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Hey everyone here is my fan cast and predictions for Black Panther 2 and now I think the movie should be called if they do this storyline War of Kings. Now War of Kings isn't a Black Panther storyline it's a Inhumans, Guardians of the Galaxy, X Men, Starjammers, and Shi'ar storyline but I think Black Panther War of Kings has a nice ring to it. Don't know if Marvel Studios would use title but these are my predictions and ideas.
Two Kings
Wakanda Forever!!
Imperius Rex!!
Now me and other fans want to see Namor in the next Black Panther movie as the villain. Now Namor is a character many fans want on the big screen but you know the film rights own by Universal but now Marvel has the rights back now. Namor I think should make his big debut in the next Black Panther film and if you remember in Endgame its mention by Okoye there are earthquakes coming from the sea so that could lead to the possibility of Namor and Atlantis appearing. Now theres a lot of talk on who the next villain should be. Like some fans want Namor and some fans want Dr. Doom as the villain. I personally think it should be Namor because it would be really cool to see T'Challa face another king but from the sea. I'm also fine with Dr Doom by the way as the next villain if they go with him
First here is my cast for Black Panther 2 also besides Namor being in the movie a certain another mutant makes her debut......
Chadwick Boseman as King T'Challa/Black Panther
The Black Panther returns I think after Endgame it's going to be about him opening Wakanda up to rest world. Now some Wakandens approve of what T'Challa is doing and support it. While, some Wakandens are against sharing Wakanda's wealth with the rest of the world. Some Wakandens are even speaking out against their king. I think one of his biggest challenges for T'Challa will be going up against Namor the Submariner and the kingdom of Atlantis as well facing a possible revolution to to end the royal family. I think we will see T'Challa actually struggle more as a king ruling his nation and he's trying not to go to war with the Namor and Atlantis because of after Endgame but at same time he has to face his own people who want him and his family to step down let the people rule.
Lupita Nyongo as Nakia
Nakia would return as T'Challa's love interest but things go down hill for them and let's just say I feel like she will get killed. That will push T'Challa to go to war against Atlantis because I feel like someone not Namor but someone else will be the one pulling the strings to start a war.
Letitia Wright as Shuri
The princess of Wakanda is back and inventing new weapons and armour for the Black Panther. I think this film we could see Shuri being set up to either become Black Panther or take over as Queen Wakanda not that I'm saying T'Challa will die but I'll explain later.
Danai Gurira as Okoye
Okoye is back and is still protecting the royal family but has deal with her marriage annulment from W'Kabi. She's also trying to convince the people of Wakanda not go against the King T'Challa. Also Okoye is eventually reveal to be a lesbian and its not a big deal its just like that's cool lets move on moment.
Winston Duke as M'Baku
M'Baku is back and he's awesome as always. Also I see M'Baku fight Orak it would be like wrestling match.
Angela Bassett as Queen Mother Ramonda
Black Panther's mother returns however I have a theory that his mother will be killed that will start a war against Atlantis.
Martin Freeman as Everett Ross
Everett returns but I see him becoming the first American ambassador of Wakanda and helping T'Challa once again.
Daniel Kaluuya as W'Kabi
W'Kabi would return but I think the sequel will redeem his character like I see him sacrificing himself to save T'Challa or Shuri or Okoyo.
Sonequa Martin Green as Ororo Munroe/Storm
Since Disney has the rights to the X Men back I think Marvel should reintroduce Storm in a Black Panther movie. I see her role being a new love interest for Black Panther and we learn they have a history together. Storm would also be one of the first mutants introduce in the MCU, but not only her but also Namor. Storm is also known as the Storm Goddess and has use her powers to help many in Africa and she is also a princess of a tribe in Africa too. I went with Sonequa because she's a great actress she's good on Walking Dead and she's gotten a lot of praise for Star Trek Discovery.
Danny Glover as Changamire
Changamire was once part of the royal counsel and philosopher of Wakanda until he was banished from court revealing he had secretly plot to end royal monarch. I see Changamire being basically like the Leinn of Wakanda who wants the monarchy gone because he believes the people should rule Wakanda not a king or queen. He's the secondary villain of the film and has even rally some of Wakanda to his side. It's also revealed that he's secretly working with Attuma to overthrow both T'Challa and Namor.
Thandie Newton as Bast the Panther Goddess
Bast is the Panther Goddess mention in the first film and I think in the film we will see her for real and she will make T'Challa King of the Dead.
