Now with 2019 coming to an end I'm going to list my favourite films this year and worst films's I've seen this year.
Starting with the Best!
14. Rocket Man
Now I did enjoy Rocket man and I'm happy Taron Egeton got a win since he's had three bad films like Robin Hood, Kingsman 2 Secret Circle, and Billionaire's Boys Club. I got to be honest I liked Bohemian Rhapsody a lot more but I still enjoyed this film.
13. Toy Story 4
Toy Story 4 now to be honest I didn't really want a fourth Toy Story film because the third one ended on such a heart warming ending. Now in this film I was annoyed by some of the story like Bonnie doesn't care about Woody anymore and she promise Andy she would take good care of him. There are other things that annoyed me but I did enjoy most of the new characters like Duke Kaboom voiced by Keanu Reeves. The ending did make me shed a tear though but I personally felt Toy Story 3 had the more heart warming ending. Also this film was Don Rickles last film because as you know sadly passed away in 2017. Still Toy Story 4 good film but it's not the best one out of all the films. The best one to me is the third one in my opinion.
12. Dragonball Super Broly
Now I'm a big Dragonball fan and I really love this film like it was so good and awesome. It's the best Dragonball film yet even after things got you know....let's not talk about it. The animation in this good and the story is your typical Dragonball story lets fight this all powerful guy because he's dangerous. I love this film because if you want have good time and watch some bad ass fighting this your type of movie. I was also loved how they re wrote Broly this film and it's great to know he's now canon they made him good guy which is awesome. If you want to have good time watching epic fights this your type of film.
11. Battle Angel Alita
Battle Angel is one of those anime/manga adaptations from Hollywood that didn't suck. Battle Angel is actually a good movie to watch like the characters in the film are good and relatable. As well I like Alita I think she's a great lead in this film she's cool, she's relatable, and you feel for her. This film had good action, good special effects, but the story could have been better but I be down for a sequel because I really do like the characters in this film. This film is worth checking out and Alita she is a great protagonist and I be down for a sequel. As well I hope Hollywood can actually make actual manga/anime adaptations in the future.
10. It Chapter Two
It Chapter Two was a good movie but not as great as the first one like they could have done more but I still enjoy this film. I like the cast of the film I think they all do a great job in this movie and I think Bill Skarsgard would make a really good Joker in Matt Reeve's Batman films.
9. Klaus
Klaus is one of the best animated films I've seen this year and if you remember my review. It gets you in the holiday spirit like it's such a heartwarming film. The animation is fantastic, the characters are great, and the story is great too. This a film you should definitely watch for the holidays.
8. John Wick Chapter 3
Who doesn't love Keanu Reeves and this one of the best action films ever. I mean John Wick is just so awesome and it's blast but you got to watch the first two films first before this one. John Wick Chapter 3 Parabellum is one of the best action films of the year. Fun fact the forth John Wick is coming out the same the Matrix 4 comes out lol.
7. It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood.
It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood was one of the best films I've seen this year. It gives you a whole new look at life and it's feel good movie that reminds you to always be there for your family. It makes me wish Fred Rogers was still alive the world could use someone like him today. I think it's amazing this one guy went out of his way to help this one guy reconnect with his father.
6. Spiderman Far From Home
Spiderman Far From Home is one of my favourite Spiderman films like It's a really good follow up film. Everyone did a good job in this film now this film does a serve as epilogue to Endgame and Mysterio is one of the best Spiderman villains we've gotten. I am hoping for the sequel they will cut back on Tony Stark father and show us Uncle Ben for once. Still I love this film and Tom Holland is Spiderman and I'm also happy with Sony and Disney working things out but I am nervous on what the future holds because I'm not big on what the MCU is doing in phase 4. None the less I'm excited for Spiderman films and team up films as well the next Spider Verse film too. I just hope the next film sets up Sinister 6 and has Daredevil. Go see this film Spidey films.
5. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.
Once Upon A Time in Hollywood is Quentin Tarantino's 9th film and it is awesome. Like this film is amazing and I just had a blast watching it. It makes me wish Leonardo Dicapro and Brad Pitt's characters existed because they would prevented Sharon Tate's death. Everyone in this film did a good job but I will say I didn't like how Bruce Lee was betrayed you know I like Bruce Lee and I felt the man wasn't done right in this film. All the same I really enjoyed this film a lot. It is worth checking out. Leonardo DiCapro and Brad Pitt do a great job in this film and their characters are amazing in it too. Also a big shout out to Luke Perry because this was his last film because he sadly died. I met him once he was the nicest guy I've ever met.
