Sunday, 16 February 2025

Captain America Brave New World Review

My Review of Captain America Brave New World.

So, I saw Captain America's Brave New World, and here's my review of it. It was okay. This film is the weakest Captain America film, but it's not bad, and I didn't hate it. I thought it was okay because there were some good moments in the film like seeing Red Hulk and some good action scenes. However, to be honest, this film is more of a sequel to Incredible Hulk than Captain America. 

The film cast did a good job, including Anthony Mackie, who's always great. I've loved him as Sam Wilson for a long time. However, the story could have been better, like better than Falcon and Winter Soldier. I didn't like how he defended the flag smashers and said that quote, "You go to do better." Still, I like Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson.
I look forward to seeing him as Captain America in the next Avengers. I still wanted Bucky to be the new Cap, but I'm cool with Sam. I grew up with Ed Brubaker's run of Captain America.
Now, Harrison Ford, General Thunderbolt Ross, is taking over from William Hurt after he died of cancer. He does a good job as Ross, and it was great seeing Red Hulk or Rulk, but he's only in the film for ten minutes. They could have done more with the character, and I feel like Bruce Banner should have been in this film because they brought Samuel Sterns, aka the Leader, played by Tim Blake Nelson, and Liv Tyler is in the film too. As I mentioned, this film feels more like a sequel to Incredible Hulk. Tim Blake Nelson did a good job playing the leader, but I didn't like how his head wasn't huge like it is in the comics.  
Also, I do love that we got another Rage Hulk. We need to see Rage Hulk again. 
We need to see these two fight, but it's rage, Hulks. I don't want the same crap I got in She-Hulk. 
Now, the rest of the cast, like Danny Ramirez, does a good job as Joaquin, the new Falcon. He's not annoying like most co-leads are, and it's very rare for once that they don't sideline the main character in an MCU film. The rest of the cast, like Giancarlo Esposito, Shira Haas, and Xosha Roquemore, do a good job, too. Fun fact: Shira's character was rewritten for political reasons. 
Now, this film had a lot of reshoots and poor test screenings. Even one of the crew members said this film had a lot of problems. Now, this film was okay, like it's the weakest Captain America film, but the problem was the writing of the film. They could have done better. They could have adapted a better storyline like Dimension Z or adapted Rick Remender's run All-New Captain America. I would have done that, but they turned this film into Incredible Hulk 2 with no Hulk, and it's Cap as the star. 
Overall, I thought the film was okay, and I don't hate it. However, it could have been better, and I wish there had been more Red Hulk in it.
I give a 5 out of 10. It's still a fun movie, but it could have been better. 
I do like that they finally introduced Adamantium to the MCU and set up X-Men.


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