Friday 8 January 2021

MCU X Men 2 aka Uncanny X Men Blue and Gold Fan Cast and Ideas.


Here is my second X Men film which would be titled The X Men Blue and Gold. The film would focus on the X Men going up against the Human Council and The Sentinels. As well we see two different X Men teams with the code names of Team Blue and Team Gold.

Team Blue is lead by Cyclops
The team rooster is Gambit, Rogue, Psylocke, Beast, replacing Wolverine and Jubilee 
are Havok, and Nightcrawler.

Team Gold is lead by Storm
The team rooster is Jean, Ice Man, Archangel, Colossus, Sunfire, and Thunderbird replacing Bishop.

Xavier decides to split the X Men into two teams because he learns about the Human Council true intentions of wipe out mutants from the world. So he decides to make two new teams called Blue and Gold he makes Cyclops leader of Team Blue and Storm the leader of Team Gold. He also did this prevent a rift in the team and stop Scott and Orono from fighting over leadership of the team.
Both team are assign to two missions. 

Team Blue 
Team Blue's mission is deal with the Bastion the leader of the Human Council and take down William Stryker and his Purifiers. As well exposing the truth of the Human Council's true intentions with dealing with mutants and the Purifiers cruel torture of mutants.      

Team Gold's mission is shut down the sentinels and prevent Trask from launching a massive sentinel that can destroy an entire island with one blast. As well they must face off against the Leaper Queen and Cameron Hodge.

It would actually be the start of expanding on X teams. Blue and Gold are the start of that and we would see X Force, X Factor, Uncanny Avengers, New Mutants, Generation X, and many more to come. As well we would see SHIELD play a role in this film along with Nick Fury and there would be an Avengers Cameo. 

The Human Council would be the main villains of the film their mission to destroy the mutant race. For they believe they are abominations to the world and they must be cleanse from this world. 
This group would be the most hated group in the MCU.
They claim to fight for humanity and our protecting mankind from mutants but they are actually the worse of humanity. For their ways are violent, cruel, and awful. 
Sentinels would appear and they are these giant ass robots that will blow you up.
There is no Mystique crap with the sentinels they are just giant robots that were build by Trask to wipe out mutants. They are also used by the Human Council are viewed as this defensive for man kind against Mutants and possibly against aliens. In fact theres a scene where a group of Sentinels fly together and form a big beam that destroys everything in its path.

Now here is my cast for this X Men follow up. 
Starting with Team Blue than Team Gold, supporting cast and villains. Also heads up I did do some recasting to the characters. 

Robbie Amell as Scott Summers/Cyclops
Cyclops returns in this film and this time he leads X Men Blue instead of one X Men team. Scott's role in the film is he's planing to propose to Jean, as well he's working on being a leader to the X Men, being a role model to young mutants. Scott and Alex are having their issues but also he is having arguments with Storm over ideas. Jean gives him advice and supports him but they have their disagreements but they work it out and Jean still loves Scott and believes in him. Cyclops hates the Human Council for their view points of mutants and being Xavier's heir he takes part of public meetings with their leaders and would speak for mutant rights. It doesn't go well the first time because he looses his cool. As a result He and Storm get into a fight after it to the point Storm believes she should lead the team and a duel almost happens but Xavier stops them. He tells them of his alternative idea to solve this matter and that is to split the team up into two teams. Scott vows that he will make things right and be the leader Xavier sees him. He also does respect Storm and he even tells her because they loose a friend during a mission that Team Gold is assign and Storm feels like she messed up and failed but Scott tells her not to blame herself and that she is a good leader and many good leaders that they can learn from. 
Xavier appoints him team leader of Team Blue and his mission is to stop the Bastion and take down William Stryker's Purifiers and expose the human council for the villains they really are. By the end of the film after the defeat the human council, Scott proposes to Jean and she accepts. In a mid credit scene Scott forms a secret black opts team with Warren, Elizabeth, and James called X Force to take out the remaining Purifiers.  

