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Why we need a Spider-Man 98 series.
So, after the genius of X-Men 97, we need to see Spider-Man, the animated series, get an adaptation like 97.
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After we saw Spider-Man in 97 in a cameo, please return to the 90 series. As much I want to see Spectacular Spider-Man get a revival because it only lasted two seasons. Also, Christopher Daniel, who voiced Spider-Man in the show, says he wants to return, and the creator is waiting for Marvel to call. We need to see this show get a proper ending to Spider-Man saving Mary Jane and marrying her. There are so many ideas for a 98 series Marvel needs to get on this series.
Here are my ideas of what the show should do. I want to follow 97 route-making for fans who grew up with that show. Let's see Spider-Man punch someone in the face.
10. Like I wrote before Spider-Man finally punches someone.
Remember how the '90s show never had Spider-Man punch anybody. He just kicked his webs in a fight. Now the rules have changed, let's have Spidey punch some bad guys. I would love to see a scene where Spider-Man encounters some thugs, and one of them says, "Spider-Man doesn't even punch people." For the first time, Spider-Man punches someone in the face and beats the bad guys with his fists. One of the thugs says. "Wait, you punch now?" Spidey says, "Yeah, I never understood why I didn't do that, honestly." It would be a funny scene to have in the 98 series.
9. Spider-Man finally faces his own Sandman and Electro.
In the show, Spider-Man never fought his own Sandman or a proper Electro, not the Red Skull's son. Those characters were not used because James Cameron was making a Spider-Man then, and Electro and Sandman would be the villains. Now it's been 30 years. Let's have Spider-Man, in the first episodes, fight Sandman and Max Dillion, who becomes the second Electro. They would have to give Max Dillion an original look and a different costume. Also make them members of the Sinister 6. I can see a scene where one of the members brings up that's a different Electro not the Red Skull's son, but Kingpin says yes, but he's dead, and Max is a better choice as Electro.
8. Get more heroes on show like Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and many more.
I think the show should feature more superheroes, like bringing back Daredevil. He was only three episodes, and he never came back despite going to war against Kingpin.
Daredevil should return and introduce Luke Cage and Iron Fist. Also, Jessica Jones, Shang Chi, and Misty Knight. Also, there are spoilers from '97, where Daredevil makes a cameo along with Cloak and Dagger.
What would be an interesting story to have is Spider-Man and Daredevil put together a team to take Kingpin once and for all. Their team is based on the Knights team, and the team roosters are Spider-Man, Daredevil, Cloak and Dagger, Luke Cage, Black Cat, and Iron Fist. That would be an excellent idea and a way to wrap the Kingpin arc once and for all. I'll get to that idea later.
7. Maybe this show could set up New Avengers.
Now, with what's been going in 97 and since Captain America appeared, there's a good chance we could get an Avengers team. I think Spider-Man will be a team member, and I think it will be based on the New Avengers team. I would make it Captain America, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Spider-Woman, Luke Cage, Wolverine, and Carol Danvers but as Ms Marvel. 97 was teasing the Avengers with Cap and Iron Man together, so I'm getting those vibes of an Avengers team in the 97.
6. Venom needs to return in the show maybe now as anti-hero
Venom must return from being trapped in a different reality on the show. Like in the first episode, if Spider-Man is still searching for Mary Jane with Madam Wed. Spidey reunites with Venom, working together to save Mary Jane and take down Carnage. Depending on whether they go with the original story, they likely will since we saw Mary Jane and Peter together again. I see them having Venom become an anti-hero, a lethal protector. That would be cool. Also, they should remove the pupils in Venom's eyes.
5. Black Cat needs to return.
Black Cat was fantastic in this show, and they must bring her back. Like when Spider-Man returns from saving MJ. She tells him of what's been going on in New York and joins Daredevil's team to take down Kingpin. Also, what they could do in a twist, it's revealed that Black Cat and Daredevil are now dating.
