Monday 22 March 2021

Justice League Snyder Cut Review


Zack Snyder's Justice League Cut 

So I saw the Justice League Snyder Cut on the weekend and heres my review of it...I like it. Like this was really good and it makes forgot about that god awful 2017 film. This film was really good like the story was good, the characters were good, and there is no forced goofy scenes. Also Henry doesn't have cgi face which is really good.

UGH that is so bad.
That's Better.

This film makes up for the 2017 film like its more entertaining and its got more story to it than the 2017 film does. Now Zack Snyder as you know or don't know left the film after the tragic passing of his daughter Autumn. Joss Whedon took over and that 2017 film was garbage and just bad. This cut of the film is actually really good and has more story to it but it also four hours long but its worth it. But does this mean the film is perfect? no it still has its issues and problems but let's move past that it's one of Zack's best films. It also will make you forgot about that god awful 2017 film. 

This is actually a good live action Justice League film.
I will admit I wish they had a Green Lantern on the team though. 

Now the cast of this film of this film were better in this then they were in the 2017 one. Even the actors like Amy Adams and Diane Lane who have smaller roles are really good. Along with Cyborg's parents had good roles too played by Harry Lennix and Karen Bryson. Jeremy Irons was great as Alfred and JK Simmons as Jim Gordon was good and Kisery Clemons as Iris West was good too despite it being a small role. As Willem DaFore is great in it too and this film does set up Aquaman and you can watch that after you want.

The Justice League.
Ben Affleck was great as Batman, can't wait to see him as Batman in the Flash film and hopefully he will get his own film series. I mean I'm excited for Robert's Batman film series but Ben needs one too because we can have three Batman film franchises one with Robert a younger Batman, one with Ben a middle age Batman, and one with Micheal Keaton as a retired Bruce Wayne training Terry McGinnis in a Batman Beyond film. 
Henry, he was great as Superman and his return was way better than the Whedon one, like his return is so much better and the black suit he wears is really cool. I really hope he comes back to Superman in a future film because he deserves another film. I mean they are rebooting Superman again but I hear won't be about Clark I think they really should continue Henry's Superman story.  

Gal Gadot was great as Wonder Woman I liked her more in this then I did in 84. 

Jason Momoa was great as Aquaman and he's real bad ass in this film.
Erza Miller now I was not a fan of him as Flash and I just felt he was mis casted for the role of Flash, but he's actually pretty good in this film. I mean he had goofy moments that were annoying but he got better later on the film and he is slowly starting to grow on me. Still maybe the Flash movie will make me fully accept him as Barry Allen because even though he's not a blue eye and blonde hair he might actually have been a good choice all along but it depends on what the Flash film does. 

Ray Fisher as Cyborg he's a lot better in this film like he is more likeable and he's got a better origin story too. Cyborg feels like the main character of this film and when I did a How I would Start the DCEU, in my Justice League Cyborg would be the heart of the film and this is all from his point of view. 
Cyborg is done better in this version than the 2017 version. and I'm so glad they did the character. As well his relationship with his father is really good like he's mad that his father did this to him but realizes later that he can help people with his new gift. Cyborgs didn't want to be a hero but now he realizes how much the world needs heroes right now.  He's one of the best characters in this film. 

The Villains 
%)$^# you Amber Turd.
Now the one thing like about this film was Amber Turd was in this film I actually fast forward through her scenes or flipped her off when I watched her scenes. Because I don't support domestic abusers and Justice for Johnny Depp! 

Also another good thing about this film is it redeems Jared Leto's Joker. Now his screen time isn't long but he does a better Joker in this than he did Suicide Squad. 
Unless they come out with that Ayer Cut.
Now does this mean we could see Leto come back as Joker in a future film? Anything is possible but I think Leto will be too busy because he's playing Morbius the Living Vampire.
So I think he may be more focus on this character for the time being but again anything is possible.

As for Jesse Eisnberg as Lex. I will say Jesse I respect you as an actor but you are not Lex Luthor. I stand by they should re cast this a lot of people don't like him as this character. I know some who will defend him fine that's what you believe but this guy is just not Lex Luther.

Steppenwolf was a much better villain in this and his design in this was way better then his previous design in Whedon's version. Like Steppenwolf really was a better villain because he had a really good arc and it explains why he wants the mother boxes. 

Darksied was really good too now he didn't have much to do except be evil and bad ass and he looked great. I mean he could be DC's Thanos because theres so much hype for the character to be the Thanos of the DCEU. 

Deathstroke was in the film but he didn't get to do any action scenes but it would be very cool to see him and more films. I really hope they'll make a Deathstroke film because having Joe Manganiello play Deathstroke is a solid casting. 

Overall, I really did enjoy this film like the special effects, the action, and the cgi was way better. The characters are better written in this film and I also enjoyed the epilogue of this film.

Now there are many who are hoping this film will restore the Synder Verse now anything is possible at this point. Even though there are still fans and like myself who weren't happy with how Zack Synder started the DCEU but unlike most directors now a days he doesn't demonize his audiences for view points. 
Like he gets why we fans are so passionated about these characters and understands their criticism towards them. The fans who were pushing for this film were called toxic and horrible stuff. And Zack defended his fans and that's what makes him a good guy. 
Like look at me I wasn't happy with BVS, I wasn't big on the rushing to build the DCEU, because WB rush to catch up with Marvel, They wasted the death and return of Superman, Batman killing people, (Don't debate with me about it.)  and I was so pissed off that Zack killed off Dick Grayson aka Nightwing.
Which makes me worry for the Nightwing film they still have in development. 
 But I don't hate Zack for that and If I told him my view points on the direction he went, he would understand why I didn't agree with his ideas. You know were all passionate fans about this stuff and we just want to see the things we loved since childhood get done right.  
It doesn't always work but we just keeping hoping and standing by on what we think is a good idea or not.

Also I will say if the Synder verse is brought back I'm down for that and besides DC and WB are expanding on the Multiverse. So if your not happy with the Synder Verse maybe The Batman with Robert Pattison will give you a new cinematic universe or maybe JJ Abrams Superman reboot....I already have strong doubts on that film already with JJ Abrams is involved. This film does end in a cliff hanger so I do feel this story needs to continue because there is so much to tell. 
Even though Zack has told about how his films would have gone down. This isn't really a spoiler but in a third film Clark and Lois's son Bruce Kent becomes the new Batman. 
Although I think what Zack should have done was have Nightwing become Batman and Damian Wayne become the new Robin. Then years later Damian becomes the new Batman with Bruce Kent becoming the new Superman. Still you know what it's Zack's story he does what he thinks is best and besides I'm sure Matt Reeves will give us the Bat family will give us something like that in his series.

I give the Synder Cut an eight of out of ten and a solid B. Give it a watch its a better put together film and it will make you forgot about that god awful 2017 film by WB. 
Also if they get a sequel they better cast a good actors for the members of the Green Lantern corps like my top choices for Hal Jordan and John Stewart are Taylor Kitsch and Trevante Rhodes. 

As well I like to dedicate this review in memory of Autumn Synder.
Zack Synder's daughter who sadly committed suicide back in 2017. 
My deepest sympathies to Zack and his family over her passing and I know she would be proud of this film and her dad for making this.   

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