Alpha Flight Movie Fan Cast and Ideas
So last year, I made an Alpha Flight Fan Cast for Canada Day, so now I'm making another fan cast and ideas for an Alpha Flight film.
Now the Alpha Flight are Canada's group of superheroes in the Marvel Universe, and as a Canadian myself, I would love to see these characters get adapted on screen. Besides my Alpha Flight Fan Cast, I also included them in my third Wolverine film Wolverine VS The Hulk. Now with Marvel Studios planning out more movies and tv shows, I think an Alpha Flight movie should happen, and to be honest, I wasn't a massive fan of the team, but it is good to get an entire Canadian Superhero film.
They tried to focus on ten characters, and it didn't work.
One problem I noticed in the Eternals film was using ten characters. Now, if I was making a movie of Alpha Flight, I would go with six members, or if I did a tv series, I would focus on eight characters.
First, as always, I will make my fan cast with some changes, and then I will share my ideas for an Alpha Flight film. The team will have six members, and the main lead is Guardian. The six members are Guardian, Aurora, Shaman, Snowbird, Puck, and Sasquatch.
Other characters like Northstar, Vindicator, Marrina, and Talisman would appear in the next film, but Northstar would appear at the end. Vindicator will play a supporting role in helping her husband, Guardian and Talisman won't gain her powers until the next movie; she's ordinary and living McNeils and has a strained relationship with her father, Michael. Marina appears at an end credit scene where both James and Heather meet with the Smallwoods and meet their adoptive daughter Marrina, and they want her to join Alpha Flight.
This would be the team for Alpha Flight if made into a film or a show.
Guardian, Aurora, Shaman, Snowbird, Puck, and Sasquatch.
Six members.
Here is my cast for this film or tv series.
Zane Holtz as James McDonald Hudson/Guardian
Guardian is Canada's Captain America, except he has powers from his design suit. He can create force fields and fly, and his costume makes him strong and faster. Guardian would be the film's main protagonist, and he forms Alpha Flight in the movie. Also, in this version, James is the grandson of Trett Hudson. He was head of Weapon Plus and has since wanted to atone for his grandfather's crimes against mutants. James is also a great stagiest, good leader, and brilliant inventor. He is also married to Heather, who helps him with his suit and gives him advice for the team. It's also revealed he is also a cyborg as part of the testing to become Guardian.
Seth Rogen as Walter Langkowski/Sasquatch
Walter is a scientist exposed to gamma-ray; thus, he turned into Sasquatch despite being turned into a rampaging monster. It wasn't until Shaman and Snowbird saved him that he basically maintained his unique personality. Walter uses the Sasquatch to help and save people from danger. James knew Walter from high school and recruited him to the team. Sasquatch would bring comedy to the film because Seth Rogen is one of the funniest men alive, so I think this role is good for him. He's also a big fan of the Hulk and a huge admirer of Bruce Banner's work.
Adam Breach as Michael Twoyoungman/Shaman
Shaman is a doctor who spends his whole life trying to help people after his wife's death. He also comes from a line of shamans who learn the mystical arts. Thus when he developed his powers, he became Shaman and would use his powers to help people.
Michael has a daughter named Elizabeth, whom he doesn't speak to after his wife's death. He was ashamed he couldn't save her. Elizabeth was adopted by the McNeils. Eventually, he met Snowbird, and they began a father-and-daughter relationship. It would make him realize he needs to be a good father to his actual daughter because Snowbird helps him see that.
Laura Vandervoort as Narya/Snowbird
Narya, aka Snowbird, is the goddess Nelvana's daughter, a northern elder god. She is also half-human as she has a human father named Richard, who died when she was a child put was given to Michael to raise and protect. She can transform into a polar bear, an owl, and primarily native Canadian animals. She also has the capability of flight and healing too. She was raised by Shaman, but she aged very quickly due to her god-like powers, and she became very close to Elizabeth Twoyoungmen, who she saw as a sister in her life. She also uses her name Annie McKenize and is an RCMP officer. Despite being a demigod, Narya wants to have a family and children of her own one day, and she has a crush on her co-worker Douglas Thompson.
