Friday 24 February 2023

My Thoughts on the Multiple Middle Earth films coming from WB


My Thoughts on WB planning new Middle Earth films.

So WB has announced they are making more Middle Earth Movies, and It's both exciting and concerning after Rings of Power ugh. However, unlike Rings of Power, WB might get better writers and directors for these films. They also need a good plan for making these stories about Tolkien's work. 

Now we are getting The War of the Rohirrim, an animated film.
I'm excited because Miranda Otto is returning to narrate the story. 

A young Aragorn film series would work because this character had a lot of adventures before 
Lord of the Rings. 
I heard reports they want to make movies about Aragorn, Gandalf, Gollum, Galadriel, and Eowyn. I think an Aragon movie would work because there are so many stories about Aragorn's adventures before Lord of the Rings, but I am unsure about a Gandalf film and a Gollum film. A Gandalf film. I don't know if that would work because they must find a young actor or have Ian McKellen return. Ian McKellen said in an interview he would love to play Gandalf even if he's in his 80s. A Gollum movie. I love Gollum, but I'm not sure an origin film would work because he gets banished from his home and lives under the mountains for five hundred years. A Gollum wouldn't work I mean, we're getting a video game about the character this year, after all. Galadriel was ruined in the Rings of Power, so it would be hard to sell that character unless it's more faithful to the book because she's way better in the books and Jackson's films. An Eowyn film. I love the character, but I'm not sure it could work, but it depends on how it's written. Like is it about how she dealt with her parents' death? And what made her want to become a warrior? It depends on how they write it. 

I hope they will adapt stories from the First Age events because there are many stories to cover, like Silmarion, Beren and Luthien, Children of Hurin, Fall of Gondolin, and maybe an adaption of the War of Wraith. 
WB would have to get the rights to adapt those storylines because I think these would be exciting storylines to adapt on screen. It could be a new trilogy or quadrilogy. There are more stories to tell from the First Age that would be exciting to watch, but also, the First Age was the dark age because most of First Age stories ended sad and bitter-sweet. 
There are also good storylines from the third age before the events of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, like the Fall of the Kingdom of Arnor.
This would be an exciting movie or tv series because it goes Game of Thrones. The Kingdom of Arnor is divided into three kingdoms, and the Witch King is the story's villain.
The story also features the last King of Gondor before Aragorn took the throne.
Something like this would be good. The story also has hobbits, which fits because they get known till the third age, not the second.

However, there is a chance they might screw this up, and I'm worried we will get another Rings of Power adaption. I did not like Rings of Power at all. I thought it was a terrible show. Now I know some people like it, and that's fine. I just don't like how it was written, and it just came off as fan fiction to me. 
(Google Image)
This is not Galadriel. This is the Lady of Karens.

(Google Image)
This is Galadriel, Lady of Light. 
Her second-age storyline from the books is way better than Rings of Power Galadriel. 
But hey, WB could give us a better-written Galadriel if they make a movie about her. That has no connection to Rings of Power. 
We can all agree that we don't want a follow-up trilogy to Lord of the Rings. Remember how Tolkien almost wrote a sequel book called the New Shadow, but he decided it didn't work. So let's hope they never announce a sequel trilogy because we know how bad that goes. Still, if they want to add original characters to these stories, that's fine. Just make sure they serve a purpose in the story and aren't there for no reason. 

A good example is the Blue Wizards.
The Two Blue Wizards are mystery characters in Tolkien's work if they decide to make a movie about them. They would have to write their own take on what happened to them on their travels because Tolkien never got a chance to write about what they did in the East and South. 
If it's done right, it could be a good movie from the Easterling's point of view or the Two Blue Wizards exploring the East and South of Middle Earth. A better understanding of why the Easterlings and Harads sided with Sauron. 