In the movie Sharon Tate plays a big role in the film and Margot Robbie did an amazing job as Sharon Tate. What happen to Sharon was horrible and something many of us wish we could have prevented.
Fun Fact. Quentin once got asked a question about Margot Robbie's role because the reporter felt Margot wasn't given enough lines in the trailer and basically he responded with "Well, I just reject your hypotheses." Yeah if you're going to ask a question about upcoming film or tv show ask about the story, the characters, and where the ideas came from. Don't ask questions about why didn't that happen or why is it this actor doesn't give enough screen time or lines. You got to be careful, you might piss off the wrong type of people. Also Quentin has written some of the best female characters in film watch his movies like Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, and Inglorious Bastards. If you ever get the chance go see Once Upon a time in Hollywood.
4. Shazam
Shazam was the movie that restored everyone's faith in DC Films after Justice League. Shazam is such a great film it's got so much heart to it and its funny too. This movie was made by the director of Annabella, I like this trend that DC is getting horror movie directors to make their films. I've met Zachary Levi and he's one of the nicest guy I've ever met.
Shazam restored my faith in DC films along with Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Joker. I'm really excited for future DC films even though there are some ideas that they are doing I'm not big on. But this film is so good and it's also a great Christmas film to watch too.
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I'm really excited for 2021 and 2022 because one were getting Black Adam on December 22 2021 and Shazam 2 on April 1 2022. .
3. Joker
Send in the Clowns......Joker is one of the best films of this year. We finally got one of the best Joker's since Heath Ledger's Joker from the Dark Knight. Now this will become debatable with fans over which Joker is better Joaquin's or Heath's but you know real life the two of them were really good friends so I guess it wouldn't matter.
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Joker is such a great film but it is a very messed up film with very disturbing scenes. It's basically Taxi Driver meets Batman except it's about the Joker. I will say I'm disappointed that Joaquin won't be playing the Joker after this but I understand and I prefer this film stay a classic but if we get a sequel I'm fine with it just make sure it's good. I would be down for Joaquin to play Joker in Matt Reeve's Batman films but I'm fine for whatever the studio does.
Just smile.
I'm looking forward to more DC solo movies about villains like theres a Lex Luthor film said to be in development so who knows what the future holds, but Joker is a film worth checking out.
2. Avengers Endgame

Now I love Endgame because it concludes Infinity War and it gives proper send offs to the original six Avengers. This one of my favourite films this year like it just delivered a grand finale to the original Avengers and the MCU, but I do have some problems with the film. Here are some of my problems with Endgame. First the time travel and different realties was confusing because time travel is confusing, Second I was not fan of Smart Hulk, like I really want them to bring back rage Hulk to fight Thanos because they should have had a rematch with Thanos instead of Captain Marvel fighting him, and finally there is Captain Marvel who I believe didn't need to be in this film at all now if you think about it the character really wasn't needed in this film like even some of the writers of the movie have said in some articles that she was kind of forced into or put into the last minute of the film. I really didn't like her in the film and I agree she didn't need to be in the film at all.

I'm going to be honest I was routing for Thanos.
Hulk should have fought Thanos in this scene not her.
Out of all Female Characters we've gotten in the MCU.
Black Widow deserved a solo movie first out of all of them.
We should have had the Black Widow movie first because this character has been with us
since 2010 and she's really popular with fans.
Another thing I didn't like was how Black Widow died and were getting a film next year about Black Widow that is set after Civil War. I'm like why didn't Marvel come out with Black Widow first and then Phase 4 they could have come out with Captain Marvel like it just annoys me. We all love Black Widow way more then Captain Marvel it just seems like a slap in the face to the character and the fans. I am excited for Black Widow but I just really wish Marvel came out with Black Widow first it would been cooler.
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Most epic fight I just wished it lasted longer.
