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Now we all love Marvel it's part of our childhood but sadly the comics are failing and falling from grace. The comics are just bad now and they just ruined so many great characters that we've loved since childhood. They have been butcher, don't feel like the characters we know and love, they have been shit on and replace with woke characters that no body likes, the writers at Marvel comics just pander to politics and bad writing instead of focusing on good stories and characters.
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I have read Marvel comics since 2002 and I loved reading them but now those good years are done and now these comics are just terrible. They also have ruined so many characters and have just butchered certain storylines in comics. I know Marvel comics wanted to more diverse but did they have to ruin its characters and stories with its political agendas. Cause in truth we read comics because we want to escape the real world and see world were the unthinkable can happen. I mean DC at least is stilling writing good stories despite some bad writers and cringe worthy changes. Like that Gotham High. Really they couldn't have just made that concept art for that tv show into a comic series instead of this.
Now here is what I would retcon and keep if I were in charge of Marvel comics but let me tell ya I would first call up some fans and ask them what they think would work best for Marvel comics. As well I would ask the fans what they want to see in the comics and ask them for ideas for new characters.
First, I would retcon some terrible comic events that fans hated and I personally hated. Here is my list of what I would retcon.
1. Secret Empire (That Hydra Captain America was awful.)
2. Civil War 2 (In the first Civil War we respected both Steve Rogers and Tony Stark's point of views but in Civil War 2 Captain Marvel is straight up the villain of the story and Iron Man was the hero and died a horrible death with Captain Marvel getting away with it.)
3. Original Sin (The moment Thor became unworthy was the beginning of the end.)
4. Fear Itself (I really didn't like that story I mean it came out in 2011 before Marvel went woke but I was not a fan of that series. Especially how they retired Bucky as Cap.)
5. Shadowland (Mainly because my cousin and many other Daredevil fans want that story arc to be forgotten.)
6. AXIS (Mainly because the whole reverse heroes thing is kind of stupid and has been done to death.)
Those our the top six Marvel events I would recon and erase from the Marvel Universe.
So basically those six story arcs never happened!
The only major events I would have keep are these
8. Civil War
7. World War Hulk
6. Secret Invasion
5. Dark Reign
4. Siege
3. Heroic Age
2. Avengers VS. X Men
1. Secret Wars
These are the only ones I would keep as major events.
Another thing what I would do is we need to get our characters fully back to basics and reboot them. I know reboots have been done to death but I think Marvel needs to reboot that will fully retcon and fix everything. Like they need to be what they were before 2014.
Captain America/Steve Rogers
Captain America is the symbol of Marvel comics along with Spiderman and many more characters too. Steve Rogers has been icon to so many fans and so many people look up to the character as a role model. He inspires everyone what did Marvel do they went Woke they turned him into an old man and brought him back as a young man and then they pull this out of their asses which was big middle finger and Fuck you to Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.
This made fans loose their shit and it didn't matter if they said oh he had his memories re written by the Red Skull. It doesn't work at all.
This was insulting to the character and just a terrible idea!!!!
I would erase this shit as well him being an old man I would just erase it all because it was just awful storytelling. Now what I would keep is Bucky was Captain America and Sam Wilson as Captain America too.
These events still happened however, these some changes I would do.
Bucky did not fake his death like he did in Fear Itself because what I would do to change that story arc is. Bucky decides to step down as Captain America because since his trial he believes it's time for him go back as the Winter Soldier but also to redeem his horrible crimes as the Winter Soldier. Basically Bucky wanted to atone for his crimes as the Winter Solider not as Captain America.
Now when Sam became Captain America it was because Steve lost the super solider serum and his youth and became an old man. Now that something else I would erase. What I would do instead is Steve never became an old man but the Dimension Z story arc still happened but instead he retires as Captain America to focus on himself and he would be named the new director of SHIELD. He passes the shield down to Sam. Sam becomes Captain America and then after awhile being Cap he gives the shield back to Steve and decides he will make his own legacy as the Falcon.
Steve Rogers is Captain America no matter who takes up the shield Steve Rogers comes to mind as Captain America. Steve would be Captain America again and he still is Steve Rogers but he wouldn't be fighting toxic masculinity, he would be fighting Hydra, Red Skull, Baron Zemo, and that's what he should be fighting against Nazism and Terrorists.
