After doing my top ten hated episodes, here are my full ten favorite episodes of King of the Hill.
These episodes I love to watch are really well written, and we see characters at their best. It makes me feel like this after watching them.
Now here are my top ten favorite episodes of King of the Hill.
10. The Leanne Saga
If you've seen my top ten hated, I talked about how much I hated Peggy's character, but we see Peggy at her best in this episode. Luanne's alcoholic-abusing mother is free from prison, and she tells everyone that's she has quit drinking and she's a better person now. However, it doesn't last long; she starts dating Bill, spends more time with him than Luanne, and goes back to her old drinking habits. She's become abusive to Bill, and she's more out of control. Peggy then confronts her and tells her that she is Luanne's mother and she should act one for her daughter's sake. At first, it looks like Leanne realizes she needs help, but then she attacks Peggy, and Peggy kicks her ass, and it is so awesome.
We see Peggy at her best in this episode, for she is a real mom to Luanne because she's always been there for her, and she loves her very much. Peggy is at her best in this episode, and its a shame she didn't stay that way in future episodes.
9. To Kill a Ladybird.
In this episode, Bobby befriends a raccoon because he feels like Ladybird doesn't like him, and she only listens to Hank. He names the Raccoon, Bandit and forms a friendship with the raccoon. Bobby even considers him his pet raccoon like in the photo above you, but that's a dream sequence.
Hank eventually learns of this he tells Bobby that Bandit is not a pet but a wild animal that will bite you. Then, of course, Dale tries to get rid of Bandit, but the raccoon is too much for him even though Dale has done this many times. Bandit gets out goes up to Hank, but Ladybird steps in, and a fight breaks out between the two animals. After that, Ladybird and Bandit both run away. Hank learns that Ladybird might have rabies because Bandit bit her as well. Dale knows he might have rabies, too, because he got scratched by the raccoon, and he doesn't want to get seven shots. Dale's story arc is hilarious like this scene.
This scene always makes me laugh because Dale thinks he has rabies is so funny.
We also see Hank cry in this episode. He never shows his emotions, but when it comes to his dog, he goes into his garage, turns on his tools, and cries over Ladybird being gone. The episode is sad, too, because, at one point, Hank and Bobby go looking for Ladybird and Bandit in the woods. They get attacked by Dale. Eventually, Ladybird comes to save them, and Bobby fears she has rabies, and she's going to bite Hank, but she doesn't, but Bobby still shoots the gun. At first, Hank assumes Bobby missed, but he didn't. He shot Bandit because he noticed Bandit was going to bite Hank. It's unfortunate for Bobby because he had to put down this raccoon that he loved very much. It's a hard thing that Bobby had to do, but thankfully, Bandit didn't have rabies at least. Hank and Bobby bury him as a sign of respect for the race, coon, and Bobby gives an emotional speech about Bandit. So this is a good episode but a sad one.
8. Unfortunate Son
This is another episode I really enjoyed where we see Hank trying to help his dad and military buddies because they can't afford to pay the taxes for the VFW. So they had to sell some stuff, but it went badly for them, and they've lost their building.
Hank allows them to stay at his place, much to Peggy not liking that idea, but she sees them sleeping; she feels terrible about it letting them, day and she says, "They look like little angels, but the smell was unimaginable." She tells Hank he should meet with some Vietnam vets to join the VFW to help them take back their building. Hank, of course, meets with them, and they are shocked about that because they try to join, but they are rejected, and Cotton head-butted one of them in the crotch. At first, Cotton doesn't want this because he looks down at them for losing the war in Vietnam. Eventually, he and his buddies agree to this. They all meet for a BBQ, and they all share war stories.
But things go sour when Cotton upsets the Vietnam vets because they are shell-shocked and experience stuff in Vietnam that dramatizes them. It's a real thing about Vietnam soldiers. They came back a total mess and were shell-shocked. They chase after Cotton and Hank. They work together until Cotton realizes he screwed up, and he says, "Thanks for trying, soldier." Vietnam vets say that's all they wanted to hear was someone to say thanks for trying, and you did your best. It's a good episode where we see Cotton at one of his finest moments. This was an excellent episode, and I enjoyed it a lot.