Now despite some of my problems I really do love this film like the action is great, it does set up future films and tv shows like Spiderman Far From Home, GOFTG Vol 3, Falcon and Winter Solider, Loki, and Black Panther 2. The final battle between Thanos is good like seeing the big three Cap, Iron Man, and Thor fight him is awesome I really the fight was longer though. RDJ, Chris Evans, and Chris Hemsworth they were the best characters in the film because this a send off for them and I really love how Iron Man who started the MCU was the one who killed Thanos. It makes sense he would save the day in the end because no matter what, RDJ is Iron Man.
I heard the original line was "Fuck off Thanos!"
He is Iron Man and his death made me cry. We love you 3000 RDJ
no can replace him as Iron Man.
Cap was always worthy.
Now I'm huge Captain America fan and I loved how the Russo Brothers gave Cap a great send off. I really loved how Steve picks up Mjolnir and I remember everyone in the audience was clapping and screaming with joy when he does it. Cap is one of the best characters in the film and The Russo Brothers have made two of the best Captain America films and out of the big three Cap has the best trilogy, Thor is second because the first film is good, the second one is crap, but Ragnarok is great, and Iron Man as much we all love the character he has the weakest trilogy because the first film is fantastic, but second and third were not that great. I love Cap's role in the film and I loved when he said that quote we've all been waiting for....
Best moment in the film.
Also I do love Chris's Thor even though there were complaints about Bro Thor but look I'm sure Taika will fix that problem. In all the same I love this film despite some problems I really enjoy this film a lot if you ever do a MCU marathon end it with Endgame because to me it delivers a great finale to to this phase in the MCU. Also watch Far From Home if you want an Epilogue.
He's still worthy but in the next film make him buff again.
To be honest more of a send off for Cap, Black Widow, and Iron Man.
I mean were getting fourth Thor film which I know many people are mixed
because of the direction but we will just have to wait and see.
Now Phase Four I'm nervous for because of certain changes and ideas their doing but I am excited for Black Widow, Falcon and Winter Solider, Loki, Dr Strange 2, GOFTG VOL 3, She Hulk, Moon Knight, and Black Panther 2. Hopefully X Men and Fantastic 4 will be good too. I know one day the MCU will have a bad movie but I hopefully they will learn and know what they did wrong and not blame the fans but take responsibility for that film failure.
Can't wait to see Sam as Captain America.
Personally I did want Bucky to become Cap but Sam does make more sense and he is one of the best people to take up the mantle.
1. Jojo's Rabbit.
Jojo Rabbit is one of the best films I have seen this year. It's such a great movie its funny, it's sad, its full of drama, but it's such an amazing film. Taika Waititi was at his best with this film. He has made one of best films this year like he did such a great job with this film. I love the characters in this film like they are amazing well written characters. I just really love this film like it's just so well made.

Scarlet Johansson is amazing in this film, her character is one of the best characters in the film. She reminds me of Gregory Peck's character Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mocking Bird. To me she was the best character in the film along with Roman Griffin Davis as Jojo like he is great in the film too and he's got a big career coming. The rest of the cast were great too like Sam Rockwell, Rebel Wilson, Thomasin McKenzie, Alfie Allen, Stephen Merchant, and Archie Yates who will star in the new Home Alone reboot. (Even though I don't like that idea but hey it could be better those last three films ugh.")
Taika was once asked on why he wanted to play Hitler and he responded with
"The answer's simple, what better 'fuck you' to the guy?"
This movie to me is the best film this year and you have to see it because it's real feel good film. It will make you happy, cry, but most of all this film it will make you say "Fuck off Hitler!"
Go see this film, it's film you have to see once in your life because it's such an amazing film.
I give this film a 9 out of 10 and a solid A+.
Now that I'm done the best films, here is my list of the worse films of 2019!!
10. Zombieland Double Tap.
Now I've wait nine years for a second Zombieland 2 and was it worth the wait? Yes and No. Zombieland Double Tap I did enjoy like there were moments I liked but there were some were I was like they could have done that better but it's just okay movie it really could have been better.
9. Dumbo
Dumbo is a movie I don't hate like this film had some good stuff to it and this film will make you cry. The cast are good but the story really could have been better like they could have done so much more with the story and characters in the film.
8. Aladdin
Aladdin now look I prefer the animated one and I will say Will Smith was great as the genie and I really liked how he did his own thing with the character. But everything else was crap like the film had so many problems and there were things that just didn't work. Like the cast I have nothing against but I really feel like the characters were poorly done. The story wasn't that good too. Disney really needs to stop with these remakes but I do say there were some fun moments in this film but again I really wasn't big on it. Also the guy who played Jafar completely mis casted nothing against him but he was terrible as Jafar. If you like the film thats cool but I personally believe that Disney could have done better.
