

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What I want to see in the next Indiana Jones Film and What I don't want to see. 
Ah, Indiana Jones one of the greatest characters in film, the character has become such an icon and recently named Greatest Hero in Film in Empire Magazine. So today I'm going to talk about what I want to see and don't want see in the next Indiana Jones film.

Now it's been announce that James Mangold director of Walk The Line and Logan is going to make the next film. I think thats a great choice like James Mangold gave Hugh Jackman's Wolverine a great send off he will give Indy a great send off too. Now as you know I have issues with Lucasfilm they haven't done a good job with Star Wars unless you count Mandalorian which awesome by the way. Really hope Jon Faverau takes over Lucasfilm he knows what he's doing.

Here is what I want to see in the next Indiana Jones film and what I don't want to see.

5. Give Indy a great send off but don't kill him off.
Now Harrison Ford as confirmed this will be his last Indiana Jones performance and also he's going to be eighty years old when the film comes out. Also he has said when he's done Indy is done as well even though the franchise will continue with a new protagonist.  What needs to happen is Indy needs a heroic send off. I hear he won't be killed off but he might be who knows, but for this character he needs a proper send off. Like have him go on one last adventure, have him save the day one last time, or make the biggest discovery of his life time. Have him retire and spend the rest of his days with Marion Ravenwood. The next film could be about his grandson or granddaughter continuing his work. That's what we need to see is give Indy a great send off don't butcher his character like they did Han Solo, give Indy a great send off the kind that Han Solo should have gotten. 

4. Learn from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull mistakes. 
It didn't make any sense.
Now we all know how infamous Kingdom of The Crystal Skull is like Aliens being in that movie. Aliens don't belong in an Indiana Jones movie and that fridge scene like it didn't make sense. Like remember South Park's episode about Kingdom of the Crystal Skull very funny episode and very true. So yeah they need to learn from Kingdom of the Crystal's mistakes. I wouldn't be surprise if South Park does an episode about Rise of Skywalker and how it ruin Star Wars and how it butchered Luke Skywalker, Leia, and Han Solo. 

3. Not only Indy but the same for Marion and Mutt give them proper send offs and respects for the characters.
Not only Indy needs a good send off but also Karen Allen's character Marion too like maybe she died of cancer or something and this drives Indy to come out of retirement or she and Indy are living a happy married life something pushes them to get out of retirement.
Fun fact I got to meet Karen once at Comic Con she was really nice and so sweet. 

Now for Shia's character Mutt Jones it is likely that Shia isn't coming back but they should at least reveal what happen to his character like maybe Mutt is married and has kids, he did go on adventures with his dad but like his dad he gave it up to be a husband and father. Like don't kill him off just because no one liked him or because of Shia Labeouf don't do that. Just give the character a good reason why he's not in the film. Also we could have a kid of Mutt who's like Indiana Jones and the film could be about Indy and grandson or granddaughter go on an adventure together.

2. Indiana Jones needs to have a final epic grand adventure even if he's 80 years old.
 Since this will be Harrison's last film he needs to have one last great adventure like it needs to be something exciting, dangerous, mysterious, and most of all its got be a pass of the torch. I trust James Mangold a lot I know he will do a good job and he will give Harrison a good send off like Jackman did in Logan, but I am worried because I don't trust Kennedy or Disney because I feel like they might butcher this character and ruin what makes him so great. In fact if the the fifth film sucks it will make us appreciate Kingdom of the Crystal Skull more. That's a chance none of us want to do.

1. It needs to be a passing of the torch to new character but this character has to earn it and earn the audiences respect.
This franchise isn't ending with Indiana Jones 5 in fact the series will continue with a new lead hopefully a grandkid taking over the franchise. Now personally I would give Indiana Jones a grandson who is the son of Mutt and his name Henry Jak Jones. The film I see being set in 80s and its all about Indy's last adventure or him coming out of retirement one last time. He goes on another adventure with his grandson maybe. What they need to do is make this new character who is the grandkid of Indiana Jones and Marion. This character has to be likeable and someone we can relate too. We don't want this new character to be better than Indy we want this character to be good on their own terms and make them good at their own thing. That's all we want a proper new character that we can like, whose fun, smart, relatable, and a worthy successor to the series. Just don't have the character commit identity thief in the end of the film.
Let's not have this in the next film. 