Alex Pettyfer as Alex Summers/Havok
Alex returns now as a member of the X Men after Sinister's defeat and now as an X Man works along side his brother Scott, on Team Blue. Alex and Scott have arguments on certain things about what the X Men should do but Alex respects Scott's leadership and he always has his brother's back. He also second in command of Team Blue. Havok would replace Wolverine on the team as originally Wolverine was on team blue. The film would set up an Uncanny Avengers with Havok becoming team leader because he wants to step out of his brother's shadow and be a leader in his own right. However, after Thunderbird's death Alex and Scott become more closer seeing how family is important despite your arguments family is family. Havok would meet a girl named Laura who is actually Magneto's daughter during a date the Purifers capture her and now Havok must save her. In the end he saves her and she reveals her powers. The two eventually begin a relationship with each other even though Havok is getting nervous vibes knowing Magneto is her father. Also by the end Havok is recruit for Avengers/X Men team and is appointed team leader finally getting his moment to shine as a leader like his big brother. 

Elizabeth Gillies as Rogue 
Rogue is back in this film, she and Gambit are dating but its very no touching relationship because of her powers. She joins team blue because she and Gambit can spend more time together as well Rogue respects Scott's leadership more than Storm. She loves Storm but she prefers Scott as a leader. Also another thing both she and Gambit are both sexuality frustrated because they want you know but they can't. Rogue would eventually get to kiss Gambit because of a new power he develops, we would see her powers develop more, and we would see Rouge take down a sentinel with just one punch. Rogue however has a break down when she sees what the Purifiers have done to mutants but Gambit helps her tells her she needs to keep fighting because if they can stop them it won't happen again to anyone. That helps her a great deal and she beats the shit out of the Purifiers.   

Gaspared Ulliel as Gambit
Everyone favourite card using mutant is back is a member of Team Blue. In the film him and Rogue are dating even though they can't touch each other because of Rogue's powers but Gambit is a gentleman about it. He's glad to be part of team blue cause he can spend more time with Rogue. Gambit also develops a new power, he can create an energy field around his body thus Rogue can't hurt him anymore. Thus the two of them finally get it on. 

Daniel Radcliffe as Hank McCoy/Beast 
Beast would appear in the film is in this film he is the ambassador of Mutant rights and has even met worked with Nick Fury. Beast returns to the X Men after hearing about the Human Council and suspects they planning on wiping out all mutants and by that launching the sentinels and having the Purifiers continue to hunt down more mutants. Beast will already be in his blue form already and he is considered to be one of the smartest men on the planet. As well there would be hints of the idea of The Uncanny Avengers because Beast has talked to Nick about putting together an Avengers and X Men Unity Squad. He joins Team Blue as he and Scott have been best buds for a long time. Beast will be a blue beast through out the entire film.

Sonoyoa Mizuno as Elizabeth Braddock/Psylocke 
Psylocke would appear in the film but unlike her last role in Apocaplyse she has a bigger role and she has some character development. She is also a love interest for Archangel even though she joins Team Blue and he is on team gold. She witnesses some of the actions of the Human Council especially William Stryker's Purifiers group and what they do to Mutants. She informs the X Men of this act and is assign to team Blue. Psylocke and Angel develop a romance despite them being on different teams and at one point in the film Archangel is controlled by Cameron and Psylocke saves him by destroying the controlling device on his wings. The two of them begin a relationship and the two along with Warpath talk to Cyclops about putting together a secret black ops team called X Force. Psylocke is also a model for living have been on cover of almost every magazine. 

Mena Massoud as Nightcrawler 
Nightcrawler would appear in this film now he's not an X Man yet in fact he is a prisoner of William Stryker's Purifiers. Eventually he escapes with the help of some X Men. He tells all the X Men and reveals the horrible things the Human Council has done to mutants. In fact there would be a scene Stryker shows everyone Nightcrawler and says the line "You call this thing a human!" However, despite this Nightcrawler doesn't hate humans because he was raised by two humans that loved him and treated him right. His adoptive parents showed him that there is good in this world and that humans and mutants could live together if they learn to be kind to one another. 
So he doesn't let what the Human Council did to him change his views on humans. He believes theres good in everyone and mutants and humans can live together in harmony. Nightcrawler joins X Men and is part of Team Blue, he eventually ends up becoming a teacher of the Xavier School. I recasted Nightcrawler with Mena because hey it doesn't matter who you cast as Nightcrawler because he's blue. As long as he's blue everybody's happy. 