There are a lot of stories about Tolkien's work to adapt, and I do hope Peter Jackson is involved. 
In fact, I heard WB, unlike Amazon, is going to him for help and to build something good.
I love that idea.
Peter Jackson should be the Kevin Feige of the Middle Earth films.
He better understands Tolkein's work, and I think he would greatly help these projects.
Trust me, if WB made Jackson head producer of The Middle Earth films and was the Feige, this would be epic.  

So that's my thoughts on WB Multiple Middle Earth Movies.
I hope this will be good, but I must keep my expectations low because they might screw this up.
I'm hoping Jackson is involved, and I hope they don't make any original stories or a follow-up to Lord of the Rings. I do hope for movies set in the First Age, and if they adapt stories from the third age, please be well written. 
We shall see what they do in the future, hope they have good writers, and respect Tolkien's work. I know they will change some of the stories, but they should still respect Tolkien's ideas and themes. As well as his characters too.
Let me know what you think, and are you excited about these upcoming Middle Earth films, or are you nervous about what they might do after seeing what Amazon did. Just for the record, I know Amazon didn't have the full rights to Tolkien's work; I get it. I just think they should have done more work to get more rights to adapt storylines.   

Cocaine Bear review


My review of Cocaine Bear.
So I saw Cocaine Bear last night, and here's my review of it...I enjoyed this film. It's such a fun film to watch, and this was directed by Elizabeth Banks. I don't like Elizabeth Banks, but she did a great job with this film. This is based on the actual events of a bear that finds cocaine and goes crazy. The film had some funny and gruesome moments. The cast in the movie all did a good job, and this was one of the last films to star Ray Liotta, who sadly passed away last year. This film was so much fun to watch; the bear is not evil like she's not. I really enjoyed this film, and you will have a good time watching it. Overall I give Cocaine Bear 8 out of 10. It's a fun movie to watch. Go see it. 

Thursday 23 February 2023

How Marvel Should Have Made Ant Man and Wasp: Quantumania Spoilers.


So here is another how Marvel should have made Ant-Man and Wasp: Quatumania and this movie I have issues, and here's how I think the film should have been made. Again, that is fine if you liked the movie the way it is. I'm just giving my viewpoint on how the movie should have been made. 

7. I think the film should have hinted at the Fantastic 4.
Now one thing this film could have also done instead of setting up Kang and more of the Multiverse. The film should have had a reference to the Fantastic 4. Remember, in Dr. Strange 2, Mr. Fantastic appears, and Strange mentions he's from the 60s. The movie should have had Hank talk about the Fantastic 4 like they disappeared on a mission through the Negative Zone. Hank was best buds with Reed Richards too. That would have been more exciting because it would get more fans excited for Fantastic 4.  

6. The film should have Cassie looking up to her dad and now wanting to follow in his footsteps. Instead, we got a self-righteous character who comes off as a little brat and treats her dad like crap. 
I was not a fan of how Cassie was done in the movie. She came across as a total bitch in the beginning, like the way she treated her dad. I'm like, in real life, no parent would take that shit from their kid. I would have had Scott not take that from her because that's her dad. She may not like what he's been doing lately, but her dad has always been there for her. She is not in the right to mistreat him. 
I would have written Cassie like she was in the comics. She's happy her dad is back, but she wants to be a hero like him, and Scott doesn't want that. I also would not have made Cassie a brilliant scientist; I would have written her as a street-smart kid. I would have had her dad try to bond over the past five years, and eventually, she does get a suit but from Scott as a gift. One gag would be her coming up with a cool name like Statue or Sting. Cassie could have been better written in this movie because she's such an awful character. I especially didn't like how Hope, Hank, and Janet agreed with her. I mean, come on, it's none of their business. They should have just stayed out of it or said. "She's a teenager, Scott. I know how it feels." Hank Pym refers to how Hope was as a teenager. 
Cassie caused most of the problems in the film, and they should have written her better. She should have been more like her dad makes mistakes but learns. 

