So I watched the Defenders TV Series and here's my review of it.... I loved it. I thought it was really good, the visuals in the show were amazing like when you see Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones in separate scenes you seeing the colours of red, dark blue, green, and yellow for the characters like red for Daredevil, yellow for Luke, Green for Iron Fist, and Blue for Jessica. The story of it is really good, my one problem is there are no references to the Avengers, not to mention why is it no one brings up any others heroes like Spiderman who could save New York from the Hand. Not to mention the camera used to film this looks like it was an actually movie camera because this show was really expensive to make. The action was also awesome very great and it was just an awesome seeing these four do a fantastic job. The plot is just basic team doesn't get along with each other but they have to work together to take down a dangerous threat like the Avengers. These four are like the Fantastic Four if they were street leveled heroes.
Spoilers by the way on what happens to these four.
Charlie Cox as always was amazing as Daredevil and I like how at first he has given up being Daredevil until he realizes that his city needs him as much as he doesn't want to hurt his friends he knows it's the right thing to do to protect his city. Also there is a great scene with Matt cheering up this disabled kid and I got to say Daredevil is true hero to the blind, handicap, and deaf. I like it when Jessica kind of makes fun of his costume but that's Jessica for ya and Matt smashed her camera for taking photos of him without his suit. I really like how Matt sort of acted like a leader to the team. Now here's a big a spoiler about Daredevil and also lets be honest it does set up season three. In the end of the show Matt sacrifices his own life to end the hand and by that staying underground to stop Elektra. I really thought Matt was dead, I mean that whole building went down on him and Elektra but it turns out he survived and next season his mother Sister Maggie is going to be appeared. What will happen to Matt and what will happen to his friends and enemies. You'll find out in season 3. Born Again is happening next season!
Kristen Ritter did great job as Jessica Jones. She does a good job playing a superhero who doesn't give a shit about it and she can be a real alchol bitch "This coffee taste like vodka, that's mine.", but she has a good heart and helps anyone in need. At first she has no interested in getting involved but she sees the real threat and comes back to help, but still she is still her crabby self. To be honest I'm not the biggest fan of Jessica Jones my sister is more of fan than I am. Next season of Jessica Jones should be interesting because a certain purple villain is coming back but not in that way.
Mike Colter was awesome as Luke Cage. Luke Cage is my second favourite character in the show, the first is Daredevil. Luke Cage is just down right one of the best characters on the show all he cares about is helping people no matter what. I also loved the scenes with him and Danny Rand. Power Man and Iron Fist together on the small screen is great. My cousin said that if they decided to end both shows they'll do a Heroes For Hire Tv series, which I can totally see happening. Very excited for Luke Cage season 2 and like Luke said "Now all I care about is taking down Mariah and Shades." which will be next season plot and I hope Luke, Claire, and Misty take down that evil bitch and annoying creepy guy Shades. Not to mention, I know this won't happen but I would love to see Luke someday lead the Avengers.
Finn Jones did a much better job in Defenders as Iron Fist. Now to those who didn't like the first season of Iron Fist like for myself I didn't hate it just it had a bad show runner and it could have better. Hopefully season 2 will be better because it has new show runner named Raven Metzner who did Sleepy Hollow and he knows Kung Fu shows. Now Finn did a great job in the defenders and the show fully redeems the character because I don't think Finn was a bad choice for Iron Fist its just the show had bad writers and a bad show runner. This show also continues were Iron Fist left off and eventually Iron Fist develops into more a bad ass character. Next season I think they'll have him taking up the mantle as the guardian of Hell's Kitchen. Still would it have killed you guys to just let him wear his costume or at least the mask. Still next season should be interesting with Danny as Hell's Kitchen's new guardian until Daredevil comes back. He also better wear this!
The villain I'm going to straight up say it, its not what you think Sigourney Weaver is just Alexandra and not Mephisto or anyone else from the comics she's just a new character thats it. Elektra is the main villain of this show its kind of disappointed but hey she at least wears her red outfit. Also they really dive into the relationship between her and Matt which was pretty good. I think she might have survive and she might come back either next season of daredevil or maybe her own spin off.
The rest of the supporting cast were good too and Claire as always was in this and she really does try to help out no matter what. Claire is a great and Rosario Dawson is amazing as always. I really want to see Pasty become Hellcat in the next season of Jessica Jones as well as maybe see a spin off on Colleen Wigg and Misty Knight Daughters of the Dragon thats what everyone is talking about.
If you think Punisher shows up no he doesn't, which is good actually its best to keep him out of this because of the upcoming new show out this fall. Can't wait for that!
That's my review of Defenders and I give it a solid A! Great show, great action, good story, and awesome characters. Watch it and this show does set up future seasons of Marvel Netflix shows. To be honest this is the closes thing Marvel will get to making a Fantastic Four form of media and these four characters are Marvel's answer to a Fantastic Four.
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