Now for Team Gold 

Kylie Bunbury as Storm
Storm's role is much bigger for she is leading her Team Gold. Storm is speaking for mutant rights like Scott and is also training future mutants on how to use their powers. As well in the film Storm respects Scott's leadership but doesn't agree with his ideas because she different view points than Scott. For she believes in a moral high ground and she firmly believes in Xavier's dream but believes it can be resolve and happen through words not violence. At one point she and Scott get into argument over a public debate between humans and mutants. The two of them almost duel but Xavier stops them before it starts. Xavier makes her the leader of Team Gold and he sees Storm as much as a leader to mutants as Scott is. Xavier's mission for her is to have her team shut down the Sentinels and stop Trask from launching this one that can destroy an entire island.  In the film we see Storm as a full time leader to the X Men which we did get to see in Last Stand but that movie sucked. But her mission she is unable to save Thunderbird as he dies taking out one of the big sentinels. His death hits her hard because she feels a lot guilt and responsibility for his death, but it is Scott who tells her that his death is not her fault and that Storm is good leader and like all good leaders they make mistakes like he has but the X Men don't give up. By the end they defeat the Human Council, Storm and Cyclops defeat Bastion and she has proven herself and continues to be an good example to young mutants about how to use their powers.
It's also revealed that Storm has her own personal garden were she grows her own plants and herbs. But the X Men and students do have to knock first before they enter her garden because she doesn't like it when people come into her garden uninvited. Mostly due to the fact she sometimes does her gardening naked, Storm is a very free spirited woman.   

Jane Levy as Jean Grey 
Jean this time plays a more active role with the X Men and she would be part of Team Gold. She and Scott are still in a relationship despite they have huge argument over a debate that happened. In one scene the X Men debate with William Stryker but things didn't go well because Scott lost his cool on Stryker. She was mad at him at first and he knew messed up but Jean does forgive Scott and she knows how stressful this situation is right now with the Human Council. 
She doesn't know Scott is planning to propose to her and she doesn't read his mind because she knows that an invasion of his privatize and the other members too. Jean joins team Gold and is named second in command of the team by Storm. Cyclops is fine with Jean joining Team Gold and he knows she can handle herself. Jean also gives him advice and confidence despite being on different teams. She also greatly admires Storm as a leader of the X Men and view points on a moral compass. At the of the film Scott proposes to Jean and she happily accepts but Scott does ask her if she read his mind knew about this plan proposal and she just smiles and said she had a feeling he was going to propose.  

Jamie Bell as Warren Worthington/Archangel 
Warren returns as Angel is part of team Gold. In this film he falls for Psylocke and the two start to develop a romance. Warren also knows one of the human council members named Cameron Hodege who he was roommates with in college. At first they were really good friends but Cameron became jealous of Warren's good looks and wealth. When it was revealed that he was mutant Cameron's hate grew for Warren. So now Warren must stop his old friend who hates him for a being mutant. As well we will see Warren's Archangels wings in this film. As well in the end he, along with Psylocke and Warpath plan on putting together a task force that will take out enemies of the X Men aka X Force.

Colton Haynes  as Bobby Drake/Ice Man
Ice Man would appear in the film and is a member of Team Gold. Bobby was originally one of Xavier's first students he left the X Men to spend more time with family. Also in this version Ice Man is gay not only did he come out to his parents as a mutant but also he came to terms of his sexuality. Also in the film Sunfire and Iceman are rivals because he's made of ice and Sunfire controls fire. Bobby also would bring some of the comedy to the film too and he would go full ice in the film. He also has a boyfriend named Romeo. 

