My Batman Review
So I saw The Batman last night, and here's my review of it...I love it. I thought it was great, and I just had such a good time watching this movie. I will admit, though, the movie is way too long. It's a three-hour film. However, I still very much enjoyed it a lot.
The film has a great score, and the story is excellent, inspiration came from Batman Long Halloween, Dark Victory, and It takes inspiration from the Zodiac and many other films and books. I really did like the style of this film, and I have to be honest, I love the idea this is a full detective story because I wanted to see a detective Batman film in the future. It had some very dark and scary moments too.
Now the cast of the film.
Robert did a great job as Batman, and to all the people who didn't like him as Batman because of Twilight, guys watch his other films like Lighthouse. He's an outstanding actor. He nailed it as Batman, but it was cool that they had Bruce basically be like an outcast, and he's more focused on being just Batman. Robert did a fantastic job as Batman, and I hope to see more of him. Another thing I love about this Batman is he doesn't kill anyone, and this is Batman Year Two. He's already established as Batman.
Zoe Kravitz did a fantastic job as Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman. She was really cool, she had her funny moments, she was a well-written character, and this is the best adaption of Catwoman I've seen since Michelle Pfeiffer. I really liked her costume, but I hope she gets a better mask. I hope she gets a spin-off or another role in the next film.
Something like this type of mask.
Jeffery Wright did a great job as Jim Gordon, like he's the second-best Gordon since Gary Oldman. I like this version. He's already friends with Batman, and we see him actually help Batman solve crimes. Jeffrey Wright did a great job as Gordon.
Now Andy Serkis did an excellent job as Alfred, and I really like that Alfred is younger in this film because we were all getting sick of a 70-year-old Alfred. Alfred doesn't haven't have a massive role in the movie. Hopefully, in the next film, he will have a bigger one. I really like Alfred being younger in this film, and I still find it funny that Alfred is played by Andy Serkis aka Gollum. Still, Andy did a good job.
Penguin, played by Colin Farrell, was terrific, and I was amazed that he looked nothing like Colin. Colin did a great job playing the role, and, Penguin isn't a huge villain, but I think they will have him as a major villain in the next film. Still, I have to give credit to the makeup artists of this film because I couldn't believe that it was Colin Farrell as the Penguin.
Now Riddler was by far one of the best things in the film. Riddler by Paul Dano was terrifying in the movie, movie and this version was inspired by the Zodiac killer. Riddler needed a good reboot, and this film gives you a good reboot of Riddler because we all wanted phase-out of this.
I mean, the Jim Carrey Riddler is too goofy. Paul Dano's Riddler is a better version of the character. Paul Dano did a fantastic job playing the Riddler.
Everyone did a great job in this film as well John Turturro did a fantastic job as Falcone, and everyone else in this film did a great job.
I also loved the chemistry between Bruce and Selina.
I found their relationship was really well written, and I really think these two work great together.
I will say my one problem with this film is the run time. It did drag on too much. But overall, I really did like it a lot.
I give the Batman a 9 out of 10.
Give it a watch its a great film but heads up, it's really long, like three hours long, but it's great.
Here's what I want to see in the next Batman film.

4. A proper Mr. Freeze.
Now Mr. Freeze is a character like Riddler who needs an update, be less goofy, and be taken seriously.
We all want to phase out of this...
Matt Reeves has said he wants to have Mr. Freeze in a future film, and it could work. I mean, he would have to ground Mr. Freeze, though. However, we need a more serious Mr. Freeze to make him a sympathetic villain who does terrible things to people, but he's only doing it to save his wife Nora, and deep down, he's not proud of what he's doing. Mr. Freeze would work as a villain in Earth-Two. Like Riddler, the character needs a good reboot. I trust Matt Reeves to give us a better version of the character that makes us forget Schumacher's version. It really depends if Mr. Freeze is in the next film.
3. I want to see Robin and give us a better Dynamic Duo on film.

Now I hope this film series will not be too much like Nolan's, but from what I've seen in interviews, they aren't trying to copy Nolan's. Robert and Matt are both down to have Robin in a future film, and it would be interesting to see Batman as a mentor to young Dick Grayson. However, Robert has said if they add Robin, he should be played a thirteen-year-old actor. I agree I would cast an unknown actor around 13 to 14-year-olds for the role. If they do have Robin in a future film, there's only one storyline you could adapt with him: The Court of Owls story because Dick Grayson has a history with them, and his great-great-grandfather is Talon after all. I will be down to have Robin in the next film, and it would be interesting seeing Batman become a mentor/father figure to Robin as well. I would like a scene where Alfred asks Bruce why he's making Dick fight crime when he's only a child. Is he trying to make Robin turn out like him. Bruce would respond with, "So that he won't." I think this would be the story idea of seeing Batman as a mentor to Robin, much like Alfred is to him.
2. Build up the Bat Verse and the Bat-Family.
Now Matt Reeves has said he's building Bat Verse because we're getting a Gotham GCP series, a Penguin series, and a Catwoman spin-off is being talked about. We need to see more of the universe expand. Let's see Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood, Red Robin, Batwing, Orphan, and many more. We are getting a Batgirl film this year and later a Nightwing movie in the DCEU. The DCEU is building up the Bat-family with Keaton's Batman, but I think they should do the same for Earth-Two. Let's see different versions of the characters. DC isn't trying to be like the MCU. They're building countless multiverses now through film and television.
Recently, Matt Reeves says he doesn't want characters like Superman in his universe because he doesn't think they would work in this series. I would say yes and no to that. Yes, he could work if he is written well, and no, it's best not to include certain heroes like Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Flash because maybe this film series should remain grounded, and Batman has tons of characters in his universe that could have their own films or shows.

However, I think they could use heroes outside of The Batman universe, but more grounded heroes like Batman who are more human and not god-like or aliens. For example, Green Arrow could work in this universe. Like Batman, he doesn't have powers, but he's a skilled fighter, a billionaire, funny, and one of the best archers in the world. As well as other heroes like Black Lightning, Black Carney, Katana, The Question, and Vixen. Those types of characters who are not Batman-related could work in this universe. Just bring in more street-level heroes and maybe make a Batman and The Outsiders Movie. The team could be Batman, Catwoman, Green Arrow, Black Lightning, Black Carney, and Katana.
1. It's time for the Court of Owls.
I think the next film should have the Court of Owls. The Court of Owls would be perfect for Batman to face off against because the Court of Owls has been in Gotham for decades, and seeing Batman face off against them would be really cool, and they would be a terrifying group for Batman to fight. This is also a reason to have Robin in the next film because maybe Talon, the main villain, wants Dick Grayson to become a Talon like him, but Bruce doesn't want that for Dick. That's why he trains him and makes him Robin so that he won't go down that path.
Talon would be a great villain for Batman to fight because Talon has a history of killing members of the Wayne family. It's revealed he killed Bruce's great-great-grandfather, Alan Wayne.
(Google Image)
For a teaser idea for the next film, have it like the Prisoner of Azkaban's teaser.
We hear the rhyme of the owls, and we see some stuff happening in the teaser, and at the end of the teaser, when they say, "They'll send The Talon for your head."
We see Batman alone, and behind him, two bright yellow eyes glow in the dark, and it ends there.
The title card appears.
The Batman
Night of the Owls
So that's what I want to see in the next Batman film and future films.
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