My Top Ten Favourite Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Episodes.
So as we know, Halloween is upon us, so here are my top ten favorite Treehouse of Horror episodes. Like I promised in my top ten favorite Simpsons episodes. So here is my list of my favorite Treehouse of Horror episodes. I might make a top ten Christmas list.
Heads up, this list might make you go...
10. Treehouse of Horror 1
We all know the first Treehouse of Horror very well, and it's the one that started it all. The segments are memorable, like the Haunted House, the first appearance of Kang and Kodos, and the Raven, and this episode made me read The Raven by Edger Allan Poe. Yeah, this episode introduced me to the Raven and the works of Edger Allan Poe. One thing I liked about this episode is James Earl Jones guest stars in this episode, and I think of his voice when I read the Raven. This episode is a classic and started the Treehouse of Horror series. If you want to do a marathon, start with this one because it's the one that started it all and gets you into the Halloween Spirit.
9. Treehouse of Horror 4
I remember watching this Treehouse of Horror a lot because I owned season five of the Simpsons on DVD when I was a kid. I especially like the segment with Ned Flanders as the Devil, which is genius. Flanders, the most devoted Christian in the world, is actually the Devil. It's hilarious, especially by the end when Homer's head becomes a donut, and the police officers are outside, ready to eat Homer's head. The other ones are good, too, like the Nightmare parody at 20,000 feet because Bart sees a Gremlin, and no one believes him until the bus is destroyed. However, they still sent Bart to an insane asylum, but I really love the Dracula parody I find Burns as a vampire funny and clever. The ending was funny, too it turns out Marge is the head vampire, and it ends with everyone saying happy Halloween.
I also love how each episode was introduced through paintings in which Bart talks about the paintings it's a parody of the old series Night Gallery.
I really enjoyed this episode, and the ending with Burns after being killed by Homer made me laugh.
8. Treehouse of Horror 7
This is another episode I really liked. The segment about Kang and Kodos taking over as Bill Clinton and Bob Doe during the 96 elections was really funny. I love the ending where Kang wins the election, and he's building a laser gun to destroy an unknown planet. I especially like the line, "Don't blame me; I voted for Kodos."
I also liked the first segment where Bart learns he has a twin brother named Hugo, who is his "evil twin" until it's revealed that Bart is actually the evil twin one, which makes more sense. But you do feel bad for Bart. He has to live in the attic at the end, which is like but in the end, its non-canon. All the treehouse of horrors are non canon except the first one.
Lisa's creation of life with her tooth was also funny, especially when she learns she's trapped in the world she created for the rest of her life.
7. Treehouse of Horror 15

I really like this episode like the opening with keeping it with Kodos was a hilarious opening. I found the one with Ned for seeing everyone's death really funny especially when Homer's bowling ball hits his head, and turns out he got rid of a tumor in Ned's head. There is also a gag about Homer's frisbee, which I think is really funny. I love the ending. He blows up the nuclear plant just to get out of cleaning the garage.
I also enjoyed the story with Lisa and Bart Sherlock Holmes and Watson. I found that it was a really good and funny story.
The last segment was excellent and I found the ending was enjoyable when you see everyone dancing while listing to I got you under my skin. This is a really fun episode to watch and I just find this episode really funny.
6. Treehouse of Horror 9
This another great Treehouse of Horror episode what I love about this one was Bart and Lisa are sent into the tv and Itchy and Scratchy are trying to kill them. It's so funny and entertaining to watch especially when Lisa mentions how humiliating it is to be in a cartoon knowing she's a cartoon too. Very clever fouth wall joke. I also enjoyed the Snake story were Homer finally gets hair after Snake is executed and the hair takes over his body and he kills Apu, Moe, and attempts to kill Bart but we know how it ends. Now the last one is the best one we find out Maggie is actually Kang's daughter and they go to Jerry Springer who unfortunately is killed by Maggie. This episode is a lot of fun to watch.
5. Treehouse of Horror 11
Now I really enjoy this episode a lot I found the fairy tale episode to be the funniest one seeing Bart and Lisa are Hansel and Gretel and I love the scene were Homer tries to calm up Rapuzel's hair and he ends up ripping it off her lol. The ending was funny too when Homer still has chicken legs from the witch's spell and also I like how they poked fun at her for having a made up boyfriend until they learn he's real. I also love the Ghost Dad segment where Homer dies and he tries to do a good dean and well he ends up going to hell to be noogied by the devil and John Wayne.
As well the whole Dolphin war was really funny. It's revealed that Dolphins lived on land and they were exiled by the humans. I find it funny Lisa frees a dolphin named Snorkey until she realizes he's the king of the dolphins and he invades Springfield. The end fight scene is good and funny in the end because the dolphins win and all the humans are force to live in the sea.
Love this line.
4. Treehouse of Horror 5
Now this episode is a great one like the first segment is a parody Shinning and its done brilliantly I especially love that scene were Smithers says to Mr. Burns after getting rid of the beer and cable. "Sir did you ever stop and think. Maybe it was doing this that cause the previous caretakers to go insane and murder their families." Burns thinks for a moment "Tell you what if we come back and everyone is slaughtered. I owe you a coke." I just love that scene because its pointing out the obvious you take away beer and tv two things Homer loves he will go crazy. Homer does go crazy and the ending of the episode was really funny because the whole family end up being frozen and being forced to watch the Tonys a fate worse then death.