Blair Redford as John Proudstar/Thunderbird 
Thunderbird returns and this time we meet his brother James in the film. John introduces him to the X Men for training. John would take part in Team Gold and we would see him take down a sentinel with nothing but a dagger. But sadly he will die in the film but he dies near the end but dies a heroic death taking out one of the biggest sentinels along with Leaper Queen. We also are interduce to Thunderbird's brother James aka Warpath. John and James are very close and they both have gone through so much together. John brings him to the Xavier School to have him trained to be an X Man. After John's death James blames the X Men at first but his brother left him a message telling him not to blame the X Men and not hate the humans for his death. His last will to his brother is to help the X Men and be hero to both mutants and humans. Thunderbird's death will have huge impact on the X Men because they have never lost anyone on the team and this is their first time loosing someone on the field.  

Ryan Higa as Sunfire
Sunfire returns in the film and he is part of team gold. Sunfire at one point he considers leaving the X Men to do his own thing. However, Beast tells him about a team that he and Nick Fury are putting together with the Avengers in fact near the end they called this Avengers and X Men squad called the Uncanny Avengers. Sunfire would consider this idea not only him but also Havok and Rogue volunteer to join too. This film would set up an Uncanny Avengers film. 

Danila Kozlovsky as Colossus 
Colossus the fan favourite would appear in the film and he is recruited by Xavier to join Team Gold. Colossus lived on a farm with his brother and sister. His sister Illyana would appear in the film and go with him to Xavier's school. The Human Council sends purifiers to attack his farm and try capture him and his sister, but luckily the X Men rescue him and his sister escape. Colossus agrees to join the team and assign to work with Team Gold. It's also revealed that Colossus is a descended of Rasputin. Kitty Pryde is in the film and she has a crush on him the moment she lays eyes on him but she's still young in the next film she turns eighteen and the two develop a romance. 

Now the supporting cast 

Ralph Finesse as Charles Xavier/Professor X   
Xavier would return and this film he decides to split the X Me up into two teams Blue and Gold. In the film Xavier is fighting against the Human Council and speaking up against their views on mutants. Xavier is trying show the worlds mutants are part of this world and they can live in peace with humans. Xavier sees the what the Human Council is doing to do mutants and Xavier is disgusted and horrified by this reveal and wants the world to see them for what they really are. However, there are two major threats from the human council the Purifiers who are capturing mutants torturing them and killing them. Then there are the Sentinels created by Trask that can wipe out Mutant kind for good and fears these weapons might get out of hand soon which could leave to huge casualties. Xavier realizes the X Men can't face all this as one team, so he splits the X Men into two teams Blue and Gold. Team Blue will deal Bastion and William Styker and his Purifiers and Team Gold will deal Trask, Cameron Hodge, The Leaper Queen and the Sentinels.

Kelly MacDonald as Moira MacTaggert 
Moria would return in the film and she's speaking for mutant rights and she's speaking out against the human council. She believes they don't speak for humans but for only themselves. She also gives the X Men news about what's going on in the world as well she tells them about the members of the Human Council's history. Moria is one of the few humans in this world that defends mutants right and will continue to defend them. 

Daneil Craig as Magneto 
Magneto would play a more active role in this film like he will help the X Men because he wants to destroy the human council and because they have his daughter Polaris. Magneto escaped his prison but decided to go to Charles for help for he needs the X Men's help to save his daughter Laura. He goes with Team Blue to rescue his daughter from the purifiers. 
Magneto's origin is the same in fact it's reveal that he has like Wolverine a slow aging gene. He was in the holocaust and hunt down Nazis who killed his family and he took the name Magneto. However, despite his hate for humans he actually admires one and that is Steve Rogers aka Captain America. Cap saved him from the holocaust and he is showed him kindness after he freed him. Still Magneto still having so much hate for humans for what he went through. It would be mention Magneto has fought the X Men before in the past. In the end Magneto after seeing so much horror that the Council has done to mutants he decides humans are the problem and they need to be wipe out. To him they are real enemy and mutants are the future. In the end of the film his forms his Brotherhood of Mutants and declares war on the human race and he won't stop until all humans are gone or at least know their betters.     

