Here is part 2 of How I Would Reboot The MCU.
In part two, we will get new movies and shows and be introduced to new characters. Phase 2 is based on Secret Invasion with Kree/Skrull War elements. I changed up the plans, and phase 3 is based on Dark Reign.
These two storylines are the focus of Phase 2. However, Secret Invasion would be in the main Endgame for Phase 2.
I read the Secret Invasion series, and it is way better than that awful show because, my god, they downgraded Nick Fury in that show, and it's so cringe to watch.
So, in this phase, I want to do Secret Invasion right! I'm setting up a proper Secret Invasion.
We're in the Secret Invasion Saga.
Who do you trust?
We will be introduced to new characters and continue phase one character stories.
The first film of Phase 2 is Fantastic 4: The Super Skrull
-This film focuses on the Fantastic Four facing off against Kl'rt the Super Skrull.
-This film sets up the Secret Invasion arc, leading into Avengers 2, aka The Avengers: Secret Invasion.
-We see the Fantastic Four battle against Super Skrull, who has the powers of each member.
-We would see the team travel in space to the Skrulls' home planet Skrollus. Their planet is dying and faces destruction from Galactus
-Power Skrull would be in the film, including Emperor Dorrek VII, Zedrao, and Princess Veranke.
-The Fantastic Four learns that Super Skrull is creating more Super Skrulls and steals every hero and villain's DNA to make more Super Skrulls.
-Super Skrull is a villain with a sense of honor, but he kidnaps Franklin Richards. Kl'rt is not an evil Skrull. He is an honorable warrior, and it turns out he has his plans, but he wants to help his people and end the Kree/Skrull war. He kidnaps Franklin because he learns of his reality-warping powers.
-The Skrulls want to use Franklin's powers to create a new planet as their planet is dying.
-The Fantastic Four learn about the Skrulls' invasion, and the Kree launch their invasion to prevent them from taking over Earth- but they want Earth, too. See, both sides are genuinely grey.
-This film also hints at the Negative Zone.
-Reed and Sue find out they're having another baby, which excites everyone; even Franklin is excited to be a big brother.
-Thing plans to ask Alicia Masters to marry him, but he's worried she might turn him down.
-Johnny starts dating a new lady named Crystal, who reveals herself as Inhuman.
-Also, we see the reaction of the Fantastic Four towards the Avengers.
-The team does travel to a dying Skrull planet where they travel to save Franklin.
-Franklin Richards starts to develop his powers of reality wrapping and shows how brilliant he is; it is hinted that he is a mutant.
-The film also shows us Galactus, who destroys the Skrulls' home planet. There is a Silver Surfer cameo. When the Fantastic 4 escape the destruction of Skrullos, they witness the power of Galactus. Reed fears that he will one day come to Earth, and they must prepare for that day.
-The Fantastic 4 defeated Super Skrull and rescued Franklin. However, they learn what K'lnt's true intentions are that he is trying to stop the Kree/Skrull war and warns them of the Secret Invasion. Reed meets the Emperor, tells him this war will not end well, and tells him they will find the Skrulls a home planet full of energy as they want to avoid war and seek peace. The Skrulls survive and find a new planet, but the planet lacks the energy of the planet they need to survive.
-Emperor Dorrek VII reveals that his daughter Anelle abandoned her people after she gave birth to a half-Kree, half-Skrull child. He learned this after learning that Anelle is actually his lady-in-waiting.
-The film ends with the Fantastic Four returning to Earth. They inform the SHIELD of the Skrulls and the Kree Skrull War. Nick Fury calls upon SWORD to prepare for an invasion from either side. The team goes on vacation. Johnny learns that Crystal is inhuman, a super-powered being from an alien race called the Inhumans. Ben proposes to Alicia and happily accepts, which makes Ben cry because he didn't think she would say yes, but she doesn't care if Ben is all rock. She loves him for who he is, just like how he loves despite being blind. The Fantastic 4 make a toast to the family and are excited to meet the newest member of their family.
-The film has one mid-credit scene. However, Dorrekk starts to question the war and considers making peace. However, he is murdered by his daughter Venranke, who takes over the empire and becomes queen. She will not give up her secret invasion, hoping to conquer Earth. She believes she will give her people a planet of their own, and Earth has more energy than any other planet.
The next project is Iron Man Armor Wars.
-This film follows the events of the first Iron Man film, and we see Tony enter the Armor Wars.
-The film will see Iron Man go up against Dr. Doom and Justin Hammer, Titanium Man, Ghost, Mauler, and Crimson Dynamo this time. It's Valentin Shatalov. Dr. Doom uses Tony's tech to create a powerful army of Doombots for world conquest.
-Having Dr. Doom as the film's villain is an interesting idea. I want Dr. Doom to be shown as a prominent villain in the MCU because we have yet to get him in any of these films. Iron Man and Dr. Doom have a history, and some elements of Legacy of Doom will be in the movie.
-This is the first film in which Dr. Doom appears as a proper villain. He will be the main villain in a future Fantastic 4 movie.
-In the film, Tony's armor gets hacked and taken by Ghost, and all these villains are using armor to kill innocent people. Iron Man, War Machine, and Rescue must stop them once and for all and take down Doom and Justin Hammer.
In the film, Bethany Cabe, Morgan Stark, and Happy return to help too.
-Justin Hammer is a secondary villain who sells Tony's armor to Dr. Doom and agrees to help Doom conquer the world.
-Pepper Potts would become Rescue in the film and fight alongside Tony against Doom.
-We see War Machine get a new suit.
-JARVIS would become Vision, but only at the end.
-We would see Bethany use her security to get back at Doom for hacking with the help of Ghost.
-We see elements of Demon in a Bottle because we will see Tony stress over losing his armor and using his weapons to destroy the world. I want a proper Demon in the Bottle arc because the hero is stressed and has a drinking problem. It's about Iron Man stopping Doom but also giving up the bottle. We also see Pepper help Tony with his drinking problem.
-Dr. Doom wants to use Iron Man's tech to build Doombots and lead Latveria to conquer the world.
-Zeke Stane will be in the film but has a small role in this one; however, he will play a more significant role in the fourth film.
-Iron Man will wear Mark 42 and Mark 59.
-Tony will mention he has an older twin brother named Gregory Arno Stark who hates him. Gregory is a doctor and renowned scientist who believed he deserved Stark Industries after their father died.
-The Fantastic 4 will appear, but only Reed Richards. He meets with Stark about Dr. Doom and gives him advice against facing Doom. Many fans have wanted to see Tony and Reed together on the big screen, as they are both the smartest men alive.
-The film ends with Iron Man defeating Dr. Doom and destroying his Doombots with his tech. He defeats Titanium, Mauler, Ghost, and Crimson Dynamo with the help of War Machine and Rescue. Tony fixes most of the damage that Doom and the others had done with his tech. Tony and Pepper take a vacation together, and Rhodey becomes a part-time member of the Avengers.
-Despite being defeated, Doom is still not stopping as he has other plans that have yet to be set emotion.
-The film's ending shows Iron Man merging JARVIS with the Vision robot he and Hank created. They merge, and Vision awakens. He says, "So this is what it's like to have a body." Tony and Pepper smile. "You're welcome, Jarvis." Vision corrects him. "Please, Tony, call me Vision."
-The film has two end-credit scenes.
-The first end credit shows Zeke Stane drinking with a man in a white suit. That man is Gregory Arno Stark, who wants to kill Tony and take back Stark Industries. It's also revealed that Gregory was the real mastermind behind the Armor Wars and Dr. Doom and him are working together.
-The second shows Happy and Bethany working on Stark Security. Happy tells Bethany he needs her help getting something. She helps him and asks why he needs data on all the Avengers. Suddenly, Happy knocks her out and takes the file. Suddenly, Happy changes into a Skrull and says, "For the glory."
-I'm doing what that awful Secret Invasion didn't do: Set up the Skrulls properly! Again, I want to do a proper Secret Invasion.
The next project is Black Widow

-Now, Black Widow, I feel this character deserved better because I did not like the film we got from Phase 4. This film is going to be a John Wick-inspired action film.
-The film will do a proper origin for the character as we focus on her trying to shut down the Red Room.
-The film will feature White Widow, Ivan Petrovich, Vanguard, and the Winter Guard. Yuri Petrovitch will also be in the movie.
-The film's main villain will be Iron Maiden, not a gender-swap Taskmaster. God, I hated that. Iron Maiden was part of the Red Room, and the character did appear in the 2020 film; however, in this version, she is a straight-up villain Black Widow has to fight against. She also wants to use the Black Widow Ops to assassinate world leaders. Also, Ivan will serve as a secondary antagonist who raised Nat as his own, but he gave her to the Red Room.
-The film is an action spy thriller film.
