How Marvel could introduce the X-Men in the MCU
Now as some of you may know Disney has officially bought Fox. The shareholders at Fox and Disney have vote yes for the buy out and that means one thing X Men and Fantastic Four are back at Marvel Studios. It's finally happening, I am so sick of Fox's X Men films or as I call them the Wolverine and Mystique movies. Deadpool is the only thing I liked from Fox's Marvel that and Logan, The Wolverine, First Class, and Days of Future's Past. Still, the X-Men films have never been about the X-Men and they waste so many good characters and killed them off for so many stupid reasons. Hell, Deadpool 2 acknowledge that fact that Fox does this a-lot and it's Fox saying "Yes, we know you fans hate us for doing this a-lot we acknowledge it."
Honestly the hype for this film is so low.
Sophia Turner said this film would be on the same level with Black Panther
I'm like "Naw, it won't."
Now Dark Phoenix even though I think that movie is going to suck so badly, it still going to happen and there is no high hopes for this film at all for me. I know a few people who want to see it but this film looks like its going to be same old crap we get in all the X-Men. One of the reasons why Apocalypse sucked, because they tried to do something new and it fail badly for Fox. Which is why I've given up on X-Men films. Honestly, everyone hates the fact that Mystique is the main character in these films and you know why because she's played by Jennifer Lawerence who's very popular actress. Also Dark Phoenix is getting reshoots done but this will likely be the last one done by Fox and then we're getting a Marvel Studios Reboot. Also I hear New Mutants is a disaster too but who knows that film is still happening too. Now besides the point here my ideas for how the MCU can introduce the X-Men in the MCU.
4. Merge both universes together through the Reality Stone and Time Stone.
Now I doubt Disney and Marvel Studios would continue Fox's X-Men Universe because Disney would want to do their version like how they got to do their version Spiderman which turned out great. To be honest Amazing Spiderman films they would not have fit well with the MCU and to be honest those films weren't that good. Now if Dark Phoenix did well and got good write ups maybe Disney and Fox would say you know what lets merge the universes but I doubt this could happen but who knows I mean they are reshooting Dark Phoenix so maybe post credit scene that shows reality merging with the MCU reality, unlikely though. I only wrote this one for people I know who like these X Men films. In all honestly I think Dark Phoenix is going to flop and Disney would want to reboot the hell of the X Men.
3. Eternals could bring in mutants in the fold.
To be honest I don't know much the Eternals but I know Marvel is making a movie about them in the future and I heard a rumour online that this film could introduce mutants into the MCU and bring in the X-MEN. That's all I can say about this but this movie is said to be another game changer it will be interesting to see this film.
2. Avengers 4 could set up the X Men in the MCU with the Infinity Stones.
Now with Avengers 4 coming out next May it's totally possible this film will set up the X Men in the MCU. Like maybe Thanos rewrites history and maybe Thanos is the reasons mutants now exist in the MCU maybe creates the mutant gene through one of the Infinity Stones. There's also this option like in the film when they defeat Thanos it's totally possible that one the survivors of the film will bring back some of their friends and one of them creates a new race of beings on earth and they are called mutants. Now this may or may not happen because the other possibility that could make more sense is just like they did with Spiderman were the X-Men were always in the MCU.
1. The X-Men and Mutants have always been in the MCU but have kept a very low profile.

Now this could make more sense like The X-Men have always been in the MCU from the start like Spiderman was. You know that kid in Iron Man 2 well that was a very young Peter Parker and they even confirmed it. So by the end of Avengers 4 they could revile that the X-Men were in the MCU the whole time but they kept low profile because they didn't want have to deal with SHIELD, The Avengers, and the government resignation act. The X Men in the MCU only focus on helping mutants who are being killed, persecuted, experimented on, who are lost and need a home, and the government and SHIELD has always kept quiet about them. It's totally possible Nick Fury knows about the X Men but doesn't try to go get them because maybe him and Charles have history and out of respect for his friend he keeps him, his team, and his school on low profile. This could actually work better and makes more sense. Now in the Avengers 4 they could show this scene I have in mind depending on what team they choose to go with either the original five, the 90s X MEN, or Joss Whedon's Astounding X Men team. We could have scene were Charles has seen everything that's happen to the world and decides that its time for the X Men to make their mark and so he turns around and says in his mind "To me my X MEN." and we see Cyclops, Jean, IceMan, Angel, and Beast all in their costumes. We get a good look the new actors playing them and that would just mind blowing. Now that may not happen because they likely finished filming Avengers 4 and their reshooting Dark Phoenix but like I said Dark Phoenix will likely be the last X Men done by Fox. There are other ways to incorporated the X Men in the MCU like maybe Kevin will announce reboot in 2021 or 2022 for all we know.
