Tuesday 8 June 2021

Why I'm excited and nervous for the Obi Wan Show

So as we know there is an Obi Wan series coming to Disney Plus.

Many of us are excited to see Ewan McGregor return as Obi Wan in the upcoming tv series and Hayden Christian is coming back to play Darth Vader again. But many of us are very nervous too because lets face it now this my opinion and if you disagree with me fine. There is a good chance they might screw up the character like they did with Luke, Han, and Leia. There is a good chance Disney might screw this up show in general.
More people were excited to see Luke, Han, and Leia again on screen but these three got wasted and didn't get good send offs. Like Disney really wasted an opportunity with these characters and they pushed them aside for these new characters no one got invested in. Until Mandalorian of course.

Ugh that scene.

Now the show will have original characters and hopefully they are on the same level with the Mandalorian characters because Deborah Cho worked on Mandalorian and I trust her and she's the first Canadian to show run a Star Wars show. I wish her good luck seeing how she's work with Jon and Dave the show is in good hands with her.
I'm just worried that she won't have creative control and there are some signs of that. I trust Deb but I don't trust Lucasfilm or Kathleen Kennedy.

She said once there was no source material which made everyone go
WTF. Like she's got to go sure outside she's made good stuff but when it comes Star Wars not really.

I don't trust Kennedy and most of Lucasfilm with Obi Wan because they might ruin the character or mess up the lore which they do often.  I mean JJ just admitted recently there was no plan for the sequel trilogy so there is much to be concern about this show. Although Dave Filioni has been promoted to Executive Creative Director so that is a good sign and hopefully Jon Faverau will be more involve. However, I still have my hopes and doubts for Obi Wan. 

Here are my reasons why I'm excited but very nervous for Obi Wan. 

Obi Wan will have a Co Lead 
which feels forced.
Now it was revealed that Obi Wan will have a co lead in the show and its not Darth Vader or a young Luke Skywalker. This is an original character. Now there are original characters I like from Mandalorian with Deb as show runner maybe she will make this co lead a good character and they have a purpose being on the show. But it just feels forced in a way like why does Obi Wan co lead why not just a good supporting character? Most people are hoping this character won't be a Rey or Holdo or if this co lead is a waste of a character a Finn type character. 
Because many fans wanted this show just focus on Obi Wan and I'm  nervous he's going to be pushed to aside in favour of this co lead. This co lead is no doubt Kathleen's idea and I would hate it if this character gets shove down our throats. Original characters need to have a purpose being in the show, movie, or book. Most of all you got to make them interesting, well written, they serve a purpose in the story. So I'm nervous about this co lead but I could be wrong and co lead will be a likeable character. It still feels forced though.

Ewan and Hayden are coming back.
A reason to be excited is that Ewan is coming back as Obi Wan and he was best thing about the Prequel trilogy. As well Hayden is coming back to play Darth Vader and I will admit I don't mind Darth Vader being in the show but I got to be honest I'm not keen on this rematch their planning, I'll explain later. I mean this idea will feel nostalgic seeing these two again on screen. I'm excited to Ewan come back and he's at the right age of 50 but I'm just hoping they don't mess up his character in the show. 

They might ruin Obi Wan's character
Like Luke, Han, Leia, and so many other great characters there is a good chance they might ruin the character of Obi Wan. We've seen enough fan favourites get ruined by Disney and Lucasfilm. So I'm nervous they might make him into a sad bitter old man, he's also drinks green milk, and he's get talk down to all the time. Like we want Obi Wan to be a bad ass jedi, he's wise, and even though he's still haunted by the events of Revenge of the Sith he's still committed to his training with Qui Gon, Protecting Luke, and trying to find any surviving Jedi out there. Thats what we want to see from this character. We don't him to be Luke was in the Disney Trilogy. However, if theres one thing I learned from Mandalorian is that show has redeem characters like Boba Fett and Luke. As well Deb worked on Mandalorian so she likely respect Obi Wan. 
So I could be wrong they actually might do Obi Wan right because they give fans the Boba Fett they always wanted to see on screen. 
And of course this what we wanted to see Luke in the Disney Trilogy.
Instead of him drinking green milk. Mark Hamill prefers Mando's Luke over the Disney Trilogy Luke. Let's hope that Deb does Obi Wan justice and uses source martial from Expanded Universe like Jon and Dave have done with Mandalorian.  