Daniel Henney as Namor The Submariner

The King of Atlantis and Marvel's first mutant makes his big screen debut in Black Panther 2 at least I hope he does but hey the character maybe in Dr. Strange 2 there rumours about that. I just feel like the character will be in this film because Endgame kind of sets him up to be in it. Now for Namor I would go with either an Asian actor or a White actor for this role. My other choices were Brian Tee, Zachary Quinto, Luke Evans, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, and Ian Anthony Dale. Namor is the son of human sailor named Leonard McKenzie and Princess Fen making him half human and half Atlantan. For record he's not like Aquaman he's raised in Atlantis and unlike Aquaman he's an asshole, he's prideful, has anger problems, and he has a hard time trusting humans too. None the less Namor does deeply care about his people, he would die protecting Atlantis, and he has good sense between right and wrong. He just hates how the surface world poisons the ocean. Namor is also one of the oldest characters in the MCU and I think there could be mention of him fighting in WW2. Namor would be the villain at first but later we learn more about him and find out he's not the villain and he joins forces with Black Panther in the end to stop Attuma but he's still has anger issues.
Emila Clarke as Abria
Abria is Namor's love interest in the movie and one of his trusted most advisors. Abria is second in command of Namor's personal guard The Tridents and she also helps Namor with his anger issues. I think Abria will likely want to make peace with Wakanda rather than go to war but Namor is being set up by someone who wants to go war with Wakanda.
Brian Tee as Attuma
Attuma is Namor's Arch Enemy now I think in this version he will be Namor's general of Atlantis army. I do believe they will pull a twist were we learn Attuma has been plotting to overthrow Namor and take over Atlantis. I think that could happen and I think we'll learn that Attuma was working with Changamire to over throw the royal family of Wakanda as well. I think Brian Tee would be good choice for this role and I know I had him as one of my choices for Namor but I think this role could be just as good.
Jason Statham as Tiger Shark
I think this version of Tiger Shark will be best friends with Namor but it turns out Tiger Shark is actually working with Attuma to overthrow Namor. Also I see Tiger Shark murdering T'Challa and Shuri's mother as well Nakia. I can see T'Challa believing that Namor is responsible for this but it turns out it was actually Attuma who give the order to Tiger Shark to murder his mother and Nakia. Tiger Shark's actions is what one of causes that starts a war between Wakanda and Atlantis.
Teresa Palmer as Princess Aquaria Neptunia
Aquaria is the cousin to Namor and is also half human except her father was Atlantan and her mother was human. Princess Aquaria is warrior in the Altantain army and has the makings of a great general also since she's half human she looks Namor as a big brother figure her life. She's also Namor right hand as well doesn't have a bad temper like Namor.
Rosa Salazar as Andromeda Attumansen
Andromeda is a warrior of Atlantis and has explore all of the sea and even land.
Chole Grace Moretz as Namorita Prentiss
Namor's other cousin who is also half human as well and has lived on surface lands longer then any other Altantain. She's a spy for Namor and Atlantis seeing what the Wakandas are up too as well all of surface world.
Jacob Anderson as Husman
A member of tridents and a close friend of Namor
Steve Austin as Orak
Orak is the strongest Altantain warrior in Atlantis.
Liam James as Crosta
Crosta is a Altantain who was abandon by his parents because mutated face but can create powerful sonic booms. Crosta is also Namor's ward as he took pity on him because he understood what this kid went through seeing how he's half human and a mutant too. In comics he was forced to be Namor's ward but I think Marvel would want to make Namor have some redeeming qualities.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Jamie Chung as Leonard McKenzie and Princess Fen
Namor's parents would be in the film but just for one scene like the beginning of the movie. I don't know if they would do this but if does I see them appearing only in the beginning of the film just to show who Namor was but if they don't maybe they could in Namor Movie or TV Series. But it would be cool to reveal to people Namor is hundreds of year old because his parents during WW1.
Now here are my full predictions for Black Panther 2.
Namor will be the villain but likely will turn good or Namor is just a grey character.
One thing we know about Namor is he's more of anti hero then a hero like he has done terrible things but has done good things too. Now if Namor is in Black Panther 2 I see him be a grey character like he's unlikeable at first like he's very prideful, he's hates the surface, he's got anger problems, and he doesn't show mercy to certain enemies. Now that doesn't mean he's just unlikeable through the whole film like later in the film we see that he's got a good heart, he cares deeply about his family and his people above all else, he is a good ruler, and he would die protecting Atlantis. That's type of character I could see us getting with Namor were he's more of a grey character not a hero, not a villain more like anti hero.
