Hey everyone much likes how I would make Black Widow and Shang Chi. I'm doing one for Eternals and here is how I think Eternals should have been made and what the issues were with the film.
I saw the movie and I have to be honest it is the most boring Marvel film ever and you just can't connect with the characters in the film.
Like here are the problems with the film and here's how I would have made it.
9. Sersi was a boring lead.
Sersi was our main lead and I won't say I have anything against the actress who played her. I just felt her character was badly written in the film because she's so boring and there's nothing really interesting about her. All we know is she loves humanity, she was dating Ikrais and later Dane, she's chosen as the new leader of the Eternals, and that's it.

This character was just a bad lead and I'm sure in future films they will likely improve on the character. I just feel like the character Sersi could have been written better as a lead. That's another thing I hate the idea of sidelining the main character in films is bad but when you make the main character boring and bland that's just as bad sidelining the main lead. In future films or shows please make this character more interesting, entertaining to watch, let's see her face struggles and how she overcomes them, and just give her more of a personality.
8. The Deviants weren't good villains and they were just bland and boring.
The Deviants of the film are the villains although it's revealed that Ikaris is the real villain but I'll get into that later. The Deviants are cool but there was nothing really interesting about them.
I mean the Deviants in the comics look like this and I'm wondering if they didn't make them like this Shazam did something similar with the Seven Deadly Sins but it worked like they were very terrifying villains. The deviants were not that good of villains maybe if they ever bring back they will do a better job. As well the film should have an actual villain with a clear purpose in the film.
Like if you could have Kro become a more interesting villain instead of just killing him off just like that by Thena. You could have done more with the character in this film or saved him for the sequel.
7. I don't think they needed to gender swap or race swap some of the characters they could have expanded on more pre-existing characters.
Now in the film, they gender swap and race swap three Eternals Ajax, Sprite, and Makkari. I mean in my opinion they didn't have to do that because there are more female Eternals they could have used instead like Pixie instead of Sprite, Titanis, and Cybele. There are lots of female Eternals they could have used instead. I just wish they would have expanded on pre-existing female and ethnic characters for representation and diversity.
For example, If I was making this film would have cast Selma Hayek as Cybele, Lauren Ridloff as Titanis, and Lia McHugh as Pixie. For Ajak, Makkari, and Sprite I would have cast Sam Heughan as Makkari, Jacob Tremblay as Sprite, and Benjamin Bratt as Ajak. I just think this is what they should have done instead, to quote producer Barbara Broccoli "I believe we should be creating new characters for women-strong female characters. I'm not particularly interested in taking a male character and having a woman play him."
6. The film should haven't have changed its origins.
Now the film changes the origins of the character's history and the origin of the Eternals. I know most fans are not happy with these changes, especially about Olympia. The fact they are androids is just kind of weird and just lazy writing. I can understand why a major amount of Eternals fans are going to be pissed off about these changes.
5. There are too many characters in this film.
There are too many characters.
One problem this film had was it had ten main characters and that isn't a good idea for a film like this. In the first Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy are main characters were six to five members. That's a good way to introduce a team of five or six characters if you go with ten in the first film it won't work. Like Lord of the Rings had nine main characters but it worked because they give each their own quest. Also in the Avengers films, they build up the team and introduce new members of the team in each film.
Like if they had gone with six members the group of Eternals like this drawing would be the main rooster.
Ikaris, Sersi, Makkari, Thena, Titanis, and Kingo. We also could have had Black Knight in the film and he actually becomes Black Knight in the third act of the film.
That could have been a good team to introduce a simple team of six members that expand the MCU. Doing ten members didn't work. I mean if they did the Eternals tv series it would have worked with ten characters which made everyone think why wasn't this a show it would have worked better as a tv series. Each episode would expand on each character.
4. A TV series for the Eternals would have worked better

Now that's another thing an Eternal TV series would have worked better. If they did a Disney plus tv series about Eternals I think it would have worked much better than a movie. Now don't get me wrong Chloe Zhao is a great director but she didn't do a good job with this film. Every great director has a bad film once in a while. I just think a show would have worked better than a movie about the Eternals. Like the film would focus on ten characters in their own episodes that's something a tv show can do that a movie can't.
3. The characters aren't interesting, they're bland, and most of all boring.
I will say Kingo was my favorite character in the film. Like's he's the only character I liked because I'm a big Silicon Valley fan.
As I watch this film I just couldn't connect with the characters of this film. Like they were boring and I just felt nothing for them they weren't interesting enough. Maybe it was because there were too many characters in this film like it wasn't your typical MCU Team up the film. Like look at Guardians of the Galaxy they were an unknown group but James Gunn manage to make each character interesting, balance each character's arc and development, and most of all focus on the most important characters in the film. Again I think this film should have six characters and should have been the main focus and introduce more Eternals in future films or have other Eternals in the film but they are just supporting characters and we just focus more on our main six characters.
2. Making Ikaris the villain didn't work.
Now in the comics, Ikaris is the face of the Eternals like he is one of Jack Kirby's iconic characters well not as great as Cap, Iron Man, and Thor though. When people think of the Eternals they think of him. A lot of fans likely hate how this character was written in the film. He has led the Eternals but he's not like that in the film like in the original idea he was going to be the main character along with Sersi but they changed that. I just hate the fact they made him a villain and in the end, he hates himself for what he did and kills himself. Which is like WTF. I mean he will likely come back because no one stays dead and they might redeem his character in the next film if it happens, but this film I felt did the character wrong. Much like Cyclops in the X-Men films. If they do bring him back please redeem his character and write him the way Jack wrote him.
Hell, I think Jack Kirby himself would hate this film for what they did to his character or pretty much all his characters. Like Ikrias should be the main character or a co-lead with Sersi and he could have become the new leader along with Sersi after their break up and they are chosen to lead the Eternals together. Originally that was the plan but they changed it.
Drug would have been the main villain of the film if I was making it.
If you ask me Drug should have been the villain of the film. Now I know some might say that would have been too obvious but I think he would have made more sense because he and Ikaris are cousins and he's always hated him. The film could have pulled a twist that it was Drug who was the real mastermind and the deviants follow him because he wants to be worshiped as a god and maybe he has Ikaris kill Ajax with his mind control abilities that would have worked better.
1. Black Knight should have been in the film I think more fans wanted to see him.
Now the biggest letdown is Black Knight. I mean the character was announced in the film and fans were more excited because Black Knight is a popular character in the comics. Unfortunately, he doesn't become Black Knight in the film and I think what would have saved the film is if you had this character appear in the full costume and have him fight the Deviants along with the Eternals. This could lead to a spin-off film or tv series about the character. I know Marvel is setting that up but I feel like the character should have at least worn his iconic costume and used the Ebony Blade. The end credit is setting him up and he does meet with Blade so they are setting him up.
We did see the sword in the end credit scene and with Thena.
It just would have been cool to see it in action.
Also, the Star Fox cameo was cool and Harry Styles is a good choice for the role.
We will see more of the character and he is Thanos's brother.
So that's how I think Eternals should have been made and these are just my opinions on the film. If you agree or disagree that's fine I'm just sharing how I think this film should have been made. As well I think this film is also a lesson to Marvel Studios that they should focus more on story and character instead of making a film that's bland and boring.
What do you think do you agree or disagree with my blog. Let me know and leave a comment.
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