Also Sharon would be young again no longer old like she is right now in the comics.
For Thor him becoming unworthy in Original Sin was beginning of the end instead of giving Valkyrie or Sif or Angela their own series they gender swap Thor.
Unworthy for no good reason.
Instead of expanding on pre existing female Asgaridans like Valkyrie, Sif, or Angela they just gender swapped Thor.
It's unoriginal. What's worse she's better than him without any training what so ever. It's important for characters to train and learn be good in their own right.
What I would do is erase Original Sin that never happen Thor never became unworthy that also would mean Jane Foster never became Thor and I know that might anger some fans and I know Taika has plans for Thor 4 to have Jane as Thor but I'm hoping it's different reality version like from the What If Jane Foster became Thor.
Now with Dr Strange 2 leading the door way to multiverses
it could be Jane Foster's Thor is from a different reality and that could work to be honest
it would make fans feel a little better about Love and Thunder.
Jane never became Thor but instead what I would do is expand on pre existing female Asgardians like Sif, Angela, and Valkyrie. This what a friend of mine suggest that instead of the them gender swapping Thor what they could have done was just expand on Sif, Valkyrie and Angela.
I would give these three fine characters their own series it would work and people would be more sold on reading more about these three ladies instead of a gender swapped Thor.
Another thing Mjolnir it would be more powerful and not as weak as it is right now.
Also only Thor can wield it however, it will be mention that Cap has wield it, Valkyrie has wield it, Angela has wield it, Odin can wield it and Loki has wield it too. However, none of them became Thor God or Goddess of Thunder because Thor is Thor that is his name. God of Thunder is the title not Thor.
Also Thor I would add he can now summon thunder and lighting without Mjolnir and Mjolnir who ever picks it up he or she simply is worthy and can use it's power but it will not make someone Thor it will just give them the powers of Thor.
Also Mjolnir's writing if they be worthy I would change back to if he be worthy because he doesn't mean only a man can wield it's more of phase of mankind instead.
In truth it really isn't a big deal if they want it to stay if they be worthy whatever, just make sure who ever picks up Mjolnir shall posses the power of Thor and not become Thor.
Iron Man
Iron Man is the one character I feel like needs to fixed the most like he is just a big push over and they are going out of their way to ruin this character. Like Tony is no longer a womanizer, he often gets put into a coma, he's a push over, and he's considers to be one of the greatest inventors and smartest people on earth but for some reason this new character Riri Willaims is better than him without any explanation. Iron Man I feel is just a big push over now and he's not the Iron Man we all know and love anymore. I especially hate how we learn that the Iron Man we've been reading about is actually a clone and the real one is dead and Captain Marvel doesn't get handle accountable for killing Tony. She gets away with it I mean when Sharon Carter killed Steve Rogers sure she was brain washed but she took responsibly for it after.

Now If I were to fix Iron Man I would have him go back to being his old self like he was before Marvel went Woke. He would be a genius, billionaire, playboy, inventor, he also wouldn't let people walk all over him, he also builds more bad ass suits, he does have a good heart even though he always shows off and acts cocky, and he's a womanizer again but not a forceful type.
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Another thing Marvel has done with the character is he learns he is not an actual Stark he was adopted. It's actually really stupid like I'm glad the films didn't go that route because it would just feel out of place. In Civil War 2 he got put into a coma by Captain Marvel and later was revived but we later learn that this was a clone of Tony. Tony is dead, but is coming back this May but it could be hoax because Daredevil maybe taking up the mantle of Iron Man now. Why Marvel just messing with this character he is one of the best characters in the Marvel Universe.
I would love to see Tony build a Captain Marvel Buster Iron Man suit and beat Captain Marvel
but knowing current Marvel they wouldn't allow it.
Iron Man I feel has just been treated like crap and I hate how Carol walks all over him and he can't do anything. We all have the right to stand up for ourselves to anyone no matter what their race, gender, sexuality, or religion is no one is above justice and we are all human beings.
