Tenet Review
So I saw Tenet last night heres my review of it...I like this film I mean its very confusing though like there were moments were I was lost in this film. I would have to watch this film again to better understand it. I mean it is a Chris Nolan film for ya his films are known for being long and confusing except for The Dark Knight Trilogy. The movie itself is really good but it does get confusing. The actors all do a great job like John David Washington was great, Robert Pattison was great, Elizabeth Debicki was great too, and Kenneth Branagh who played the villain in the movie, he was great too. This film had some great sound effects and special effects as well. The action scenes were great too and there were some really intense scenes. I give Tenet a 8 out of 10. Give it a watch but if you go to the theatre hand sanitize yours hands and wash your hands too.
Friday, 11 September 2020
Monday, 7 September 2020
What should Marvel do with Black Panther 2 after Chadwick Boseman's death?
What should Marvel do with Black Panther after Chadwick Boseman's death.
Now a lot of you already know Chadwick Boseman has passed away from Colon Cancer. His death is tragedy to us all and as you know I payed tribute to him on my blog, and now I'm going to talk about what should Marvel do with Black Panther 2 after his death.
Wakanda Forever!
Many fans who loved him as Black Panther believe he shouldn't be recast because he owned that role and I agree he was Black Panther. There is also fans who loved him too as Black Panther but don't want T'Challa's story to end without giving the character a proper send off and these fans are fine with Marvel possibly recasting the character of T'Challa. Like we've heard rumours of Storm being in the next film as a new love interest, as well Namor being the bad guy in the next film as well the rumour of Dr. Doom being the bad guy in the next film. Like there are so many story arcs we want to see on the big screen with T'Challa as Black Panther.
We know Kevin Feige and Marvel are devastated by his death and we don't know what they are going to do with the next film or the character of T'Challa. Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige likely knew about his cancer and maybe they have plans already to decide what to do with the character of T'Challa. This all speculation of course like I don't know what they are going to do. It is possible they might have an actor set to replace him but if they do replace him they need to have a good reason on why their recasting Black Panther.

There are also fans who say Shuri should be the star in the next film because she did become Black Panther in the comics and there is also the idea they could have a new character take up the mantle in the next film like Kasper Cole as Black Panther. Now there is possibly either of these two ideas could happen but I got be honest to end T'Challa's story just like that without it getting a proper ending to the character just doesn't feel right. I've talked to people about this. There are some who say they should recast the role even though they loved Chadwick Boseman and they will always consider him to be Black Panther but they don't want T'Challa's story to end so quickly, and there are those who believe they should just retire the character and focus on someone new as Black Panther.
I personally as much as I loved Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther and he is Black Panther to me. If you've seen my Black Panther 2 and 3 Fan Cast and Ideas, I'll always consider him to be Black Panther but there is a part of me that thinks they should recast the role of T'Challa. I know some people will say to me, Chadwick at least got to play Black Panther in four films Civil War, Black Panther, Infinity War, and Endgame. So we can change the focus on someone new and it would be out of respect for Chadwick Boseman. But I don't think we should end the character's arc so soon but again I don't know what Ryan Coogler, Kevin Feige, and Marvel are going to do this rough situation for them, not just them but all of us. Chadwick Boseman was a good man and a real life hero. He will always be Black Panther to me and there is a part of me that doesn't want him to be recast but I feel like T'Challa's story must continue if it means we have to recast the role of Black Panther.
Whatever they do, fans will be mixed by the result like if they recast there will be fans who will understand and accept this decision but there will be fans who won't accept this decision to recast the role. But maybe Chadwick might have wanted the Marvel to continue T'Challa's story because even though he wanted to play Black Panther again, maybe he knew that he might not beat his cancer. But I don't know this is just speculation like who knows what the studio is going to do and who knows what's going to happen. Maybe in the next couple of months Marvel Studios will reveal their plans for the Black Panther franchise.
It's like what happen to show Spartacus when its main actor Andy Whitfield died of cancer. When he died the show came out with a prequel season with a new protagonist after his death. Eventually they came out with season two of Spartacus and we had Liam Mcintyre take over the role. Fans loved Andy, were sadden by his death and the last episode payed to tribute to him during the credits. However, fans accepted Liam as Spartacus because he did a great job as Spartacus and Andy's family give their blessing to the show runners to continue the show with a new actor.
The same thing with Richard Harris as Dumbledore when he died they found Michael Gambon who took over the role and he did a great job. Even though fans to this day prefer Richard Harris's Dumbledore over Michael's.
If Marvel does recast T'Challa it will be a mixed reaction because it will be hard to find someone to replace Chadwick Boseman because he owned that role but I do think there is an actor who can play the role of Black Panther and that is John David Washington.
I think John would be a good choice to take over the role due to his performance in Blackklansman, Ballers, and Tenet. Also his father Denzel Washington was friends with Chadwick Boseman and he even helped pay for his tuition at Oxford, University.
So I think John would be a good choice to take over the role if he is considered for the role.
I'm fine with them recasting just as long they get someone really good like John here to play Black Panther. But at the same time I understand why fans don't want a recast and it's very difficult situation. Like I'm not sure I want to see this character get recast not for awhile but at the same time I don't want them to end T'Challa's story so soon.
The Next Film could focus on Shuri becoming Black Panther.