Nina Dobrev as Jeanne-Marie Beaubier/Aurora
Aurora is a mutant who joins the Alpha Flight. She searches for her long-lost twin brother Jean. For they were separated after the death of their parents. She has the power to shoot beams of light as well. She has super speed in flight. She joins the team and also looking for her brother Jean aka Northstar. She's also a big flirter and has a lot of affairs; she's kind of like Wolverine in the way. It isn't until she meets Walter.
Jordan Prentice as Eugene Judd/Puck
Puck is a mutant born in 1914 and has been around for a long time. An old enemy named Razer cursed him, slowing his aging and decreasing his height. However, Puck is a powerful character who turns his body into rubber. James recruits him to the team of Alpha Flight, to which he agrees to join the group. Puck would be the heart of the film. Despite his size, he's one of the best characters in the movie. He was in prison until Guardian freed him, and Puck agreed to join Alpha Flight.
Katherine Barrell as Heather McNeil
Heather is James's wife, now she won't be Vindicator, yet that would be saved for the next film. In the movie, she works at Department H, helps her husband with his suit, and plays a supporting role in helping the team. James and Heather both plan to start a family, but they have a job to protect Canada. She would get her own suit and become Vindicator.
Devery Jacobs as Elizabeth Twoyoungmen
Elizabeth Twoyoungmen is the daughter of Shaman now she won't get her powers just yet in the film, she is living with the McNeils because she and her dad don't like each other, but she still loves her dad and knows he feels lost after her mother's death. The film would have her and their father reconnect with each other. She has a sisterly bond with Snowbird. She would play a more significant role in the next film as Talisman.
Jesse Rath as Northstar
Northstar makes a cameo at the film's end, where he reunites with his sister, who has the same powers. He would play a more significant role in the next movie as well. I would include he has a boyfriend named Kyle. Northstar should have been the first gay MCU superhero if you asked me.
Kristin Kreuk as Marrina Smallwood
Marrina would appear in an end-credit scene where she is recruited by James and Heather. Marrina and Northstar would play more significant roles in the next film.
Will Arnet as General Jeremy Clarke
General Clarke is head of Department H and in charge of the Alpha Flight. He also was the one who suggested James for the job as Guardian because he knew about James's grandfather Trett Hudson, head of Weapon Plus. He would serve as a Nick Fury-type character, but there is a twist because he's not what he seems.
Peter Mooney as Douglas Thompson
Douglas Thompson is an RCMP officer and works with Narya. Narya is in love with him, but since she is a demi-god and the Elder Gods forbid it, she can't deny her feelings towards Douglas. Douglas himself is in love with her and thinks she's a great officer, and he knows she has powers.
Kevin Durand as Jean Pierre Beaubier/The Wendigo
The Wendigo would be the villain in the film, and his name was Jean Pierre Beaubier. He lived a time ago and took part in a cannibalism ritual and the magic powers that could give him power. He also learned of the Wendigo curse, and with it, he became the Wendigo. However, the Gods of the North stopped him and locked him away in the Cage. Now he is free; he seeks to spread the curse of the Wendigo, take over Canada, and destroy the Elder Gods. Not to mention he has the power of teleportation. He would be the main villain in the film or series. He would make the most sense as the villain for the team fight.
Bruce Greenwood as Fredrick Hudson
Frederick Hudson is James's father. In this version, Frederick is the son of Trett Hudson from my Wolverine Movies. Now Frederick is an alcoholic whom James often checks on because Frederick was an orphan after his father was killed, and he knew about all the horrible things his father did to mutants and Wolverine. Frederick eventually married and had two sons. He did attempt to redeem the Hudson name, but it didn't work out, and he now lives in a rehab center and is often visited by James and Heather. His other son Elias often sees him through face time and writes letters to him.
He knows James is Guardian and hopes he will redeem the Hudson name.
Brent Butt as Ramsey McNeil
Ramsay McNeil is Heather's father. He is a funny guy who has seven children with his wife, Claire, and they took in Michael's daughter Elizabeth after the death of his wife. Ramsay has issues with James, mainly because he works with the government. Ramsay and James don't get along, especially in hockey games. However, he likes Guardian even though he doesn't know it's his son-in-law, and he also believes that Guardian should have Canada in his name, like Guardian of Canada or Captain Canada.