I do hope that the character will build a Captain Marvel Buster Iron Man suit like he did for Hulk and Thor because Marvel needs to either have Rogue come in and take away her powers or better yet kill her off. Because Captain Marvel is one of the main problems with Marvel comics right now. I'll talk about her later this about Iron Man right now.
What I would do is Civil War 2 never happened Tony never got put into a coma or actually died. He doesn't take crap from anyone like he would stand up to Carol and tell her off. He would also be the Tony we all knew and loved before Marvel ruined him. He's one of the greatest inventors and minds in the Marvel universe he would build more Iron Man Suits and he's also shows leadership, he's also funny, and he's a womanizer but he's already seeing someone I would make that person Pepper Potts or Wasp.
Another thing I would change is Tony Stark would be a Stark like I didn't get that whole he was adopted arc. So instead he is indeed Howard Stark's son and he has always been a Stark. It just felt wrong to reveal he was adopted and the way the character has been handle lately it's just down right insulting. Also I would keep his brother Arno Stark around. Also what I would change is Tony and Arno are indeed brothers and they were twins separated from birth kind of like Ultimate Marvel Iron Man. In Ultimate Iron Man he as a twin brother who's evil.
Marvel comics has just disrespected and have butcher this character but the MCU treated him with respect, making him the face of the MCU, and they gave him a great send off. The comics are just butchering the character of Tony Stark that is something that needs to stop.
Another thing I would get rid of the whole Dr. Doom as Iron Man and Iron Heart story arcs those never happened. Instead I would just release War Machine, Rescue, and Arno Stark (Who I would make into the new Iron Monger.) titles. See I'm expanding on more on pre existing diverse characters and female characters. For record I'm down for more original characters too but make them cool, interesting, and don't have them replace already established characters for no reason unless it's a good reason.
Another thing I would fix is Hulk and his Supporting Cast
Now fans are mixed about the current Hulk series The Immortal Hulk. I haven't read the series but I've heard mix things about the series. What I would I do is make Hulk strongest there is make him the rage destroying monster we all know and love but he can better control himself. I also remember they made a Banner use the Hulk as a weapon to fight enemies and I think would bring that idea back and have him use the Hulk to smash only evil and villains. Plus Banner does have control over the Hulk and the two have a good truce with each other.
Also I would fix his cousin She Hulk and his wife Betty Ross aka Red She Hulk. They turned Betty into monster named Harpy its so bad I mean I know Immortal Hulk was meant to be a horror comic series but ugh. I would have back to her normal and Betty would be with Banner again.
Again current writers at Marvel turned these two beautiful female characters into monsters.
Like both Jen and Betty were already well written established characters with lots of personality and already well loved by fans.
I know Betty Ross was the Harpy back then but I like her more as Red She Hulk than Harpy.
I would fix these two in heart beat have them back to their old looks.
I would give She Hulk her own series were she is smart again, funny again, beautiful again, a great lawyer, and breaking the forth wall. I would make the more family friendly Deadpool.
Fans want this version of the character not that hulk size version that can't even break the forth wall.
I would have She Hulk return to her old self because that's the way fans have always liked her. I would have panel were she talks about how the comic industry was falling apart because comics were trying too much to pander to people who don't actually read their comics.
I would also have She Hulk bring up that they way they made her large and hulk size like her cousin it just wasn't her. She's the smartest Hulk and she wants to stay that way and thats how Stan Lee created her.
Now there are a few characters I would keep around from after 2014 and those characters would be these six.
Amadues Cho, Miles Morales, Ms. Marvel, Nova (Sam Alexander), Spider Ghost, and Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes.) These six have become popular with fans and have a gain a following. I love Miles Morales/Spiderman I mean love Spider Verse it was a great film and he's such well written character the same with with Spider Ghost. These are the only six out of the All New All Different Marvel characters I would keep but the rest I would get rid of because they are badly written characters and they were forced down out throats. If you like those characters that's fine I just think they are not good characters that's all. Also I would relaunch Champions with these six as the team.