Booboo Stewart as James Proudstar/Warpath 
Warpath would appear in the film his brother John takes him to the school because he too is a mutant. James has always looked up to his brother as a role model in his life and both brothers had to deal with the death of their mother. John takes James to Xavier school to teach him how to use his powers. However, by the end after John's death, now in the comics James blamed the X Men for his brother's death vowed to kill Xavier and he joined the Hellions but eventually he redeemed himself and joined X Force and the X Men. Now in the film he's a mess after his brother's death in one scene he does blame the X Men but his brother left a message for him telling him not to blame the X Men or Charles for his death and not to hate all humans for his death either. He encourages him to keep believing in the X Men and protect mutants and humans. He then blames his brother's death on the Human Council for their misguided ways.  
In the end of the film James becomes Warpath dons his brother's costume but he doesn't join the X Men instead he along with Archangel and Pyslocke talk to Cyclops about putting together an X team that will take out threats to mutants. This would set the stage for a X Force movie and in the X Force it's about taking out the Purifiers once and for all.   

Anya Taylor Joy as Illyana Rasptuina/Magik 
Magik would appear in the film this time she's not part of the New Mutants but New Mutants will be set up. In the film she is and her brother are attacked the Purifiers until they are saved by the X Men. She goes to the Xavier School because she has mutant abilities such as she can teleport people to different areas and she has magic too. But we won't see her sword until much later. She and her brother are very close and he took care of her after their parents died. She eventually becomes good friends with James Proudstar and a young mutant named Kitty Pryde who has a crush on her big brother. The film would set up a New Mutants film in the future and yes I kept the same actress but hey this time she will be written better.  

Odeya Rush as Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde would appear in the film as a student not an X Man yet she befriends James and Illyana. As well in the film she has a crush on Colossus. Kitty is a hardworking student and hopes to one day join the X Men. She will be an X Man in the next film and her mentor will be Wolverine. I recast Kitty seeing how Hailee Steinfeld is playing Kate Bishop. 

Emma Dumont as Polaris 
Polaris is the daughter of Magneto and she is captured by the Human Council and Magneto joins forces with the X Men to save her. Her powers are somewhat slimier to Scarlet Witch. She would play a bigger role in the next film. In this film she plays a small role like she and Havok have been dating for some time  and before they could make it official,  she is captured by the Purifiers. Havok wants to rescue her because he's in love with and it's revealed by Magneto that Laura is his daughter. Which would be awkward for Alex because he's dating the daughter one of the X Men's biggest enemies. 
She rescued by Team Blue and joins the Xavier school because unlike her father she wants to help all of humanity. She and Alex begin a relationship with each other.

Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury 
Nick Fury would appear in the movie and this were he's always known about the X Men and respects why they wanted to keep a low profile from the rest of the world. He does not support the Human Council and he's known Charles Xavier for a long time. He does get annoyed when Charles tries to read his mind. He believes the Human Council doesn't speak for all humans and knows that their true goal to take kill all mutants even those who wouldn't harm a fly. He also is good friends with Hank and he made Hank a mutant ambassador as well Hank and him are planning on putting together an Avengers/X Men unity team that hopefully might make peace humans and mutants.

Cobie Summers as Maria Hill 
Maria Hill would be in the film and is good friends with Moria and she actually supports mutants. 

Now the villains The Human Council.

Matthew Goode as Bastion  
Bastion is the leader of the human council and his goal to wipe out every mutant on the planet. Bastion claims that's fighting to protect humans from the mutants but in truth he's own doing this for his own benefit. Bastion is in fact not fully human he is actually a sentinel hyper created from sentinel pro type called Nimrod. Upon learning who he is he then forms the Human Council and makes it their mission to wipe out all humans. Bastion also has powers and he consider very dangerous for he has powers like a Sentinel. Bastion in the end is defeated by Cyclops, Storm, and killed by Magneto after.  