Now these are just like ideas on what could happen to T'Challa and what Marvel could do after Chad's death. Its a tough time like we don't know what they will do like again whatever they announce it will be a mixed reaction. I know people who loved Chadwick who don't want him to get recast and there are some who loved him as Black Panther but would be all right if they recast him. As well there are fans who want Shuri to take over the franchise and there are fans who might want to see someone else outside the royal family like Kasper Cole take up the mantle of Black Panther. I don't think they will bring back Kilmonger in the next film he is dead and if they made a redemption story I just can't see it working.
Now of course there is the idea the next film could be about Shuri as Black Panther but what would happen to T'Challa? It would be likely the studio would retire the character like he's died a heroic death and Shuri is Queen of Wakanda. The film is about her honouring her brother and ruling as Queen of Wakanda something she never saw herself doing. It just would feel weird, not the having Shuri as Black Panther but the fact that T'Challa is dead after Endgame because clearly Marvel had huge plans for the character of T'Challa.
Even though it is likely one of their plans is to have Shuri become Black Panther at some point in the next film or the film after. I know fans love Shuri and I love Shuri too and they likely already have plans to make her Black Panther. If you've seen my Black Panther 2 Fan Cast I do have Shuri become Black Panther but also in my third film she is Queen of Wakanda and is Black Panther of Wakanda, while T'Challa leaves and lives in America and is leading The New Avengers. Now if they do make Shuri the next Black Panther like I wrote T'Challa is dead but they have to explain how he died and its got be a he died a hero. Shuri would be struggling as Black Panther and as Queen. She's also a huge wreck after her brother's death and she feels lost without him but she's got friends who have her back and tell her brother would want to keep on going and be a good leader like he was. The film could have Namor and its basically Shuri trying to prove herself as Black Panther and as Queen of Wakanda and honouring her brother's life. She's facing off against Namor and possibly another villain like Changamire who wants to overthrow the monarchy. I think a film about Shuri as Black Panther could work just as long they honour T'Challa's character and make the film really interesting.
Or the next film could take a different approach and interduce the character of Kasper Cole and have him become Black Panther.
Now there is also the idea that Marvel could interduce a new character like Kasper Cole and make him take up the mantle of Black Panther. Now Kasper eventually became White Tiger and trusted ally to T'Challa and T'Challa saw great potential in him to become a Black Panther. Now the only difference is Kasper is from America and he is biracial, his father is of African descent and his mother is of Jewish descent so we would have a biracial Black Panther. Now if they went this approach like if T'Challa is dead like he died a hero and Shuri is now Queen and she's struggling to be both Queen and Black Panther they could interduce Kasper Cole. Kasper is an American police officer who becomes Black Panther by finding one of T'Challa's old costumes during a fight to save his friends. Shuri sees he has a lot potential in him to be Black Panther and so she has Okoye train him. For Kasper can protect Wakanda while Shuri rules Wakanda. When he becomes Black Panther like most of Wakanda hate the idea of this outsider taking up the mantle of Black Panther. Because the difference between Kasper and Kilmonger is, Kilmonger's father was Prince N'Jobu. The film could also have M'Baku become the villain and he wants to take over Wakanda and kill Kasper because he's not keen on this outsider becoming Black Panther. However, Shuri and Okoye believe that Kasper has what it takes to be Black Panther. Kasper himself wishes to prove himself as well as he's not trying to replace T'Challa but to honour his work and protect those in need.
Just an idea for if they want to go with this approach with a whole new character. Also I would add a romance with Kasper and Shuri.

They could also have both of them become Black Panther like Shuri is Black Panther of Wakanda and Kasper is Black Panther of America. Kasper could be in the next Avengers film or a Crew film or TV series or they could have Shuri be in the next Avengers film instead.
We don't know what Marvel is going to do here because its just a really hard time right now because Chadwick was such an amazing guy and a great actor. I don't know what they might do with his character. Whatever Marvel, Kevin Feige, and Ryan Coogler announce in the next couple months, whatever their decision is I will accept it. Whether they recast the role or not, or have Shuri take up the mantle or Someone new like Kasper taking up the mantle, or they put the film on hold for awhile, or just not make it at all. I will accept it for what it is.
Rest in Power.
However, one thing Black Panther 2 does need to do is pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman and the film will likely pay tribute to him. As well they could use the film to donate some of profits to cancer research and charities fighting against cancer. Just an idea to honour Chadwick Boseman's memory because fuck cancer.
So what do you think should Marvel Studios recast Black Panther or should they make the next film about Shuri or Kasper Cole. Let me know what you think because 2020 has been rough year but let's just hope 2021 will be better. Whatever the outcome is let's just hope it works out for everybody even though it may not for some but hopefully it might work out.
Also here are the links to my Black Panther 2 and 3 Fan Cast and Ideas
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