Tuesday, 26 January 2021

101 Dalmatians Review


So yesterday was the 60th anniversary of 101 Dalmatians and this one of my favourite Disney films because it made me want to get a dog. And heres my review of it....I love this film. I watched this film a lot when I was kid and it was one of my favourite films done by Disney and it still holds up and its a lot of fun, the animation is great, and of course this give us one of the best Disney villains Cruella DeVill. 

Who didn't love to hate this villain.
PS Fur is Murder.
I'm not vegan or anything I just don't like the idea of someone wearing the fur of an animal especially endanger animals.
The music of this film was really good and the characters like Pongo and Perdita were great characters and the rest of the dog characters like The Colonel and Sergeant Tibbs are good characters. Lets be honest growing up we all wanted to have a dog like Pongo or Perdita. Also the human characters are good too like Roger, Anita, Nanny, Jasper and Horace were a really funny duo and the typical dumb henchmen who make things worse for the main villain.

One of my favourite scenes was the chase scene from this film because it was intense, epic, and the music for it fit perfectly with suspense if these dogs were going to get away from Cruella. 
Who remembers Cruella's road rage face and I remember be scared of her when she went crazy. 
But looking at it now that is how some people feel when they have road rage. 
Me when I watch that scene.
This film also had a really good voice cast and as a kid and when I heard dogs barking in my old neighbourhood I always thought of it as the Twilight Bark as kid because I imagine the dogs were just barking to spread gossip or to send help.  

Overall I really enjoy this film and its hard to believe this film is now 60 years old and does it hold up? Yes, it still does its a great film based on the book by Dodie Smith. The author of this amazing story and big shout out to her.

(Google Image)
I give 101 Dalmatians a 8 out of 10 and a solid B+. It's still one of my favourite films done by Disney and this year we're getting a Cruella DeVill film with Emma Stone.

I am getting Joker vibes from this.
Now normally I'm not big on Live Action Remakes because I feel like they will ruin the characters or what made the story good. Except for Jungle Book and Cinderella. 
This film looks interesting and Emma Stone is a really good choice for the role.
I feel like this film could be a female version of Todd Philips's Joker movie but knowing Disney they won't make rated R, but they could still make it dark comedy with some elements from Joker. 
Emma is going to nail this role but hopefully this film will be good but seeing how Disney makes Live Action films now a days it might suck. 
Who knows if this film is good knowing Disney they'll follow up with a third live action remake of 101 Dalmatians. You never know.... 

Friday, 15 January 2021

Superman Soft Reboot in Fan Cast and Ideas

My Superman Soft Reboot Fan Cast and Ideas.

Now we all love Superman. He was the first superhero, and some of you know I did a Superman Soft Reboot Fan Cast idea a couple years ago. Now I'm doing another one, and its set in The Batman Universe. 
There are rumors that WB and DC have shelved the Supergirl film and are now focusing on another Superman film. We need another Superman film, and it needs to be done right. To have a good Superman film, we just need to get the right people behind it; we need it to be fun and light-hearted. We need to make Superman relatable and be more than just the most powerful superhero. I would make a soft reboot like basically, I know people who love Man of Steel, and I will admit I do like Man of Steel. I hated what came after it, but this idea is set in a different universe with Robert Pattison's Batman. This film would be put in The Batman Universe because of rumors and set photos showing someone dressed up as Superman. So that means Superman does exist in that universe now if you read me, could Batman creates a new DC Cinematic Universe. I think it could, but it depends on how the movie does with critics.  

Now for this film, WB needs to get an outstanding director behind this film because what this film has to be is light-hearted, fun, exciting, drama, romance, full of Action, and we the audience at the edge of our seats. Look at Shazam, the first Wonder Woman film, and the Captain America Trilogy for inspiration. 

Now here are my choices for directors for this film.

My six choices are for director of the film Matthew Vaughn, David F. Sandberg, Brad Bird, Jonathan Levine, Colin Trevorrow, and Duncan Jones. I think they all have the potential to make a good Superman film, but if I had to choose, I would go with Matthew Vaughn. He really wants to make a Superman film, and I think he's the right choice. My second choice would have to be David F. Sandberg because I loved Shazam, and Shazam is everything a Superman film needs to have, and my third would have to be Brad Bird. The other three, I think, would do a great job, too, in making a great Superman film.