The side story was Dale gets a Falcon, and the falcon keeps attacking Bill. It's so funny. Bill's a vole, and he keeps attacking by the falcon, which was funny to watch.
7. Hanky Panky and High Anxiety
Now, these are two episodes, but I'm going to have them together for this number. This was a two parted event in the show. It's King of the Hill's own Who Shot Mr. Burns. In the two parted episode arc Buck's wife leaves him for good after he was caught with Debbie from work and she was wearing her mother's earnings. Buck sells Hank Sugar's Foot to Hank so his wife won't get it, but Mrs. Strickland gets Strickland Propane from Buck. She then takes over and makes Debbie do a tank wipe to get back at her for her affair with her husband. Hank assumes he will be fired, but she doesn't; instead, she makes him manager. Hank, of course, meets with Buck, and he learns that Buck is living with Debbie with her pothead roommate Gail. Things get weird when Ms. Strickland wants Hank to come to her place to fix her bathtub, but she actually wants to have an affair with him. Hank gets out of there because he doesn't want that. She apologizes to Hank the next day about what happened, but she clearly wants to get with Hank to get back her ex-husband, and Debbie wants in on the action.
Later that night, Hank starts to smoke again, and Debbie is in his car waiting for him. She wants to have an affair with him, but like Ms. Strickland, he turns her down, and she tells him no one rejects Debbie Grund, but Hank just does.
Hank is truly loyal to Peggy. Even though she's annoying and insufferable to deal with, he would never have an affair. Even with someone like Debbie here, I think this is mainly because he doesn't want to end up like Bill. He also took a vow, and he will never break it.
When Hank returns, Buck is at his house; he knows about Hank and Ms. Liz's bathtub accident but realizes Hank is not that type of guy. Buck profoundly regrets what he has done to his ex-wife, and he wants her back and his money.
On a side note, Peggy changes Sugar's Foot to Peggy's Sugar's Foot. Her changes to the restaurant upset Hank and later Buck and Liz. This helps Buck and Liz get back together, and Hank has to stop Debbie because she called him earlier said that she would tell Peggy they had an affair unless they actually do it. Hank also had phone sex, bwahaha.
So after this, Hank goes to Debbie's apartment, but the episode goes back to Sugar Foot',s and at the end of the episode, Peggy finds Debbie dead in a dumpster.
The next episode is a full-on mystery on who shot Debbie. The three suspects were Buck, Liz, and Hank. Buck tries to set up Hank as the murderer because he doesn't wife going to jail or himself because they finally got back together. Hank believes the joint he smoked may have had something to do with Debbie's death, but he did not kill Debbie, Buck didn't do either, and Ms. Liz didn't do it. The Texas Ranger reveals that it was actually herself; Debbie killed herself by trying to get back into a dumpster because she had nachos in her hand and didn't want to let go of that junk food. She places the gun in first, and she should have put the gun on its back, not its front. She accidentally hits the trigger and gets herself killed. Also,o in the end, Bobby grounds Hank for smoking a joint no mowing the lawn for one week. It was funny. These two episodes are perfect ones, and it's a mystery who killed this co-worker of Hank's, and again, its kind of King of the Hill's own Who Shot Mr. Burns, except it wasn't babysits was accidentally shot.
6. Dang O'Love
This is another episode I love because it's about Boomhauer; Boomhauer is my favorite character on the show. Bill meets a woman who goes jogging around the neighborhood and tries to get her attention, so he and Dale dig holes on the road for her to fall down for him to help her. Bill, of course, trips on the holes himself because he forgot where the holes were on the road. LOL, it was so funny. Boomhauer comes in and helps her. Bill hates him for that because he wanted to meet this woman. Boomhauer falls for this woman Marlene whom he starts seeing a lot, and he plans to propose to her; however, she only wants him for sex as Boomhauer realizes she's got someone new now. Boomhauer is heartbroken, and he's a total mess. Bill, of course, hated Boomhauer and mocked him for getting dumped and pointed out how all the women he's been with felt.
