Sunday 23 August 2020

My Thoughts The Batman Trailer and what I hope to see in the next film.


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My thoughts on The Batman Trailer 
What I hope to see in the next film.
Here is the link to the trailer.

Okay, so I saw The Batman trailer and here is my thoughts on it....I fucking loved it. That trailer blew my mind like oh my god this trailer was amazing and the film only 25 percent finished and this just blew my mind away. I mean Robert looks like he's going to amazing as Batman. I really like the setting of this film and its basically Second Year Batman there is no origin which I like because the origin has been done to the death. I also really love how Riddler is the main villain of the film and I like how he's got his whole face covered up and he's more of serial killer instead of a Bruce Wayne fan boy. I like Catwoman so far and apparently she will not be called Catwoman in the film or at least not till the end she is just Selina Kyle a cat burglar. Also Penguin looks promising and I didn't know it was Colin Farrell at first, it blew my mind what he looked like as Penguin. Jefferey Wright looks like he will be an amazing Jim Gordon like he has that detective feel to him and we have not seen Alfred yet but Andy is going own that role. I'm really glad were finally getting a younger Alfred for once an Alfred in his fifties rather then seventies or eighties. Also going to love all the Gollum Memes with Batman lol. 
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So yeah overall this was the best DC Fandom moment like I was blown away by this trailer and I cannot wait to see this film. I really hope it delivers I mean that trailer music gets stuck in your head and I hope we see more of these films in the future. I trust Matt Reeves a lot he has a really good idea about how to create something amazing with Batman since Nolan. 
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As well were getting a prequel spin off series that will be set during Year One so Batman's already established but he will work in the shadows. As well there are rumours of a Catwoman spin off tv series in the works too.  

Now if the film is a huge hit heres what I want to see in the next films after this one.

Interduce Dick Grayson aka The First Robin. 
It is time to include the Bat family and I think the next film should have Dick Grayson aka the first Robin and future Nightwing. I know some would want Batman to be alone but we've gotten Batman alone in Nolan's films we want to see the Bat family on screen. I really would love to see Dick Grayson in the next film and have him become Robin and later we could see Barbara Gordon become Batgirl. I think adding Dick in the next film could work because we could see Bruce become a father figure for Dick after his parents death and him training him to become a crime fighter. We also could see Dick quit being Robin and becoming Nightwing if possible. 
Also for Dick Grayson I would go with an actor around his mid to late teens for the role. Someone like Aidan Gallagher. 

Interduce Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl. 
Barbara I would love to see in the next film and maybe she will be mention in the film too. Now it's likely were not getting a red head Barbara Gordon in this film series but hey as along as they cast someone good to play her thats all that matters. Besides this film is set in its own universe and there is a Batgirl film in the works thats set in the DCEU so we can still get a red head actress to play Batgirl. Still for Barbara they should have the character become Batgirl in the third film. One thing the films need to do is make Barbara Gordon this super smart computer genius and she's looked up to Batman and always dream of helping him fight crime. Hearing about him from her dad Jim Gordon. Also they can interduce the character in the next film just as Barbara but in the third film she becomes Batgirl. 
For Barbara I would with an actresses in her mid to late teens as well. Someone like Arica Himmel. 

Have The Court of Owls in the next film. 
The Court of Owls is something many fans want to see on the big screen and I think the next film should include The Court of Owls but it depends though if Matt Reeves will go with that story arc. Like I'm fine with whatever story arc they do for the sequel but I think Court of Owls would be an amazing idea to make into a film. Which also would be a good reason to include Dick Grayson because his great great grandfather is Talon. 

Don't have Joker till the third Batman film.
Now this is more of what I don't want in the next film. Don't have Joker in the next film as much as I love the Joker let's not use him until maybe the third movie. The trailer hinted that Joker is around like that gang Batman encounters have clown like make up on so Joker is likely going to get mention or hinted at.
Still let's not have Joker in these films for awhile, because we got a Joker film last year so let's take a break from this character until The Batman 3 or if they give it a cooler movie title. 

Develop more on Bruce and Selina's relationship. 
Now it's likely we will see Catwoman in future films and there is the possibility of that rumoured Catwoman TV Series. I think this film won't fully dive into the romance with Bruce and Selina but it will hint a romantic attraction the two characters have for each other in the film. Now this is just speculation, like I think the next film will have the two get more romantically involved but in the first film its more he's trying to hunt her down and at the same the time the two start to develop a romance for each other.  

Let's see more of Batman's Rogues.
One thing very exciting about this film is that were seeing other Batman villains they we have not seen on the big screen or haven't been done for awhile. This film going to have Riddler and Penguin and I really like the direction they are taking these characters and I hope we see more of Batman's Rogues. I have a feeling some of Batman villains will already be established in this universe like maybe Joker, Two Face, Poison Ivy, or Mad Hatter will get mentioned in the film. Even though this Batman Year Two but who knows maybe Year One some of his major enemies were already interduce or set up. 

Build a Batman Cinematic Universe 
Now it has been confirmed that this Batman film will be in his own universe its not part of the DCEU. It's also been confirmed The Flash film will interduce the Multiverse because WB and DC are creating a DC Multiverse Cinematic Universe. I think that is an amazing idea and Ben Affleck is coming back to play Batman in The Flash film and so is Michael Keaton. A Multiverse Cinematic Universe can totally work. Matt Reeves is already expanding on this universe with a GCPD TV series and a possible Catwoman tv series too. They should do the same for a Nightwing, Batgirl, Robin, Red Robin, Red Hood, Batwing, and Batwoman. They can create a Batman Cinematic Universe because there are tons of characters they can use and WB owns the rights to all of its characters so yeah let's build a Batman Cinematic Universe with Pattison's Batman. 

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I'm Vengeance.
So that's thought on the trailer for The Batman and what I what I want to see in future Batman films in this universe. Let me know what you thought of the trailer and what do you hope to see in the next film. 

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