This happens in the comics, and why not let's do it?
Maybe Spider-Man will say, "I think this my Supervillain origin."
4. Kingpin needs to be the villain and make him the new mayor of New York
Kingpin will likely be in the show, and one thing they could do is make him the mayor of New York. For example, when Spider-Man gets back to New York, he is shocked to learn that Wilson Fisk is now the mayor, and he wants to outlaw heroes. I also would love to see Sinister 6 reform, but following the events of the Forgotten Heroes arc, he replaces Chameleon with Sandman and adds Electro to the team. The team was called the Insidious 6 in the show, but I would bring them back in the show but replace Chameleon and Shocker with Sandman and Electro.
3. The series needs to follow 97 in continuity and making it more mature.
For a show like this, you need it to be more mature, like showing death, blood, and more mature scenes.
2. The first episodes should explain how Peter found Mary Jane
Now, if you still need to watch the last episode of season 1, we see Peter and MJ together again and back in their own reality. So the question was how he found her, and I got a feeling that they did the show. The first two episodes explore Peter finding Mary Jane and saving her from Carnage, and maybe Venom will help him. They return to their reality, but I don't think Peter and Mary Jane will get married because they will just be dating. Remember, Peter married a clone of Mary Jane, not the real Mary Jane. I think the series would explore Peter and MJ dating and how Mary Jane is getting used to being back in her own universe. They will probably get married again, but they must pretend to be married.
I feel like 97 is setting up a Spider-Man spin-off.
1. Heres my idea of what the first season and other seasons should focus on. 
Now, if I were to reveal this show, I would have Peter saving Mary Jane in the multiverse for the first two episodes. I would have the original idea that he ends up in the 1900s and has to face off against Carnage, Jack the Ripper, and he reunites with Eddie Brock, who is Venom. They save Mary Jane and defeat Carnage and Madame Web, and Spider-Man, Mary Jane, and Venom return to their reality. Now, we would have a scene where Peter and Mary Jane talk about what happened, and he reveals he's Spider-Man. The two confess their love, but Mary Jane isn't ready to marry Peter because that was a clone he married, not the real her. Venom decides to become an anti-hero and reunites with Anne. In the following episodes, he reunites with Black Cat, and she reveals what's happened since he was gone. He learns that Kingpin is the mayor of New York, and Daredevil has assembled a team of heroes to take him down once and for all.
The first season is about Peter finding Mary Jane and returning to his reality to take down the Kingpin once and for all with Daredevil, Black Cat, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Cloak and Dagger, and Shang Chi. Spider-Man will also fight his own Sandman and Electro. Jackal would appear in the end as he plans to create clones of Spider-Man. Also, we see Peter reunite with old friends and reunite with Harry and learn that he's better now and he's going to become a father as Liz is pregnant. I would also have Aunt May learn the truth about Peter being Spider-Man. Mary Jane will go to therapy about her experience in the multiverse, but she will get help from Dr. Strange because he's the right guy for the job.
Season 2: I would adapt the Clone Saga, and even though fans hate that storyline, it's more forgiving now since One More Day and Zeb Wells's abomination Spider-Man series. Peter would meet his Ben Reaily and Kaine; it's about him and his two brothers. Also, I would bring back Norman Osborn as the Green Goblin, and it's revealed he found his way back to his reality, too. He's shown to be the real mastermind of the clone saga and helped Fisk become New York's mayor.
In season 3, I would have Spider-Man become a New Avenger and adapt the New Avengers storyline. I would also adapt the Other arc.
Season 4 is Red Goblin, and I would end with Peter and Mary Jane getting married. They have two children, a son and a daughter named Richie and May Parker. Just how I would end the series with four seasons in total of eight seasons.
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That's how I would bring back Spider-Man to the animated series because, like X-Men, we need this show to come back. Seeing Peter save Mary Jane is great, but we want to know how he saved her and what's next for Peter Parker. Let me know what you think?