Also if I were to cast Indiana Jones's Grandson if they go with grandson I would cast Tye Sheridan.

That's what I want to see in the next Indiana Jones film, now here is what I don't want to see in this film.

4. No Aliens!!!!
No Aliens what so ever Aliens don't belong in a Indiana Jones film because Indiana Jones is about finding ancient artifacts, lost cities of build by humans not aliens, and powerful relics that can change the world. Aliens don't belong in these films so no Aliens, not even mention of the aliens from the last film.
Also no refrigerators that can survive a nuclear explosion that doesn't make any sense.

3. Don't give him his own Rey.
That's another thing if you're going to interduce a new character that will carry on this franchise don't make that character like Rey was in Star Wars. Like I wrote before we don't want an overpowered character, whose smarter, is always right, and for no reason is better than Indy as well as talks down to him all the time about hows he's outdated or he's from a different time. We don't want that we want the new character who looks up to him and is inspired by him as well this character is good at what they do and maybe they learn a few things from Indy. As well if this character takes the name Jones like calls themselves you know I'm Sam Jones or Mary Jones its not a good idea its insulting and teaching audiences its okay to commit identity theft.

2. Don't bring back any bad characters and if you make new characters make sure their good characters.
Now like many franchises there are characters we want to forget about and Indiana Jones has that too. Don't bring back any bad characters that fans have hated that we just want to forget about because they were badly written or annoying or just ugh. So don't bring back Willie Scott or anyone else who was annoying.
For new characters if you're going to have new characters they need to have a purpose being in the story and they have to be interesting and the same goes for the villains.

1. Don't Ruin Indy's Character.
That's the most important thing don't ruin Indiana Jones like don't change anything about what makes Indy great. We don't want to see him as a pushover or someone who just gets talk down too, or he's like Luke Skywalker was in Last Jedi. We want Indy to be at his best in this last film because he was named greatest movie hero of all time in Empire Magazine. Not to mention this character is the reason and inspiration for great characters like Nathan Drake and Lara Croft. Its too late for Han Solo but it's not too late for Indiana Jones to get a better send off.

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So thats what I want to see and don't want to see in the next Indiana Jones because I just want this character to get a proper send off and that send off will make us cry like Logan did.
So let me know what you think what do you want to see and not want to see in the next Indiana Jones film.

Saturday 13 June 2020

Artemis Fowl Review

My Artemis Flow Review

So I saw Artemis Flow Tonight and heres my review of it......It's awful. Like I just couldn't get into this its just so bad and boring and the characters are just boring and like you can't get attach to them. 
This is a very quick review because its just so bad to watch like my god. 

I give this film a solid F and 2 out of 10. 

The director and the cast I do respect a lot but this film was just awful pure awful.  

Tuesday 9 June 2020

The Room Review

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My The Room Review
The Citizen Kane of Bad Films.

So I'm going to do a review for a movie thats so bad its good and that is the Room. Heres my review of it...I love this film like I know its bad but it's so funny to watch and like I said its so bad its good. Like I mean the story makes no sense and its consider to be a black comedy film because this movie is really funny watch. Like the acting is so....bad and dialogue is cringe worthy to hear and this film is so bland but the actors do a good job despite the bad writing, like I don't know how Tommy Wiseau came up with this idea but it worked out great for him. He made a cult classic with this film that lead to the Disaster Artist book and film. 
Like Tommy is a mystery to us all we don't know his real age, where he's from like he says from the New Orleans, no one knows how he funded this film because no one knows where he gets the money from. Tommy has said he wants to keep his private life, private and I understand he is entitled to a private life.

