Saturday 21 May 2022

Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers Review


Chip n Dale 
Rescue Rangers 

So I saw Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers, and here's my review of it...this movie is the Roger Rabbit of this era. By that, it's a good film, and I had a good time with it. The movie has a lot of nostalgia, like making you remember the 90s Disney afternoon series. The film is funny; it has a lot of cameos, even cameos of characters outside of Disney. This film is the closest thing you will get to Roger Rabbit 2 and hell Roger Rabbit is in the movie.  

As well, the animation and live-action work very well together. 

The film's cast all did a great job, like John Mulaney and Andy Samberg as Chip and Dale they do a great job. It's funny hearing them have regular, not high-pitched voices like you usually see in a Chip and Dale cartoon. Kiki Layne was fantastic in the movie; JK Simmons is excellent as always, Will Arnett plays Peter Pan, who is the film's villain, and it's pretty sad seeing a beloved character be turned into a villain. Still, Will did a great job. This whole movie is nostalgia bait, but it's done very well, and I love how Chip pokes fun at the idea oh cartoon performs rap songs when they get rebooted.  

This film was a lot of fun, and I highly recommend this film. 
I give Chip N Dale an 8 out of 10 and B+.

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