Hank and Dale decide they need to help Boomhauer through this and theres a scene were Peggy at first doesn't want Hank to do this but he tells her "Peggy. Do you want another Bill on your hands?" he asks her this and she realizes he has a point she gives him her car keys and says "Take my car it's a chick magnet." Unfortunately they can't help Boomhauer because he's a such a mess and all did was cry to the bus stop lady. Until Bill decides to help him and Hank and Dale are thankful they are married and will never have to do deal with this. Bill talks to Boomhauer and he tells hims he's gone through this many times and he gives a really good speech to Boomhauer.

Here's a link to watch the speech it's a really good speech from Bill because let me tell if you go through a bad breakup or something I recommend you watch this video of Bill giving this speech because it will make you feel better. Bill is at his best in this episode and he really helps Boomhauer get over his breakup. As well Boomhauer apologizes to the Ice Cream Lady because he was a douchebag to her. Boomhauer but after what happened to him I think he decides to treat his one-night stands with more respect. I really enjoy this episode a lot and it's one of my favorite episodes about Boomhauer.
5. The Father, The Son, and JC
Now this a Christmas episode of King of the Hill were it's about Hank and his Dad trying to bond but Buck gets in the way. Hell, theres a scene were Cotton goes to Hank's and tells him let's go shoot a Christmas tree down but Hank tells him Mr. Strickland got him one. There is a moment were Cotton shows his emotions and when he looks sad and says "But we always..." but then he stops and mocks Hank for that tree. As well in the episode Hank is promoted to manager for only few seconds and he blows it when he tells his Buck he loves him. But seriously what kind of boss demotes you just like that because you said you loved him? It's just weird. Bobby and Peggy try to get Hank and Cotton to get along for the holidays but its not going so well. It isn't until Hank tells Cotton he hates him and Cotton locks himself in a house that Hank and everyone build for a poor family.
Bobby meets former president Jimmy Carter and Jimmy decides to help Hank and Cotton settle their differences. Jimmy of course finally tells Cotton that if he had a choice to press a button that would make Hank disappear forever but everything stays the same but Hank doesn't exist. He asks him if would he press that button or not. Cotton says not yes. It shows that he does love Hank and Cotton and Hank make amends. They don't say the love each other more like they love that nail gun that Cotton uses in the episode. It's a good Christmas episode even though Peggy takes credit in the end for bringing Hank and Cotton together even though she had nothing to do with it. Typical Peggy Hill. Still this is a good Christmas episode to watch and I think its my favourite one out of the Christmas episodes of King of the Hill.
4. Hilloween
Now this another holiday episode about Halloween, in fact it's the only halloween episode from King of the Hill. I really enjoy this episode because Hank is in the right in this episode and I support him all the way. In this episode Hank is excited for this year's Halloween because this will be Bobby's last Halloween because he's going to be thirteen next year. However, this religious nut job named Junie Harper who is Luanne's fellowship teacher says Halloween is about devil worshiping. Luanne believes it and she tells Junie about the haunted mansion that Hank was building for the school and Junie stops it. Junie is ruining Halloween for everybody because she believes its about devil worshiping like really? Of course Hank and Bobby pull some halloween tricks at her house but it gets them into trouble. Hank is happy about what they did to Junie Harper's house but Bobby feels guilty and Luanne takes him to Junie Harper's Heavonween to save Bobby's soul.
Hank has enough of Junie ruining this fun holiday so he puts on his old devil costume that he wore as a kid and shouts out loud trick or treat and others join him a protest to this ridiculous idea about Halloween being band for a stupid reason.