7. Men In Black International
Now MIB International was one of the worse movies I've seen this year. Like it wasn't as good as the ones with Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. This film had some funny moments but it just wasn't that good like the story was bad but I do like Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson but I felt the film's plot was weak. It just wasn't a good reboot. Now another problem with this film was some of the woke moments like when Tessa Thompson's character brings up the name Men in Black and Emma Thompson's character tells her "Don't, don't start I'm working on it." Tessa Thompson later said in interviews that her character in sequels would try to change the name to something else like People in Black, Agents in Black, or Humans in Black. Now look I don't think the name should matter if it has the word men or women in it. Like who cares just focus on what the group does for it's the not name that makes group but what they do that matters.
6. Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker
Rise of Skywalker I will say is better than Last Jedi but the film does suffer from plot holes and unanswered questions too. I feel like they could have done so much more with this film but in truth this trilogy was not planed out well enough. Like sure there were some good moments in this film but there were so many problems to it and missed opportunities in this film not just that but the last two films had problems too. I'm really hoping the next trilogy will have an outline ready, with really good writers, a good plan, and hopefully new characters that will be good because the characters in the Disney trilogy I find are boring and un developed.
Now don't get me wrong that cast of this film I do respect a lot.
I just feel like their characters could have been written better as
well I love how cast agreed they weren't happy with how their characters were
written in the films. Especially with Last Jedi.
In truth this film I find a lot better then Last Jedi despite its problems and it being rushed to be made in time. I take this film over Last Jedi. I still feel like they could have done better job giving the original characters a better send off. That's one reason this film is on my list of worst films this year I just feel like they could have done better job with Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, and Lando. Disney please get rid of Kathleen Kennedy she doesn't know what she's doing. All in all I didn't hate this movie that much it had problems and it was rushed but in the end it's just a movie. To be honest I really did thought I would come out of this film hating it but I don't, it's not bad or good its just meh.
5. Lion King
Lion King is a remake that no one wanted because like Aladdin it's based off a great animated film that didn't need a remake. Also how is this live action when the whole film is cgi animated plus the animals don't have any facial expressions. Now I do like the cast but not even them could make this film great and Jon Faverau I love the guy, he saved Star Wars with Mandalorian but this remake was not needed. I will say I still did shed tears when Mufasa died because that scene is sad to watch but the movie still sucked. Again Disney stop with these remakes and focus more on original ideas!
4. Hellboy
They cancelled Hellboy 3 for this? Now I've heard sources say the film had problems like studio interference and many other problems. Still this film sucked like as much as I like David Harbour and he's a great actor but this was not a good Hellboy reboot. I think in the future when they reboot Hellboy again they should do a TV Series instead. I really wish though they made Hellboy 3 because I really did want to see Hellboy as a father in the third film and Ron Perlman that proper send off he deserves. Still, who knows what the future holds hopefully in the future we will get a good Hellboy reboot and hey next year were seeing David Harbour suit up as Red Guardian.
He's going to be one of the best characters in
Black Widow.
3. Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel is by far one of the worse MCU films like it's so bad it makes me appreciate Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, and Thor Dark World. I had so many problems with this film because I really don't like the character of Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel in general. Now some of you are probably asking why didn't you write a review for Captain Marvel then, well that's because this film was a sensitive subject to talk about. Now it's been months and I'm just going to speak my mind on how I feel about this film.

Now my problems with the film is the character Carol Danvers played by Brie Larson who I think is one of worst characters yet in the MCU. I find her unlikeable, annoying, she's way to overpowered, and she's not a good lead. I really believe strongly that Black Widow deserved a movie more then this character. As well I hated how Nick Fury was done in this film and how he looses his eye to alien cat! Don't even get me started when we learn she's reason for the Avengers's name it's like what about Captain America The First Avenger!?!
My reaction after watch this film.
I hated how this film gender swap Mar Vell the first Captain Marvel and I feel like that is big slap in the face for fans of that character. I mean why couldn't they give fans the Mar Vell they have known from the comics since the 1960s and it just feels insulting too because Mar Vell was first known superhero to die of cancer and they totally butcher the death of Captain Marvel story arc. Personally I don't like gender swapping or race changing pre existing characters I find it lazy and not good representation. I strongly prefer writing original characters instead or using pre existing characters because if you want more diversity just use already established diverse characters in that universe or franchise.