Of course there is the next one where Homer uses a toaster to travel back in time and he keeps changing the past. One were Flanders is ruler of the world, one were Bart and Lisa are big, Maggie talks like James Earl Jones, and of course the world were he has everything he wants until he learns theres are no donuts in that timeline except after he leaves it rains donuts.
Homer's reaction is priceless when he learns there are no donuts.
That's Homer for ya he would trade a perfect family and a perfect life for donuts.
Now the last one is basically the teachers are eating the kids and turns out it was all a dream from Bart until some chemical gas comes into his room and turns the whole family inside out. One of the funniest gags of this episode is Willy is always trying to save everyone but gets killed.
Poor Willy, he's bad at this.
This episode is awesome give a watch you will have a good laugh.
3. Simpsons Treehouse of Horror 12
I remembered laughing so hard watching this episode and this episode got Pierce Bronson as the voice of Pierce their robot house. I found the Hex and the City one really funny because Homer gets cursed and everyone he loves is cursed too like Marge is hairy, Bart's neck grows and he dies eventually, Lisa becomes a horse, Maggie turns into a lady bug, and Moe, Lenny, and Carl die. Of course Homer catches a leprechaun to deal with the gyspy but in the end of the leprechaun and the gyspy get married. Then of course theres the other segment were the family gets a robot house but based on the movie its based on 2001: A Space Odyssey. Pierce goes insane and he wants to be with Marge and he tries to kill Homer. Of course Homer survives but he is missing the back of his heading showing his brain.
I know that is disgusting.
The final segment of course is a Harry Potter parody and it's funny too especially when Bart stabs Mr. Burns in his shin and apparently that was his weakness. This episode I remember enjoying very much and having a good laugh.
2. Treehouse of Horror 6
I love this episode a lot especially when the final segment uses cgi animation and I just really loved it. This episode won them Emmy because of the cgi animation and it deserves it like it was really good. The ending I thought was funny that Homer ends up in the real world and it ends with him going to look at erotic cakes.
As well I like the story were Homer steals a giant donut and all the billboards and product placement statues come to life and they only way to stop is to just not look at them. As well I loved the Nightmare on Elm Street with Willy as Freddie Kruger that was really funny and Willy was really funny in that one. I love this episode a lot its one of my favourites and I remember when I was kid I just loved this one and I once wrote a letter to Matt Groening if he could do a continuation of Homer living in the real world. Never replied back but hey this is a great Halloween episode. This is a great halloween episode give it a watch.
Honorable Mentions
Treehouse of Horror 14
Enjoyed this episode a lot especially when Bart and Milhouse pause time with a time watch.
I remember gutting laughing when they use Martin as decoy.
Treehouse of Horror 10

Ned Flanders goes out for Fog walks I just find that idea so stupid but funny.
As well, they parody Y2K.
Treehouse of Horror 19
What I love about this episode is the parody of Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin.
Treehouse of Horror 20

This one was very funny, like the parody of The Walking Dead and 28 days later.
As well, the Alfred Hitchcock with Lisa and Bart in black and white was really good.
The musical segment was also really good, and it was a parody of Sweeny Todd, apparently.
Treehouse of Horror 22
Ned Flanders becomes a murderer in the name of God, who is actually Homer.
Also, this episode parodies the Diving Suit and the Butterfly.
Which an amazing movie, by the way.
Now the best Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode is....
1. Treehouse of Horror 3
Treehouse of Horror 3 to me is the best Treehouse of Horror episode. Why I love it so much is Bart and Lisa have their friends over, and their parents host a Halloween party for everyone. They then tell scary stories from Lisa about an evil Krusty doll that wants to kill Homer, Grandpa's story about King Kong/King Homer which was really funny like this scene.
And of course the last one that's Bart's story about zombies. Bart accidentally brings back the dead and they are walking dead. The whole episode is about Bart trying to reverse the spell and I just love this scene were Homer kills zombie Flanders not thinking he was a zombie.
This episode I just love to watch this again and again because it's just so much fun and well-written. This is when the Simpsons had more passion now they don't. It's such a great episode to watch, and this episode is a classic that gets you into the Halloween spirit. Treehouse of Horror 3 in my opinion is the best one.
So that's my top ten favorite Treehouse of Horror episodes from the Simpsons what do you think and what are your favorite Treehouse of Horror episodes let me know to leave a comment, and I hope you all enjoy.
Happy Halloween
to all my
friends and viewers!!!