Gary Oldman as William Stryker 
William Stryker is a religious nut case and leader of the Purifiers a cult that seeks to cleanse the world from mutants because to them humans are god's children and mutants are the devil's children. Stryker killed his whole family once he found out his son was a mutant. Stryker is part of the human council and has send his purifiers to capture mutants to experimented on or tortured or kill them. In the end Stryker is killed in the end by one of his own it would be a sign that not all humans would support his idea on what god wants them to do to mutants. But the Purifiers live on with Matthew Risman taking over arch bishop vowing to continue his mentor's work of erecting mutant life in the name of god. 

Christian Slater as Bolivar Trask  
Bolivar Trask is the hitler to mutants. Trask would appear in the film and as part of the human council as well he is the creator of the sentinels. Trask is very strong anti mutant guy in fact he has even dissected mutants to learn more about their genetics and powers. Trask creates the sentinels to protect man kind from mutants but his sentinels are killing machines that might loose control. Trask plans on building a sentinel that can wipe out an entire island with just one blast their first target is an island that will have a thousand mutants on it.

Michelle Rodriguez as Leaper Queen 
Leaper Queen is known for hunting down mutants and killing them. She is a member of the human council and hates mutants with a passion because she blames them for the death of her daughter. She has killed over hundreds of mutants and she won't stop until all of them are dead. She also suffered from third degree burns and wears a mask to hide her badly burned face. She's Trask personal body guard and we see her almost take down Gold until she is presumed killed along with Thunderbird during a battle on a sentinel. 

Steven Yeun as Cameron Hodge 
Cameron Hodge was a former friend of Angel from college and he believes that mutants are a threat to human kind. He is part of the council and works with Trask to wipe out mutants. Cameron creates more weapons for the council and its revealed he merge with some alien tech called Phalanx that was discovered in Thanos's war ship in Endgame. Cameron even gives Warren new wings after his wings badly injured however, the new silver metal wings allow Cameron to control Warren to attack his friends. In the Cameron is defeated by Warren, Psylocke, Colossus, and Jean.
Toby Kebbell as Matthew Risman 
Matthew Risman is a member of the Purifiers and is second Stryker. He was a trained sniper and merc for a living. He had a wife and daughter that he loved so much until a mountainside crushed him, his wife, and daughter during a visit at their cottage home. He survived but was badly scared in the accident and his wife and daughter were dead.  He felt lost until he met Stryker who made him a member of the Purifiers he has since then dedicated his life to them and Stryker appoints him second in command of the Purifiers. He would survive the events at the end of the film and take over as leader of the Purifiers and would be the main villain in the X Force film.

Now here are my ideas for the next film Blue and Gold.

10. Make the Human Council the most hated MCU group.
Now the Human Council are by far some of the most hated villains in comics. They represent the worse of humanity and they say they fight to protect humans from mutants but they are actually killing innocent people doesn't matter if their mutants they are no threat to anyone. The Human Council believes what they are doing is best for humanity but in truth it isn't. They show the worse of human kind.  

9. Give us proper Sentinels.
We need to have giant robots fighting the X Men and I know we got something like in Days of Future Past but the Mystique stuff was annoying. I think we need to see actual giant robots fighting the X Men and at one point they even form a giant beam to destroy their targets. Also we need to see a huge Sentinel that can destroy an entire island with just one blast.   
8. Set up an Uncanny Avengers film. 
Now this one thing likely to be in the works is an Uncanny Avengers film an Avengers and X Men team. I would set that team up and this rooster would be Havok, (Team Leader.) Captain America, (Sam Wilson.)
Rogue, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Beast, Sunfire, and Wasp. The idea of this team formed by Beast and Nick Fury who want to put an end to this hate between humans and mutants by together team of X Men and Avengers. The end credit would show Nick Fury and Charles agreeing to this team if will help the mutant community. Beast comes in with Havok, Rogue, and Sunfire volunteer to join and then we see Cap, Thor, Scarlet Witch, and Wasp come in who will be part of this team. Havok is appointed team leader because having an X Man lead the Avengers is good start and Havok's last line is "To me, my Avengers." As well this team would have the Avengers Mansion.