5. The film should have introduced Eric O'Grady, The Irredeemable Ant-Man.
Now Eric O'Grady is considered one of the worst superheroes because he uses his ant-man suit to spy on women while they shower. As well he stops criminals and takes some of the money they steal. This character would have been funny to add to the film like he's the opposite of Scott. He could be Marvel's answer to a Peacemaker type character. He's a douche but has a sense of good to him. Maybe Ant-Man 4 will introduce him but maybe not. If he was in Ant-Man 3, I would have him be a former agent of SHIELD until he was fired for failing a mission. He survived the snap and broke into Hank Pym's house, and he found an Ant-Man suit that was a second version mixed with the Yellowjacket suit. Eric steals it, but unlike Scott, he uses the suit to be a hero, but he's a douche about it. He beats up bad guys, steals the money they stole, spies on women showering, and doesn't help out his fellow heroes during a big fight because they got it. In the film, Scott meets with Eric, and Scott wants him to stop being Ant-Man. The two fight, but later in the movie, Scott sees much of himself in Eric. I would have Eric redeem himself in the film, ultimately becoming a real hero. He changed his name to Black Ant and could have joined the Thunderbolts. 
If I were to cast Eric O'Grady, I would cast Cameron Monaghan.

4. The film, I feel, didn't need to explore the Quantum realm, but I know it was to further expand on Janet's character and set up Kang.
I feel like the Quantum Realm was a cool place, but maybe we didn't need to explore it, but if anyone disagrees, that's fine. Someone pointed out how Janet has aged even though in the Quantum Realm, time is slower there, like she was stuck there for thirty years, but in the quantum realm, it's thirty hours. It's confusing. I mean, sure, we meet Kang, and again, this movie is a setup for Kang as the next big bad. They could have done a different storyline where Scott spends time with his daughter Cassie and Hope. Maybe the film has AIM, and they have a new leader, MODOK, but he brings an army like Kang's soldiers. 
You could still have Kang in the film, but he appears at the end as he sends MODOK back to Earth to tell everyone about the coming of Kang. To me, the Quantum Realm didn't need to explore, but it still could have been used in the film at least. MODOK wants to combine both worlds with the Quantum Realm in the movie's plot. 

3. The film could have done a better job with MODOK; he should have been the main villain.
Now MODOK made his MCU debut, and the CGI was bad, but he is a hard villain to adapt on screen. They also revealed that Darren from the first film is MODOK now. They wasted MODOK in this film, especially when they killed him, and there's a scene where Cassie tells him to stop being a dick. Just like she was in the movie. To be honest, I think MODOK should have been the film's main villain. As I wrote, he returns from the Quantum realm and forms AIM. MODOK wants revenge on Scott, Hank, and Hope, but also, he's helping a friend of his who got him out of the Quantum realm, and that is Kang. MODOK comes close to taking over the world but is defeated by Ant-Man. MODOK doesn't die but is taken captive and questioned. He tells everyone about Kang and that he is bringing all of him to take over the world. I would still keep that end-credit scene with all the Kangs. 

2. This film sets up Kang as the new big threat. However, maybe Kang didn't need to be in the movie but at least set up as the next Avengers Level Threat.  
I loved Jonathan Majors as Kang, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of him, but I feel like this character didn't need to be in the film. The series sets up Loki season 2, and Kang will be in season 2 of Loki. The movie could have set up Kang as a future threat, but I think he should be like Thanos was in Guardians of the Galaxy. He appears but doesn't fight Ant-Man, but he is the real mastermind behind the film's events. That would have been a better way to include Kang in the film, not as the film's villain but as Thanos was in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3.  

