Thursday 16 November 2017

Amazon is not remaking Lord of the Rings instead is adapting the other prequel books.

So as some of you know Amazon wants to make a their own "Game of Thrones" so instead of adapting something like Wheel of Time, Dragon Age, Legend of Zelda, Eargon tv show more faithful to the book, or Garden's of the Moon. Instead they want remake one of my favourite movie franchise of all time. The Lord of the Rings one of the best fantasy films ever made and it was the first fantasy film to win best picture. That was before and on monday I have found out their not remaking Lord of the Rings instead their going adapt the other books like The Silmarillion, Children of Hurin, Unfinished Tales, and Beren and Luthien. Now I'm going to give  reasons why this very exciting and how they can show stuff we haven't seen before.
Beren and Luthien 
Unfinished Tales 
Children of Hurin 
The Silmarillion 

5. We can explore more the history and lore of Middle Earth with these stories be made into tv shows. 

Now as you know or don't know the lesser known books are Beren and Luthien, Unfinished Tales, The Children of Hurin, and the Silmarillion. When you think of Middle Earth you think of Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit.  Now Amazon has decided to adapt these books into tv shows rather than movies. This can work better because to be honest The Silmarillion is more of history book than story. But there is some story like they can adapt the History of the Silmaril, The War of Wraith, and The Fall of Gondolin. Now we've all seen Middle Earth in the films but there is so much more to that world that meets the eye. We finally get to see places we haven't seen before like Gondolin, Angband, Numenor, Valinor, and The Undying Lands. There so much adapt and too be honest as much as we wanted to see Peter Jackson adapted these book into film, its too hard. Like these books are bigger and making these stories into tv shows will work better than movies. 

4. The creation of Middle Earth. 

It's hard to explain these guys but  Eru Liuvatar, basically the god of Middle Earth. Eru Liuvatar created the ainur and they helped him create Middle earth by singing a song Eru created, but one of them added his own stuff that wasn't suppose to be in it. That ainur was Melkor he would everntully be the first dark lord. The Ainur eventually went to the world before it was called Middle Earth and could not return, until the world ended. 
It would be really cool to see these characters onscreen. Interesting fact, Tolkien was a strong catholic and many of this was inspirited by the bible like Eru Liuvatar is god, The Ainur are basically angels, and Melkor is basically the devil. I think if they first start with this on how Middle Earth was created this would be interesting to see and how the song of Eru Liuvatar began and what did it sound like and how Melkor became corrupted. 

3. The Valar and Maiar  

The Valar and Maiar are basically powerful beings. The Valar helped shaped Middle Earth and the Maiar are basically their and lesser help out. Also everyone's favourite Wizard Gandalf is a Maiar it would be cool to get to see his origins and Sauron's. Sauron was once a Maiar and he was actually good guy, until he was corrupted by Melkor and became his second in command. We know a lot about Hobbits, Dwarves, Elves, and Men I think its time we go to know the Valar and the Maia. 

2. The First Dark Lord Melkor aka Morgoth 

Melkor the first dark lord and a character people want to see on this show. If you recall in the movies Galadriel mentions Morgoth to Sauron because Sauron was actually his second in command. Melkor is a great villain like he conquerd Middle Earth, He turned the first elves in orcs, He destroyed many great kingdoms and killed many heroes. Many fans want to see this guy adapted in some form and who could blame them, he's such interesting villain. This one villain many fans I really hope in the tv series.

1. The show could focus on new stories with new characters  every season like Fargo and Black Mirror. 

Now if they are adapting all the other books I would recommend have one season focus on one story and next season they focus on different story with different characters. For example lets say do a season that focuses on Children of Hurin which can be the dark gritty and a depressing story. Than next season could be the tragic but sweet love story of Beren and Luthien that ends bitter suite. The show doesn't need to too much like Game of Thrones, it could do something new where one season or two focus on one story and the season after they can focus on a new story.

There are so many ideas now for this tv series, I'm so happy their not remaking Lord of the Rings. Their actually adapt more of Tolkien's other work instead of remaking already amazing Lord of the Rings. Let's see what Amazon will do hopefully they don't fuck up. Now I have to sign up for Amazon Prime.   


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