-Yelena will be in the film who helps Nat in the movie, and they have a sister relationship. The two of them would together and shut down the Red Room.
-The Winter Guard appears in the film, but the rooster is Vanguard, who was Red Guardian at one point, Darkstar, A new Crimson Dynamo. This time, it's Yuri and Ursa Major. They are basically Russia's Avengers.
-Yuri is Nat's ex-husband, but they have moved on and are okay with each other. Yuri is now dating Darkstar.
-The film would end with Black Widow destroying the Red Room and killing Iron Maiden. When she kills Iron Maiden, she does feel for her, but her actions and crimes can't go unpunished. She kills her in the end. Yuri kills his father after learning about his actions and how he became a living weapon. The Winter Guard takes the remaining widows to a new place, and Black Widow says farewell to them.
-The film has Black Widow return to SHIELD and joins the Avengers.
-The film has two end-credit scenes. One has Nat in her room reading, and out of her window is Bucky, aka the Winter Soldier. She tells him she heard about him regaining his memories, and he tells her about her destroying the Red Room. The two of them embrace and kiss each other. So yeah, we are getting Bucky and Nat romance in this.
-The second end-credit shows a woman speaking to a man wearing a hood, and she tells him to take out Black Widow. It's revealed to be Viper, now called Madame HYDRA, who hires Taskmaster to kill both Black Widow and Hawkeye. He accepts and tells her he will start with Hawkeye.
The next project is Season 2 of The Uncanny X-Men.
-In season 2, the X-Men face off against the Human Council.
-The Human Council is a group of anti-mutants led by Bastion, a human with sentinel powers. The roster also includes William Stryker, the leader of the Purifiers; Bolivar Trask, the creator of the sentinels; the Leaper Queen, a burned woman bent on killing mutants because she blames them for her daughter's death; Cameron Hodge, who becomes more machine than man; and Graydon Creed, Sabertooth and Mystique's son, who hates both his parents because they are mutants and he is not.
-The series is about 12 episodes long and an hour each.
-We have Kitty Pryde, Nightcrawler, Magik, Polaris, Thunderbird, Warpath, Rictor, Jubbliee, and Bishop in this season. Magneto will be in this season, as well as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.
-We will see the X-Men fight for mutant rights and debate Stryker. We would get that panel where Stryker points at Nightcrawler and says, "You dare call that thing a human!"
-Nightcrawler was tortured by the Purifiers, but he was saved by the X-Men, unlike Magneto. Nightcrawler doesn't hate humans. He has seen the good in them because he was raised by two humans who loved him for who he was, who wanted to have a child, and who believed he was a blessing from God.
-The team is split into two after a fight between Cyclops and Storm. Xavier splits the team into two and names the teams Blue and Gold.
-Cyclops leads Team Blue, and Storm leads Team Gold.
-Team Blue's mission is to stop the Purifiers, while Team Gold has to shut down the Sentinel program.
-Cyclops and Storm are the main viewpoint characters on the show. Despite their differences, they both demonstrate the qualities of good leaders; they respect and care for each other. There's no better leader. They both are great leaders. We see how much these two fight for the rights for mutants and humans to be equals.
-The Human Council will be the most hateful MCU villains like you want these guys dead.
-Nick Fury would appear in the show and fight for mutant rights.
-In the series, we see Magneto interact with his children and how much they have changed. Magneto joins the X-Men to save his daughter Laura from the Purifiers.
-Alex and Laura will be in a romantic relationship.
-The Sentinels will be giant robots instead of the Mystique stuff.
-Magneto will become the villain in season 3 because he sees what the Human Council is doing, and it reminds him of the holocaust, so he decides to wage war on humans again. Magneto will also have a slow aging factor like Wolverine.
-The season ends with the X-Men defeating the Human Council and exposing them as villains; however, Thunderbird is killed but dies a hero. Magneto reforms his Brotherhood of Mutants and declares war on the human race.
-Magneto kills Bastion after being defeated by Cyclops and Storm, Leaper Queen survives but is badly injured, William Stryker is killed by his own Purifier, Boliver Trask is killed, and his sentinel program gets shut down. Cameron Hodge is killed but is actually alive and rebuilds himself as a robot.
-The X-Men continue to protect the world and use reason to get accepted by humans.
-The X-Men decide to form more X teams like X Force, X Factor, New Mutants, Outback, and Astonishing X-Men.
- The season finale shows Cable arriving in the past, where he must warn the X-Men of a significant threat. That threat is Apocalypse.
-Wolverine decides to leave the X-Men for a while to learn more about his past, but he will return whenever they need him.
The next project is Black Panther: War of Kings.

-Black Panther returns. This time, we will see him face off against Namor the Submariner. We've all wanted to see it on the big screen, and these two have the greatest rivalries ever. We should have gotten to Wakanda Forever, but this time, we will.
-T'Challa is the King of Wakanda, ruling well but facing challenges. Right now, his people are split. Half are okay with opening their borders, but the other half are against it.
-Storm would return to Wakanda, and her romance with T'Challa would grow, leading to a future wedding.
-Wakanda and Atlantis have been enemies for centuries instead of what we had in Wakanda Forever. They have been secret kingdoms at war with each other over vibranium and over whose the better kingdom.
-T'Challa will face Namor and Changamire, a Wakanda socialist who wants to eliminate the monarchy. Changmire has convinced half of Wakanda to go against T'Challa and his family.
-Shuri would wear a Black Panther suit in the film, but not till the end.
-The film would show more of Atlantis, and unlike the one from Wakanda Forever, it's brighter. We also introduce Namor's friends and family, his cousin Namora, his love interest Abira, Argos, Andromeda, Husman, Namorita Prentiss, Crosta, Tiger Shark, and Attuma.
-It will be revealed that Namor's human last name is McKenize, and he hates his human last name.
-The film will also have Storm return to help T'Challa and continue their romance.
-In the film, T'Challa tries to end this feud and make peace with Atlantis. To everyone's surprise, Namor meets with T'Challa, and they come to an arrangement. Namor's cousin Namorita will spend a week in Wakanda as ambassador, and Wakanda will send Shuri to serve as ambassador.
However, things go differently than planned. Tiger Shark tries to kill Ramonda, but S'Yan sacrifices his life to save her. T'Challa is over the death of his uncle, who was the chief advisor and was like a second father to him. T'Challa thinks Namor went back on his word but is unaware of him. A group of Wakanda people capture Namorita and kill her by setting her on fire. Namor now thinks T'Challa went back on his word, too.
-Namor will destroy Wakanda with a tsunami, and Black Panther vows to kill him for what's done.
-Black Panther and Namor have a big fight. It's a fierce fight.
-Storm, Shuri, Hunter, Abira, and Crosta believe they were set up. They learn that Attuma sent Tiger Shark to kill T'Challa, while Changamire had his followers kill Namor's cousin. To cause a war that would result in both the defeats of Black Panther and Namor.
-Attuma has long hated Namor mainly because he's a half-breed and mutant, so he joined forces with Changamire to destroy T'Challa and Namor. Changamire gets his socialist country while Attuma becomes King of Atlantis.
-T'Challa and Namor realize this and team up to take down Attuma and Changamire. Namor wants to kill Attuma for his betrayal, but T'Challa tells him to be better than him and has Attuma arrested for his crimes. Also, T'Challa, as Changamire, is arrested for his crimes and is responsible for the destruction of Wakanda.
-Wakanda and Atlantis make peace for now until something happens, but Namor and T'Challa are on good terms but still don't like each other.
-The film ends with the rebuilding of Wakanda, and T'Challa announces he will be stepping down as king for now. As he needs to go on a soul-searching quest. Shuri becomes queen of Wakanda, and she will protect Wakanda as a second Black Panther.
-T'Challa changes his name to Luke Charles and lives in New York in Brooklyn. He becomes a street-level hero and protects the streets of New York as Black Panther. As well he accepts the offer from Captain America to join the Avengers. We see T'Challa go to Avengers Tower as he becomes an Avenger.
-The film has two end credit scene
-The first one has Dr. Doom looking at Wakanda for vibranium and plans to invade the country. He also has help from an exiled tribe called the Desturi, and their leader is Killmonger.
-The second one has Okoye taking some vibranium and handing it to an unknown person. She then walks away but turns her head and says, "For glory."
The next project is Daughters of the Dragon tv series.-Daughters of the Dragon focuses on Misty Knight and Collen Wigg, skilled detectives and fighters.
-Their mission is to take down the mob queen boss, Celia Ricadonna, aka Ricdonna. She's running a criminal underground, and Misty and Colleen must stop and expose her crimes.
-Misty and Colleen named their detective agency the Daughters of the Dragon because Steel Serpent from Heroes for Hire Show insulted them.
-Luke Cage and Iron Fist appear in the show, but only in two episodes.