Now for the casting, I really want Henry back as Superman, and he wants to come back. Plus, with that rumor and the success of The Witcher, there is hope. But if this going to be in its own universe like The Batman, you need a new cast, but you know Henry can still come back because they announced that there will be two Batman franchises, one with Robert and one with Michael Keaton, so it looks like we're getting Batman Beyond. So if that's the case, we can have two Superman film franchises because of the multiverse. 

Here is the comic I think DC and WB should adapt into the film. I think this Superman story arc is the right one to start out with.
Superman: Brainiac. Many fans want to see this Superman story arc on screen, and fans really want to see Superman fight Brainiac for Brainiac, one of Superman's greatest enemies in the comics. So the first film would adapt Superman: Brainiac.
Ian Harding as Clark Kent/Superman
Ian Harding, I hear, is another fan favorite for the role of Superman in case Henry leaves, so I think Ian is an excellent choice to be Superman. He needs to be Superman, bringing hope and not all grim and sad. We need a more positive Superman and inspiration of hope.  Now one thing in this film is Superman already established as Superman, there is no retelling of the origin it been done to death, Superman is more optimistic, not a downer, and despite being the most powerful hero in the world, he can't save everyone, but he doesn't give up. He accepts that he can't keep everyone, but he will always try to help as best. In the film, Superman has been protecting Metropolis for a while; he is a reporter for the Daily Planet and is very hardworking; Clark and Lois will be in a relationship, but she doesn't know yet that he is Superman, Superman has to deal with Lex Luthor who is against him and calls him an alien and threat to the people of Earth, and we also see him dealing with his personal life managing his job, relationship with Lois, and he's living with Jimmy Olsen. Now Superman is about to face his biggest challenge, Brainiac. We will Superman faces one of his biggest challenges and meeting the one responsible for Krypton's destruction and has the capital city of Kandor in his collection of cities. 

Lilly James as Lois Lane
Lois Lane would be in the film, but she would be played by Lilly James this time. I wanted to go with a different actress for Lois Lane because I wasn't a fan of Amy Adams's Lois Lane, I mean, I love Amy Adams, but I don't think she was suitable for Lois. Also, I will admit I found the age difference between Cavil was weird. That's why I wanted to go with two actors of the same age. Now Lois is in a relationship with Clark but doesn't know he's Superman yet, is one of the Daily Planet's best news reporters, and she's also trying to defend Superman from all of the opposing views on him. Lois would play a big part in the film as a love interest and would help Superman fight Brainiac not by fighting but by learning about how to destroy his ship. This Lois is more fun bright, she also loves Clark very much, she's a great journalist, and she's always had her friends back no matter what. She would say later that Clark is Superman by the end, and Lois always had feelings, and the two share a passionate kiss.

Michael C Hall as Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor would be in the film, except he's not the film's main villain. He won't be the villain till the second film. Lex's role is that he believes Superman is a threat to the world and wants him destroyed. Lex's running his multi-billion-dollar company Lex Corp; he also has been building weapons to combat Superman, and he's one of the wisest men alive. Now for Lex, like I said before, I hated Jesse Eisenberg's performance as Lex Luthor. He was totally miscast as that character. For Lex, I wanted to go with an actor in his forties to late fifties to play Lex Luthor. To me, Michael is perfect for playing that character. Now in this film, Lex would actually team up with Superman to take down Brainiac, but Lex only does because he wants to save Metropolis and Superman needs his help to do it.   

Michael Fassbender as Brainiac
Brainiac would be the film's main villain, and his goal is to destroy the earth and collect all the cities of the world because two reasons. First, it's his personal trophy collection. Second, he wants to rebuild his planet, which was destroyed. He lost his wife and son. Brainiac is also revealed to be the one responsible for Krypton's destruction as he stole the capital of Krypton, and it caused the planet's destruction. Brainiac can mentally control people with mind create robots of himself; he also has the power to take control of computers and other machines. He is known as the Collector of Worlds. Michael Fassbender, I feel, is the right choice to play this character due to his performance in the X-Men films and Prometheus.

Tom Glynn Carney as Jimmy Olsen
Jimmy Olsen would be in the film, and yes, he would be played by a redhead actor. Jimmy's role he's a cameraman for Lois and photographer. He would play a massive role in the film. He looks up to Superman and is roommates with Clark Kent. Jimmy is also bringing comedy to the film. He's funny, he's trying to prove himself to the Daily Planet, and he looks up to Superman as a role model in his life along with Lois and Perry White.

Nicole Peltz as Lucy Lane
Lucy Lane is Lois's younger half-sister from her father. Lucy's role is a flight attendant who grew up being a trouble maker. She is currently in a relationship with Ron Troupe. She once dated Jimmy, but they broke up but on good terms. Her role in the film is Lucy has developed depression since losing her eyesight in a plane hijacking which luckily, Superman was there to save her and everyone. However, Lucy lost her sight and is living with Lois.

