Tuesday 24 December 2019

The Rise of Skywalker Review

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Review.

So I saw Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker last night and here's my review of it......It's meh. Like this film I feel very mixed on because like there are so many problems to this film, but there were some good moments to the film as well. I feel like they could have done so much more because the film was rushed and like they could have done a better job explaining certain story arcs like how is the Emperor alive again? There were so many unanswered questions and some plot holes to this film. There were some good moments in the film like the special effects are great, the battles are good, there are some good character moments, but all the story had a lot of problems. I felt they should have Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, and Lando together one last time and as some of you know Mark Hamill wanted that but sadly we will never see it. 
(Google Image)
Sadly Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew are no longer with us. 
But their characters and legacy will live on forever. 
I will say Mark, Carrie, and Harrison they all did a great job and they did get good send offs.
It just would have been nice to see them all together again one last time.

I feel like these films could have done so much more with Luke, Han, and Leia like a scene with them all together. I respect the cast of this film a lot and I think they will go on to do great films and tv shows. I want Daisy Ridley to play Luthien if they ever made a Beren and Luthien film or mini series. 
I still feel like the new characters of this trilogy could have been written better but also again I really wish they focused more on Luke, Han, Leia, Lando, and Chewie in these films more. I would love to have seen them all be given proper send offs in Episode 9 together and it would passing of the torch the new characters. 

Truth is JJ was tasked with fixing what Rian did and you know I'm not going to throw him under a bus. JJ did his best and that's all anyone can ask for. 
Because Rian messed up the original plans 8 and now look where it is.
So many unanswered questions, there are plot holes, but hey I take Rise of Skywalker over Last Jedi any day.  

Now is this film better than Last Jedi? Yes, it is like I take this film over what Rian Johnson's crap. JJ Abrams was given this film because Disney was really desperate to win back after the backlash of Last Jedi and they were hoping he can fix it. But, in all honesty people JJ didn't save Star Wars the one who really saved Star Wars was Jon Favreau.
This guy is saved Star Wars.
Thanks to Manalorian. 
Jon and his crew had a plan and took inspiration from source materiel
that Kathleen Kennedy said didn't exist lol.

Now I understand why a lot of fans hate or love this film but I think we can all agree Lucasfilm really needs to their shit together and get better writers, producers, and CEO basically people like Jon Favreau, Deborah Chow, and Dave Fillion. Lucasfilm really should have plan out this trilogy better and hopefully in the next one after they will get it right just as long they get the right people behind it. Hopefully things will get better thanks to Mandalorian and for love god Disney give Jon Favreau his own trilogy instead Rian Johnson. 
Disney please get rid of Kathleen
she doesn't know what she's doing.
All she care about was pushing her agendas
and not a story.

Now getting back to the film overall all I can say is if you like it or don't thats fine because I'm sick of Star Wars being such a sensitive topic. It's getting old and tiresome everyone is entitled to what they think about the current state of this franchise. In the end these are just movies that we our all just really passionate about it because we just want it to be good and make everyone happy.
I give Rise of Skywalker at 5 out of 10 and C-. They could have done more with this film and they could have added more the story, there are some plot holes, but again if only Disney had came up with a better plan and outline it would have worked. But again if you like this film that's fine and if you don't thats fine too. You are entitled to what you think of this film I don't begrudge you if you love this film because it in the end it's a fun movie. That's all it needs to be a fun movie that will either have good time with or not.
This Friday Mandalorian Season Finale!!
Don't miss it.

Also in the expanded universe Palpatine was brought back to life using a cloning machine. 
With it he was reborn in younger body and re formed his empire which was called Dark Empire.
Had Lucasfilm and Disney planned this trilogy The Dark Empire book series would have been a big help.
Cause again Palpatine was put in at the last minute in these films.

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