1. Ant-Man is sidelined again, not only him but also Wasp. I feel like the film should focus on these two a lot more. 
Scott and Hope don't have much screen time together in the film. Instead, the film has them bonding with their families. That's fine, but the film sidelines them like Ant-Man, and Wasp gets sidelined for Janet and Cassie. The film should have focused on their romance and where it's going. I liked how Hope took over her father's business, but I also liked it if the film focused on starting their own family. Maybe there could have been a scene where Hope learns she is pregnant and tells Scott at the end. That would be an interesting setup for the next generation of heroes. Maybe in Kang Dystany, Hank dies in the film seeing how Michael Douglas wants to be killed. Hope gives birth to a boy, and he is named Hank Van Lang after his grandfather Hank Pym. That would be a good idea. 
I especially hate this trend of sidelining your protagonist like that's the main character. He should be the main focus of the film. Marvel has got to stop this trend; I mean, DC isn't doing that; I mean, Matt Reeves Batman films will focus only on Bruce Wayne, and he won't be sidelined for Catwoman or a villain. I also feel like Scott was treated like crap and didn't stand himself anymore. As well the lunch scene, I mean, everyone treats Scott like crap, and he saved them all from Thanos. Marvel just keeps downgrading their characters. 

So that's how I think Marvel should have Ant-Man and Wasp.
Do you agree or disagree?
Let me know because, in the end, it's just a movie.
Marvel Studios Phase 5 is off to a bad start. Hopefully, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 can change that. 
Marvel must first return to Quality over Quantity, Story, and Character.
We'll see what happens in the rest of Phase 5, and who knows, maybe it will get better.
We just have to wait and see what happens. 


Wednesday 22 February 2023

Ant Man and Wasp: Quantumania Review


My Review of Ant-Man and Wasp
The Quantumania.
So I saw Ant-Man and Wasp: The Quantumania, and here's my review of it...It was meh. This was not a good start for phase 5. This movie's story was meh, and they removed many cast members from the previous ones. I will say the film's cast was good, and some of the visuals were good, but the story had a lot of issues. I think Cassie Lang, at first, was unlikeable. She wasn't that sweet little girl anymore, and she came off as unlikeable at first but became more likable. 

Like current marvel films, the film once again sidelines its main protagonist for a forced co-lead.
Marvel needs to phase out of this crap. One thing that annoyed me was Scott and Hope barely have any scenes together. Not to mention, Scott's three best buds aren't in the film, which sucks. 
As I mentioned, I also did not like how Cassie initially treated Scott. She was such a little brat to him at the film's beginning. I mean, for godsakes, your dad saved the world. Even Hope, Hank, and Janet agree with Cassie you people owe Scott for saving all of you. However, later film, they all do thank Scott for saving them from the snap.
 I get it. Scott hasn't been fighting crime or saving the world lately since Thanos, but I will admit I would have liked a scene of him stopping criminals. 
I read the comic version of Cassie Lang in the Young Avengers run. I liked that version more than the MCU version.
Like she loved her dad and looked up to him even when she got older and became a hero in her own right, Statue or Stinger. I did not like how Cassie was done in the film, but if you liked her, that's fine. She wasn't a scientist in the comics but more like her dad. 

However, the newest character was Kang the Conquer. Kang is the new Thanos. Jonathan Majors did a good job, and I've seen him play Kang before in Loki. I liked the costume; he was an interesting villain in the film. Let me tell ya. We see more of him in Kang Dystany. I hope it's good, and they make Kang an exciting villain and, hopefully, on the same level as Thanos.
Now the second villain is MODOK, a character. So many fans have wanted to see the character, but the CGI is not that good. In truth, MODOK is a complex villain to adapt on screen. As well, I feel like they wasted him in this film. However, he had some cool moments in the movie.
I hear Michael Douglas wants to be killed off in Ant-Man 4. 
He and Michelle Pfeiffer did a great job in the movie. 
Now the film dives into what happened to Janet during her time in the Quatumania realm. 
The Quatumania realm looked pretty cool, and the people there were interesting. However, this film was another set-up movie for the Kang Dystany movie. 
Overall this film was meh to me. Unlike No Way Home, Ragnarok, and Civil War, it wasn't as good a third film. I give Ant-Man 3 a 6 out of 10. It's okay. I mean, the film has a lot of issues, but if you like it, that's okay. 
Now I love the director Peyton Reed because I loved the episode of Mandalorian he directed where he brought back Luke Skywalker. I don't think he got a lot of creative control over this film, but I hear at Marvel Studios directors don't have freedom of control which is sad. 
The first end-credit scene is interesting, but the second one is lame. 
I just feel like Marvel Studios isn't that good anymore. Their winning streak is officially over unless Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 changes that. As well, I heard a rumor that Spiderman will be the lead in Kang Dystany. 