So those are my ideas on how the X-Men could be brought into the MCU but I would go with they've always been in MCU they've just had a low profile. Like Spiderman was in the MCU kept low until Sony made the deal with Marvel and Disney and they rebooted gave us one of the best Spiderman films yet. I think that would work better for what's worth if Marvel decides to go with that idea.
Here are my ideas for an X-Men film in the MCU.
1. Make the film from Scott and Jean's POV but everyone shares the spotlight and no one gets wasted.
2. Give us a Magneto that is evil but sympathetic. I would say take inspiration from The Vulture and Kilmonger their great villains who you really feel for and you kind of want them to win. Also Magneto would be bad guy through out the films and he would be a good guy at one point but there has to be good reason why he becomes a good guy and goes back to being a bad guy. Not like in Apocalypse, I mean killed thousands people and he's a good guy again ugh. Don't get me wrong I loved Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender as Magneto I just want Magneto to stay a bad guy.

3. Make the movie about a team that saves a world that hates and fears them. That's what X-Men is about. Fox I feel failed to do that they made their films about Wolverine, Mystique, Professor X, and Magneto. This film has to be about a team were everyone shines out and we get to know everyone. It's called the X-Men for a reason. Also this film should show a team struggling to be accepted by society and doing everything they can save it from dangerous threats.
4. Give all the characters good background stories and lets get to know all of the X Men. We should learn a lot about these characters where their from, what made them to go Xavier, and what do they want out of life? Also Marvel Studios could do spin off movies about the characters too and that would make us learn more about them. It's likely we won't have the original five in the all films they'll like introduce other X Men so make sure we get know all of them and see more of them in spin off films.
5. Don't have Wolverine on the team for awhile maybe not till MCU X-Men 3 or something. As much as I love Wolverine and he's actually my favourite X Man I would instead give him his own film. If you seen my Wolverine MCU Reboot Cast and Story Ideas you likely know what I mean. Give Wolverine his own movie and the third film should be the one were he joins the X Men after fighting the Hulk.
6. Don't put Mystique in the films for awhile or if they do have her in a film just make her a villain and thats it. I can't stand her and also make her more like comic counterpart not this she's an icon for mutants. They made the character that because of Jennifer Lawrence. Mystique is a villain and thats it and I know she has redeeming qualities but just make her a villain.
7. Give us a Brotherhood of Mutants that will not be forgotten or not used again. Brotherhood of Mutants are the opposite of the X-Men and they should not be wasted or just forgotten about and give us a good villain team that wants to wipe out the human race. My Brotherhood of Mutants team would be Magneto, Mastermind, Toad, Pyro, Mystique, Havok, Polaris, Blob, and Juggernaut.
8. Let's see the X-Men team up with other heroes like Spiderman, The Avengers, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Black Panther, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Let's also see an Avengers VS X Men movie happen, Let's see Black Panther hook up with Storm, let's see Spiderman team up with Wolverine, lets see Wolverine fight the Hulk, lets see the X Men team up with Guardians of the Galaxy in space, and lets even see the X Men team up with Fantastic Four.
9. Lets see some X Men join the Avengers like Wolverine, Beast, Storm, Havok, Rogue, Sunfire, Cannonball, Sunspot, Dazzler, Cable, and even Deadpool as Avenger. Like maybe we can see an Uncanny Avengers movie happen or Avengers 5 has Wolverine join or a Secret Avengers movie with Beast.
10. Expand the X Men in MCU further with X Force, New Mutants, X Factor, and different X Men teams. For the record Deadpool and X Force should be rated R and even Disney knows that, hell I hear that Deadpool will stay separate from the MCU but I think the character could be in the MCU like Fox could make R Rated Marvel films for Disney so that would be the best for both worlds. I can see it work.
Honourable mentions include give us a better Apocaplyse who is basically like Thanos and doesn't look like Ivan Ooze, Give us sentinel who are giants not that mystique sentinel crap, and Give us Mister Sinister already.
This what Apocalypse should have looked like. He doesn't look like Ivan Ooze.
This is a Sentinel. It's giant robot that kills mutants and it doesn't have shape-shafting powers.
This is a villain that's long overdue and to needs make a big screen adaptation already.
Well that's the end and now we wait and see what happens. who know when we will get an MCU X Men reboot likely won't happen till 2021 or 2022 but we can safely say that Dark Phoenix and New Mutants will be the last X Men films done by Fox. We will finally get that MCU reboot we all want, well I know a few you don't. Who knows what will happen with the Disney and Fox merger hopefully it's successes.
Tell me what you think and leave a comment if any of you have any ideas for an MCU X Men film please let me know. Till we meet again. Enjoy this send off video.