Wakanda and Atlantis long bloody history.
Now if theres one thing we know in the comics is Wakanda and Atlantis have had a long bloody history with each other. I can see the opening talking about Wakanda and Atlantis battles with each other and why they hate each other. One thing we know is both kingdoms were a secret to the world except now Wakanda has opened up to the world. One thing I want to see is T'Challa and Namor having a duel of kings not over a throne. I do want to see an epic battle between Wakanda and Atlantis that would be epic as hell.
Namor will destroy Wakanda.
Now one thing I could see happening is Namor destroys Wakanda with a massive tidal wave killing thousands. Now Infinity War we didn't see something like this happen to Wakanda but in the next Black Panther I could see this happen were Namor just destroys Wakanda out of anger because he is told that Black Panther killed his cousin Namorita but its not true its only a set up to overthrow him and T'Challa.
Dive into Black Panther and Storm's relationship.
Now since Disney bought Fox the X Men are back at Marvel now what better way to reintroduce Storm is by putting her in a Black Panther film. I feel like certain X Men characters like Storm and Wolverine should be introduce in different movies like Marvel should make Wolverine solo films before having the character join the X Men and Storm has a long history with Black Panther so it makes sense to put her in the next film. Put Storm in the X Men like in the second MCU X Men film. I want to see T'Challa being like oh shit it's my ex girlfriend that can control the weather and this could cause a love triangle between him, Nakia, and Storm. Storm in this film unlike Fox's X Men films Storm is more like comic counterpart like she has leadership qualities, she's wise, good hearted, and uses her powers to help many. Also one thing I can see is a flashback of T'Challa and Storm when they were young showing a strong development on their romance.
Namor and Storm could be the first mutants introduce in the MCU
Now this one thing I see likely happen is that Namor and Storm are the first mutants we see in the MCU this would also set up future X Men movies too.
The film could set up Shuri into becoming The Black Panther
Now Shuri is a fan favourite and I would love to see Shuri wearing a Black Panther suit and becoming The Black Panther. I also can see in the end of the film after everything thats happen T'challa decides to step down as King of Wakanda in favour of his sister because he is now King of the Dead. I see Shuri becoming queen and becoming the Black Panther but only in Wakanda.
T'Challa will become King of the Dead
Now in the comics T'Challa is not just King of Wakanda but is also the King of the Dead now I can see this happening in the second film or third film because I see T'Challa giving up the throne after defeating Attuma and Changamire. T'Challa would go to Necreopolis the city were they bury the Black Panthers. That is were T'Challa meets the panther goddess Bast makes him the King of Dead Black Panthers of the past. T'Challa then steps down as King and leaves Wakanda.
The second film could set up Most Dangerous Man Alive.
Now here's one thing I do see happening in the third film is T'Challa is now living in New York and goes by the name Luke Charles. Black Panther is now protecting the streets of New York. While, his sister Shuri will protect Wakanda and this will mean we could a Black Panther fighting on the streets of New York. There can be two Black Panthers. Also this would mean he has more time being on the Avengers and being team leader of Avengers too.
Leader of the New Avengers
This one thing I hope and I see happening we can all agree Black Panther should become the new leader of The Avengers. We don't want Captain Marvel because she's not that great of character but Black Panther is he's more likeable and he's great leader already and it makes sense to have him lead the Avengers. In the end of film he goes to Avengers Base and first thing he says is "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE." in that room is Spiderman, Dr. Strange, Wasp, Scarlet Witch, Valkyrie, Ant Man, and Sam Wilson aka the new Captain America. That would just be mind blowing!
Dr. Doom could be the next villain in the third film
Now Dr. Doom is a villain we all want to see get done right and now some people will say "Well he should first appear in a Fantastic Four film first." Now I hope Marvel will get started on a Fantastic four reboot soon and if you've seen my fan cast for a Fantastic Four reboot I suggest that Dr. Doom to be the villain in the second film. Black Panther and Dr. Doom do have a long history with each other so I would say make him villain in the third film, not second one in my opinion Namor would be best for the second film.
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So thats my fan cast and my predictions for Black Panther 2 don't know what will happen but I'm sure Ryan Cooger will do a great job with the sequel. Also other titles I can see for Black Panther 2 are Two Nations, War of Two Kings, or Two Kings. Who knows what will happen but I'm sure it will be good.