Monday 22 November 2021

My Review of Lord of The Rings and Hobbit films.

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My Review of The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit

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The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are two of my favorite trilogies in film. I've loved Lord of the rings since I was a kid. I got into it from my cousin. We've seen all the movies together, and I'm excited about the tv series from Amazon. Now I did a Middle Earth Marathon last week, and now I'm going to review one of my favorite franchises that have not yet been ruined by an awful remake, lol. 

I'm going to review the films in the least to best movies. 

The Hobbit The Battle of the Five Armies.
Now Battle of the Five Armies is a good film, and I would say the extended edition makes the movie a lot better, but there are some problems with this film. Like the action, special effects, and the acting is good, but there are problems and things in the movie I don't think needed to be there. Like the ending to the film, I felt they could have done more, maybe shown Bilbo adopting Frodo in the end because I didn't like how it just shows him looking at the ring. Also, this one is kind of silly, but I always wonder why didn't Thorin give Bilbo the mithril vest after the battle of the five armies. We don't see Bilbo get stabbed or impaled once by an orc. At least in Fellowship, Frodo gets penetrated a troll and lives thanks to the mithril vest, but that never happens to Bilbo. However, the film does have great action. To be honest, Peter Jackson didn't want to make the Hobbit films into a trilogy; he just wanted it to the two-partner cinema, but the studio insisted that he makes it into a trilogy. The film should be a two-parter, but all the same, Battle of the Five Armies is a good film, and the acting is excellent. I love the line Thorin says in the end, "If more people valued home, above gold, this world would be a merrier place." Also, this film does a good job setting up Lord of the Rings, and I like the whole Kili and Tauriel romance and how it ends tragically, but their love was real. Also, this is one of the last films Christopher Lee did because he sadly passed the year after the film's release.

Overall I give this film a B- like they could have done so much more, but overall it's a good movie to watch, and it does do a good job setting up Lord of the Rings.

The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey  
Now an Unexpected Journey I enjoy this film a lot, like the opening is excellent, and meeting the 13 dwarves is one of the funniest moments in the movie. I think this movie did a great job with the casting Martin Freeman is fantastic as Bilbo, and I got to be honest; he is a better protagonist than Frodo. For example, he saves everyone, does most of the work, and fights more than Frodo does, and I feel like he's a better protagonist than Frodo. Also, Richard Armitage is excellent as Thorin. He did such a good job playing a role in f; in fact, the actors who played the 13 dwarves were amazing. Some of the film's best moments were with Gandalf, and no one can replace Ian McKellen like he owns that role. Andy Serkis is back as Gollum, and I remember when I saw this film theatres, and I remember everyone was cheering when Gollum appears on screen, the same with them bringing back Hugo Weaving, Cate Blanchett, and the late Christopher Lee. Also, Radegastt the Browe was a funny character. It's too bad he wasn't in the Lord of the rings film after but hey, what are you going to do. The first Hobbit film is perfect and is full of great activity. The Goblin-town sequence is really epic and fun to watch. It's one of my favorite scenes of the dwarves fighting goblins. I also really do love the Riddles in the Dark scene with Bilbo and Gollum. It's good, plus it's funny too. The film also does a good job setting up Sauron's return because this film is setting up Lord of the Rings. 

I give The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey a B+. If you ever want to introduce Tolkien's work, I suggest watching in chronicle logical order starting with The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey first.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Now to me, Desolation of Smaug is the best Hobbit film because I just feel like this film has the most suspense, and Smaug is one of the best characters in the movie. Another great thing about this film is that Legolas wasn't in the Hobbit book, but adding him in the film actually does work. Also, Evangeline Lilly plays an original character Tauriel who actually fits well in the story. She was an excellent original character, better than what we get nowadays. I also liked Luke Evans as Bard. He was one of the most remarkable characters in the film, and King Thranduil was a really cool character, a bit of an ass, and a very stern king. Like he's a tool, but he's not like Denethor. He's got a good heart and deeply loves his son. The action scenes in the film were excellent, like the barrel ride scene, but I would complain that this film should have ended with Smaug getting killed by Bard because that's how I thought this was going to end. Overall, to me, The Desolation of Smaug is the best hobbit film.

I give this film an A, and to me, what makes it my favorite? I just love the design for Smaug because I love dragons.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
This year marks the 20th anniversary of this fantastic film, the film that started it all, the film that was a game-changer in cinema. The Fellowship of the Ring does this film still hold up. Hell yeah. This film was fantastic, and one of my favorite moments in the movie was seeing the Shire in all its beauty. New Zealand was the perfect place to make a film like Lord of the Rings. I also loved the cast of this film. Everyone was just perfect as their characters. I mean, I can't see anyone else playing these roles. These actors all nail it. Peter Jackson did a fantastic job making this film that so many people said was impossible at the time to make, and he proved them wrong. To me, Fellowship of the Ring is one of the best films in the Middle Earth film series, and it's part of my childhood, and I still can't believe it's 20 years old now. 

I give Fellowship 9 out of 10 and a solid A. It's a great film, and it's the one that started it all. Also, I'm still scared to watch that jump scare scene when Bilbo goes to Gollum for a brief moment. I mean, who doesn't scare off that scene. 

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Two Towers is another great Lord of the Rings film that makes the Two Towers so great. This film has one of the most epic battles, significant visual effects, and of course, who didn't love Gollum? I mean, the special effects that made Gollum were spot on and a game-changer as well for future films. Hell, James Cameron credited Gollum for it made him start work on Avatar. As well, I really each character's own story. We can focus on many characters in this film, but Jackson does a great job of giving each character their own arc and pacing. Like we have Frodo, Sam, and Gollum's story, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf's story, and Merry and Pippin's story arc. We also see Rohan's story arc along with Arwen's story arc. The film does a great job with pacing. In fact, all of the movies do. I also loved the scene when Gandalf comes back as Gandalf the White, especially at the end of the battle of helms deep; that charge scene was epic. You know Ian McKellen prefers being Gandalf the Grey over Gandalf the White. I also cried when Theoden mourns the loss of his son, and that line "No parent should have to bury their child." really hits hard because there are people out there who outlived their children. But I love how Gandalf says, "He was strong in life. His spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers." 
This film is truly unique, and I just love this film. 

I give this film a solid A+ because it is so epic, and I have a great time watching it. 

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The most excellent Middle Earth film is Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King. This film is also the winner of 11 Oscars and is the first Fantasy film to win the best picture. I love this film because the battles in this film are epic and intense; the characters are at the end of their stories and wonder if Frodo will destroy the ring. It's all so epic and just like this film is perfect, not to mention the cinematography is fantastic, especially when the beacons are lite scene. This film has fantastic and emotional scenes too. I love when Aragorn gets the Sword of Elendil, and I love his speech during the battle at the Black Gate, and who didn't love that line "For Frodo." This movie, to me, is the best one because it brought tears to my eyes for how amazing of a film this is. The ending of this movie is beautiful but bittersweet, and this is the longest Middle Earth film but worth the watch. Such a great film. 

I give Return of the King 10 out of 10 and A++++. To me, this is the best Middle Earth film, hands down. 
So that's my review of the Middle Earth films, and man, does I love them.
Let me know what you think. Leave a comment and tell me what you think.
20 years ago, we got the most fantastic fantasy franchise.
Next year we're going back to Middle Earth for Amazon's Lord of the Rings TV series.
That focuses on the events of the Second Age and the First Age. 
Hopefully, it's good because it might suck. 

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