-They also have an assistant, Otis Johnson, who updates them on cases and helps with computer techs. It's also revealed that he has an indestructible superpower- one punch from Iron Fist, and he will live. He's also a total nerd who can't keep his mouth shut.
-Daughters of the Dragon is a comedy, detective, mystery, and action series.
-Misty will already have her robot arm, which Danny gave her.
-Razor Fist will be a secondary villain and Richdonna's hire, along with Buchanan Mitty, Humbug, 8 Ball, Freezer Burn, and Rhino.
-This show is inspired by the 2006 series.
-Jessica Jones makes an appearance, too, but by the last episode.
-The show ends with Misty and Colleen continuing their work, but then they have lunch with Danny and Luke. He brings in Jessica, and they both announce she's pregnant.
-Misty and Colleen learn about the Supersoul Stone, and Misty is unhappy when she learns who has it: Black Mariah, the leader of the Rat Pack.
The next project is Season 2 of Tales of Suspense.
-In season 2 of Tales of Suspense, we focus on Magneto's twins, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.
-This season is eight episodes long and an hour long.
Unlike Wanda Vision, this show is about Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch trying to find who killed their mother. They already know Magneto is their father, and they want answers about her death.
-Vision will be in the show, and this is his first mission as an Avenger to help the twins.
-Magneto will be in the show, and we see him try to recruit them to his Brotherhood of Mutants. They refuse to join as they prefer being Avengers. Magneto is disappointed in them, and he does fight his children, but they fight back. Magneto would leave but later returns in the last episodes and saves his children. We see that Magneto is not a bad dad. He loves his children more than anything.
-Polaris is in the show. She's the younger half-sister of Pietro and Wanda- same father, different mothers. She appears to help her older siblings against Modred and Chthon. She goes because the X-Men inform her, and she offers them to join a new X team called X Factor.
-The second season's main villains will be Chthon and Modred the Mystic.
-Django Maximoff, Marya Maimoff Pietro, and Wanda's uncle and aunt will be in the show. They are killed by Mordred
-The season will also include their mother, Natalya Maximoff; in this version, she is a human with magic. Magneto and Natalya were romantically involved, and she gave birth to his twins, a son and a daughter. After Modred, the Mystic tries to take Wanda as if she had her mother's magic. Natalya stopped him but had to sacrifice herself to prevent him from summoning Chthon. A demon who wishes to possess her of how powerful Wanda's magic is since she is also a mutant.
-The second season is inspired by the Yesterday Quest storyline.
-We see Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch return to their old home in Transia and reunite with their uncle and aunt. The twins have strange dreams, and they meet Mordrid. He's trying to get Chthon to take over Wanda's body so that he can become all-powerful.
-Vision would appear in the show by the last episodes. He was sent by Iron Man on his first mission to help Wanda and Pietro. We would see Vision in action, setting up a romance between him and Wanda.
-Iron Man does appear in the show, but only in two episodes.
-The season ends with them defeating Mordred, and Chthon does take over Quicksilver, but only because Quicksilver saved Wanda as she was about to be possessed, and he knew how powerful she was. He is saved by his sisters, who use their magic to free him. With the help of Vision and Magneto, they defeat Mordred, and Chthon sends them back into the depths of their origin. Magneto and his children talk; all three refuse to be part of his Brotherhood of Mutants. Magneto understands and says he will always love his kids no matter what. Vision wants to arrest Magneto, but he uses his powers on him until he stops him. Wanda and Vision return to the Avengers, and Quicksilver considers the offer to join the X Factor team with his sister.
-The season sets up season 3 of X-Men, The X Factor, and the romance between Vision and Wanda.
The next project is Thor 2, which I call Thor: Blood Brothers.

-The film dives into brotherhood and family. Thor, Loki, and Balder are sons of Odin, and this film is about Thor and his brothers.
-We will see Thor as King of Asgard and see what type of king he is, which we have yet to see in the old MCU films.
-Balder learns he is Odin's son by Loki, and it's revealed that Thor knew, too.
-Following the events of The Avengers, Thor returns to Asgard to rule as king.
-Enchantress is in prison but is freed by Loki and the Executioner. She is under his watch but uses her powers to help Loki bring Frost Giants to Earth.
-Odin appears in the film but only in a dream sequence, advising Thor about being king.
-Loki will be the main villain of the film. His goal is to overthrow Thor with the help of the Frost Giants because his mother was a Frost Giant. After all, he had learned he was meant to be king of Asgard.
-Hela, the goddess of death, will be in the film, except this time, she's Loki's daughter instead of his sister.
-Odin's father, Bor, would also be in the movie, and he would play a villainous role. He is called back from death by Hela, who uses him to help her father conquer Asgard.
-Sif plays a significant role in helping Thor, and she warns about Loki as she believes he's up to something. We also expand on their romance in this film series, and they would have a sex scene. Also, I would adapt that scene in Mighty Thor 1 where Sif threatens Loki in the nude, and it's such a badass scene.
-The townspeople from the first film are still adjusting to Norse Gods living next to them.
-Loki gets the Frost Giants to Earth and becomes their new king.
-We will see a big battle between the Asgardians and the Frost Giants. The townsfolk, led by Bill Cobb, will also help Thor fight the Frost Giants.
-Thor and Loki would fight. It would be a big battle, ending with Thor and Balder defeating Loki. The Frost Giants would be defeated, and the Warriors Three would defeat Executioner. Sif and Valkyrie would also beat Enchantress.
However, Thor has to kill Bor during the battle because the Odinson family considers kin slaying a horrible crime. Balder becomes the new king and has no choice but to banish Thor from Asgard.
-The film ends with Thor going to Avengers Tower, where he meets Cap and Iron Man. The three of them drink beers as he tells him what happened, and as they talk, Janet comes in and tells them she left Hank. They asked what happened. They got into a fight, and she left him. She tells them not to worry about Hank and that they both need space. There won't be any abuse in the new MCU between Hank and Janet, and that infamous slap won't be featured in the reboot.
-The film has one mid-credit scene showing Loki in prison. To his surprise, his daughter Hela shows up. She tells him she plans to release her brother Jornmugand, and Loki is shocked to hear that. He warns her he is too powerful to control, but Hela, unlike him, has the power to control him. She also mentions she made new friends on Earth, and they are interested in meeting him. We see Jornmugand in the realm of the dead, and he awakens.
The Next Project is a Wolverine Movie called The Savage Wolverine.
-This is the first solo X Men Spin-Off movie that focuses on Wolverine.
-The film adapts the Wolverine: Origin comic series and The Weapon X storyline.
-The film focuses on Wolverine's past and time with Weapon X.
-This film will be rated R for blood, gore, and nudity.
-The film is set in both modern-day times and in the 1970s.
-Wolverine returns to an abandoned cottage that belonged to him and his first love, Silverfox.
-The film's main villains are Sabertooth, Omega Red, Lady Deathstrike, and The Professor.
-Silverfox would be in the film as Wolverine's love interest, and their romance on such a sad note.
-The film is not a copy of X-Men Origins because it focuses on Wolverine and doesn't kill off Team X so quickly or waste them. Team X is Wolverine, Maverick, Wraith, Silverfox, Sabertooth, Omega Red, and Lady Deathstrike.
-The film shows his relationship with Silverfox before he lost his memories to Weapon X.
-We see Wolverine's past life as a kid and when he first discovered his bone claws.
-Wolverine will do battle against Sabertooth. They will have the most epic bloody fight.
-We see more of Team X in action, and we would see Wolverine go full berserk.
-The film ends with Wolverine killing the Professor and killing Omega Red. Wolverine defeats Sabertooth, but he escapes along with Lady Deathstroke. Wraith is killed but dies a hero. Maverick joins SHIELD and becomes Agent Zero. Silverfox dies, but before she dies, she remembers him, and they share one last kiss. Wolverine then leaves to explore the world and calls himself Logan since he no longer remembers his name. Wolverine would also meet a young Charles Xavier who was captured by Weapon X. It's also why Xavier made him an X-Man because he saved his life, and in return, he would help him regain his memories.
-The film has two end-credit scenes.
-The first end credit is set in modern times. Wolverine returns to his old home with Silverfox and sees the tree where he craved their names. He thinks of her and the life they could have had, but he remembers that he has a home with the X-Men. As he's about to leave, a portal opens, and it's Dr. Strange. He tells Wolverine they need his help and mentions the Hand. Wolverine releases his claws. "Oh, I know about the Hand."
-The second end credit scene has the introduction of Daken Wolverine's son
-The film would set up the introduction of Daken, Laura, and Jimmy, his children.
The next project is The Incredible Hulk Season 2.
-Incredible Hulk Season 2 will take inspiration from the Indestructible Hulk series.
-The series has Bruce using the Hulk as a weapon to help people. Bruce creates special equipment with the help of Stark and SHIELD tech to help him keep control.
