Sunday 21 July 2019

Lord of the Rings The Second Age Amazon Series Predictions.

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Amazon's Lord of the Rings TV Series
Fan Cast

Now as some of you know Amazon is making a Lord of the Rings TV Series which I'm actually excited about because Amazon is going to adapted the Second Age. I know a lot of people wanted them to adapted the Silmarillion but they are technically except we aren't going to see Morgoth or any of the first age characters. Now for what I can tell the show is going to tell us the story on how Sauron Forged the Rings of Power and the One Ring, The Rise and Fall of Numenor, The Founding Arnor and Gondor, The Last Alliance of Men and Elves, The Rise of Witch King and The Nazgul, The Fall of Arnor, and The Heirs of Isildur. These are my predictions of what each season will be about. The show is basically going to explain the origins of Aragorn's ancestors as well how Sauron forged the One Ring. Also we will likely see the Valar the Gods of Middle Earth and there is a chance the series will talk about the first age. 
Now it's been announce J.A Bayona the director of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, The Impossible, and A Monsters Calls has been announce director of the series. I won't lie I really did want them to bring back Peter Jackson in someway but hopefully when they get to the final season they can have him make it. 

Now we don't know what story in the second age Amazon will start first but heres what I think each season will be about in my opinion. 

The first season will be about Celebrimbor and Sauron forging the rings of power and the one ring. As well we will see Numenor it's rise to power and we will likely see lands we did not see in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies. It's likely the first season will focus mainly on Celebrimbor and Sauron and it will likely end with both the death of Celebrimbor and the Numenor taking Saruon captive. One thing good about this Sauron actually will play an active role in this series instead of being a big flaming eye. 
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The Second Season will be the Fall of Numenor and the Rise of Gondor and Arnor as well the origins of the Witch King and the Nazgul. Amazon will likely make up their own origins for the Nazgul, now it is likely some fans won't like how Amazon writes the origins of Nazgul, but let's just wait and see what they do.  The Downfall of Numenor I'm actually really excited to see because it's such great storyline and it will be really interesting to learn about Numenor and it's culture. Season two will end with Elendil becoming high king of Gondor and Arnor. We are likely going to see the Valar in this show and Eru Tar as well. I think the POV's we will get in this season are from Isildur, Elendil, Ar-Pharazon, Tar-Mariel, Sauron, and Amandil. 
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The third season will likely be the Last Alliance of Men and Elves, now we all saw this in the fellowship of the ring. It's likely once Gondor and Arnor are establish Sauron comes back wages war on them we will see men and elves working together to stop Sauron. Now it is likely that Amazon will change a lot from this battle like we could see Elendil and Gil Galad fight Sauron together because in the books they actually have a big fight but it ends with both Elendil and Gil Galad getting killed and we all know Isildur then defeats Sauron and takes the One Ring. 
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Now the forth season I see them doing a time skip and season four is the Fall of Arnor. It would make sense none of us have seen Arnor and this season will likely be more Game of Thronesish because theres civil war, everyone is divided, and kingdom is just falling apart. Also The Witch King would be the main villain of this season and it will likely end with The Elves and Men of Gondor defeating him. We would also see Angmar the Witch King's home before it was destroyed. Season four I feel will be the season that becomes more GOFT and we will see another great kingdom fall and not reformed until Return of the King. 
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Now since Amazon is going to do five seasons its likely season five will focus on the Heirs of Isildur and Dunedain Rangers. It's also possible it could focus on Aragorn's father and how Aragorn got sent to Rivendell.  That's what it could be or it could just focus on Dunedain rangers after the death of last King of Gondor before Aragorn became King. 
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Now these are my predictions of what the five seasons will focus on, but the first three seasons stories is likely going to happen because Amazon confirmed it's in the second age. We also could see a cameo of Morgoth and there could be talk of the first age events. It should be interesting to see what Amazon does but I just hope they don't change too much from Tolkien's work like they will likely create new characters or expand on characters that were mention but not shown. I just hope it's like Peter Jackson's films were it's an epic inspiriting franchise and yes even the Hobbit films too but I think we can all agree The Hobbit Trilogy is still a lot better than the Star Wars Prequels.  

Let me know what you guys think what do you see this show having and what do you want to see most from the second age tv series. Let me know leave a comment.

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