Now after I reviewed Shang Chi, I've decided to do how I would have made Shang Chi. You might remember I did a how I would have made Wonder Woman 84. So here's one for Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.
I think what they should have done was just make this an epic kung fu superhero film about one of the greatest fighters in the Marvel Universe and not sideline him. Here are the ten things I think Marvel should have done.
10. The film should have looked at great kung fu movies like The Raid, Fearless, The Forbidden Kingdom, and Enter the Dragon for inspiration.
Bruce Lee was the inspiration for Shang Chi and I think they should have looked at Bruce Lee films and Jackie Chan films for inspiration. Not mento on their own phase one films that launch their iconic characters. Shang Chi could have been an epic kung fu film with fantasy elements and action elements too. There were so many great martial arts films they could have looked for inspiration. Also,o I found the karaoke stuff was cringe but it was funny at the same time.
9. Shang's sister Xu Xialing's training didn't make sense.

I like the actress who played Xiu but her character I feel wasn't that good like she doesn't let her brother explain where he's been and she just beats him up. Like I get her anger they should have just talked about what happened he could have just explained why he didn't come back in three days while they fight that would have made sense. As well she reveals she was trained herself by watching and studying her father's fighters and she says she did it better. Now I know some people are visual learners and they can learn from watching others do something but it didn't work and feels lazy to do that. Instead, I would have her run away when she was young have her reveal that she found K'un-Lun that's where Iron Fist got his training. She trained under the Order of the Crane Mother and that's why she's so great fighting now. I think that would have been more interesting and even sets up an Iron Fist reboot. Hell, I can picture the scene of Shang and her fighting and he says "How did you learn how to fight like that?" and she says "I have trained the Order of the Crane Mother." Dramatic shot from Shang. By the end, I would have her reorganize her fight club into a club that protects the innocent instead of betting money on who is going to win the fight. She renames her organization The Ying after her mother.
8. They should have explained where the Ten Rings came from and I think they should have been rings.

Now in the film, they didn't reveal how Mandarin got the ten rings and they didn't explain their origin. I think the film should have explained where they came from and their origins. In the comics, it's revealed the rings have the souls of legendary cosmic warriors which explains their powers and they are forged by the Makluans which are a race of alien dragons the most popular well-known is Fing Fang Foam. However, the next film may explore their history and where they came from if that's what Marvel is doing. I also don't get why they made the rings into bracelets I mean come on make their rings. As well in the film, he explains why he got fed up with people using his name like Iron Man. I think what has been cool if he mentions that he faced Iron Man during the five years after Infinity War. That would have been awesome something Iron Man fans would love to hear. He could even say"I even faced Mr. Stark in person we fought and it's shame I'll never get that chance to face him again."

This picture explains the rings better in the comics.
7. Katey's character didn't work and to be honest Shang didn't need a co-lead.
I had problems with Aquafina's character Katey like she didn't need to be in the film and I wrote this in my review like she was not a good character in this film. She just seemed forced and like I prefer more original characters but good original characters, not bad ones.
I truly think that Shang didn't need a co-lead in his movie because to me he got a sideline in his own film in favor of Katey. The same thing happened to Black Widow I notice this tread of making the main character gets pushed to the side in favor of a co-lead or supporting cast. Katey was just annoying, she made cringe jokes, she even betted against Shang in that fight against his sister, and I just don't think her character was right for him as a love interest if it happens.
I really do think Leiko Wu would have been a better choice than Katey as supporting lead and love interest for Shang or in truth Shang didn't need a love interest in the film they could have just saved that for the next film. Another thing Katey didn't need to be was the co-lead you could just make her a strong supporting character like Pepper was to Tony, Peggy to Steve, Valkyrie to Thor, and that's it. I think Leiko would have been a more interesting character to have instead of Katy.
Shang and her meet are friends and he learns she's a secret agent of MI6 and she learns that Shang is the son of the Mandarin. They both keep secrets from each other but they look past it and they have to stop Mandarin the two do fall in love in the end because they are both strong characters.
I think these two would have better chemistry with each other and she could just be a strong supporting character instead of a co-lead and that's just as good. This movie should have focused more on Shang's character if you give him a good supporting cast that's more important than just forcing a co-lead in the film.
If I were to cast Leiko it would be Dianne Doan.