 Brandon Michael Hall as Ron Troupe
Ron is a journalist at the Daily Planet and a close friend to Clark Kent and Lois Lane. He's also in a relationship with Lucy Lane, Lois's sister. Like Lois, Ron is trying to help Lucy since she lost her sight and has been there to help her and keep her safe.

Greg Kinnear as Perry White
 Perry White is editor and chief of the Daily Planet and a tough guy to work with but has a good heart. He's like a father figure to the team, and he has a mixed view of Superman. Like he believes Superman is doing good for Metropolis, but at the same time, he is worried about some things Superman does, though. 

Keli Goss as Cat Grant
Cat Grant works at the Daily Planet as the gossip writer. She's also one of the most beautiful reporters. She gets hits on Steve Lombard, but she turns him down and is secretly attracted to Clark Kent. She's also a single mom. Too she has a five-year-old son named Adam.

Moe Dunford as Steve Lombard 
Steve Lombard works at the sports coliseum at the Daily Planet. He's often looked at as a bully because he pulls pranks on Clark and Jimmy, as well he likes to show off too. He also hits most of the female workers at the Daily Planet like Lois Lane and Cat Grant. However, deep down, Steve cares about his co-workers even though he doesn't admit he considers them his friends. 

Jamie Chung as Mercy
Mercy is Lex Luthor's personal bodyguard and limo driver.

Kevin Bacon as General Sam Lane
Sam Lane is the father of Lois and Lucy Lane and is a general in the army. Unlike his daughters, Sam doesn't trust Superman and thinks he's a threat to the world. He even supports Lex Luthor's claims about a Superman; however, he would put that aside to stop Brainiac in the film.

Nick Offerman as Detective Dan Turpin
Dan is a detective of the Metropolis Police Department and an ally of Superman. He often goes by Brooklyn for how tough he is. He's also like the Jim Gordon to Superman.

Kate McKinnon as Detective Margaret Sawyer
 Margaret Sawyer is a Detective in the Metropolis Police Department and is partners with Detective Dan. Margaret also goes by Maggie and is currently engaged to girlfriend Toby Raynes.   

Matthew McConaughey as John Kent and Julie Bowen as Maratha Kent
 Pa Kent and Ma Kent would be in the film but just for a flashback in the soft reboot both of his parents are dead I'm taking inspiration from the New 52 Superman. In the comics they died in a car crash and Superman couldn't save them because he was too late. That event made him realize he can't save everyone. What I would do is there would be scene were Clark talks to Lois and this would be the point were reveals his identity to Lois. He tells her how he failed to save his parents from a car crash and we would see Pa and Ma Kent driving Clark to his High School Graduation Dance. They drop him off they have a bit of a fight over Clark's powers and at one point Clark says to Jon "You two aren't my real parents." that hurt them but still loved Clark. They leave and Clark goes to the dance and he dances with Martha and as the two dance all of sudden we got back to Jon and Maratha driving their truck and out of nowhere another truck hits them. Clark hears this and stop dancing Lana gets outside he uses super speed arrives at the accident finds the police there and learns his mother is dead. He goes to hospital comfort by Lana and his friends after the doctors tell him his father won't make it. Clark goes to his father they talk and Jon wants to see the farm one last time. So Clark carries John to the Kent farm. Clark and Jon look the fields and the sun rising from the distance. Clark tells his father that he's sorry wasn't there to save him and ma Kent, but Jon tells him it's all right and that he can't save everyone and thats life. Before he dies he makes Clark make a promise to him  "Promise me you'll use your powers to help people and up hold law and order. Never give up Clark even when things look bad don't ever give up." Pa Kent dies with the sun rising and Clark cries and his last words to his father are "No, no no..Dad please....don't leave me." he cradles his father in his arms as he cries. The next scene Clark is at the funeral for his parents and there at the funeral is his friends and Lana appears by his side. Clark then leaves and no one is around the sun comes out of the clouds and flies up in the air and vows to honour his father's promise and become a hero to the world.
This scene in the comics I think he would be a great scene to add even if its just one scene because it would show Superman is relatable and even thought he is overpowered he couldn't save his parents but he doesn't give up.

Dylan Sprayberry would play a Young Clark Kent again like he did in Man of Steel. I would have come back to play Conner Kent aka Superboy in a future film.

