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My Idea for a Superman video game
So for the first time ever, I'm presenting my idea for a Superman game that is long overdue. I know for a fact there have been Superman games that were shit, especially the infamous 64...ugh. The only good Superman game is the Injustice games where he is a villain.
Now we've gotten tons of Batman games in the past, and they've been excellent well, some have issues but still, we have had lots of great Batman games. Especially with the upcoming Gotham Knights game.
It was announced that a Wonder Woman video game is now being made by the creators of Shadow of Mordor, which is cool, and my sister is excited about it. I'll give it play, too, when it comes out.
Now what we need is a Superman game, a good Superman game. Thus the Trinity is complete. The Trinity is Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. Like we need a good Superman game that is fun, exciting, a good story, good combat, and good characters too. There have been countless rumors of a Superman game in the works from Rocksteady or WB Games so many rumors, but nothing is confirmed. Why is it so hard to make a game about this character???
Here are my ideas for a Superman game.
6. An Open-World Game but primarily set in Metropolis.
The game needs to be the open-world, but we explore mostly Metropolis. Like we would see the Daily Planet or Lex Corp, the game should include side quests too, to give Superman's level up his powers like in Arkham games. I mean, flying around Metropolis would be really fun in the game, and the idea of being Superman is a fun idea for anyone. Also, one of the God of War developers mentioned if he made a Superman, he would include the idea that Superman would have random rescue missions where you have to go save people, but if you don't do anything, those people end up hurt or dead. So in the game, there would be random rescues like in the Spiderman games. When you explore Metropolis, the map will tell you if people are in danger because Superman's super senses help him find out who's in trouble. So, the game would include side quests and random quests because it would better level up Superman against super threats.
5. Superman's villains he would fight in the game and who's the game's main villain.
Now Superman has a good amount of rogues in his gallery of villains. I would suggest going with eight villains to do battle with and at least two side villains for side quest missions or a DLC. For the main villain of the game, I would go with Brainiac; in the game, Brainiac takes over Metropolis, and seven of Superman's enemies are working with Brainiac. The game would also have Lex Luthor, but Lex would work with Superman to stop Brainiac. I would set up Lex Luthor as the villain in the next round. The villains I would have as bosses would be Parasite, Livewire, Atomic Skull, Bizarro, Metallo, Silver Banshee, and Toyman. It would be Mr. Mxyzptlk and the Prankster for a side quest villains. If you complete the side missions, you get a perfect reward and defeat Prankster and Mr. Myxyzplk.
4. Superman's supporting cast.
Now Superman's supporting cast would be in the game like Lois Lane would be a supporting character. She would help Superman in the game by informing them of what's going on in the city, and she knows Clark is Superman and the two are married. Jimmy would play a supporting role as Superman's biggest fan, and he would adventure out to help Superman what's going on in the city. In the game, Superman's base is the Daily Planet, 's the home base in the game after Brainiac takes over the city. Now Supergirl, Superboy, Steel, Superwoman, and Krypto would not be in the game, but I would include the characters in future games, and also we would see the Fortress of Solitude in a future game. Just keep the game small, and the next round, we would see more Superman family and the Fortress of Solitude.
3. The style of the game.
The game should be a third-person perspective, as well the game includes level-ups for certain powers like Superman's laser eyes, super strength, flight, speed, ice breath, keen senses, unbreakable skin, and fighting style. Also, health and stamina would increase automatically after every level up.
The game would also be open world with main missions side missions that would help increase your level against Superman villains you would face. The game would also have random pop-up tasks like rescuing some people or stopping some criminals. That's how I think the game's style should be. Look at the Batman Arkham Games and the Spiderman game from 2018. Look at those games for influence.
2. The story of the game.
The game's story would be like I mentioned Brainiac takes over Metropolis. This happens after the first because the first mission is Superman saving Lois, Jimmy, and even Lex Luthor from Toyman, and we learn how to play Superman in the first mission.
We also see Clark dealing with many things in his life, like his job and relationship with Lois in the game. Lois knows Clark is Superman already, and they're married too. In the video game, Brainiac comes to earth. Superman is here to save the day, but Brainiac is prepared for Superman; he captures Superman places these six yellow crystals that are actually gold kryptonite. It depowers him and takes away his powers except for his unbreakable skin, and jumps really high. That happens because Lex actually saves him before Brainiac can take away his remaining forces, and Lex takes him to the Daily Planet where Lois and Jimmy are.
Before, this happens before you do the primary mission, you can still explore Metropolis and do some side quests before you do the main story. Because you will still have Superman's central powers until he loses them.
Superman will lose his powers in the game, except as I mentioned, he's still bulletproof, and he can jump high, and that's it. In the game, it's about you helping Superman regain his powers because his rogues were given six of each golden kryptonite that contains Superman's powers such as laser eyes, flight, super strength, speed, ice breath, and super senses.
In the game, Superman would have help from Lois, Jimmy, and even Lex Luthor agreed to work with Superman to stop Brainiac. In the game, you battle with Brainiac's robots and criminals infected and controlled by Brainiac.
The bosses have six of the golden kryptonite containing the rest of Superman's powers: Parasite has laser eyes, Bizzaro has speed, Livewire has ice breath, Silver Banshee has super senses, Atomic Skull super strength and Metallo has flight. So the whole game is about Superman getting his powers back. However, also it's about Clark wondering can he still be Superman without his powers, to which Lois tells him at the end of the game that he will always be Superman no matter what, even if he didn't have his powers. As the game would reveal that Brainiac has a city from Krypton that he took before its destruction, we learn more about Krypton's history. Including we would have Superman remember his parents back in Smallville.
Toyman would be the first boss because he's the first enemy to fight in the game's opening. The following villains would be Parasite as the second boss, Livewire as the third boss, Silver Banshee as the fourth boss, Bizzaro as the fifth boss, Atomic Skull as the sixth boss, Metallo as the seventh boss, and finally Brainiac as the final boss in the game.
1. What the game's sequel would lead into.

If this was a success, the next game would have General Zod as the big bad guy in the next round, but also Lex Luthor would also be a complete villain. We see at the end of the game Lex creating a clone of Superman, a younger version of him named Connor as well Kara would be revealed at the end of the game as Brainiac had her captured in a capsule and Superman frees he learns she is his cousin from Krypton. As well the first game is just set in Metropolis because its best to have the fun small and in the next one, we explore more of the open-world like we go to Smallville, Gotham, West City, and there are so many ideas of the places we go to in the next game. Also, the next game would have you play not just as Superman but also as Superboy and Supergirl. I would include complete DLCs for those two characters and the characters of Steel and Lana Lang, aka Superwoman.

So that's my idea for a Superman game. Let me know what you think. What do you want to see in a Superman game? I'm just giving my thoughts out on how to make a Superman game.
Also, I would call this game Superman: Depowered, and I would have Tim Daily or George Newman voice Superman. I mean, why not Kevin Conroy voice Batman in all three Arkham games.