6. The movie should have been called Shang Chi Master of Kung Fu.
Now I think the film title should have been Shang Chi Master of Kung Fu that sounds more epic. Now they might go with that title in a sequel maybe we will see Shang become a more powerful fighter or a full-time Master but who knows. I think this would have been a much better title for the film instead of Legend of the Ten Rings because they don't go down into the history where these rings come from.
5. The film could have explored more places like K'un Lun or introduce MI6.
Now K'un Lun is where Danny Rand got trained and we saw it in that awful show but I think we could have seen it in a better light as well there are other places we could have seen like MI6 whom Shang Chi has a history with. That would have been cool to show and I will say I liked the village they introduce but I feel like there is so much more that could have been explored. Like, remember in the film Shang mentions he couldn't bring himself to kill the person whom his father wanted dead, that person could have been Denis Nayland Smith.

Denis here revealed to Shang who his father really was in the comics. I think it would have been interesting to have this character in the film and he basically took in Shang because Shang can't bring himself to kill anyone so Denis adopts him lets him live with him. As well Denis says he's nothing like his father and that he has more of his mother in him and that he is no killer.
I also think instead of San Fransisco, I think it would have made more sense that Shang is living in New York or maybe even England. In the film when Shang fights his sister, he reveals why he didn't get her after three days and there is no knock out the scene she understands but in truth she's glad he didn't come to get her because she never would have found Kun Lun and be trained by the Order of the Crane Mother. That would have worked on screen just like you know I'm actually glad you didn't save me because I got trained by some of the greatest warriors ever. To make it up to her though she has him fight Abomination.
If I were to cast Denis I would cast Malcolm McDowell.
4. Shang Chi's parent's story worked but I feel like her death could have had a better impact on Mandarin.
I think the Mandarin and his wife's romance was good but I feel like it could have been better like looking at Dracula and Lisa's relationship from Castlelinva. When Lisa met Dracula she wasn't afraid of him and she was a tough character and he was impressed by her bravery.
That would have been a good idea and influence for their romance instead of a fight the two use their words and Ying tells Mandarin that his heart is full of hate, anger, and his desire for power will be his undoing. Shang's mother tells him if he showed more wisdom, mercy, and kindness his life would be better. The Mandarin is impressed by her and like, the film they fall in love. They get married because he learns to love and compassion from her something he never got. They of course have Shang and Xialing as she becomes the stepmother of Mandarin's son Takeshi.
Also the whole we can't get through to the ancient village because it's guarded didn't make sense if Mandarin can do it and he can do it again. So instead how about her village casts a spell so that Mandarin can't get in whatsoever or something like that. He learns there is a way through the bamboo forest again to the ancient village.
I liked how his wife's death pushes him to his villain roots but one thing I would change about his wife's death is instead trying to bring her back, he wants conquer the world because he believes he keep true order to the world. For he loved Shang's mother more than anything, she taught him love, kindness, and give him a family. Now he wants the real ten rings to take over the world as he once did a long time ago as he wants total conquest. I mean he still has children and he loves them deeply but he wants them to join him and conquer the world. Also we would get that scene were he kills all the men who killed his wife in cold blood that scene was good. I would keep that part on why he trains Shang to be an assassin like him and his brother. As well he knows about the Dweller in Darkness that's locked away and he decides he wants to take control of it so he will be unstoppable. He believes the rings will help him control the Dweller so that it will serve him.
Mandarin we would feel for him but he does horrible things and he accepts his punishment in the end. I would also include the whole attacking the village and the battle of the Dragon and the Dweller all of those scenes were awesome. I would keep those.
As well he would die sacrificing his life to stop the demon with Shang delivering the final blow for his redeemed by his son and daughter much like Luke Skywalker did for Darth Vader. Shang also knows he's got more of his mother in him and that he is no killer. I still liked that concept in the film and I would still keep that in the film.
3. I feel like the film should have included one of Shang's brothers and the fight scenes should have a longer but I understand you know pacing.
In the comics Shang has so many brothers and sisters in the comics. I think the film should have interduce one of his brothers but maybe the sequel will. I think having the character of Moving Shadow as secondary villain instead of Razor Fist. Razor Fist was cool and all but I feel like his character could have been done in the next film.
Moving Shadow he would have a name though his name would Takeshi based on another character's name basically merge two characters together. He is the half brother of Shang Chi and he was always loyal to his father but he grew to hate Shang, Xialing, and their mother for he believed they made his father soft and weak. However, their mother wanted to be a mother to him but he didn't want that. He was raised by his father's conquest and goal for power. When father goes back to his ways he returns to him and serves him as his second. Takeshi does treat Shang like crap during Shang's training but Mandarin of course does step in at times to deal Takeshi's behaviour towards Shang. When Shang runs away he calls Shang weak like his mother and that he is more worthy of being the son of Mandarin. Supports his father's goal as he the loyal son who will carry out any mission for his father.
Takeshi is also one of the most deadliest swordsmen in the world and he is more like his father just like Shang is more like his mother. I think what would have been cool is you have Shang and Xialing at the end fight him they beat him together. In the end of the film he takes over the Ten Rings and Xialing instead of taking over the Ten Rings she continues her fight club but decides to reform it their new goal is to protect and help those in need like the Mother Crane does.
I would hint that Mandarin has more children out there even Shang, Xialing, and Takeshi know about them. Because Mandarin been around for thousand of years so he's got more kids out there before he met Shang's mother.
If I were to cast Takeshi/Moving Shadow it would be Lewis Tan. Maybe the sequel will interduce Shang's other siblings.
As the fight scenes in the film were good and very cool but one I feel like they should been longer but I understand it was about pacing. The bus fight scene was the best one and everything else was good but it was cut short like when Shang fights Death Dealer I feel like that could have been longer. As well I would have a fight scene between Shang and Moving Shadow the fight is so violent for the hate they have for each other. In the end after their father's death Takeshi still has hate in him but he knows in the end his father would have failed control the Dweller so he leaves and tells Shang next time they will settle their score. Moving Shadow would take over the Ten Rings after his father's death.
2. The film could have set up a reboot for Iron Fist.
Now Iron Fist is a character that needs a good reboot like we all saw that awful Netflix show and we heard Finn Jones wasn't committed to martial arts training. So what this film could have done was mention Danny Rand like Rand INC and maybe Xialing mentions that he is the Iron Fist. Maybe the film could have had a mid credit scene were Shang is in New York and he meets Danny Rand. They talk and they challenge each other to a fight and it ends there. This could set up New Avengers or a Heroes for Hire reboot series focusing on Luke Cage and Iron Fist. If I were to recast Iron Fist with a new actor I would go with Lucas Till.