Monday 20 February 2023

Superman Legacy Fan Cast and What I want to see in Legacy.


Superman Legacy
Fan Cast and Ideas

So with a new Superman film coming out in 2025, here is my fan cast for the upcoming Superman film and my ideas for the film. 

First, here is my fan cast.

Wolfgang Novogratz as Clark Kent/Superman 
Wolfgang looks like Clark Kent, and since this film will cast a younger Superman, I would go with him. He's 25 and looks like Superman, even though I wished they had kept Henry Cavil as Superman because he deserves better. However, I trust Gunn and think he will cast a good actor to take over as Superman.  Gunn has said that his Superman will not kill anyone, which I like because Superman never kills. 

Natalia Dyer as Lois Lane
Lois Lane will likely be in the film as a love interest, but I hope they cast a younger actress. I don't want to see another actress ten years older than Wolfgang. Natalia Dyer is only two years more than Wolf, so she can work as Lois Lane because of her performance in Stranger Things. 

Adam Driver as Lex Luthor 
Adam Driver, I feel, would be a good Lex Luthor not because of Star Wars but because of his other performances. I think Lex Luthor will be in the film but won't be the villain. They will build him up as the villain in the next movie.  

Ty Simpkins as Jimmy Olsen 
In this film, Jimmy is Superman's biggest fan and Clark Kent's best friend. 

Greg Kinnear as Perry White 
Perry White is in the film as Clark's boss and is mixed about Superman. Perry is a demanding boss but cares about his journalists. 

Brandon Michael Hall as Ron Troupe 
Ron Troupe is a Daily Planet journalist and Clark Kent's friend. 

Natalie Alyn Lind as Cat Grant 
Cat Grant is a gossip writer for the Daily Planet. 

Gabriel Basso as Steve Lambard 
Steve is a sports writer for the Daily Planet and often bullies Clark. 

Jon Hamm as General Sam Lane 
Sam Lane is Lois Lane's father and a general in the military. Sam views Superman as a threat to humanity. 

Stephen James as John Henry Irons 
I think John Henry Irons will be in the film and be a supporting character. One thing I would do with the character is make him a childhood friend of Clark Kent, and in future films, he would become Steel. 

Maya Hawke as Lana Lang 
Martha would be Clark's ex-girlfriend from Smallville, and they might include her in the film. She's now in a relationship with John Irons. 

Matt Damon as Jonathan Kent 
Now I don't know if they will kill off the Kents or if they will be alive in the film. 

Jenna Fischer as Maratha Kent
Maratha Kent would likely be in the film as a supporting cast member. 

Michael Fassbender as Brainiac 
Many people will ask why we are not surprised about Braianic as your first Superman villain. 

So that's my cast for Superman Legacy. I don't know if Gunn will go with these characters, but he might. Now here is what I want to see in Gunn's Superman Legacy. Already Gunn has confirmed the film won't be an origin story. The film will focus on an established Superman who is younger and has been Superman for a few years. His Superman is younger and has been Superman for a few years, and he will not kill anyone because Superman doesn't like killing. That is good! Here is what I want to see in Superman Legacy. 

6. I want to see Krypto in the film. 
I think this film should have Krypto because who doesn't love dogs? I believe Krypto would be an excellent addition to the film. This Superman film needs to be more fun and light-hearted, and I think adding Krypto is a good idea. 

5. Make Superman an inspiring character. 
Since Gunn is looking at All-Star Superman for ideas. I want to see this scene adapt because it's an emotional moment but inspiring too. Superman saves a girl from killing herself and tells her she is much stronger than she thinks. It's such a fantastic moment, and it would be an excellent way to introduce Superman in the film or in a teaser because it brings hope to everyone. It also shows what a good man Superman is. 

