Tuesday, 4 March 2025

My problems with the Wheel of Time Show Spoilers.


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My Problems with the Wheel of Time Show.
Spoilers heads up. 

Hey everyone, as you know, I am a Wheel of Time fan, and I've talked about the show before in the past. I have expressed that I like the show but have a few problems with it. Changes have been made to the source material I do not like. Some of the things they are doing with season 3, like cutting the Stone of Tear out this season because that is one of the best moments in the series. Also, they haven't done the characters right. So here are my five problems with the Wheel of Time show. I feel like Rafe Judkins is missing the point of Robert Jordan's work. Also, the cast of this show all do a great job playing their characters. 

5. The series wasted Thom Merlin 

Now, Thom is one of the best characters in the Wheel of Time. He actually first appears in the Two Rivers, but they changed that. We meet Thom in episode 4 at this tavern, and then he is gone by episode six. That is character assassination—it's like how they killed Cyclops off in Last Stand. Both characters were important, and their stories were wasted. Now, they likely will bring back Thom, but the character was done so poorly in the show.

4. The series give Mat terrible parents and also he's not lucky like he was in the beginning.
Mat Caultron is a fan favorite and one of my favorite characters, but they are not doing Mat right. For example, his parents in the books are good parents who love their son and daughters. Mat's dad was a soldier and fought alongside Perrin against the Trollocs. Instead, they made him a deadbeat dad who drinks, and his mother is a mess. His sisters were scared and saw him as a good brother to them, but that change didn't work. Mat is also very lucky in the series, but in the show, he's unlucky; one of my cousins has a theory and a spoiler here. Mat gets hanged and is brought back to life, and he's going to become luckier than ever. The show could make Mat lucky, but overall, they need to fix Mat and his family.

3. Perrin did not need a wife it just didn't work. 
Okay, this didn't need to be in the series. Perrin didn't need a wife in the show, and he accidentally killed her, and there are memes about it now. Personally, I wouldn't have given his wife. Maybe instead, he kills his mentor, or he doesn't kill anyone at all. The wife's character doesn't fit the story because everyone knows that Perrin gets along with Faile, who will be in season three of the show.

2. The show is skipping certain arcs and changes that don't work.
Now, in every adaptation, there will be changes from books to movies/shows. Sometimes, these changes can work, and sometimes, they don't. Lord of the Rings, for example, made some changes to the book but still respected it. The Wheel of Time, however, made some changes that didn't work, and they skipped Stone of Tear, which is a very important arc, but they want to focus more on the Aiel culture and Rand learning more about his true parentage. Stone of Tear should come first before that because it works better development for Rand's character. However, I like how they wrote the romance between A'Lan and Nynaeve. I like that change, but I'm not a big fan of them making Lanfear more into a good guy. Season three could pull a twist. Still, they made some changes, and things skipped that I'm not too big on. 

1. Rand Al'Thor the protagonist of the series is sideline for Moiraine.
Now, this is one thing that bothers me about Wheel of Time, and a lot of fans agree with this. Rand Al'Thor is the main character of the Wheel of Time series; he is our main character. This story is his story, but as he said, "It's not about me; it's never been about me." It's still his story about how he stopped the madness within him and saved his friends and the world from the Dark One. He is the Dragon. 
He's on the cover of every book except for a New Spring which is prequel, and when you think of Wheel of Time, you think of Rand.
However, Rafe decided to change that and make Moiraine the protagonist instead. Now she was the protagonist in a New Spring but that's different. 
Rand gets sidelined a lot in the show, and in seasons one and two, he's not really the focus. It has more to do with Moiraine or someone else. 
Now I love Moiraine. She is a great character—basically, the Gandalf of the Wheel of Time series. Rosamund Pike does a great job playing her.
She's a great supporting character, but making her the main character of the series instead of Rand doesn't work.
Rand should be front and center but is pushed to the back for Moiraine.
I am sure they will change up the leads during season 3. Rafe Judkins addresses this complaint about how Rand has been written on the show. Here is a link.
However, Rand should be the series' main focus as Robert Jordan once said he wanted the main hero to be someone who could save the world and destroy it. As I wrote, Moiraine is like Gandalf. She helps Rand and guides Rand to save the world. 
Switching the protagonists or sidelining your main character is a trope I can't stand. We see it a lot in the MCU but think how people would feel if the Harry Potter reboot series sidelined Harry in favor of Hermione or Dumbledore. It just wouldn't work, and it feels like a forced change. Again, season 3 could shift the focus on Rand as the main lead and if you read the books you know what happens in the Fires of Heaven you know what's coming. Sidelining the main character is never a good idea; your main character is your main character, and this is from their point of view.
Those are my problems with the Wheel of Time show. Now, I hope season 3 makes it better, but skipping the Stone of Tear is not a good move, in my opinion. However, I could be wrong, and it might turn out well.
Some of the changes they have made in this series don't work, but depending on how you feel about them, some do. 
Let me know what you think and if you like were the show is that's fine. I'm just telling how I feel about this show because I'm a fan of the series. 
The Wheel Weaves, as the Wheel wills.