What I would recommend is Miles gets own series it will be called Spiderman but he goes by Spidey for now until Peter either steps down or dies, Spider Ghost will still be in her own universe fighting crime, Ms. Marvel will have her own series but will phase out of the politics and wokeness and have it be about her being a hero and fighting evil as well dealing her personal life, Sam would get his own Nova series and I would have a new Nova series that focus on Richard Rider and Sam Alexander as buddy cops of the galaxy, Amadues Cho he will still be a hulk but he won't be the main hulk he won't get his own series but he will be supporting character in the Hulk series, and finally Robbie Reyes he would still be Ghost Rider and he would have his own series.
All six of these characters would be team in a relaunch of The Champions.
Here's what I would recon from the Avengers
Well I would simply relaunch Avengers, New Avengers, Mighty Avengers, Secret Avengers, and Uncanny Avengers.
The Avengers Team Rooster would be
1. Captain America Team Leader
2. Iron Man Second in Command.
3. Thor
4. Hulk
5. Wasp
6. Black Panther
7. Giant Man/Hank Pym (I would have Hank Pym separated from Ultron and now he is back to normal and has resumed the mantle of Giant Man.)
The Avengers have more classic vibe to them.
The New Avengers Rooster would be
1. Luke Cage Team Leader
2. Spiderman
3. Daredevil Second in Command
4. Iron Fist
5. Jessica Jones
6. Spider Woman
7. Wolverine
8. Misty Knight
New Avengers is more street level team.
The Secret Avengers Rooster would be
1. Black Widow Team Leader
2. Winter Solider
3. Hawkeye Second in Command
4. Moon Knight
5. Punisher
6. Psylocke
7. Elektra
Secret Avengers is full black ops team.
The Mighty Avengers Rooster would be
1. Dr. Strange Team Leader
2. Scarlet Witch Second Command
3. Namor
4. Shang Chi
5. She Hulk
6. Valkyrie
7. Black Knight
8. Vision
The Mighty Avengers is more of journey into mystery team. In truth they are inspired by the Defenders comics.
Uncanny Avengers rooster would have four Avengers and four X Men total
1. Storm Team Leader
2. Rescue
3. Falcon Second in Command
4. Quicksilver
5. Ant Man
6. Beast
7. Polaris
8. Colossus
I would relaunch those titles and each team faces a different type of threat like the main Avengers fight off alien invasions and other dangers to the world. New Avenges fight off against street level villains, mobs, corrupted corporations, and super villain gangs. Secret Avengers is a team that is willing to take a life and they go after Hydra and AIM. Mighty Avengers is more of a mystical and fantasy team they face off against magical threats to world, supernatural threats, and they travel to different realties. Uncanny Avengers is about making a team that will unite humans and mutants and their goal is fight threats to the mutant race and the human race too.

Now for the X Men I personally liked where the comics took the characters with some of their story arcs but there are some I wasn't too big on. Now as I wrote Avengers VS. X Men still happened so did Schism. Along with a few other stuff like the original five coming to the future, the deaths of Wolverine and Cyclops still happen but as we know they weren't truly dead, Jean did come back life, and eventually Cyclops, Wolverine, and Xavier came back to life too.
There was nothing I would really change but I would have the team back living in the X Mansion again. I would make the X Men a team of superheroes that saves a world that hates and fears them.
However, I would erase that Children of Atom comics and erase those horrible characters.
Jimmy Hudson Ultimate Wolverine's son would be reintroduce as Earth 616 Wolverine's son. As well Jimmy is no longer Poison he's been separated from the Poison and he now goes by Wolf.
Cyclops and Wolverine are not in love like it's been hinting at the current comics instead they are just good friends now. There is no romance between them, because it doesn't make any sense and what I would do instead is I would expand on pre existing LGBT characters like Northstar, Ice Man, Shatterstar, Daken, Mystique, Moondragon, Karma, and Anole or make some new LGBT characters. Also Ice Man he would still be gay but instead having Jean out him, he outs himself before the original five X Men come to the future. I just felt Jean outing him wasn't right so I would just write him as he comes to terms on who he is instead.
Scott, Jean, Wolverine and Emma Frost are in an open relationship except Scott is both Emma and Jean, Jean seeing both Scott and Logan, Wolverine well he's Wolverine he sleeps with any lady he likes, and Emma she's only loyal to Scott and Scott only.
Now for X Men teams I would relaunch
I would relaunch Uncanny X Men
Team Rooster is
Cyclops Team Leader
Jean Grey
Storm Second in Command
This X Men team has animated series vibe to them.