4. This Superman has to be the face of the DCU and set up Justice League.
Superman will start the DCU, and I want Superman to be the face of the DCU moving forward. I know Gunn will do that because this film will be the Iron Man of the MCU. This film will set the stage for a Justice League movie, but I hear Gunn wants to focus on each character's universe, so I think the film will mention other cities, and Superman knows he's not the only hero on earth. I believe this film and Brave and the Bold and Lanterns are the first half to set up Justice League. I don't know when Gunn announced a Wonder Woman reboot or a Flash follow-up, and I don't know what the team rooster will be, but I'm hoping for the animated series team or the New 52 team.
Also, I want this Superman to lead the Justice League. 

3. This Superman needs a worthy foe to fight in the film. 
Now I've heard reports that Brainiac will be the film's villain, but there is also the idea they might go with a different villain. I hope so. Brainaic would be a great first villain to introduce because Brainaic is responsible for Krypton's destruction. Many fans want him as the villain. I can see Lex Luthor in the film, but they should save him for the next movie. I don't know if Gunn will go with Brainiac, but from what I've read, they are considering using him as the villain. 
I would build up Lex Luthor as a future villain like Superman 2 or 3 or a Justice League film. Where he forms the Legion of Doom. They could with different villains, like Bizzaro, Mongul, Mettalo, and many more. 

2. Superman and Lois's relationship. As well as Clark Kent's life working at the Daily Planet.
No doubt, Gunn will have Lois Lane as Superman's love interest, and I want to see their relationship grow and maybe have Lois learn Clark's secret identity by the film's end. We see how she reacts to learning Clark is Superman, and I want to see Lois's father, Sam Lane, in the movie. I think what would be interesting is that she believes Superman is a hero, but her father thinks he's dangerous and a threat to earth. It would also be an interesting dynamic; Lex Luthor will share Sam's point of view of Superman.  
I also want to see Clark's work life at the Daily Planet, and we see his co-workers like maybe he and Jimmy are roommates.  Clark Kent is also a nice guy who is the exact opposite of Superman, and he's just working as a reporter living an everyday job. 

1. Build up the Superman Family.
That's one thing I want to see. This film builds up the Superman family. We got a Supergirl film in the works, too, but I'm not keen on them adapting Tom King's story because Tom King is a mixed writer. I hated what he did with Wally West in Heroes in Crisis, but he did admit in the end it was a mistake what he did with Wally West. As well, his Batman run did bother me a bit. I won't get into details; I just have very mixed about Tom King. However, I think the film should have John Henry Irons in the movie, and we see him get inspired by Superman and set him up to become Steel in a future movie. I also hope to see Conner Kent/Superboy, Lana Lang becoming Superwoman, and Power Girl in the future if they go multiverse. We will likely see Superman and Supergirl meet in a future film. 
Maybe the next Superman film is set in space, and you have Superman meeting his cousin, and he's got to save her from Mongul. That would be an exciting idea for a Superman movie set in space. Maybe he learns about Kara and has to rescue her from Mongul, accompanied by Steel and Lois. Superman struggles because he can't use his powers on different planets. After all, other suns in the galaxy don't give Superman his abilities. 
Or they might just have Kara arrive on Earth, and they could adapt the Superman/Batman: Supergirl story arc. I've read this storyline. It would be a cool way to have Supergirl on earth. She meets her cousin Ka'l  and Batman. She learns to be a human on earth and bond with Clark as a brother. However, this storyline would have to happen after Justice League. Also, we need to see Superman's friendship with Batman grow too. I don't know how Supergirl will end, but they will set her up to meet her cousin. 

So that's my Superman Legacy Fan Cast and What I Want To See.
I think Gunn has good plans, but we will see what will happen in 2025 because there could be a chance this might suck. So let's keep our expectations low; hopefully, Gunn will deliver.