Fun Fact, Greg said Carrero Street out of anger towards Tommy for keeping his private life a secret from him and stress of making The Room.
Now the cast of this film like Greg Sestero who would eventually write a book about his experience making The Room and would later be adapted into film called The Disaster Artist. He does a good job as Mark even though Greg gives it his all in this performance this whole love triangle just feels out of place and doesn't make sense. Plus Mark was named after Matt Damon apparently....but his name is Matt??

Interesting fact they replace the crew of The Room four times while filming.
Juliette Danielle was Lisa and she was good but her character just like caused all the problems and she's just why are Johnny and Mark fighting over her. I mean it just doesn't make sense nothing about these character's roles in the film makes sense their not that well developed characters. 

Fun Fact, Philip Haldiman was actually 26 years old playing a fifteen year old when he did this film.
Now he's 43 years old crazy eh.
The rest of the cast I respect them but their characters were just not well written like look at Denny, he is so creepy in the film like if this was a thriller he would be the rapist or crazy stalker. Like he says stuff like "I just like to watch you guys." or "Can I kiss you." or "What's happening!!! Johnny's dead wake up Johnny please!!!! Leave us, both of you. just leave!!! Why Johnny Why!!!" LOL its so funny and disturbing at the same time. 

I think Tommy truly intended it to be a bad film because he wanted to make something so bad it's good. 

Overall the film's plot and characters don't make sense and also remember when they play football its so weird like their only three feet apart and it doesn't make any sense. But hey Tommy once said you can play football anyway you like and you know that's fair. Getting back to point I do enjoy this film for how bad it is and I laughed so hard in this film because its actually really interesting to watch. 

The Disaster Artist tell us they shot this scene 67 takes but it was actually seven takes according to Tommy. 

Even though the plot is bad and the acting is bad but overall this is entertaining movie to watch I give this film an A because I know thats weird rating for this film but I give it an A because its so bad its good. This film would lead to a great film that would tell the story on how it was made that all we know called The Disaster Artist. Give this film a watch it is so funny despite the bad acting, bad plot, bland characters, and most of too many spoons. Give this film a watch and then after watch The Disaster Artist.
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Disaster Artist is one of my favourite films.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

My 007 Movie Idea and Fan cast

My 007 Fan Cast and Ideas

Ah, 007 is one of the longest movie franchises for the past 58 years, and with a new film this November or maybe longer, depending on how long you know what ends. This will also be Daniel Craig's last 007 films.

Daniel Craig, to me, is the best Bond out of all of them, in my opinion.
It won't feel the same without him, and I hope they give him a great send-off.

I will share who I would cast as the next Bond and my casting choices for Bond Supporting Cast, Bond Ladies, and Bond Villains.

Now here is my fan cast for a 007 movie, and for the next bond after Daniel, I have thirteen actors in mind to play the role and replace Daniel.
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Here is my list of actors who I think should be the next Bond.
But there can be only one!

1. Aidan Turner  

2. Jacob Anderson

 3. Daniel Kaluuya

4. Jamie Bell

5. Richard Madden
6. David Oyelowo 
7. Taron Egerton 
8. Riz Ahmed 
9. Kit Harrington 
10. Tom Hiddleston 
11. Cillian Murphy
12. Orlando Bloom 
13. Idris Elba 

First, I want to say that they would make a good James Bond, but I can only go with it. Also, they are all British. There are no American actors for the role because I don't see it happening. 

Here is the actor I would cast as the next James Bond/007 
and it is...
Aidan Turner
Yes, I would choose Aidan Turner. He looks the part, and he's a good actor.
My second, third, fourth, and fifth choices were Idris Elba, Orlando Bloom, Jacob Anderson, and Jamie Bell.   

I went with Aidan Turner because he's a fan favorite for the role and just has that James Bond looks to him.

Now for the rest of the cast from the series, starting with the supporting model, and some of these are my own characters I created.

First M, 007's boss.
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Currently, Ralph Fiennes is playing M, so if he should leave, I think it should be Lennie James. Lennie James would be cast as the new M.
 I can see him as 007's boss, and he would be the first African British actor to play M. 

