Friday 17 December 2021

Spiderman No Way Home Review


My Review of Spiderman No Way Home.

So I saw Spiderman No Way Home, and here is my review of it...I loved it. This is one of the best Spiderman films I've seen right next to Spider-Verse. After three bad MCU films this year with Black Widow, Shang Chi, and The Eternals. We finally got something good from Marvel unless you count the shows, and this film is worth watching. 

The film picks up right where the last movie ended, everyone knows Peter Parker is Spiderman, and his life is now more brutal. Everyone he loves lives is just horrible. So he goes to Dr. Strange to help him, but it backfires. The film brings back classic Spiderman film villains like Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Sandman, Lizard, and Electro, and it is really cool seeing them again and played by the same actors. 

The visuals of the films and the special effects were excellent as well the action scenes were good too. This film is full of action and some really insane visuals, too. This film is crazy.

I like the romance between Spidey and MJ.
The cast in this film does a great job like Tom, Zendaya, Marisa Tomei, Jacob Batalon, Benedict Cumberbatch, Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Thomas Hadden Church, Jamie Fox, and Rhys Ifans. Everyone does a great job, and the characters are all fantastic too.  
Like the villains, I loved Willem Dafoe's performance as the Green Goblin and Alfred Molina's Doc Ock. They finally made Electro good because he was awful in Amazing Spiderman 2, making him a better character. I liked Sandman and Lizard, but they were more like secondary villains.
It was great to see these characters again and the original actors playing them.

I really enjoy Peter's story in this film and am so happy he wasn't sidelined like Shang Chi and Black Widow was. I also liked how Peter really grows up in this film, and we see this film takes a more mature approach. This is one of the best Spiderman films I have seen. This movie is on the same level as Spider-Verse because it feels more like a Spiderman film where they're not betraying as Iron Man Jr. Now I loved the idea of Tony being a mentor to Spiderman. Still, I feel like he should remember Tony's teachings not being the next Iron Man but to honor him by being the hero he wanted him to be.

I really enjoyed this film. I was blown away by this film, and this film does give off Endgame vibes. I give this Spiderman film a 9 out of 10. I really enjoyed this film, and I highly recommend this film it's worth seeing.  If I had to rank it on my list, I would make it number 2 now. 


Now here are spoilers in this review, so I'm just going to reveal some spoilers. Don't look if you don't want to spoil; I'm giving everyone here a warning. 

So in the film, we have Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil but just for a cameo. 
Charlie Cox has been confirmed as the MCU Daredevil, which is great to have him back. I really hope for a Daredevil tv series season 4 and a team-up film with Spiderman.
I would love nothing more than to see a Spiderman and Daredevil team-up movie.
Besides, Peter Parker should have a prominent brother figure in his life, and Daredevil is the perfect guy for the job.

Tobey and Andrew are in the film, and to be honest, we all knew they were. Both of them do a great job playing Spiderman again. It's excellent seeing Tobey again. Like hasn't made anything in a while. It just feels great seeing him again. Andrew was great, too they kind of picked up right where they left off in Amazing Spiderman 2 with his character. Seeing all three of Spidermen together was amazing when Tobey showed up; I clapped with joy; I was so happy my childhood Spiderman was back. I was also glad Andrew got another chance to play Spiderman in a good Spiderman film, same with Tobey too.
I love the dialogue and chemistry between these three actors. My favorite moment was when Tom's Spiderman says, "I was part of the Avengers." Tobey says, "Yeah, the Avengers." Andrew says, "That's great." Then the two of them are like, what are the Avengers. Tom's like you don't have the Avengers in your universe. Andrew responds with, "Are you in a rock band." I just love that scene. 
I hope we will get another Spiderman film with Tobey and Andrew because they need another solo film. 

They did something we have not seen in a Spiderman film in film: they killed off Aunt May. This is the first Spiderman film to kill Aunt May off. Thus Peter has no family, and it's sadder in the end too. 
RIP Hot Aunt May.
She also says the famous quote Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility.  
The ending of the film is bittersweet. They save the day, but Peter has Dr. Strange cast the spell for everyone to forget who he is, but the downside is everyone will forget Peter Parker. It's a darker twist from the infamous One More Day Story Arc where people forgot Peter was Spiderman, but he didn't lose his friends or superhero friends. 
I found it sad when he said goodbye to Ned and MJ, especially that part and, of course, Tobey and Andrew. 
At the end of the film, Peter is now living alone, and he is wearing his classic suit they are phasing out of the Iron Man Jr. 
The mid-credit scene is with Venom, but he goes back to his universe, leaving behind a little symbiote. So that means one thing the next Spiderman film will have Venom in the future, so we might meet the MCU Eddie Brock. Although disappointing, we won't see Tom and Tom fight because that would have been really cool.  

(Google Image)
So that's my review of Spiderman No Way Home. Let me know what you think, and please see it. 

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