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You know they could have Mar Vell as he was in the comics and have him die of cancer,
but they could show how he got cancer while trying to stop Thanos.
Before he dies he passes the mantle Captain Marvel to Carol because he sees something in her. Carol vows to honour his memory by becoming Captain Marvel.
There also could have been a romance between the two which would have made it more tragic.
Carol learns even with these cosmic powers she can still die, she's not immortal.
He also would warn her that the Kree aren't all heroes and the Skrulls aren't all villains before his death.
They changed Carol's origin because they said it's too similar to Green Lantern's but it's not at all. Again, I feel like they should have Mar Vell save Carol, give her his powers, he trains her but later we learn he's dying of cancer after a fight with Thanos. Let's say Thanos was going to destroy an entire city with a chemical bomb and just as Mar Vell was about to defeat him. Thanos tells him he has a choice take him out or stop the bomb and we see a guy name Nero who has the power to blow himself up. He is about blow up the bomb and Mar Vell makes the right choice and he stops Nero but he had block the toxic gases coming out of the bomb with his bare hands. That's how he got cancer in the comics except there was no Thanos just Nero.
Monica will be in WandaVision so the character might get done right.
There so many things in this film that just annoyed me like the villains are awful, I hate how Carol just beats them all just like that without any struggle, the supporting cast was bad like I mean the fact they made Carol and her best friend Maria, never have any fights or arguments, and also I understand why a lot of fans don't like Monica Rambeau's role in the film being a kid who looks up to Carol because in the comics she becomes the second Captain Marvel after Mar Vell's death. I understand why a lot of fans hated that and they also cut her father from the film because according to the comics her dad was one of her biggest role models and they just cut from the film.

The Skrulls in the film I felt were wasted and bad as well. I just hated how the Skrulls were done like no Super Skrull and the film could have done so much more like hint at Secret Invasion but no it doesn't. It would have worked maybe you had some bad skrulls in the film too like the Kree are the real villains of the film, but wouldn't have been more interesting to have some skrulls who are actually bad guys too. Maybe they could have added Super Skrull or maybe Power Skrull in the film to give Captain Marvel a worthy challenge.
Cause remember there are orcs on both sides of war a quote from JRR Tolkien.
Gal Gadot said for Wonder Woman 84 she wants everyone to go see the film
as well she wants her character to inspired everyone, girls and boys.
Not to mention, the first Wonder Woman film restored everyone's faith DC films.
Brie Larson basically did the opposite and that's why her movie was disliked by so many. As well many fans don't want her as the face of the MCU because her character is really dislike by fans.
I won't go into details but I'm more excited for Wonder Woman 84 because Wonder Woman is a great hero who everyone can look up too.
I'm likely going to get a lot of hate for what I just wrote about Captain Marvel and my problems with it. But look this is just my opinion and its just a movie in the end. I get why people are passionate about these films because in their minds they love and are inspired. That's like me, I'm passionate about certain franchises too but yeah I always keep open mind and try not to loose it on people if they don't like my stuff. If you like the movie that's fine but I just don't to me this is the worse MCU film yet.
2. Brightburn
Brightburn was a bad it's basically what if Superman was a villain. Like the idea is interesting but the film fails as a whole. Like the film has a lot of problems and the story is pretty weak now don't get me wrong I love James Gunn but I really didn't like this film. It is really bad horror film and not worth checking out. They could have done so much more with this film but they didn't and it's the second worse movie I've seen this year. It's not worth checking out but James Gunn is still awesome director and writer.
1. Dark Phoenix
First I think we can all agree that Logan was the true ending to the Fox's X Men franchise.
If you ever do an X Men Movie Marathon please end it with Logan.
Dark Phoenix was an awful film and once again we got adaption of the Dark Phoenix story arc and it sucked again. Like the characters are not good at all and the acting is cringe worthy and I feel like some of the actors were mis casted as their roles like Sophia Turner was not good as Jean. Now I do respect and like the actors of the film but their characters were awful in the film.
Actors and director of the movie I respect but their characters were badly written in this film and the direction the film took was bad.