So that's my cast for a Superman Soft Reboot film.

Here are my ideas for the film.

10. Don't retell Superman's Origin
Now something we got to do is don't re tell Superman's origin. We all know where he came from and why he was sent to earth, like if you want to show a flashback of Brainiac taking the capital of Kyrpton, Kandor thats fine. Like we can also learn Brainiac was responsible for Kyrpton's destruction that should be shown but don't show us Superman Origin's for a millionth time it's like seeing Batman's parents get shot over and over again. The film should have him already established as Superman and he's been Superman for two years much like Robert's Batman has been around for. 

9. Make it a Fun, Action, Drama, Romance, Sci Fi film. 
One thing this film needs to have is it needs to be fun and we need really good writers who can write a character like Superman. Superman's first appearance was in Action Comics and this film also needs to have action like epic action.

8. Interduce Krypto in the film.
Krypto should appear in this film like during the film like Superman needs helps against Brainiac. I think brining in Kyrpto would be fun idea and I originally had Krypto in my fourth Superman film but I think it could work in the first film. Krypto lives in the Fortress of Solitude keeping it protected from intruders and he would help Superman fight Brainiac and he also likes Lois a lot. Krypto would be a Wolf Dog breed not white lab. In a future film we would see Conner Kent, bond with Krypto like the comics. 

7. Give us a proper Lex Luthor
Now we all didn't like Jesse Eisnberg's performance as Lex Luthor and he was totally missed casted as the role. We need a proper Lex Luthor who is the smartest man alive and he's tough, but most of all he's not Mark Zuckerburg. We need to get this character right now in the film he wouldn't be the villain not until the next film because in the next film he does work with Superman to stop Brainiac. We need a proper Lex Luthor from the comics and with some inspiration from the Superman animated series on the big screen.

6. Focus on Clark and Lois Relationship.
Clark and Lois's relationship should be one of the primary focus of the film. Like that should be one of the primary focus is the relationship between these two characters from different worlds. Also Lois is trying to find out who Superman is and by the end she would learn the truth that Clark is Superman. Lois deep down knew he was Superman and the two continue their relationship despite knowing he's Superman.

5. The film should focus on building Superman's universe like The Batman is doing.
The Batman is focusing on building its own universe and if they were to do a new Superman film set in The Batman universe. I think if WB wants build a new cinematic universe and a give us a better set up for a Justice League film. They need to focus on building Superman's universe his supporting cast, his villains, adapting good story arcs from the comics, and most of all doing the character right. 

4. Don't make it dark and gritty. 
Don't make it dark and gritty, make the opposite morel light hearted, fun, and SCFI adventure. Superman is not Batman if they want the film to be serious that's fine look at Shazam for an idea for that, but don't make it a dark film unless your adapting a dark Superman comic book story like Doomsday, Death of Superman, or something else that's fine. Still Superman is the opposite of Batman in fact there is scene they should have is from Superman All Star and this panel from the comic.
This panel would be a good opening scene to interduce Superman
were he saves a girl from committing suicide and telling her she's stronger
then she thinks is.
It would be an inspiring scene to watch.

3. Give Brainiac his long awaited big screen debut.
Brainiac is one of Superman's biggest enemies and this guy needs to be appear on the big screen. He would be a good villain for Superman to fight in this film. That's why I recommend they adapt the Superman Brainiac story because we need to see Superman fight a good villain like we got that with Zod in Man of Steel. We need to see that with Brainiac in the film and he would be a tough villain for Superman to fight. 

2. Set up Supergirl, Superboy, Steel, it's time for the Superman Family. 
Like were hoping for The Batman film to do build up the Bat family, we need to see the Superman family in this film series. Like we need to see Conner Kent, Kara Kent, John Henry Irons, and possibly Jon Kent. This film series needs interduce the Superman family and expand on a Superman universe. 

1. This film could set the stages of a Justice League film but learn from their mistakes.
Now if WB wants do a proper set up for a Justice League film they need not to rush and they focus on building each character's own universe. Superman could mention or reference other heroes like Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, or Flash that would work. You don't have to set up anything just mention or reference other heroes in the films as well remember the Justice League animated series only had Batman and Superman we didn't have a Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, or Martian ManHunter animated series to set up the Justice League the animated series. Just established the characters and have them meet in a Justice League film and this time let's get it right.  

So that's my idea for a Superman film that could be set in The Batman universe. Like do you guys want to see a Superman film set in that universe or do you think they should just give Henry Cavil his Superman sequel that's long over due. Personally I think they could go with both but let me know what you think.