My review of Justice League!! Some Spoilers just so you know.
So I saw Justice League yesterday and here's my review of it..... It was Meh. To be honest it was okay. I mean it was better than Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad but it still had flaws and some plot holes. I mean, when I saw this movie I wasn't all excited just going in without any exception, just going in seeing it. To be honest it was just meh it could have been better, but there are some moments in the movie I did like and some I didn't.
The Cast
Now the cast of the movie did a good job as the Justice league.
Ben Affleck as always did a great job as Batman he was awesome and I'm really hoping he doesn't drop out of this role because if you have heard he is considering leaving because film negative writes up. Already Matt Reeves has replacement for him it's Jake Gyllenhaal. I love Ben as Batman and too be honest Batman was kind of funny at some moments and really acted like true leader to the team. Also in the movie you hear Danny Elfman's old Batman theme play at one moment. I am hoping that Ben will stay playing Batman for while because he does such a great job. I rather they replace Jesse Eisnberg and Amy Adams to be honest I don't like as Lex and Lois.

Henry Cavil was Superman like he acted like Superman he was funny, he smiled more, and he was just like Superman in the comics. In Batman V Superman if you recall he acted like downer and was all 'I let everyone down' that Zack Synder doing and I'm so glad they change that. Also guys its not a spoiler Superman does come back and we all knew you would. I will not tell how but you're reaction will either be 'really thats how he comes back?' or you might say "his death was pointless to begin with!" Hoping they will do Man of Steel 2 and get Matthew Vaughn to direct and also I recommend Brainic as the villain and also introduce Supergirl and Superboy.

Gal Gadot was as always great as Wonder Woman she nails it as always. The film does take place after the end of Wonder Woman and she still hasn't really gotten over Steve's death, even though that was hundred years ago. It's understandable though and in the end she does get it together and she leads the team at one point. She was awesome can't wait to see Wonder Woman 2.

Jason Momoa as Aquaman he was actually my second favourite character he was bad ass, he was funny, he was just so cool, and I'm excited to see Aquaman next year. In truth I wasn't big on Jason Momoa playing Aquaman I wanted a blonde hair and blue eyes to play Aquaman, but I won't lie I don't mean to be stereotypical but there was a part of me that liked the idea of a Hawaiian playing Aquaman. Amber Heard as Mera Aquaman's future wife she was wasn't in the movie that long she was just in it for ten minutes but next year like Wonder Woman we'll get to know her more. I wonder how Jason would react if WB told him he has to shave off his beard and cut his hair lol. Jason nailed as Aquaman though.

Erza Miller as Flash he did a great job as Flash now after this movie there will debates on who is the best Flash. Grant Gustin or Erza Miller. In the end, can't we all just agree they're both good. Now when I first heard Erza was playing The Flash I did not like him at all as Flash. He looked nothing like Barry Allen like Aquaman I wanted a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes like Garret Hudson or Alex Pettyfer. But I was proven wrong Erza did a great job he was so funny, he was one of my favourite characters in the movie and I can see why he's a fan favourite. Still there were a few small things I didn't like but none the less he was still a cool character. He also was like the Spiderman to the Justice League he's youngest and billionaire playboy takes him under his wing. Hope to see more of Erza has to offer as The Flash and best luck to him in the Flashpoint movie because he will be carrying that whole movie. Hopefully they get a good director for it. Hopefully its not a pet cemetery lol.

Ray Fisher as Cyborg did a great job he was just like new 52 Cyborg and I love it when he said "Booyah" love that Teen Titans reference. I got say it was smart of WB to go with unknown for Cyborg it really works kind of like Christopher Reeves as Superman. Although some of cgi on Cyborg looked a little off to me, but none the less he was really cool as Cyborg.
The rest of the cast were good but I really like JK Simmons as Commissioner Gordon he look more like Gordon than Gary Oldman. I hope we get to see more of him in the Batman movie directed Matt Reeves or the Batgirl movie by Joss Whedon. To be honest I don't like Amy Adams as Lois Lane I mean I loved her in the Fighter, Arrival, and Enchanted but I don't see her as Lois Lane.

Also to Green Lantern fans yes Green lanterns do appear but not these guys no Hal, no John, no Guy, no Kyle, no Simon, and No Jessica. It felt weird not having a Green Lantern as founding member of the Justice League, but hey they did with Ant man and Wasp in the Avengers. Still we're getting a Green Lantern Corps movie which will be out in 2020 with Hal and John as the main characters. The movie will be Guardians of the Galaxy meets Lethal Weapons I'm told. Even though I really did want Hal Jordan to appear because I feel like this film could have been the reboot for that character after that awful 2011 film. It's likely will get a Green Lantern in the sequel to Justice League I am hoping its Hal or John or maybe both them.

Now the villain Steppenwolf in the film he's just lame. I didn't find him cool or anything but I'm sure in the comics he's better but in this film he's just there. I would prefer gone with more interesting villain like Brainic or someone more interesting. I feel DC is developing that movie villain problem that Marvel went through but now this year Marvel has given us great marvel villains. So far Zod from Man of Steel is the best DC villain because lets face Eisnberg was an awful choice for Lex Luther and to be honest if he was playing the Riddler instead he would be amazing, Enchantress or belly dancer was lame, they should have just made Joker the villain because lets face it he wasted in that movie, and Ares well he was just all right they pulled the whole oh that really nice guy was the actual villain this whole time.

Now in truth the movie had a lot of problems and plot holes. There are moments in the film where I'm just like we're forgetting that or what happen after that scene. To be honest last year I was very disappointed in what I got in Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad sucked. Zack Synder did things in BVS that pissed me off so much like Batman kills people, Superman is emo, Jesse Eisnberg is Lex Luther, Rushing to catch up to Marvel, and making things too edgy and gritty. I just wished the studio after the write ups of BVS just said to Zack you're not directing Justice League anymore because of negative reviews, you can stay on as producer but someone else will take over. Now I know he left after what happen to his daughter and my deepest condolences to him and his family. Joss Whedon took over I feel most of the comedy and mid credit scenes were his idea. I just wished they just took more time making this movie because as kid I loved the Justice League TV show and I wanted to see Justice League movie and I got it, but wasn't what I wanted it still felt rushed. I feel like they should have delayed this film and have Joss reshoot the whole thing and maybe we could have gotten something better but the studio went through it out of respect for Zack. I understand why they did that and I respect it. Zack even recommend Joss Whedon after The Avengers successes and seeing how Joss is making Batgirl. I still don't think Zack should make anymore DC films I feel after this the studio is done with him.

Overall this movie to me is a meh like I don't love it or hate it. It's just meh if you want to go see go ahead or if you don't thats fine. I take it after this movie's negative write ups DC and WB are likely going to move forward with Flashpoint and reboot their universe in a Days of Futures Past style. Erasing BVS, the first Suicide Squad movie, and maybe even recast just not Ben and the rest of Justice League. Granted they don't make a shitty sequel after Flashpoint. Still WB at least Wonder Woman was a big hit and got great write ups just remember that. You may so many people happy with that film and we finally got a great female superhero film. I give Justice League a C+. Also still through the credits lets just say one mid credit is funny and awesome and one sets up the sequel.