Also Peggy puts Luanne in her place and tells her that she has no right to taking Bobby to Junie Harper without telling them and she tells Luanne that she will have her sleeping on the streets if she does it again. Luanne realizing her mistake joins Hank's side in the end.
In the end they stop Junie Harper and Bobby decides he just wants to spend time with his dad tonight and get as much candy as he can. Everyone celebrates Halloween while Junie screams "Fine! More Heaven For Me!" I'm like you're going to hell. This is a great episode and its really good. Also Hank and Peggy are great in this episode and I'm totally on Hank's side through out this whole episode.
3. Chasing Bobby
This is an episode I really like to watch were we see Hank is unable to fix his truck. Hank is known for fixing things like houses, trucks, and other things he never pays anyone to do it for him. In this episode, Hank's truck is not working right but Hank doesn't want to go mechanic for help because he knows his truck better than anyone.
Hank was never one to show his emotions in public because he's not that type of guy he's very manly and the way he was raised by Cotton who showed no emotional side. However, he sees the film the Flowers of Time a ladies film as he calls it. He starts to cry in a scene were a man dies and he tells his son that he is his rose. Hank doesn't know why he's crying and Peggy wants to know like if it has something to do with Cotton or Bobby but it's actually about his truck. Hank wants to fix his truck and he takes some of his anger out on Bobby in this episode which is unfair. Bobby finds out from a newspaper theres a place called Pick Up Truck Heaven that can fix his truck but it turns out its a Truck shop they don't fix trucks, they sell trucks at reasonable price. Hank is upset at Bobby but then his truck breaks down at a rail road stop. A train comes and destroys Hank's truck. He once again blames Bobby for this and he didn't care how many miles it had left.
They head back to the dealer but Bobby is fed up with his dad's taking his anger out on him. So Bobby decides to walk home even though its 30 miles from his home. Hank eventually gives in and drives a new truck and its work for him. He finds Bobby and apologizes for blaming him for his truck's destruction. Bobby tells him that he always loved that truck it was just as important to him like it was for Hank.
I like how Bobby believes that Hank's old truck might have killed itself like it was telling Hank to get a new truck and it was in a better place now. Its sweet tribute to their old truck and how much Hank and Bobby really loved that truck. For people who loves cars and trucks it would be emotional episode to watch. But it's a good one to watch and maybe that truck was telling Hank not to be hard on Bobby for he was helping Hank come to terms that his truck is going die.
2. To Sirloin with Love

This was the series finale of the show and it was really good. Like what made it great was we finally see Hank and Bobby bond over grilling steaks because Bobby has such unexpected knowledge of meat. This is a feel good episode because it's the last episode of the series and it ends on really good note. I liked how we learn what's Boomhauer's job and that he is Texas Ranger and his first name is Jeff, Kahn finally gives Connie a break from school work and tells her to take a break, Dale knows how to heal his wife's head aches even though he never learns about John Redcorn and her but I think Dale already knew its theory but I think he always knew about her and John Redcorn, and we see Luanne and Lucky with their daughter Graice and sadly this will be the last time we see them because both of their voice actors passed away sadly. I don't know what will happen to these two characters they might move to a different town or be killed off. I just hope Mike has a good idea on how to explain their absence from the reboot. This is a great finale and its really good to see everyone come together for a BBQ and just we see one last shot of the water tower that says Arlen.

It was a good ending to a good show.
Honourable Mentions
Of Mice and Green Little Men
In this episode Dale thinks that Joseph is alien and Hank has to believe it even though it's not true he's actually John Redcorn's son. It's a really good Dale and Joseph story because despite Joseph not being his biological son he still loves Joseph and Joseph considers him to be his dad. As well this episode deals with Bobby doing stage comedy play but Hank's not interested in helping him but he does it in the end but Bobby doesn't show for it. I love when Dale says to Hank "Also Boomhauer says he can see your nipple." causing Hank to cover up.