-We see Bruce use the Hulk to smash terrorists like the Flag Smashers, and in one scene, after he stops the terrorists, the best way to calm Hulk down is by playing with puppies.
-Maria Hill will be in the show, and we will be introduced to the character of Doc Samson, a psychologist who helps Bruce and his cousin Jen as he was also exposed to gamma-ray. He grows in size, but only his hair turns green. Doc is the therapist of the team who helps them with personal problems after they take care of real-world danger.
-Dum Dum Dugan appears in the show and shows Hulk the targets he has to smash.
-This season has SWORD; SWORD deals with alien invasions.
-We would see Jen as She-Hulk, and we would see her as lawyer She-Hulk. We have a better Hulk and She-Hulk relationship as Bruce advises her, but she's in control of her Hulk and doesn't know why.
-Jen was mad at first about turning into a Hulk, but she grew to like it, and unlike the show, what makes Jen angry is not men cat calling her or telling her what to do. Instead, she gets angry when she loses a case or lets down her client. As well she will also break the fourth wall.
-Rick Jones would become A-Bomb. He does struggle with it, but Bruce helps him like he helped him. Rick became the A-bomb after being captured by the Leader who injected him with Emili's gamma ray, and thus, he turned into another abomination.
-Abomination would return as a villain, but the main villain would be Samuel Sterns/The Leader. The Leader was just a regular guy infected with Gamma-Ray the night Bruce became the Hulk. However, unlike Bruce, Jen, and Rick, his intelligence increased instead of his strength increasing, making him super smart, and he's one step ahead of Hulk. The Leader frees Emil and agrees to work for him and help him destroy the Hulk.
-This season explores Bruce's childhood and his relationship with his abusive father, Brian Banner. Brian Banner abused Bruce as a child, which also shows Bruce's anger issues, and Brian was a scientist who influenced Bruce to become a scientist on gamma rays. We have Bruce and Hulk have conversations with each other.
-Betty Ross returns in this. She helps Bruce with his tech and works for SHIELD. In this season, Betty gets captured by the Leader, and he turns into Harpy using Gamma-Ray. So Bruce must save Betty, but he has to fight the woman he loves to save her.
-Thunderbolt Ross would appear again in the show; he doesn't like Bruce and doesn't trust the Hulk. When he learns about Betty being captured by the Leader, he blames Banner and meets with the Leader secretly, who promises to cure Betty as the Harpy if he agrees to become a Hulk. That's right, Red Hulk would be in season 2.
-This season is ten episodes and an hour long.
-The season ends with Hulk defeating the Leader by outsmarting and smashing him. Hulk, She-Hulk, and A-Bomb have a big fight against Abomination, Harpy, and Red Hulk. Bruce cures Betty, but to do Ross gives Bruce the same gamma-ray he gave him as he tells him it's the only way to save her. Betty would be cured from the Harpy, but she would become Red She-Hulk. This season sets the stages for Agents of Smash, which Bruce decides to form, seeing how there are now six gamma-ray heroes.
-The season ends with one mid-credit scene in which Dum Dum Dugan appears in the Peak's SWORD headquarters. While there, he places something inside the main computer and walks away.
The next project is The Sensational Spiderman.
-In this sequel, Spider-Man battles the Green Goblin, and I would retell The Night Gwen Stacy Died.
-The film follows Peter Parker after the Avengers, and he's adjusting to becoming an Avenger while juggling his personal life as Spider-Man and Peter Parker.
-The film will introduce the MCU Green Goblin. He was inspired by Heath Ledger's Joker, and because of the G serum, he can change his face into a goblin instead of wearing a mask. He's also inspired by the Ultimate Green Goblin, except he's not Hulk-sized.
Norman Osborn becomes the Green Goblin because he is losing Oscorp, as Doc Ock got his tech from Oscorp, and since Doc Ock sold equipment and chemical weapons to HYDRA. Everyone wants him out as CEO, and the company is falling apart. The board wants to sell the company to Life Foundation. Norman goes crazy, becomes the Green Goblin, and kills the board members who want him gone and anyone else who gets in his way.
-Aunt May in the film will be dating a guy named John, and in one scene, Peter meets him at a restaurant where they are waiting for his son, who turns out to be Jonah Jameson. It would be a hilarious scene
-We see more of Peter and Gwen's relationship, and he wants to ask Gwen to marry him because they've been going out for a long time and both have steady jobs. Gwen is still mourning her dad's death but is not alone, thanks to Peter and her friends.
-Mary Jane is in the film, making it as a Broadway star. The film also suggests that Peter has feelings for MJ just as she does for him, but they don't embrace them.
-Peter meets with Doc Ock after the Avengers are in jail, and Peter expresses his disappointment and anger toward Otto for what he did. He looked up to Otto and saw him as everything he wanted to be. Otto understands Peter's anger but says he did what he did because he believed in Zemo's cause. Also, I forgot to mention at the end of Avengers, Doc Ock learns Peter is Spider-man after he defeats him. Before he leaves, he tells Peter, "Your secret is safe with me."
-Harry Osborn plays a significant role in the film. He and his dad aren't getting along because Norman believes his son is useless, which Harry learns. Harry is currently dating Mary Jane, but he does develop a drug addiction because of all the stress he's getting from his father. Harry and Mary Jane break up, but with the help of Peter, Gwen, Rudolph, and Flash, they get him off drugs.
-The film also introduces Eddie Brock as a reporter for the Daily Bugle who will become Peter's rival, and it's shown he doesn't like Peter at all because he gets great photos of Spider-man and he's got a wife too.
-The Green Goblin learns that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, like in the comics. He follows him home, discovers who he is, and captures him. The Green Goblin then reveals that he is Norman Osborn and wants to make Peter his heir because he sees him as a real son. Peter refuses, and a fight breaks out.
-In the film's climax, he captures Gwen Stacy and brings her to the bridge. Well, if you read the Night Gwen Stacy died or watched The Amazing Spider-Man 2, you know what happens. Gwen is killed, and Peter is full of rage against Osborn. He goes after him, and we see Spider-Man go full rage mode on the Green Goblin. Like in the first film, the Green Goblin accidentally kills himself. Everyone learns that Norman Osborn was the Green Goblin.
-The film ends on a very bittersweet note. Peter is devastated over Gwen's death as he planned to ask her to marry him, and Mary Jane is heartbroken, too. Like in the comics, he takes his anger out on her, but Mary Jane doesn't leave him alone; instead, she stays with him as they both cry over Gwen's death.
-Gwen's funeral is sad for everyone, for she was a good woman with a good heart. While Peter is swinging through New York, he goes to Avengers Tower, where he meets his fellow Avengers, who have heard the news. They all support him, and Cap tells him he knows what he's going through. After he learned Peggy was dead, he was a mess, too. Everyone supports Peter, showing that you're always with others as long as you have friends and family.
-Harry decides to sell Oscorp to the Life Foundation and focus on creating a better future for himself and his family. However, he hates Spider-Man now because he blames him for his father's death, and before Harry sells Oscorp, he takes one of the G serums with him.
-The film has one mid-credit scene: John Jameson returns from space and shows they found a black meteor as he takes it to the science room. Some black goo emerges from the meteor. The next film will have Venom as the bad guy.
The next project is Season 2 of Heroes for Hire.

-Season 2 has Luke Cage and Iron Fist face off against Hammerhead and Tombstone.
-This season also has Luke getting ready to be a father as Jessica is duel any day. It's revealed that Luke and Jessica had a one-night stand, and that's why she's pregnant.
-Danny is running his Rand Corporation and dating Misty Knight.
-This season is inspired by the Harlem Burns arc.
-Iron Fist and Luke Cage enter a crime war between Hammerhead and Tombstone.
-Hammerhead's right hand is Piranha Jones, and Tombstone is Mr. Fish.
In season 2, we see a gang war, and Luke Cage and Iron Fist have to stop it and take down Hammerhead and Tombstone.
-Shang Chi would appear in the show to help Heroes for Hire.
-Colleen and Misty would be in the show, too, as they help Luke and Danny.
-Luke and Danny expand Heroes for Hire to a full-on business and raise money to help the poor. They don't want to fight bad guys but also support the community.
-Luke and Jessica talk about where they will go when the baby arrives, either get married or co-parent. Jessica isn't keen on getting married, and Luke understands they were friends with benefits.
In the last episode, we would see a big battle in the streets of Harlem. Luke Cage defeats Tombstone, and Iron Fist defeats Hammerhead. Harlem is saved thanks to Luke Cage and Iron Fist.
-Jessica gives birth in the last episode. They have a daughter, and they name her Danielle Cage after Danny. They even make him the godfather of their daughter.
-After Danielle is born, Jessica looks at Luke and says yes to marrying him.
