Saturday 15 December 2018

Spiderman Into The Spider Verse Review

So I saw Spiderman Into The Spider Verse yesterday and here's my review of it.....I love it. It was amazing, specular, sensational, and so funny too. This is one of the best Spiderman Movies I've seen. I dare say I loved it more than Homecoming and Spiderman 2 but thats up for debate. The animation was fantastic, the characters in the film were funny, awesome, and well written. I had such a blast with this film and it had a lot of heart to it and this film is also very inspiring film as well.  
Miles, Gwen, and Peter steal the show until 
Spiderman Noir comes in. the characters like Miles Morales he is one of the best characters in the whole film,. I like that you can relate to all these characters and what they go through. I feel this film is spiritual successor to Sam Raimi's Spiderman trilogy in because there is a lot of easter eggs in the film. Also Nicholas Cage as SpiderMan Noir was just spot on perfect. He was the funniest character in the whole movie.  Also, Spider Pork and Peni Parker were also really funny and super cool. 
This Peter Parker is the loveable loser.
 I find that this film is a lot better than The Incredibles 2.  The story is better, characters more relatable, and it's way funnier. This is the best animated movie I've seen all year and I hope it wins best animated film. It's funny too because Sony gave us the worst animated film of all time last year, the Emoji Movie and this year they give us  the best animated film. Well, actually that's debatable because i loved this and Isle of Dogs. I highly recommend you go see it. You will have a blast with this film.  
I give this film a 9 out of 10. GO SEE IT!!! Also If you didn't like Venom you will love this because Venom was a turd.  This film is 10 times better. I'm looking forward to more Spider Verse films in future.  If you ask me, Sony should focus more on building a animated Spider Verse instead of a live action film.  One last thing, this film has a great tribute to Stan Lee that made me smile.

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