It's a really father and son story arc. I stand by that Dale knew about the affair but he didn't care because he has a good life, a good family, and he would hate to loose it all.
Naked Ambition
This episode is really funny because Bobby sees Luanne naked and that's his cousin and Joseph of course is jealous because he has a crush on her. As well Connie still can't tell her parents that she's dating Bobby because she knows they won't like it and she's upset with Bobby because she thought he peeping at her while she was in her room. Eventually Bobby explains he saw Luanne naked and she admits she doesn't want to date Chang who is boring know it all. The two of them share a big kiss at the end.
As well in the episode Boomhauer ends up in mental hospital, Dale goes to get him but Boomhauer tells him not to tell Hank about this, Dale goes to the hospital but he does by trading clothes with a mental patient that backfires, the both of them call Bill but Bill really likes it there because he'a actually getting help for once for his personal problems. Eventually the three of them call Hank and Hank helps them out but Bill doesn't want to go but Hank tells him to get into the truck and Bill says no. Its like Hank, Bill needs this because he is a mess let him go to therapy and get professional help. As well the ending is funny when Kahn sees Luanne naked by mistake and Joseph over hears and he's like "Aw, Man."
Soldier of Misfortune
I love this episode because its about Dale getting back into action. After loosing his confidence in his re election for President of the Gun Club to Mad Dog. He feels broken and lost. So Hank, Bill, Boomhauer, and Peggy help him out by giving him a made up mission. Which results him getting the wrong bag and Hank, Bill and Boomhauer end up being captured by Mad Dog who is Dale's rival. This episode is really funny too and it brought us this POCKET SAND.
This was so funny and its now a huge meme. Like Dale saying Pocket Sand and hitting someone with sand is really funny. As well Dale has to go save his friends and he finds out that Hank is Mr. Big eventually Dale saves everyone but almost getting them killed. Its a really funny episode to watch and I really enjoy it.
Also heres a link to funny scene in the episode it's so funny.
Night and Deity
In this episode Bill feeds pigeons and the results are bad because there are pigeons everywhere in the neighbourhood. Dale has to hire a very experience exterminator to come and help him. She's a woman named Sheila a very pretty lady that even Hank, Bill and Boomhauer have a crush on her.
Nancy gets jealous of this and we know Nancy has cheated on Dale and we know what she has done is awful but still she does love Dale. We see her become overprotective of Dale. Sheila falls in love with Dale and wants to have sex with him but Dale turns her down. I mean Dale had a chance to get back at Nancy for cheating on him with John Redcorn but no Dale loves his wife and he will never break her heart. Even if she did it to him, but he is still loyal to her and he made a vow. Thats why I think he actually knows about the affair but he won't stoop to that level and he loves Nancy very much and would never do that to her. Funny side plot is Hank goes out with Luanne for her 21 birthday and he gets super drunk its really funny and he end up falling on his lawn. As well Boomhauer and Bill get high and help pigeon out.
Bwah My Nose
This is another episode were Hank, Dale, Bill, and Boomhauer get a rematch with the team they lost to back in high school. Now as you know or don't Hank's ankle broke during the game costing state it was one of the worse days of their lives and finally they got a rematch. They won their rematch got back at the other team that mocked them for years. Its really good episode of King of the Hill and I really enjoyed it.
A Beer Named Desire
This was another good episode were Hank and the gang go to New Orleans and if Hank gets a football through a big metal can of Alamo he wins a million dollars. It's funny seeing the Hills travel different parts of the US.
But I think the Bill's story is more interesting because we meet his family. Everyone is shocked to learn they are rich and very well mannered because they thought they were poor and lived a crappy home. He learns that he has one cousin and two non cousins who were married to both of his now-dead cousins. Peggy warns him to be careful who he sleeps with. We are also interduce to his cousin Gilbert who is based on author Tennessee Williams. Bill learns from him in the end that Violetta is his cousin but she attempted to sleep with him, which very messed up. After this Bill is told to leave because he didn't want to marry anyone he just wanted to have sex with them. But before he leaves he meets with Rose and Lilly and its implied by the end of the episode he got a threesome with the two of them, which why he's so happy. If the show comes back it would be shocking to learn that Bill has two kids from those different women would be interesting episode. This honourable episode to mention as well seeing Bobby dress up in New Orleans clothes is really funny especially when Hank throws his clothes off a balcony.