-Iron Fist builds the Heroes for Hire building, which is a success for everyone in Harlem; anyone can be a hero, that's their slogan.
The next project is Season 2 of Daredevil Man Without Fear.

-Season 2 would adapt Kevin Smith's run-on character, The Guardian Devil.
-This season will be darker, and we will see Daredevil go through hell.
-Most original characters return this season, and Dr. Strange will appear in two episodes. As well as Matt's mother, Barbara. Matt and Karen aren't together as they broke up after she went to Las Angeles to start her acting career.
-Bullseye and Mysterio are the main villains of this new season. That's right, a villain from Spider-Man will be in this season, as will the character of Baal.
-The series has Matt celebrating his victory against Kingpin, but that all changes when Karen returns from Las Angeles. She reveals to Matt and Foggy that she has aids. It shocks both of them, and Matt asks her how she got it. She was in an accident and got a blood transfusion, but they didn't know they gave her HIV-affected blood by mistake. Foggy wants to sue this hospital for this, but they claimed they tested the blood, which was clean. Matt is shocked and angered to hear this, but he is there for Karen.
-We also see Matt meet a young woman named Gwyneth, who has a baby girl she claims was born by a virgin. She is also attacked by two men called the Killer Twins who work Baal; however, Daredevil stops them, but Gwyneth leaves her daughter with Matt because she knows he's Daredevil.
-Matt has a baby taken care of by Claire Temple, a friend.
-The series has Matt meet Nicholas Macabes, Gwyneth's doctor, who was trying to help her. Unaware to Matt, he is actually Mysterio, who is plotting to kill Matt as he views him as a more worthy foe since his battles with Spider-man.
-Kingpin appears in the show and knows Matt is Daredevil. He tells Mysterio everything about Matt Murdock.
-Bullseye is paid by Mysterio to kill Daredevil, and he did kill Elektra. Daredevil hates him, but Elektra is brought back to life, and she is the leader of the Hand. Something Matt reveals that he turned down.
-Daredevil defeats Bullseye and comes close to killing him but stops himself because it won't bring back Karen. Daredevil saves the baby and defeats Mysterio, and we learn Mysterio is dying from cancer and he commits suicide as Daredevil wouldn't kill him even after he had Karen killed.
-The season would Karen would admit she got aids from starting in a pornographic film as she struggled in Hollywood. Matt forgives her and shows how much he loves and wants to help her, and she accepts his help. We see Karen making the process and getting help at one point. She and Matt even consider adopting the baby together. However, that doesn't happen, as Bullseye would kill Karen. Her death would break Matt to the point he contemplates suicide. However, he is saved by Spider-man, who tells him what he's going through as he lost Gwen, and Spidey is a brother to Daredevil in this scene.
-Matt gives the baby to a lovely couple in New Jersey, and he names her Karen. The season ends with Matt and Foggy back at work and keeping Karen's name alive by naming a charity after her. Matt then gets a package and opens it, showing the Ronin suit and a letter from Echo informing him she is in danger and needs help for The Hand I taking over Japan. Daredevil decides to help her, but he can't do it alone and gathers his friends. Those friends are Spider-man, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Colleen Wigg, Misty Knight, and Dr. Strange.
The next project is Dr. Strange the Sorcerer Supreme.

-Dr. Strange makes his new MCU debut.
-The film is not an origin story. Stephen Strange will already be established as Dr. Strange, and he's been Sorcerer Supreme for a while. However, the film will show his life before he became Dr. Strange. We will meet his family and learn how his family went through so much tragedy.
-His sister Donna was suffering from ALS, which inspired Stephen to become a doctor. Unfortunately, she drowned in a lake while she suffered a cramp that caused her to drown. Stephen was devasted for losing his sister, and later, his parents died, and his brother Victor couldn't handle so much death that he and Stephen couldn't talk anymore.
-The film will feature Christine Palmer, who goes by Night Nurse, Wong, Clea as Strange's love interest, Dr. Voodoo, Rintrah, who will be Dr. Strange's apprentice, and Sara Wolfe.
-The film's villains will be Nightmare and Victor Strange, who will become Baron Blood.
-Dr. Strange explores the fantasy and magical side of the New MCU.
-The film will be a fantasy, adventure, and horror film.
-Dr. Strange learns of many strange nightmares spreading across the city and investigates with Wong and Clea. They learn from Dr. Voodoo that this is the cause of Nightmare, The Fear Lord and ruler of the Nightmare World. He feeds off the dreams of innocent people that gives him powers and turn them into horrible nightmares.
-We would see the Dream Dimension and the Nightmare World.
-Victor Strange knows his brother has magic, and he tries to read many books and ancient texts, but nothing works until he opens a portal to the nightmare realm. There, he meets Nightmare and understands his anger and frustration toward his brother and everything in his life. Nightmare turns him into a vampire and names him Baron Blood. Baron Blood vows to free Nightmare and have the Nightmare World consume the Earth.
-Nightmare's goal is to have Nightmare World merge with the human world, rule the Earth, and destroy the Sorcerer Supreme. It's revealed that Nightmare was defeated by the Ancient One long ago and vowed revenge.
-The film's climax shows Dr. Strange battling against his brother and Nightmare. We see Strange in action, along with Wong, Clea, and Voodoo, and Rintrah becomes a full-time sorcerer.
-Dr. Strange would face his nightmares seeing his sister's death and his hand being broken again, but Strange, with the will of wisdom, comes it.
At the film's end, Strange defeats his brother and locks him away, telling him he wishes he was there for him and that he needs him after their sister and parents die. Nightmare is defeated and locked away again by Strange, Wong, Clea, and Voodoo.
-Strange removes all of the nightmares caused by Nightmare with the help of Clea.
The film ends with Dr. Strange visiting his sister and parents' graves and paying his respects. Strange and Clea kiss, and he returns home and declares Rintrah a sorcerer.
-The film has two mid-credit scenes. In one, we see Baron Bordo planning to take the Sorcerer Supreme from Dr. Strange and making a deal with Dormammu.
-The second one has Wong open the door and tells Strange he has guests. Strange arrives and stands out the door are Spiderman, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Colleen Wig, and Misty Knight. Daredevil says, "We need your help, Strange."
-The film would set up a Strange Academy spin-off series.
The next project is X Factor
-X Factor would be a movie instead of a TV series.
-The movie focuses on six characters: Havok, Polaris, Multiple Man, Wolfsbane, Strong Guy, and Rictor.
-Havok would be the lead in the film along with Polaris. In this film, Havok seeks to step out of his brother's shadow and be a leader in his own right. We see Polaris shine as she is another child of Magneto becoming a hero like her siblings and not her father.
-Multiple Man would be the heart of the film as he brings the comedy. Every time he creates another version of himself, you don't know if it's him or not.
-Wolfsbane is the tough woman of the team, and she can transform herself into a wolf-like creature.
-Strong Guy is a mutant and is super strong and intelligent.
-Rictor is a mutant who can use his powers to manipulate forces of the earth like plants, lava, and semantic energy. The Purifiers initially imprisoned him until he was freed by Havok and Polaris. He then joined their team
-Cyclops will appear in the film as a Professor X-type character for the X Factor Team. He also agreed with the government to form an X team with the human community to activate peace after the second season's events.
We also see how Alex just wants to be out of his shadow, but Scott reveals that he knows Alex can stand out on his own. He believes his little brother can be a great leader like him and Storm.
-Valerie Cooper will be in the film, as she is the one who convinces the government to put together a mutant team, which she has called X Factor. She sponsors the team and gives them their first assignment: take down a villain called Arcade.
-The film has the team face off against Arcade, an evil genius who captures victims and puts them into Murderworld, where they play old arcade games, except the player dies.
-The team's first mission is to take down Arcade and save four critical senators. We would see the team enter Murderworld and try to survive Arcade's traps.
-We would see the team work together and solve what Arcade's plans are as he plans to kill four senators.
-X Factor is a team the government assembled to make up for the Human Council's actions in season 2 of The X Men.
-The four senators he captures are for mutant rights, and he's been paid a mysterious figure.
-We see Murderworld in this film, and it seems like a fun place, but it's not. It's like Squid Game, playing fun and simple games, but if you lose, you die.
-The film ends with X Factor defeating Arcade and rescuing the four senators. The team is credited as heroes, which earns the mutant community more respect from humans. The team opens an X-Factor Investigations detective agency to help the mutant and human communities.
-The movie sets up Season 3 of X-Men as Cyclops informs Havok and Polaris that a new virus is killing mutants. The virus was created by William Stryker after his death. He tells Polaris that her father has reformed his Brotherhood of Mutants and declared war on humans.
The next project is Hawkeye the Series
-The series is influenced by David Micheline and Mark Gruenwald's run on the character. However, it will only focus on Clint Barton, not Kate Bishop.
-The show is about 10 episodes long and an hour each.