The cast looks promising.
I like the cast and they all show great promise and hoping the characters they play will have a purpose being in the show. I mean I know Ewan, Hayden, Joel, and Bonnie were in Star Wars already they will do a good job. The other actors I hope they do a really good job and I just hope their characters are good and serve a purpose being in the show. 

This rematch between Obi Wan and Darth Vader
ruins the whole point of "We meet again at last."
Now as we know they announced that Obi Wan and Darth Vader will have a rematch on the show. Now some fans don't like that idea because it ruins the whole point of them seeing each other again in A New Hope. Because remember Vader says we meet again at last like implying they haven't seen each other since Mustfar. 
I see why fans don't like this rematch, if you ask me he should fight Darth Maul again I mean more fans would want to see that instead. I mean to some it ruins the lore but hey Disney has not been following the lore and they've been changing it a lot so I shouldn't be surprise. I like the idea of Darth Vader being on the show but I just don't think him and Obi Wan should have a rematch maybe they know about each other but they choose to not face each other. However, it might surprise its really good and you know it could interesting. 

Obi Wan's training from
Qui Gon. 
Now one thing that is going to be cool is we see Obi Wan learning this new training that he was told by Yoda. As I hope this show explores more of the lore of Star Wars and the force. I really hope they include a story arc were Obi Wan is trying to protect some Jedi from the Empire.  I would love it if Qui Gon came back and we have him and Obi Wan talking and he just lets out his anger on Qui Gon as he has some blame for the fall of the Jedi. It would just be a good scene to include. 

The series first got put on hold because Kennedy 
didn't like the completed scripts. 

Now back in early 2020 originally Obi Wan was set to start filming but Kennedy put the show on hold because she didn't like the scripts. Now seeing how she made the Disney Trilogy, she never really had a plan like JJ just recently confirmed, and she said there was no source material. 
This does raise concerns for so many fans like its possible scripts were good but Kennedy didn't like them. I have theory that Deb didn't want to give Obi Wan a co lead in the show but Kennedy made her include a co lead. Now that's just speculation on my part I just want to make that clear. This is what I think happened that got the show put on hold, It's possible because we don't know what goes on behind closed doors in the industry. As well it is possible the scripts didn't test well. 
I think Deb didn't have any plans for a co lead in the show and she wanted just to focus on Obi Wan. Like I'm sure she has written a really good supporting cast but I think Kennedy made her write a co lead in the show or its possible Deb was always planing a co lead but it wasn't the type of co lead Lucasfilm had in mind. Again this is just speculation of mine and why I think the show as put on hold. However, this does remain of us how Episode 9 was done. 
(Google Image)
As much I hated the Disney Trilogy its possible that 
Duel of Fates would have redeem the trilogy just like Revenge of the Sith did with the
Prequel Trilogy.

Like look at the original idea for Episode 9 Duel of Fates that would have been ten times better then Rise of Skywalker but Kennedy instead ditch that idea for Rise of Skywalker and you know the rest. So I am nervous because it could backfire. I just feel like the original scripts were already good but to Kennedy and Lucasfilm they didn't like them personally that's just what I think. Now I could be wrong and maybe she did the right thing for once and put the show on hold and rewrite the show. Let's just see what the future holds maybe the show will be on the same level with Mandalorian hopefully or maybe not. Only time will tell and hopefully Deb will do a good job.  
Like look at the original idea for Episode 9 Duel of Fates that would have been ten times better then Rise of Skywalker but Kennedy instead ditch that idea for Rise of Skywalker and you know the rest.  

So that's why I'm excited and nervous for Obi Wan but who knows this all depends when the show is out. 
I'm still excited for Obi Wan and I trust Debra Chow but not Kennedy and most of Lucasfilm, so I'm still nervous. However, I could be wrong because I loved Mandalorian because it delivered and it made me love Star Wars again and I cared about the characters on the show so let's hope. I really hope they don't mess up Obi Wan's character in this because lets face it Lucasfilm has a habit of ruining these characters we grew up with. Except for Mandalorian though that's been honouring and respecting its characters for the fans who love them. So let me know what you think are you excited for Obi Wan or are you nervous for Obi Wan. 
Also heres a link to my Obi Wan what I want to see and don't want to see. 

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