Tuesday 11 May 2021

What I want to see and don't want to see in Captain America 4


What I want to see and don't want to see in Captain America 4

So as you know after they finished Falcon and Winter Solider they have announced Captain America 4 with Sam Wilson now as Captain America. Everyone is super excited for this film because no one thought we were getting Captain America 4. 

Now it's likely we are getting Captain America 4 in Phase Five and here is what I want to see in the next film and what I don't want to see in Captain America 4. 

What I want to see in Captain America 4

9. Interduce a New Falcon and that is Joaquin Torres 
They are likely setting up Joaquin to become the new Falcon. So we will likely see him return and he takes over the mantle of Falcon and I think he should have Sam's powers to telepath and control birds because it would work better with him than Sam. I could see him being another sidekick to Sam and Sam teaches him how to use his wings unless they go with his mutated wings instead of the mech wings. I think that idea would work instead of him wearing Sam's old metal wings, like let's say he gets captured by HYDRA or something gets experiment on and grows actual wings on his body. Sam rescues him and helps him with his new powers.  

 8. Have Elijah Bradley become Patriot and Sam's Sidekick.
Now the character of Elijah Bradley appeared on the show as the grandson of Isaiah Bradley the first Black Captain America. What I want to see is Elijah becoming Sam's sidekick as Patriot. I think it would make sense that Sam takes Elijah under his wing and trains him and makes him into his sidekick along with Joaquin. Isaiah like the comics would love to see his grandson become a hero and working with Sam is a great idea. I think it would be cool if we see Elijah call himself Patriot after a fallen hero from the 80s known as Patriot. 
As well Elijah would have Cap's old Shield
and I want him to wear a full mask, I never liked the eye mask on characters in general
except for some characters. 
As well Marvel is planning a Young Avengers tv series or movie so this would set the stages for Patriot.

7. Interduce Red Skull's Daughter Sin as a new villain. 
Sin is the daughter of the Red Skull and like her father she is a nazi and killing machine. Sin I think could be an interesting villain to have in the film and maybe she's trying to continue her father's work or maybe she's trying to bring back her father. She wants to kill Sam and destroy Captain America's legacy like I would say look at the character of Stormfront from the Boys tv show for ideas and Ed Brubaker's run on Captain America comics. One thing we learn about Sin is she is her father's daughter and like him she's a horrible person, a nazi, psycho, and she's like a more evil version of Harley Quinn mixed with Stormfront.  

6. Bucky finally calling himself White Wolf. 
This another thing fans want to see is Bucky finally calling himself White Wolf. Now if he's in the film which is likely going to happen he needs to call himself White Wolf and wear a White Wolf costume of some sorts. As well in the film we could see Bucky form his own team, maybe the Invaders an old team from WW2.
I mean that would be cool seeing Bucky become the leader or founder of the MCU Invaders. He gets Jim Hammond aka the Original Human Torch and Namor to join this a small team that fights terrorism, Hydra, and nazis. I think it would be great if they give Bucky his own film or his own solo series with The Invaders.   

5. What Sharon planning and Who is Power Broker. 
Sharon returned in the show and now she's a more darker character and I have feeling she's going to be a villain in someway in Captain America 4. Like in the end, she kills Flag Smasher because it turns out she was working with Flag Smasher in the end of the show. So in truth Sharon was the secret real villain of the show. But what is she planning and who is Power Broker? These are questions that need to be answered. Also there is the idea that this is not Sharon but a Skrull it could be true we got a Secret Invasion show happening so anything is possible. Also they got to tell us who is Power Broker what does he want and what is planning to do now Super Solider Serum is off the menu. We need these answered in Captain America 4. 

4. Bring Back Red Skull 
Now as we know Red Skull is the keeper of the Soul Stone but there is a chance he is now free from his duty as keeper. Maybe he was sent back to Earth and he's reforming HYDRA and he meets his daughter for the first time and they both plan to take over the world. Red Skull could learn about what's happen for the past eighty years and now he's planning on killing the new Captain America, Bucky, and destroy everything Steve Rogers holds dear. Could lead up to the Secret Empire where Red Skull is planning something big to take over the world or the forth film is about Secret Empire.

3. Give Sam a love interest and who better then Misty Knight 
Misty Knight if you've watch Luke Cage, Iron Fist, or Defenders you know Misty Knight as the cool, smart, beautiful detective with the cyber arm. I think Misty should be in the next film as a love interest for Sam. As well it would be cool if they brought back Simone Missick for the role but if she turns it down I would say Nathalie Emmanuel would be a good replacement.  
Like lets give Sam a love interest in the film I mean come on Steve got Peggy and...Sharon, why should Sam miss out. If anyone brings up Bucky I'm like guys they confirmed its not going to happen get over it. Bucky had the hots for Sam's sister Sarah.