I feel like this film was a poor way to end Fox's X Men films after the Disney buyout. Like at least Logan gave fans of Fox's X Men a proper ending and send off to Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart. This film wasted many opportunities like we could have gotten the Shi'ar Empire, they could have done more with the characters like Cyclops, Storm, and many others. Now I've had problems with Fox's X Men films on how they treated some of their characters and story arcs but this film I mean come on Fox should have done better, but at least we got Logan because that film is amazing and a real tear jerker. I will say though I did like how they killed Mystique off because I found character annoying and badly written after Apocalypse because Mystique is a villain and we her love as villain and not a good guy.

One of the worse moments of the film in my opinion is were Mystique (Who by the way should not be the leader of the X Men, thats not her character she would lead the Brotherhood.) has argument with Charles and she says when was last time you take bullet for someone and I'm like he did in First Class, what's your point? Then she says the women are always saving the men around, you might want to change the name to X Women. That line was so forced and not needed, like I've heard Jennifer Lawerence was forced to say that line and I hear she wanted out of the franchise after this film. That line is so cringe worthy and no gets why that line needed to be there. Also you're thinking what about Wolverine, Quicksilver, and Charles himself I mean they have saved day many times and have inspirited so many people. Like when Wolverine died he told his daughter don't be what they made you as she cried for her father as he died. She was inspired by him, the same as Mystique was in Days of Future's Past when Charles convince her not kill Trask. As well good old Quicksilver when saved the twice in Days of Future Past and Apocalypse. I did hear that Simon Kimberg wanted to make it a two part but during the buyout I guess either Disney or Fox said no to that. This film was just a mess.

It just felt so forced and not needed at all in the film.
Like seriously, we need more story driven than agenda driven in Films and TV.
It's pretty clear the actors, writers, and director of the film wanted to move on because after the buyout there will be big changes coming to the X Men franchise. Which I'm excited for but also nervous for.

Now that Marvel has the rights back to X Men and I've talk about many ideas for MCU reboot. I'm nervous now with the direction the MCU is going with Phase 4. I'm worry will they get characters done right like I want to see a proper Cyclops, Storm, Rogue, Angel, Gambit, and Psylocke done right on the big screen or a TV series. I think TV Series could be the best direction for an X Men Series because they can give more time for character development. I trust Kevin Feige to do a good job with the X Men and he has express a desire to make an X Men film for a longtime, but one of the producers of the MCU films, Victoria Alonso has said the name 'X Men' is outdated. I don't think she's read a comic about the X Men but X Men doesn't mean a gender it means the people who have been rejected by society. I'm worry they may not call it X Men they might change it to House of X, X Factor, or something but you know X Men is a name most fans prefer to call it because we've grown up with X Men.

Now some people could argue maybe Feige will have the movie called House of X
but the team still be called X Men. Like that could work and I be okay with that. Just as long as they don't screw up what Stan Lee has given us.
I would prefer they called it X Men because X Men is well branded name and it doesn't mean a gender,
It means people who have been rejected by society and they represent all those groups who have treated badly or outcast by Society.
The X Men series has had great female characters who even use the X Men and don't have a problem with the name. There was even an all female X Men team and they called themselves the X Men. I know, I'm getting off topic but I'm just passionate about X Men it's part of my childhood and I'm really hoping Marvel Studios will honour Stan Lee's work but don't get me wrong they would do a better job then Fox did with certain X Men characters. I will say I do respect the director of the film Simon Kimberg because he took responsibility for the film's failures and said the blame is on him. I have respect for the guy and the cast of the film they are talented actors. I just wish the writing and directing of this film was better.

To me this is the worse film of 2019 and again if you're doing an X Men movie marathon please end it with Logan. I find this movie sad because it was such horrible way to this franchise despite my mixed viewings of Fox's X Men. This film was horrible and I just can't get over how bad it is, my own cousin said to me he was sad for me for watching this shit movie. Dark Phoenix is the worse film of 2019 in my opinion because it's a poor way to end a franchise.
I hope you all liked it and if some you didn't thats fine.
This is just my list of Best and Worse Films of 2019.
Hope everyone has a Happy New Year.
So that's my list of the best and worse of 2019 films let me know what you think if you agree or disagree that's fine. This is just how I feel about these film I am film critic after all so let me know what you think.