X Force Team Rooster would be
Wolverine Team Leader
Cable (The younger one)
X 23
ArchAngel Second in Command
X Factor Team Rooster would be
Havok Second in Command
Multiple Man
Polaris Team Leader
Ice Man
All New Mutants Team Rooster would be
Mirage Team Leader
Cannonball Second in Command
All New X Men Team Rooster would be
Jimmy Hudson (He is no longer Poison he now goes back Wolf.)
Cable Team Leader
Rachel Summers
Surge Second in Command
Excalibur Team Rooster would be
Captain Britain (Brian Braddock) Second in Command
Kitty Pryde Team Leader
X Treme X Men
Bishop Leader
Ronin (Daken)
Emma Frost Second in Command
Cloak and Dagger
This is how I would relaunch the X Men titles and also each team will have different goals but always see eye to eye.
As for Solo X Men series I would give these characters their own solo series
1. Wolverine
2. Storm
3. NightCrawler
4. Shadow Cat
5. Gambit
6. Cable
7. Bishop
8. Daken as the new Ronin
9. X 23
10. Jimmy Hudson/Wolf
11. Northstar
12. Ice Man
13. Mystique
Now for other heroes like Spiderman I would keep his stuff the same expect Peter and MJ will be married again and are expecting a baby. Miles is still around but he doesn't call himself Spiderman not until the day comes when Peter decides to step down or dies. He goes by Spidey but the Miles Morales comic book will still be called Spiderman Also Aunt May will have died of cancer something that hits Peter really hard but he still must move on because he has to think of his responsibilities to MJ and their baby or babies. Spiderman and Spidey would get their own series together and I would called Spiderman and Spidey or Spidermen. It be like the Batman and Robin of Marvel comics. Miles origin is still the same as it was when they relaunched him in the main stream Marvel. Also it would be mention that Peter became a mentor to Miles and two have a big brother relationship.

I would recon that crap One More Day it never happened. Heres what I would change like Peter never unmasked during Civil War. Aunt May never got shot and there never was a deal made with the devil. Here's what I recon Spiderman at first was on Tony's side but before he unmasked himself to the world he decided at the last minute he couldn't go through with it so he escaped. So Spiderman joined Cap's side earlier and he took MJ and Aunt May put them into hiding by that he had Mj and Aunt May go into hiding with Jessica Jones. MJ and Jessica pretended to be a lesbian couple and Aunt May was MJ's pretend mom. So since Spiderman never revealed his identity to the world Aunt May never got shot but Spiderman still went back to wearing his black suit. There was no deal with Mephisto. However, after Civil War Peter and MJ still split up after just because he wanted to keep her safe from his enemies and Norman Osborn was the new leader of the Thunderbolts. There was a time were Osborn send the Thunderbolts after him and so Peter decided that he did not want MJ and Aunt May getting killed because of him and Osborn knew he was so he decided to split up with MJ and she understood and agreed to the split.
So Peter became single again and him and MJ did dated other people but now they are back together and re married and they are expecting their first child. Also Aunt May will be dead she died of cancer Peter accepted her death and he didn't make any deal with the devil to save his aunt. Luckily Aunt May at least lived to see her nephew and MJ renew the wedding vows. Aunt May died the next day after the wedding. Peter was heartbroken over May's death but he kept on going like the hero that we all know and love him for.
As for the Superior Spiderman that event still happened along with Spider Verse.
Parker Industries never happened and he never bought out the Baxter building.
Norman Osborn would no longer be Carnage he's Green Goblin again. The Red Goblin arc still happened but Norman is back to normal and Cletus is Carnage again.
Doc Ock is back as Doc Ock but he's young like he is right now in Superior Spiderman comics. Cletus Kasedy is alive again and is Carnage once again.
Miles, Gwen, Kaine, Ben, Jessica, Anya, Black Cat, and Venom will have their own solo series.
Now for other characters like Deadpool
Deadpool would be the same like he was breaking the forth wall and being everyone's favourite Merc with the mouth. Also his style of comedy will be inspired by Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr, and Rickey Gervais. I would have a panel were Deadpool rips on woke culture and points out how the comic industry was verge of collapse because of pandering. Deadpool would also be a member of X Force and I would give the character a team up series were he team ups with every Marvel character.