2. Seeing more of Sam adjusting to his new job as Captain America and being a mentor to Elijah and Joaquin. 
Now with Sam now as Captain America we got see him doing his own thing as Captain America and him honouring Steve's legacy. I want to see him take Elijah under his wing as his sidekick and teaching Elijah how to fight crime and what it means to carry the shield. As well if Joaquin becomes the new Falcon and Sam has to help him because he was captured and mutated now he has actual bird wings and Sam has to help him. Sam will likely face people who don't want him as Cap but he's not going to let them stop him because he knows there will be people who don't want him wield the shield but he doesn't care he's Captain America and he will fight to keep the world safe from evil. I also want to see Sam do more of his own thing as Captain America not be like Steve but a different take on the mantle. 

1. Have this film set up New Avengers.
Now it is likely Phase Five will give us a New Avengers film so I think this film should set up New Avengers. I can see Sam joining the team maybe as team leader or second in command of the team. 

Now heres what I don't want to see in the next Captain America film.

4. Don't make the main villains sympathetic.

Now this has been talked about since the show ended. 
About Flag Smasher's actions in the show.
Whether she's sympathetic for her cause or she was actually a villain and her actions were wrong.
Someone should have told her 
"Your cause understandable, but terrorism and killing people is never the answer." 
Like people say that Flag Smasher was a sympathetic villain and we did see how sad her life was and she just wanted a better life for the refugees. Her intentions were good but she killed people who really didn't deserve it and nothing to do with the people cause her pain. Now can I say that sympathetic villains are interesting and good like Kilmonger, Nebula, Loki, and Harley Quinn. Those villains did some bad things but at the same time they do it because they think they are doing the right thing but to some it's not. It's understandable but it's not. 
But there are some villains you can't make your audience feel sympathetic towards to. For example, look at Red Skull he's a nazi, Kingpin he's in the human trafficking business, Umbridge from Harry Potter she's more hated then Voldemort is, and look the upcoming Cruella film it looks like they want her to be sympathetic character but how can you make someone who wants to skin puppies to make a fur coat a sympathetic character!?!? I mean sure you give them a tragic origin and explain why their like this but what they do after is just awful and they don't regret their actions.
I just notice how studios are trying to make their villains more sympathetic it works for some villains but not every villain. 
We love to hate villains for their horrible crimes against humanity or how badly the treat other people or they are just so annoying you want to see them get beat up or killed. Sure, we can understand the villain's point of view but its still wrong for what they believe in and that they are willing to kill people close to them to get what they want. 
But if Sin is in the film make her a hateable villain along with her father, in fact in future Marvel films we need to see more hatable villains because let me tell there are villains you can't make people feel sorry for. 
Trust me, look up the Purifiers, The Seventh Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club, Purple Man, and Boliver Trask.

3. Don't give us a new Red Skull who is either the son of Steve Rogers or related to Steve Rogers in anyway.
Now as you know or don't in Ultimate Marvel comics the Red Skull in that universe, now this really weird and messed up but in that universe the Red Skull is the son of Captain America. Take that in for a second, the Red Skull who is Captain America's greatest enemy in that universe is his son. Now that is something I don't think fans want to see. Let's not have Steve and Peggy's son or grandsons or any of their children or grandchildren become the new Red Skull. I mean unless the story is good and makes sense but I would not recommend the idea. Just stick to Johann Schmidt aka the real Red Skull.  

2. Don't adapt that infamous Secret Empire story arc with HYRDRA CAP 
We all know this pile of crap where Marvel made Steve Rogers aka Captain America, one of their most beloved characters into a HYDRA Agent! In fact he takes over the world with HYDRA. This one of the worse things Marvel has done with the character and I speak for some that we don't want to see Hydra Cap as the villain. We don't see Chris Evans come back and he plays Captain Hydra. 
No one wants to see this crap so please don't have this in the Captain America 4 film, in fact don't even hint at that Steve Rogers was a secret agent of HYDRA. Now if they wanted to adapt the other Secret Empire story arc from the 70s sure that would work better than this. I just find this story arc to be so insulting to the character and the creators Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. 

1. Don't have Zemo in the film unless he's dancing LOL.
Don't have Zemo in the film maybe save him for another Avengers film because I feel like they got plans for Zemo outside the Captain America films. But if they have another dance scene then have him in the film lol. 

So that's what I want to see and don't want to see in the next Captain America film. Let me know what you think, leave comment, what do you want to see in the next Captain America film.

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