-The show introduces Mockingbird, Clint's ex-wife, and the series introduces Scott Lang, aka Ant-Man.
-It's revealed that Hawkeye is on a mission by Hank Pym/Giant-Man to find his stolen Ant-Man equipment.
-Scott Lang is much like he is in the MCU. He's a thief and loser but a good guy who wants to make things right with his daughter and ex-wife. Cassie Lang will be in the show, and Scott's friends are in it too.
-We see Clint's origins, like his life in the Carnival, his childhood, and how he became a great archer.
-Clint and Bobbi divorced because on October 12, they suffered a miscarriage, and Clint and Bobbi lost their unborn child, causing their divorce. So yeah, this MCU Hawkeye doesn't have kids like he did in the old MCU.
-The series' main villain will be Anthony Masters, aka Taskmaster. Madam Hydra has assigned him to kill Hawkeye at the end of Black Widow and steal the Ant-Man suit.
-We would see Hawkeye and Mockingbird working together to stop Taskmaster, and Scott would put on the Ant-Man costume and become the new Ant-Man. We are getting a faithful Taskmaster, not the crap we got in the Black Widow.
-The season ends with Barbara's death by Taskmaster, who blows up a building, but she dies saving Cassie. Hawkeye is devastated over her death and almost kills Taskmaster, but Ant-Man stops him and tells him not to in front of his daughter. He sees Cassie scared, making him think of the daughter he and Bobbi would have had.
-At the end of the season, Hank meets Scott. Unlike in the old MCU, Hank and Scott are close in age, and after seeing how Scott saved so many lives, Hank decides to make Scott the new Ant-Man. This surprises Scott, leading to an Ant-Man spin-off series with Scott as Ant-Man.
-Kate Bishop does make a cameo in the show.
-Clint decides to quit the Avengers and Hawkeye because he needs time to think. Hank and Janet try to convince him to stay, but he refuses because he feels lost after his ex-wife's death. Janet tells him to meet her friend Stephen Strange, aka Dr. Strange, who can help him.
The next project is Photon 2, which would be called Photon: StrikeForce

-The film continues from Monica's story, and this film sets up Avengers 2.
-Monica works for SWORD in the film and has been defending Earth from alien threats.
-The film has Genis Veil returning, and we will see his cosmic look. He informs her about how the war is going, and he reveals that Skrull's home planet was destroyed by Galactus. We learn more about Galactus in this film, and Genis tells her that he has a half-brother named Teddy, who is half Skrull and half Kree, and believes he will unite the worlds. The Kree wants Teddy to embrace his Kree side so he can lead the Kree to conquer the universe. When Monica brings up why they don't want Genis, it's because his mother was a Titan that's why they don't want him. However, the Skrulls believe this child will make the Skrull an empire again and learn about a prophecy of a Skrull that will give the Skrulls a better home to live in.
-The film has Abigail Brand, commander of SWORD, and Dum Dum Dugan.
-Hank McCoy, aka Beast, appears in the film. It's revealed he is a part-time SWORD agent, which significantly helps the mutant community.
-We would see Monica put together her own team, Strikeforce. Her Strikeforce team is Genis-Veil, Beast, Boom Boom, and Carol Danvers.
-Also, this film introduces Carol Danvers, but this version is based on the Ultimate version of the character that doesn't have powers.
-The film's main villain is Moonstone and Ronan the Accuser.
-Moonstone was a therapist who treated her patients horribly and was also a SHIELD agent. Monica exposed her as the villain she was before she got her powers, and Moonstone was arrested. She vowed to get revenge on Monica for ruining her life.
The Kree later abducted her, and Ronan gave her the Moonstone, which would give her powers. She accepted without hesitation, seeing this as an opportunity to get revenge on Monica.
-Ronan heard of the prophecy of a Kree/Skrull child but hated the idea of the Kree empire being ruled by a half-breed. So he and Moonstone team up to kill Teddy, as, like Teddy's grandfather, he hates the idea of a half-breed ruling the Kree.
-The film also introduces Teddy Altman, aka Hulkling, the son of Captain Mar'Vell and Anelle and half-brother of Genis. It's revealed that Anelle was on Earth this whole time, and the princess Anelle from the first film was actually her lady-in-waiting. Anelle was living on Earth raising her son; however, once Photon and Gennis meet with her, they are attacked by Moonstone, who murders her. Leaving Teddy an orphan. We see Genis as a big brother to his half-brother. It's also mentioned that Genis has a sister, too.
-Photon would lead her strike force to the Kree planet to take down Moonstone and Ronan the Accuser.
-We see a big battle against the Kree, and Photon defeats Moonstone and Ronan.
-The film ends with Photon convincing the Kree to stand down and assuring them that Teddy is the son of Mar'Vell and Princess Anelle and will unite the worlds. Supreme Intelligence sees her point and accepts Teddy, and the Skrulls accept him. Genis remains with his brother Teddy as his new protector, and we are introduced to Phyla-Vell, his twin sister. This movie sets up Guardians of the Galaxy, based on the Annihilation team.
-After Moonstone's defeat, she returns to Earth, where she is recruited by Valentino, who is assembling a team called the Thunderbolts.
-We see Monica prove herself a leader in this film. Her Strikeforce returns to Earth while she remains with Genis and helps him and Teddy mourn the loss of his mother.
-In a mid-credit scene, Monica learns from K'lrt that Skrulls are already invading Earth, led by the new queen, and she's been living among them for years. Monica flies back to Earth to warn everyone, but before she does K'lrt gives her a device that will help expose the sleeper skrulls true selves and tells her the real people are locked in a ship.
The next project is SHIELD Season 2.
-Season 2 shows Nick's origins, and he won't lose his eye to a bloody space cat.
-Dum Dum Dugan and Maria Hill return to the show.
-We are introduced to Phil Coulson, an agent of SHIELD and one of Nick's closest friends. We all know Phil Coulson from the old MCU; don't worry, he won't die in this show.
-Tony Stark's brother Gregory Stark would appear in the show as he wishes to help SHIELD and his brother Tony protect Earth. In this show, we meet Gregory, the opposite of his brother. Tony is loveable; Gregory is the opposite, unlikeable.
The show also introduces Jessica Drew, aka Spider-Woman, a former AIM agent and now a SHIELD agent. She becomes Spider-Woman. It is mentioned that Spider-Man knows about her and is okay with her as long as her costume and powers are different from his.
-Valentina Allegra De Fontaine will be in the show too.
-AIM will be this season's villains, led by Andrew Forson, who goes by the name Scientist Supreme.
-Baron Zemo will return, and we will see the Thunderbolts get formed under Gregory Stark.
-The Thunderbolts were introduced and created by Gregory Stark, Valentina Allegra De Fontaine, and Thunderbolt Ross. The Thunderbolts will be a team with villains under-watched by SHIELD.
-The Thunderbolts team roster is Citizen V, Atlas, Songbird, Moonstone, Bullseye, Techno, Mach-1, and Jolt. Gregory leads the team with Citizen V as field team leader.
-We learn about Nick's youth, how his father and great-grandfather inspired him to be a soldier, and how he loses his eye in a dirty boxing fight. Also, his nickname is Nick Fury Jr., like his father, Nick Fury Sr.
-We are also introduced to Nick Fury's mom, Nia Jones, who is in the show in flashbacks. She was a CIA agent.
-The season ends with Nick stopping AIM and taking down Scientist Supreme. Nick then meets with Valentina, and as he talks, he asks her a question, and she responds. Nick smiles and says, "You're not Valentine." he shoots her. Maria, Gregory, and Carol are shocked until they see her turned into a Skrull, to which Nick responds. "We're being invaded. Assemble the Avengers." Gregory's Thunderbolts also have their own base called Thunderbolt Mountain.
-Spider-Woman joins the Avengers in the end, and Carol Danvers is named deputy director of SHIELD.
The next project is Ant-Man
-In this Ant-Man movie, we focus on Scott being trained by Hank as the new Ant-Man. I know it sounds like the first Ant-Man, except in this film, Janet is also helping him.
-Scott's life is like it is in the comics and MCU. He's a loser turned thief; he went through a divorce, but he loves his daughter and wants to set a better example for her. Unlike the last two, the film focuses heavily on him, and when he helps save the world, he isn't treated like crap.
-The film also introduces Hank's daughter Nadia, who wouldn't become the Wasp till much later. She's also around 20 years old. Hank saved her mother, Maria Trovaya, before he met Janet. He saved her from Hungary Prison while on his first mission as Ant-Man. The two of them fell in love and almost got married until she was murdered by foreign agents. Hank was devasted over her death and wouldn't stop till he found who killed her. He never did, and he assumed the baby died with her, but it did survive, and Nadia was raised in the Red Room, unlike the others. Nadia showed more interest in science and studied Hank's work. Nadia is her father's daughter, and after the events of Black Widow, she learns about her mother and father. That's why she meets Hank, revealing that she is his daughter. This is a shock to Hank, but now he wants to compensate for lost time.