And the number one and my favourite episode of King of the Hill is..
1. Returning Japanese

This is to me is the best King of the Hill episode to date but its also two parter but its really good. We see Cotton at his best in this episode and in the episode we learn that he had a secret son with a woman from Japan during WW2.
Cotton begins to feel a great amount of guilt for her leaving even though he was forced too and he also feels bad about the fifty Japanese men he killed during WW2. He wants to apologized to Japan for the things even though they took his shins.
Cotton gets flashbacks from the war and he sees the corpses of all the men he killed. Hank tries to help but Cotton doesn't want his help but Cotton opens up to Bobby about his problems but he lies about the woman photo. The Hills go to Japan because Peggy uses that story to write article even though Bobby told her the idea but she thought there was no story with that until she used it as a last resort. The Hills go to Japan and in Japan they learn that Cotton is going to apologized to the widow of the solider he killed and then pick pocketed but Cotton wants this to be private. I find it funny how the Hills stay at a hotel and sleep in the front entrance unaware the wall in front of them is a side door.
As well Dale and Bill pretend to be Hank and Peggy to make sure no one robs the house and Luanne mistakes them for robbers. They both get arrested with Dale begging Boomhauer to take in Hank's paper.
In the episode Hank learns the truth that his father and this mystery woman were lovers. It upsets Hank and he's ashamed of his father, however he sees that his dad despite their differences comes over to get a photo of Hank and Bobby to show this woman he's got something good in his life. Hank goes to his father and Cotton tells him he's a good son and shake hands, no hug but the Hills are known for shaking hands. It's a good moment between Hank and Cotton. Then we meet Hank's brother Junichiro.

In the next episode Cotton explains his story about he fell in love with a Japanese nurse and they had to keep their love a secret. Cotton was force to leave Japan and he didn't want too because he wanted to say goodbye to her properly. As well Cotton reveals he has slept with more than 273 women this could hint that Hank might have more siblings out there. That would be really cool idea to expand on if the show comes back were Hank meets all of his half siblings so there could be like a thousand Hills.
Hank of course is really happy to learn that he has another brother and Bobby meets a girl that he falls for at this big arcade. The Hills have dinner with Junichrio and his mother Michiko and her husband Wataro. Cotton is going to the peace ceremony were he will receive a medal but Junichrio calls out Cotton says he came fifty years later is unforgivable and he refuses to call Cotton his father and calls the Hill name shameful. Cotton goes crazy and is now on the run causing problems.
We learn Cotton plans to spit on the Emperor's face instead of accepting the medal. Hank and Junichrio work together and they bond with each other as they both have a lot in common. Junichrio tells Cotton in the end he is not a shame of being Hill and accepts him as his father. As well he says "Like Japan, I am no longer enemy and like my little brother I am your son I tell you what." After hearing those words Cotton decides not to spit on the emperor's face, he accepts the medal and makes amends with Japan and introduces his sons to the Emperor of Japan. It's a good moment in the show like I really love this episode and its about forgiving and setting things right. At the end of the episode Cotton tells Bobby to go and say goodbye to that girl he met at the arcade because he doesn't want him to end up like he did. Because it will be hell to come back in fifty years.
The ending good with Bobby and the girl dancing together. To me this hands down the best episodes of King of the Hill. It's so well written and I can watch this again and again.
So those are my top ten favourite episodes of King of the Hill let me know what you think.
What are your top ten and hopefully the show is coming back soon. If it goes through. I hope you all enjoyed this top ten and there will be more to come.