Now for Q like they did with M in Pierce Bronson and Daniel Craig's 007 films. They cast the talent Judi Dench, so I'm going with a female Q this time, and my choice is Mandeep Dhillon.
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I see them doing this when Ben Whishaw leaves. They should bring in a female Q because we've got a female M. I think it's time for a female Q.

Next is Miss Moneypenny M's secretary
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After Naomie Harris, my choice for the next MoneyPenny would be Hannah Murray as the next MoneyPenny.

Finally, Felix Leiter, CIA agent and friend of 007 and currently played by Jeffery Wright. Now it is likely Jeffery Wright will be done with this role after No Time To Die because he will be playing Jim Gordon for a while and the Watcher in the What If series.
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My choice for the next Felix Leiter would be Matt Bomer.

Here are some characters I created Bond Ladies, Bond Villains, and Bond Henchmen.

First, the Bond Ladies.

Rose McKane and I would cast Nathalie Emmanuel for the role. Rose McKane is a double agent working for the Watchers,s but she's actually working against them. In her first encounter with Bond, they fight, but he later learns she's a double agent, and like always, the two hook up forms a romance. Rose is a callous, good-hearted, expert gunman who hates guns, and she's determined to see her mission done.

His new love interest would be Dr. Anna Davis, played by Emma Watson in the second film. Dr. Anna Davis is a doctor on the verge of finding a cure for cancer until it is sabotaged by The Reds, who intend to make it into a drug that creates an army of super soldiers. She then is rescued by Bond and helps him stop the Reds from using it as a weapon. Dr. Anna is very kind, works a lot, not big on violence; she wants to help people who are sick, and at first, she and Bond don't like each other, but later on, they do. 

In the third film, his subsequent love interest is Selena Jacques, played by Vanessa Kirby. Selena Jacques is an artist and the owner of an art exhibit. She has a sister named Alice Jacques who is plotting to steal files on secret chemical weapons and plans to use these chemical weapons that can poison and kill thousands of citizens. Selena had no desire to follow her sister, for she wasn't as hateful towards society for their parent's death in a horrible riot. Selena is hotheaded, flirts a lot, has a good love for art; she lost her parents and brother in a riot in Paris.

The Bond Villains and Henchmen.

Sebastian Warden, formerly known as 005. His goal is to destroy all of MIA and take control of the world, and the actor I would choose to play him would be Hugh Jackman. Sebastian was one of MIA's best agents; however, his family was killed by a bomb that was not disarmed by MIA. Sebastian abandoned MIA and blamed them for his family's death. He then formed a terrorist group called The Watchers, and his plan to get revenge is to wipe out every capital on the planet unless Bond can stop him. 

You know the secondary villain, the main's villain, henchman, who proves to be a challenge for Bond.
Now Sebastian's second would be a big tough guy named Ricardo played by Roman Reigns.

The main villain of the next film would be a man named Ivan Chernyshecsky, played by Ed Skrein. Ivan is a former Soviet agent, and his father was executed for attempting to take over the Soviet Union. He then formed his own group called The Reds, and their goal was to create an army of powerful soldiers and spies with a potent drug that was supposed to be used to cure cancer but instead, they wanted to use it as a weapon and take over of the world.

A secondary villain would be a woman named Yvonne Chernyshecsky, who would be Ivan's right hand and younger sister. She's a deadly marksman, and she knows mixed martial arts.

The main villain in the third film would be a woman named Esmeralda Jacques, or as she is known as Bloody Rose. She intends to steal essential files that contain information and designs for secret chemical weapons that kill thousands of citizens. Here the reason for doing this is because of the deaths of her family and her hatred towards the government and society. She wishes to cleanse the world and build a better one.

The secondary villain would be Hyro, a deadly assassin, an expert shooter, and a fighter. He is a supporter of Esmeralda and a lover.

That's my cast for the following 007 films. As you can tell, I just did three films for the following 007 films. What do you think of my 007 fan cast and ideas for future films? Let me know what you believe in leaving a comment on what do you think of my cast and choice role 007.