-Ultron will play a role in the film, and it's revealed that he feels for Janet and secretly hates Hank for it. This movie develops Ultron's character because he's supposed to help people, but he starts questioning humanity.
-Scott and Nadia meet, and, like Hope, she doesn't like the idea of this guy being the new Ant-Man. However, she later helps Scott and grows to respect him. She does not fall in love with him until much later.
-The film's villain will be Darren Cross, aka Yellowjacket, and Egghead will be a secondary villain. Unlike the old MCU version, Darren owns his own company, Cross Technological Enterprise. Darren is suffering from heart problems and has four heart transplants. He gets Egghead to give him a suit similar to Hank's codename, the Yellowjacket, to help his heart. However, he uses it to steal weapons and secrets that will make his company more powerful.
-Scott's first mission is to stop the Yellowjacket, but he also needs to train to be Ant-Man and wants to be a good dad to his daughter.
-Also, Scott's friends from the last Ant-Man movies, Luis, Dave, and Kurt, will be in the film to help Scott.
-Cassie Lang has a heart problem in the film and needs surgery. So when Scott becomes Ant-Man, he asks Hank to save her, to which Hank assures him he will. Cassie gets saved in the end.
-Janet will be in the film and helps Scott with his training, although she and Hank are having marriage problems since learning about his daughter, and the two of them had a bad fight over something else too, but that won't be revealed till much later. Janet would get to know Hank's daughter and grow to become a mother to her.
-Ant-Man defeats Yellowjacket along with Egghead, and he gets help from Giant-Man and Wasp. Nadia accepts Scott as Ant-Man, and Scott saves his daughter's life by giving her a new heart transplant. His ex-wife allows Scott to have joint custody with him.
-At the film's ending, Hank and Janet get back together, but after they do, Hank gives her a growth serum he has to make her grow. She thanks them, and he tells her Ultron helped him create it.
-The film ends with Scott becoming the new Ant-Man and joining the Avengers.
The next project is a movie called The Knights.
-The Knights is a movie that adapts the Marvel Knights run and focuses on street-level heroes.
-Knights focuses on an unnamed team led by Daredevil. The team roster includes Daredevil, Luke Cage, Spiderman, Iron Fist, Colleen Wigg, Spider-Woman, Wolverine, Dr. Strange, and Clint Barton, who becomes Ronin.
-They go on a rescue mission to save Echo, who has been captured by The Hand.
-This movie is inspired by the Knights series and New Avengers 27 to 33.
-Following Hawkeye's events, Clint meets with Dr. Strange to talk after his wife's death. He meets with the group and offers to help them, but he is no longer Hawkeye. Before Echo is captured, she sends Matt her Ronin suit, so Clint dons the costume and becomes the new Ronin.
-Spider-Woman joins the team after the events of SHIELD. She offers to go with Spiderman to help Daredevil.
-Luke Cage and Iron Fist asked if this team is an Avengers team because they point out that Spidey, Clint, and Jess are members of the Avengers. Daredevil says no, but Spidey says they call themselves the Avengers after he and Clint agree with him as they are both founding Avengers. However, Daredevil says they are a nameless team that will save Echo.
-Wolverine joins Daredevil's team after the events of season 2 of X-Men. He joins because he has fought the Hand before and during his time as a samurai in Japan.
-Silver Samurai would appear in the movie, and he is one of Wolverine's greatest enemies. In the film, he agrees to work with The Hand to hunt Echo as she has gone against the Hand.
-Both Elektra and Silver Samurai are the villains of the film.
-Dr. Strange opens a portal to Japan, and the team goes to Japan to save Echo.
-Echo makes her big MCU debut in this show, and she takes up the Ronin mantle. She protected the streets of Tokyo, and it's revealed she was mentored by Daredevil.
-When he meets Elektra, Daredevil is surprised to see how she's led the Hand. He tells her he doesn't remember her being this way, that she had honor but is now blinded by power. Elektra says she has changed and that the Hand is a form of chi.
-The team battles against The Hand and saves Echo, but it is revealed that the Hand demon took control of her and stabs Dr. Strange using his magic. He contacts Wong, who casts a spell to let his spirit free her from the Hand's control.
-Echo breaks free, and she stabs Elektra, killing her. Daredevil and Luke Cage are present when it happens and are shocked by what they see.
-After the Hand retreats, the rest of the team meets up, and to their own shock, Elektra is a Skrull.
-The film ends with the team returning to Strange's house and with the Skrull body. They decide to head to Avengers Tower and inform them of this.
-The end credits show them arriving at Avengers Tower, but as they arrive, we see Cap, Iron Man, Nick Fury, Hank Pym, and Mr. Fantastic looking at another Skrull body. They show them the Elektra Skrull, and Nick reveals they're being invaded. The problem is that any of them could be a Skrull.
The last project of Phase 2 is The Avengers: Secret Invasion
-This is the last film of Phase 2, and in Avengers 2, we see not only the Avengers but also the X-Men and the Fantastic 4. The film also picks up from Knights.
--In the film, more heroes participate, making it seem like an Infinity War-style film.
-The film's prologue shows Queen Veranke announcing to her people they will invade Earth. She enters a sacred room where a group of Skrulls prepare a ritual. She stands naked as another Skrull places a cloth made of blood is placed oner her head and she turns into a human. We don't see the face or she's become the screen goes back and she says "For Glory."
The film opens with the Avengers in action, stopping an AIM base. We see the team split into one led by Captain America and the other by the Wasp. Cap's team is Black Panther, Quicksilver, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, and Vision. Wasp's team consists of Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, and Giant-Man, paying homage to the classic Avengers roster.
-After their mission, Nick Fury contacts Iron Man and informs the team of the dead Skrull. The team races back home and meets with Fury, who has Mr. Fantastic with him, at Avengers Tower. They see the body of the Skrull Valentino, and Spider-Man arrives with the Knights team with the dead Elektra Skrull.
-SHIELD and SWORD prepare to investigate how the Skrulls got to Earth after the Fantastic 4 Super Skrull events.
-Tony also confronts Nick about his brother forming a team of former supervillains called the Thunderbolts. He warns Nick that Gregory will do anything to get what he wants.
-Reed and Hank study the Skrull and learn how it's been on Earth for so long, has all the memories, and can keep its fake form for so long.
-We see more Super Skrulls, and they have the DNAs of all the heroes on Earth.
-We will see Queen Veranke in action as she leads her Skrulls to conquer Earth. She believes she is the one who will save their people.
-The Avengers receive a distress signal indicating that a Skrull ship is in the Savage Land. The Avengers agree to investigate and head to the Savage Land.
-The team roaster that goes is Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-man, Wolverine, Wasp, Carol Danvers, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Woman, Wolverine, Black Widow, and Hawkeye.
-Thor and Black Panther return to their homes to inform their people of the invasion. War Machine goes with Black Panther to help him out while Thor goes alone to Asgard. Despite being exile he still cares about his kingdom.
-Wolverine and Quicksilver inform the X-Men of this, and they prepare as well. The Fantastic 4 are shocked to learn this after they stopped the Skrulls previously.
-In this film, everything goes to hell. As the Skrulls launch their plan, it's revealed that Dum Dum Dugan is a Skrull and sets off a bomb that destroys SWORD and SHIELD. Sue Storm opens the gateway to the Negative Zone. Johnny and Crytal saves Franklin, and Ben saves Alicia. They realize that Sue was replaced by the Skrull imposter. Reed discovers how the Skrulls can shapeshift longer, and he's found a way to find out whose a Skrull and whose not before he tells Hank. He shoots him with a gun that stretches his body, making him unable to move, and Hank is revealed to be a Skrull. A Skrull army arrives at Wakanda, and the force field is suddenly destroyed. Shuri realizes Okoye is a Skrull, and she stabs her in the stomach. Black Panther saves his sister, but she's badly hurt. Black Panther kills the Skrull and sends another distress signal to anyone to help Wakanda, but no one responds.
-An army of super Skrulls attacks New York. Falcon, Winter Soldier, Ant-Man, Quicksilver, Rescue, Daredevil, She-Hulk, Shang Chi, Colleen Wigg, Misty Knight, and Dr. Strange fight for the city. Falcon leads the team. She-Hulk calls her cousin and the agents of Smash, but they are attacked by super Skrulls.
