How Marvel Should Have Made Captain America Brave New World.
Here's another example of how Marvel should have made it. It's been a year since I did one, so here is Brave New World. I wrote a review for the film, and here's how I think they should have made it. This film had a lot of issues, like most MCU films nowadays.
So here is how Marvel should have made Captain America Brave New World.
8. The film should have adapted All New Captain America by Rick Remender instead of making a sequel to Incredible Hulk.
This film was more of a sequel to Incredible Hulk instead of making a movie about Sam Wilson as Captain America and having him go up against a new threat he does not defend like he did Falcon and Winter Soldier. You could have used elements of Rick Remember's run on the character and have Sam battle against The Serpent Society or a new villain like Baron Blood. They could still have the idea of Sam reforming the Avengers and Adamantium being introduced in the MCU. With the villains wanting to use it and Cap has to stop them. This film should have been about Captain America, not tying loose ends to the first Hulk film. They should have just made another Hulk movie.
7. Red Hulk was wasted.
Now Red Hulk, aka Rulk, is one of the best Hulks, and they waste him like he's only in it for ten minutes. Red Hulk should have had a more significant role, and this is why I think they should have made a Hulk sequel because we could have gotten more Red Hulk and Bruce Banner becoming rage Hulk again, as well Betty Ross returning, rekindling their romance, and the LeaderLeader is better suited as Hulk villain instead of Captain America villain. This film just wasted Red Hulk because ten minutes is not enough.
6. The Serpent Society should have been the main villains or interduce Sin the daughter of the Red Skull.
The film introduces Seth Voelker in the movie, played by Giancarlo Esposito, and I felt he was barely in it. This film would have the Seprent Society at one point, but they changed it. The film should have just stood by it, and this film could have introduced Sin, who is revealed to be the Red Skull's daughter and the Society's leader. They could have made Sin a friend of Sam and Joaquin until they learned the truth: she's the Society's leader and Red Skull's daughter. That would be a good twist, and Sin should be a very hateful villain because we need more of those.
Brave New World could have set up the Red Skull's return or even set up the Avengers, as she could be from a different reality and work alongside Doom. The film needed a more interesting villain instead of just lame ones.
5. Sam should have had a love interest in this film.
Now, the film should have given Sam Wilson a love interest because he needed one like Sabra, one of the new characters in the movie, but she didn't need to be there. They should have had Misty Knight appear in the film, and she helped Sam battle the Serpent Society. Hell, I would love to see Simone Missick return to Misty Knight. I can see a scene where she fights Sin, and they pull a Boys' scene like we saw with Starlight, Girl, and Mave beating up Stormfront. Misty makes more sense to be in this film than Sabra because she barely does anything. If Simone didn't return, I would cast Zazie Beetz as Misty Knight.
4. The film could have interduce Steve Roger's grandchildren.
This would have been a cool idea were we meet a grandchild of Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter. They could have used the character Ian Rogers, who is Steve Rogers's adopted son, but in the MCU, he's Steve Rogers's grandson, and he goes by Nomad because he respects Sam as Captain America. Having Nomad in the film would be cool as if he could be a double agent working for the bad guys, but later, he reveals that he was a double agent. He helps Sam and becomes another partner to Sam and works with him. That would have been a cool idea, but they didn't go with that.
3. The film setting up a New Avengers team would work but it needed to be done properly.
The film does set up the New Avengers as an address by Thunderbolt Ross. I think that was a good set-up, but they should have built it up like Sam decides he's going to reform the Avengers and has some people in mind to join the New Avengers. If I were to pick the New Avengers Roaster, I would go with six characters for this New Avengers team.
Sam Wilson, aka Captain America Team Leader
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Shang Chi
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Kate Bishop/Hawkeye
Shuri/Black Panther
I would make this the New Avengers team. I think it works because it's a very grounded Avengers team. Sam recruits this team because he wants it to be new and have heroes you didn't expect.
2. They should have just finally made a Incredible Hulk 2 because this film is a Hulk 2 without Hulk.
Again, Marvel should have made a Hulk 2, but I know Universal Rights. Honestly, they should have just made a Hulk sequel because the Red Hulk, The Leader, and Betty Ross need to reunite with Bruce Banner. I heard rumors that they are planning a new Hulk film based on World War Hulk because we need Rage Hulk again. People are sick of Beta Hulk. Hulk should have been in the movie, and maybe this film could set him up to become Rage Hulk again. 1. The film could have set up Avengers Doomsday better.
The film sets up Avengers Doomsday, but it's not good. It could have been better, for example, if they had gone with Sin as the bad guy. They could have pulled a twist. It's revealed that Sin is from another universe, and she tells Sam that Doom is coming. See, something like that would have gotten people excited, but let's face it: the MCU is falling, but someday it will get back on its feet. Let's hope Fantastic 4, Daredevil Born Again, or the next Spider-Man film. So that's how Marvel should have made Captain America Brave New World.
Let me know what you think did you like the movie or didn't like it.
Let me know.
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