My Top 6 Favourite LGBT Heroes
So to celebrate Pride Month, here are my top 6 favorite LGBT Heroes from Marvel and DC. Also, I just want to say a hero is a hero. It doesn't matter what race, gender, or sexuality they are. If they inspire you, that's all that matters.
Let's begin.
6. Northstar
Northstar was the first Gay Superhero in comics, and when the character was revealed to be gay, it was a game-changer. Because Marvel wasn't allowed to show a full-on gay character and John Byrne gave hints that the character was gay, and writer Scott Lobdell was given permission to confirm the character's sexuality. So bam, Alpha Flight 106 Northstar comes out as gay. Northstar is still an interesting hero. He's super fast, and he has the same powers as sister Aurora does if you've seen my Alpha Flight movie fan cast.
In the Astonishing X-Men run, Northstar proposed to his boyfriend, Kyle.
This was a massive deal in the comics because the first gay superhero was marrying his boyfriend.
However, some people were offended by this comic. In fact, mothers were angry about this comic being sold in Toy R Us.
To quote Frank Reynolds
"Look, who gives a shit if gays want to be miserable like the rest of us and get married.
Let them do it! It's no skin off my ass."
Honestly, it's just a wedding, also in the comics. Northstar and Kyle have a daughter, so that's exciting.
Still, Northstar broke many barriers, and this character is why we see more LGBT heroes, which is good.
If I were to cast Northstar, I would cast Jesse Rath.
For the record, Jesse isn't gay in real life, but what matters is he's a good actor.
As Ian McKellen once said.
"We're Acting. We're Pretending." Wise words from Gandalf.
What matters is they cast a good actor to play a character like I want Luke Evans to play Sinestro, and he's gay, and Sinestro isn't.
We should cast actors for their acting skills, and that's it.
5. Catwoman
As we know, Catwoman was always Batman's main love interest, but in the comics, they eventually revealed that Selina Kyle was Bisexual, which makes sense. Selina Kyle, I have loved her for so many years since I was a kid, and she's so cool. I mean, current comics haven't done a good job lately, but the old comics have done a great job with her.
Catwoman has always been Batman's love interest, and I did not like the Tom King storyline.
However, Catwoman has had other relationships because Selina will flirt with anyone.
In The Batman, it's shown that Selina had a girlfriend before she met Batman, and sadly, her girlfriend was killed. However, Catwoman is one of my favorite LGBT characters because she will flirt with anyone.
Still love Catwoman and can't wait to see her in the DCU, maybe Brave and the Bold but don't base her on Tom King's take on the character. If I were to cast the DCU Catwoman, I would cast Ana De Armas.
4. Psylocke
Psylocke is one of my favorite female X-Men characters. I especially loved her in the Uncanny X Force Run, one of my favorite X series. Psylocke is a telepath and is skilled in sword combat. I'm not a fan of the Captain Britan era, but they brought her back as Psylocke in Hellions, which is good. I also liked the X-Men Blue run with her being the team's telepath, and she's just so badass, way better than Jean, despite her split personality. Psylocke has been romantically involved with Arcangel.
Their romance ended on a sad note after Age of the Archangel.
They had one of the best relationships; the love triangle was with Fantomex. I usually don't like love triangles, but Warren lost his memory after he was stabbed with the seed of life. So I guess it means their relationship was over.
She did get with Fantomex and remained with him for a while until they broke up after he gave his body to Xavier during the Astonishing X-Men run.
Eventually, she got with a female Fantomex.
Now she's with Rachel Summers, which is a weird match, but it's whatever.
Psylocke is one of the best X-Men, and I hope they will do her justice in future MCU X-Men films. Because they need to get, her done right.
Psylocke is my second favorite Telepath, next to Emma Frost. If I were to cast Psylocke, I would cast Katie Leung.

3. Midnighter
Midnighter has been known as Gay Batman, but he's more of the love child of Wolverine and Punisher because he is way more violent and kills his bad guys, unlike Batman. Midnighter has done extreme stuff for The Authority.
I mean, just look at this guy. He's so badass. I hope he's fantastic in the film because look at him.
Whoever they cast, Midnighter, I hope the actor does a great job playing the role, and I think Midnighter will be a fan favorite in the film. Wouldn't be shocked if he gets his own spin-off.
In the comics, he's married to Apollo, the Authority's Superman, and they have a daughter together. Midnighter is one of my favorite LGBT heroes because he's so badass, and he's one of the reasons I'm interested in the upcoming Authority movie. If I were to cast Midnighter, I would cast Darren Criss.
2. Harley Quinn
I mean, who doesn't love Harley Quinn? She is funny, she's cool, and I love that hammer she uses. Harley is one of the best characters in DC comics, and she was initially a tv character created by Bruce Timm. Harley went on to appear in the comics, dump the Joker, hook up with Deadshot, and, of course, she got with Poison Ivy. Harley has come a long way since appearing in the Batman show because, let me tell ya, she's one of the most popular DC characters by far.
She and Deadshot hooked up at one point.
However, Harley's true love is and always is Poison Ivy.
Margot Robbie wants to make a Harley Quinn film, and she wants Poison Ivy as Harley's love interest.
I'm down for that. It could be a rated R film. I feel that Harley and Ivy have one of the best relationships because these two were shipped even during the Batman animated series. Besides, I take Ivy over Joker any day.
Also, the Harley Quinn show is hilarious too.
Harley Quinn will be in Joker 2, aka Folie a Deux.
I think Lady Gaga will do a good job. She's a pretty interesting choice, and this Harley won't be like Margot's because she's more messed up. I would be shocked if she and Joker have a better romance in this film.
And my favorite LGBT hero is...
1. Daken/Fang/Dark Wolveirne
Daken is my favorite LGBT Superhero. Daken is Wolverine's son from his wife Itsu. Daken is one of the most badass characters out there, and, initially, he started out as a villain, joined Norman Osborn's Avengers, and went by Dark Wolverine.
Daken stepped out of the shadows and played a massive role in Dark Reign and beyond.
After the Dark Reign and Siege events, he became Dark Wolverine and got his own series. He led his own Brotherhood mutants, and Wolverine killed his own son, but it's shown that Wolverine loved his son and wished he raised him and been there for him. Daken eventually came back to life as a Horseman for Apocaplyse Twins. Finally, he returned as Daken and currently goes by Fang now and has redeemed himself and made amends with his father. He's also a member of X Factor and the Marauders. Daken has come a long way and is one of my favorite X-Men.
Daken has been with women and men.
Majorie Liu once said.
"Daken will do anyone or anything. He's no more Homosexual than he is Heterosexual."
Daken has been in relationships with Ms. Sinister and Ice Man; he's had one-night stands and kissed Bullseye once, which was really funny.
"I always did like playing for both teams." Daken. Dark X-Men
I always found this moment funny because Bullseye's reaction is priceless.
Daken is my all-time favorite LGBT Superhero; currently, in the comics, he is with Aurora from Alpha Flight. Speaking of Alpha Flight, there will be a series relaunch, Daken will be involved, and Auroa might be pregnant. Wolverine is going to be a grandpa. Now if I were to cast Daken, I would cast Ryan Potter.

So that's my top favorite LGBT characters from Marvel and DC.
Let me know what you think.
Happy Pride Month to all my friends and family.