Nancy Robertson as Claire McNeil
Claire is Heather's mother; she is a very kind lady and, unlike her husband, gets along with James even though she is suspicious of James' job with the government but likes him.
Lorne Cardinal as John Twoyoungman
John is an original character, and he is the older brother of Michael. He owns a bar called Talisman that he named after his sister-in-law. He often gives free drinks to Alpha Flight, and he knows his brother Shaman and his powers. Like his brother, he chose not to practice his magic. Instead, he owns a bar called Talisman. Hint his niece will develop her spiritual powers, too, and take up the name Talisman.
Fred Ewanuick as Lt Sam McKenize
Fred would play an original character named Sam McKenize, the LT of the police department that Narya works at, and he takes his job seriously, but outside of work, he's a goofball, and he's a big superhero fan.
Gabriella Miller as Nurse Janet
Janet is an original character, and she works with Shaman at the hospital with Michael. Michael is encouraged to ask her out by his co-workers he's not sure he wants to start dating again. It's also hinted Janet likes Michael too, but she's often busy working night shifts.
Eric Peterson as Greg Ford
Greg is an original character who lives in rehab with Frederick, and he is often seen playing chess with Frederick. He was sent to rehab because he was developing memory loss, and his family often visited him.
Tara Spencer Nairn as Jill Hudson
If you've seen my Wolverine films, I casted Tara as an original character. She plays Jill Hudson the adoptive mother of Wolverine's son Jimmy. She only appears on voice as she is a radio host. She is also James's sister in law too.
Dave Thomas as Tom Smallwood
Tom Smallwood is Marrina's adoptive father he found her under the lake and despite her being an alien. Tom and Gladys took her in and they also have another son and a grandson.
Corrine Koslo as Gladys Smallwood
Gladys is Marrina's adoptive mother. When her husband brought Marrina she was nothing but an egg. As it hatched, Gladys saw Marrina but didn't see her as a monster but as a baby that needed a mother.
Yes, some of you think you cast the cast of Corner Gas in this. Hey, what I can say is I love Corner Gas, and you can tell this is the most Canadian cast I've ever made.
Now here are my ideas for Alpha Flight Movie or TV Series
5. The film could be the next Guardians of the Galaxy team.
When I say it could be the next Guardians of the Galaxy more like it's another unknown team being brought to the big screen. Alpha Flight focuses on six members who have their own personal problems. James Hudson aka Guardian is trying to redeem his family's name, Sasquich is trying to be accepted for her powers, Auroa is trying to find her family, Snowbird just wants to live a normal life, and Puck he's trying to make up for his past mistakes. I think Alpha Flight would be an interesting team to adapt because even though they are known, they still don't have their own film or tv adaption.
4. Seeing Canadian Heroes.
Now Alpha Flight are Canada's greatest heroes so so I think it would be really good to show of a group of Canadian heroes. As well we see what are Canadian superheroes are like in Canada. Alpha Flight I feel would just interesting idea to show because Marvel Studios plans to leave New York and see different parts of the world. So let's do an Alpha Flight film.
3. Alpha Flight could also explored Canadian Mythology.
Alpha Flight could explore Canadian Mythology there are many legends in Canada that Alpha Flight could explore. Shaman and Snowbird interduce Canadian mythology in the film because of the Elder Gods Mythology. Not to mention, Wendigo is well known Canadian folklore and having him as the villain would work. Thor give us Norse Mythology and Moon Knight is giving us Egyptian Mythology.
2. Omega Flight would appear in a future film or next season.
For sequel I would have Omega Flight appear as the villains of the next film. Their goal is to kill Alpha Flight and take over. They are created by someone from with Department H.
1. Guardain seeks redemption for his family's past crimes.

James Hudson who is are main lead his story arc is about him redeeming his family's name. For the Hudson name is looked down upon by many since his grandfather was part of Weapon Plus. In the film this is him trying to atone for those mistakes but in truth James shouldn't keep looking at past for redemption he should focus on the future to better the Hudson name.
So that's my Alpha Flight Fan Cast and Ideas. Let me know what you think leave a comment.