7. Set up X Force. 
X Force is long over duel for a movie and we did get them in Deadpool 2 but they all died...Well that's just bad writing. This X Force team would be set up by Arcangel, Psylocke, and Warpath talk to Scott about putting a secret black opts team that will take out enemies of the X Men like the Purifiers are still around despite Stryker's death. Cyclops agrees to this but they will need more members and they all vow to keep this team a secret. The X Force would also include two fan favourites and that is Wolverine and Deadpool. Wolverine would be team leader of this squad and Deadpool well he's just in it because Wolverine asked to him join only if they have epic duel. 

6. The film's point of view would this time be from Cyclops and Storm's point of view.
As you know Cyclops and Storm are top five best X Men leaders in the Marvel Universe although they both have different styles of leading the X Men. 
Cyclops is an expert taction and is willing make difficult decisions that need to be done protect both mutants and humans. Cyclops is very confident in overseeing large groups, plans, and running the school. He also takes responsibility if he fails a mission or things did not go as plan. Cyclops is the first X Man that Charles recruited to the team and he's worked to fight and lead the X Men.  
Storm has a strong moral compass she firmly believes in Charles dream and believes with dignity and kindness can mutants and humans can live in peace. She is also very supportive to all friends and encourages them to keep fighting. She's also very wise and would often give others advice during difficult times. 
Both of these characters views neither of them are bad these two simply have their style of leading a team.  

5. Set up Magneto as the next villain of the film and interduce the Brotherhood of Mutants 
Magneto would play a role in this film he would help the X Men fight the Human Council and try to save his daughter. During the film Magneto sees the horror that the human council has done to mutants it fills him with rage and hatred as he remembers his time at the holocaust in WW2. After the defeat of the council Magneto goes rouge and he decides its time for the mutant race to be the dominate race about humans. In a mid credit his forms his brotherhood which has Mystique, Pyro, Toad, The Blob, Astra, Lady Mastermind, Juggernaut, Sabertooth, and Mastermind. He would then declare war on the humans for their crimes and injustice against mutants by allowing the Human Council get away with horrible crimes.  

4. Set up Wolverine in the next film.
Yes, Wolverine would be in the third film because my third Wolverine film take place after my second X Men film. Wolverine would make a cameo as the X Men are told to head to Canada for situation happening there. If you read my third Wolverine Fan Cast and Ideas you know the rest.  

3. Storm becoming a leader in her own right.
In the film we see more from Storm's point of view.  In the film Storm is becoming more of a believer of Xavier's dream and she shows leadership to the X Men to the point she questions Scott's leadership and she thinks that this what the X Men should do. She gets her moment as she is named leader of Team Gold and we see the character become a leader but also there are challenges of being leader we see from her point of view. We see something like that happen to Scott in my first film idea because he wanted to save his brother but also had to lead his team which ended with him being successful. 

2. Scott and Jean's wedding is coming 
Scott and Jean are taking their relationship to the next level as Scott is planning to propose to her despite  fight they get into Scott would propose to Jean and she says yes. The next film would be there wedding and don't worry no Wolverine love triangle or Emma Frost even though I do like Emma Frost more than Jean to be honest. My cousin pointed out Emma should have been Scott's love interest and he's right Emma is a better love interest. Emma would appear in a future film sometime in the future maybe the third or forth one.

1. Apocalypse is coming.
Now this film would hint at Apocalypse and tease him and he would be like the X Men's Thanos. He would play a big role in the forth film. We need a proper Apocalypse because I hated how he was done in X Men Apocalypse. He won't be a blue regular size man he will be Thanos size and look like that picture up there. He wants to destroy the world and rule as its master. He would be tease at the end were we see Egypt and there we learn that Sinister is alive and he bows before Apocalypse and asks him when do they begin and Apocalypse rises from his seat and says "Soon but first I must gather my four horsemen who will bring the Age of Apocalypse." Not the third but the forth film would have Apocalypse as the main villain and it would be called The Age of Apocalypse. 

So that's my second X Men fan cast and ideas let me know what you think? Leave a comment and let me know what are your thoughts on this film.  

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