1. The film should show Shang Chi as absolute bad ass through out the whole film but he does have flaws but he learns and grows. This film should have just focus on Shang Chi.

Like I mentioned before I felt Shang got sidelined in the film because again he's the star of the film. This is his movie it should focus on him and if you want to give this a character a great supporting cast and good character development thats good too but you got to focus on your main character and his journey. Like in the film Shang has a normal job and he goes by Sean. He lives on his own until his past comes back to him. What I would have done is he learns his father wants to take over the world and he has stop him, he also learns that Leiko his friend he knew for a long time is a secret agent of MI6 they believe the real Mandarin is on the move. He decides he has to stop his father and he is joined by Leiko and he meets with his sister Xialing. However, he does take part in the fighting match but he faces off not his sister but Abomination they wasted his character.

Like they bring back a character from 2008 only to show him off and get killed knocked out just like that. I would have Shang fight him that would have been epic, and Shang barley wins the fight. The reason his sister made him fight because she wanted to see how strong her brother has become she is very impress to see his fighting skills.
We see Shang do some awesome martial arts and we see him face off against his half brother Moving Shadow, Razor Fist, and his biggest challenge is his own father. I would still keep the father son dynamic and in the end Shang defeats his father and the Dweller of Darkness he is still saddened by his father's death because in the end his father sacrifices his life to help Shang defeat the Dweller because in the the Mandarin realizes he should have put his family first over his desire for revenge. As well him and Leiko kiss at the end and he goes back to New York and you can still have the scene Bruce, Wong, and Carol but I think it would be cooler if he met Danny Rand and the two of them are about to have a fight and it ends there. The second end credit scene is his brother takes over the Ten Rings and becomes the new Mandarin while his sister reforms her fight club to protect the innocent and names the Ying. Shang would still be set up to be a new Avenger and this film would set up the Fing Fang Foam as a future villain.

That what I think Marvel should have done with Shang Chi's story. Do you agree or disagree with me if so no worries. If you love this film or not that's fine. I just feel like they could have done more. I just think this film could have been a little bit better but if you don't agree no worries. I'm just giving out my opinion on how this film should have been done.