Shadowland never happened but it is mention that Daredevil was leader of the Hand but he found away to leave it. Also he never had a sidekick he prefers to work alone even though he is a member of the New Avengers.
Another thing I would change recommend by my cousin is Daredevil never gets hit by a truck and loosing all sense and life confidence.
Fantastic 4
They never broke up they did travel to different realties though Secret Wars still happened but the Fantastic 4 never broke up after. Spiderman never bought out the Baxter Building but Johnny and Ben still were members of the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy still.
I would also re launch FF
The team rooster would be
1. Spiderman Team Leader
2. She Hulk
3. Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze
4. Crystal
For diverse heroes I would expanded on pre existing diverse heroes that are already established in the Marvel universe.
I'm for diversity I think what Marvel should have done was expand on the pre existing diverse characters they already have like these characters here. Let's see Blade get his own title, Shang Chi should get his own series since a movie is now on it's way, lets see Daken get his own title in fact I have an idea for Daken to become the new Ronin, and focus on other characters like Storm, White Tiger, Misty Knight, War Machine, Echo, let's expand on these characters. But most of all let's write good stories for these characters that we can all enjoy.
Now for the biggest character that many fans have grown to hate and that is Captain Marvel.
Now this character that I and so many fans have grown to hate she is one of the worst characters in the Marvel universe. Now I will be honest there is a part of me that would rather just kill her off and keep her dead but after reading the old comics she's actually more likeable in the old stories. When she was Ms. Marvel and not a stuck up bitch who's ego is on the same level with Peggy Hill.

Now what I would do with this character really depends on what happens in Empyre event. Heres what I would do to fix this character make her less uptight, make her take responsibility for her dumb choices, also depending what Empyre does with her because Captain Marvel will become the new Accuser of the Kree/Skrull Emprye. I would have Iron Man fight her and beat her wearing a Captain Marvel Buster Iron Man suit. After she is defeated she realizes her faults and how she has done more harm than good to everyone. We see Carol broken from all of this and she actually admits there is so much now she wish she could atone for and she tells her friends she needs to go into exile for awhile to re discover herself. I would have Carol be like Cyclops when he returned after Uncanny X Men Annual 1 were he admitted his faults and that he was wrong for all the things he had done. He made a vow to set things right. Carol admits her faults and that she was wrong for the things she's done for what she thought was right. Her goal now is to atone and be a better person.

This would result in her throwing away her Captain Marvel outfit and re dons one of her Ms. Marvel costumes and decides she will make things right not as Captain Marvel but as Ms. Marvel. I would have Carol return to the mantle of Ms. Marvel and don't worry Kamal is still Ms. Marvel but she's Ms. Marvel of Earth. Now some of you will bring up like but you recon Civil War 2 so she never killed Iron Man or started arresting people for something they haven't done yet. Well that's because this characters has become one of the most disliked characters and she's gotten like ten reboots so I think the best way to fix her is have her be on her own for awhile, she goes back to being Ms. Marvel, and she's going to be less uptight and be like her older self before she became Captain Marvel.

In truth I just want Marvel to be good again and I don't want it to fade away I have a niece and nephew who are already getting into comics and my nephew is enjoying it. His favourite heroes are Spiderman, Black Panther, Miles Morales/Spiderman, Captain America, and many more. I just don't want see comics go fade into ashes because they are part of my childhood and I want my future children to enjoy Marvel and DC comics. Comics are verge of fading from existence unless they make changes and get actual good writers and focus story and character first over politics.
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These two groups are just horrible like holy crap this is bad.
There are lots of people I know who hate this like Safespace and Snowflake.
This shit is just insulting and just plain terrible.
So that's what I would do if I were to reboot Marvel Comics because the industry is on the verge of collapse. Not just from Corona19 but because of really poor sales and bad story telling. As well this New Warriors and Children of Atom as well DC's Gotham High fans are just going to rage quit.
So this how I would fix Marvel Comics if I was given the chance I just hope in the future things will get better.
Let me know what you think, leave a comment, and stay safe everyone.