Tuesday, 26 January 2021

101 Dalmatians Review


So yesterday was the 60th anniversary of 101 Dalmatians and this one of my favourite Disney films because it made me want to get a dog. And heres my review of it....I love this film. I watched this film a lot when I was kid and it was one of my favourite films done by Disney and it still holds up and its a lot of fun, the animation is great, and of course this give us one of the best Disney villains Cruella DeVill. 

Who didn't love to hate this villain.
PS Fur is Murder.
I'm not vegan or anything I just don't like the idea of someone wearing the fur of an animal especially endanger animals.
The music of this film was really good and the characters like Pongo and Perdita were great characters and the rest of the dog characters like The Colonel and Sergeant Tibbs are good characters. Lets be honest growing up we all wanted to have a dog like Pongo or Perdita. Also the human characters are good too like Roger, Anita, Nanny, Jasper and Horace were a really funny duo and the typical dumb henchmen who make things worse for the main villain.

One of my favourite scenes was the chase scene from this film because it was intense, epic, and the music for it fit perfectly with suspense if these dogs were going to get away from Cruella. 
Who remembers Cruella's road rage face and I remember be scared of her when she went crazy. 
But looking at it now that is how some people feel when they have road rage. 
Me when I watch that scene.
This film also had a really good voice cast and as a kid and when I heard dogs barking in my old neighbourhood I always thought of it as the Twilight Bark as kid because I imagine the dogs were just barking to spread gossip or to send help.  

Overall I really enjoy this film and its hard to believe this film is now 60 years old and does it hold up? Yes, it still does its a great film based on the book by Dodie Smith. The author of this amazing story and big shout out to her.

(Google Image)
I give 101 Dalmatians a 8 out of 10 and a solid B+. It's still one of my favourite films done by Disney and this year we're getting a Cruella DeVill film with Emma Stone.

I am getting Joker vibes from this.
Now normally I'm not big on Live Action Remakes because I feel like they will ruin the characters or what made the story good. Except for Jungle Book and Cinderella. 
This film looks interesting and Emma Stone is a really good choice for the role.
I feel like this film could be a female version of Todd Philips's Joker movie but knowing Disney they won't make rated R, but they could still make it dark comedy with some elements from Joker. 
Emma is going to nail this role but hopefully this film will be good but seeing how Disney makes Live Action films now a days it might suck. 
Who knows if this film is good knowing Disney they'll follow up with a third live action remake of 101 Dalmatians. You never know.... 

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