-As the SHIELD Helicarrier crashes in the water, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Sharon Carter, and Phil Coulson try to get things back running. Suddenly, Dum Dum appears on the ship, and they thought he was dead. However, it's revealed that he is actually Skrull, and half of the SHIELD agents are Skrulls. Maria, Sharon, and Phil don't know what to do, but Dum Dum Dugan Skrulls reveals their plans to them and their queen's vision to take Earth. Just before the Skrulls kill them, Nick looks at Sharon and says, "Now." Sharon presses a button on her watch. Out of the SHIELD, a helicarrier comes out, a man all in flames, and takes out the skrulls as they are weak against fire. At first, Maria and the other SHIELD agents think it's Johnny Storm, but it's actually Jim Hammond. It's revealed by Nick he had been rebuilding Jim for awhile Phil and Sharon have been secretly rebuilding him. Jim looks at Sharon at first and assumes she's Peggy, and he learns he's been gone for over eighty years. We would see Jim reunite with Cap, Bucky, and Namor during the Secret Invasion, and we would have an Invaders reunion.
-Thor comes to help Asgard as they are invaded by Skrulls. To everyone's shock, Loki helps them battle the Skrulls. The heroes fighting New York are struggling until The X-Men arrive along with X Factor to help battle against the Skrulls.
-Black Panther and Wakanda fight against the Skrulls; however, the battle isn't going well for them. Suddenly, to T'Challa's surprise, Namor arrives and helps Wakanda. After this, Black Panther and Namor rush to New York, as the primary battle is in New York.
-The Avengers are stuck on Savage Island. They are split up, and Ronin confronts a Mockingbird and asks her about October 12. She says she is Bobbi, and she remembers losing their baby. The film also introduces Ka-Zar and Shanna O'Hara, aka She-Devil.
-Iron Man focuses on rebuilding his suit, and Spider-Woman accompanies him. She starts to manipulate him and tells him that he is actually Skrull and the real Tony Stark is dead. However, Black Widow sneaks from behind, but she is stopped by two sleeper Skrulls, but she easily kills them. Jessica escapes, but it turns out she poisoned Tony. Black Widow saves Tony and tells him he is not a Skrull and must stop the Skrulls. She motivates him to ignore Spider-Woman's saying as she is likely the Skrull. She tells him are you going to help them or stop them. Tony says "Stop them."
-Reed Richards regains his body, breaks out of the Skrull ship, and fights his way out. He is rescued Abigail, commander of SWORD, and Monica Rambau. She was too late to warn everyone but she managed to save Abigail and broke into the ship. She also explains to Reed that real hostages are held in a ship in space, and Monica helps Reed build the gun that will expose the sleeper skrulls give her by K'Rt. Given to her by K'Rt.
-At Thunderbolt Mountain, a super Skrull attacks, but Gregory and his thunderbolts defeat him and head to New York to help the heroes stop the Skrulls. Before they leave Gregory gets a gun that was given to him by friend.
-As the remaining Avengers get together, they battle against the other Avengers until a Skrull ship arrives, and Reed uses the gun and exposes the sleeper Skrulls. Clint is shocked to see that Bobbi is actually a Skrull, and he kills her. Reed confronts one who was Sue and demands to know where his wife is. The skrulls reveals they are ship outside the earth. The Avengers get on the skrull ship head back to New York were the final battle will begin.
-Thor arrives in New York with Black Panther, Namor, the Hulk, and many others, and The Avengers finally arrive with the help of Mr. Fantastic, Photon, and Abigail.
-Everyone gets together in New York and this biggest superhero team since Endgame.
-Queen Veranke appears, and it's reveal that she was posing as Spider-Woman. She tells the heroes she is saving her people and that he loves them. Spider-Man asks who that is, and she says god, to which Nick Fury responds, "Yeah, well, my god has a hammer."
-The battle begins. It's almost like Infinity War level.
-During the battle, Iron Man interacts with his twin brother Gregory, who doesn't get along.
-We the Street level heroes all fighting together and we have Invaders reunion. This was one epic battle and it's fun seeing everyone come together.
-Jessica Jones watches the fight unfold. She decides she needs to help Luke and everyone else. She leaves her daughter with her friend Claire Temple. Danielle Cage will not be kidnapped by skrulls.
-The Human Torch, Crystal, and The Thing are trapped in the Baxter building with Franklin and Alicia, and they are attacked by a super Skrull posing as Sue and creatures from the Negative Zone. They defeat the fake Sue and shut down the Negative Zone, but unknown to them, the portal opened in the galaxy. So now, the Negative Zone can conquer the galaxy.
-During the battle, Wasp does battle with the fake Pym; however, he says that the growth serum is actually a bomb, and it sets off she will kill everyone in New York. Janet starts to panic. The bomb begins setting off everyone's energy. As she is about to explode, Ultron comes to Janet, and she believes he will save her, but instead, he says something, and her eyes widen in fear. He flies away, so Thor uses his powers to stop Janet by killing her and vows to avenge his fallen friend. Wasp dies in the battle, but we never see her body. Her death will not only break the real Hank, but it will shatter the Avengers. It's like how Gandalf fell in Moria. They are all heartbroken and shocked over Janet's death. She was the reason for the name Avengers and was the voice of reason. It works better than killing Quicksilver in Age of Ultron because we didn't have a connection with him.
-At the end of the film Veranke stands alone, mortally injured by Ronin, and the heroes stare at her with anger. Wolverine charges at her, just as he is about to deliver the final blow, a bullet goes through her killing her. Everyone turns, and the one who shot her was Gregory Stark.
-However, the battle is not over, as Skrull ships are still attacking. Photon leads all flying heroes into space as she knows where the real captives are being held. Iron Man puts on Mark 45. The team takes down the Skrull ships and gets help from Genis Vell and K'lrt with some rebel Skrulls. The invasion is stopped, and the real people are rescued. Reed reunites with the real Sue, who is now seven months pregnant. The real Hank Pym steps out and asks where Janet is, and he meets Scott Lang for the first time and asks where Janet is; the real Jessica Drew steps out but is welcomed back by Carol Danvers and many others. The real Okoye steps out, T'Challa hugs her, and we see the real Dum Dum Dugan, Happy, and Bethany.
-Claire arrives with Luke and Jessica daughter and this were Luke proposes to Jessica and she says yes.
-After the events, the Avengers mourn the death of Janet, and Hank is distraught over her death. Cap and Iron Man meet with the Avengers, and they decide to disband the team. Everyone agrees after everything that has happened, but Nick Fury informs them that SHIELD has been disbanded after it failed, and Tony has learned that he lost Stark Industries to Gregory. Thor feels guilty about killing Jane, but Hank has no anger towards him because they would have lost the war against the Skrulls if he had not.
-The next morning, the United States Government thanks Gregory Stark for his heroic act in stopping the Skrull queen, and he is now a global hero. He takes over Stark Industries, disbands SHIELD, and renames it HAMMER.
However, after the events, K'lrt, the Super Skrull, takes the remaining Skrulls to a new planet that he discovered with the help of Genis Vell and a group called the Guardians of the Galaxy. Teddy names K'lrt the new emperor of the Skrulls and says that after a year with the Kree, he will spend the next year with the Skrulls. Both races unite under his rule as Emperor Dorrek VIII, but Teddy tells them to call him Hulkling now.
-In the end, Gregory and Dr. Doom meet and say it's all going according to plan. The two of them enter a room, and there, sitting around the table, are Emma Frost, Namor, Hela, Loki, Ultron, and Citizen V, who removes his mask, revealing himself to be Zemo. Dr. Doom says, "This is how it's going to be."
-Phase three will be based on Dark Reign, as the villains are now running the show.
The Epilogue film is Guardians of the Galaxy.
-Now, Guardians of the Galaxy was hard because James Gunn did a great job with this team, and I don't know how I would capture the same magic he did. I'll do my best with it because I don't know if I can make it as good as Gunn.
-This film would not be an origin story, for the Guardians of the Galaxy have been around for a few months.
-The Guardians of the Galaxy is a Comedy, SCI FI, Adventure film.
-The film's team consists of Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Gamora, Richard Rider, aka Nova, Moondragon, and Phyla-Vell. Star-Lord is the lead in this film.
This team is based on the Annihantion, and sadly, there is no Groot Drax or Mantis on the team, but don't worry, we will see them in future projects.
-The film's villain would be Annihilus, and this film would show us the Negative Zone. Annihilus wants to expand the Negative Zone's power across the universe, and the Guardians must stop him from taking other planets from the Galaxy. He seeks to find the Quantum Bands, and using its power, he can conquer every planet in the Galaxy.
Annihilus would be an excellent villain for the Guardians. The last Fantastic 4 film and Avengers mentioned the negative zone, we saw it in the Secret Invasion so this film will feature Annihilus in his big debut.
-Peter Quill, aka Starlord, is the film's main character, and unlike the last MCU, he's not Ego's son. He's got more of the comic book origin. He's a prince who doesn't want to become king and loves music from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. His mother died of cancer, and he was adopted by Yondu at his father, Jason's request. Starlord knows about his father and how he loved his mother greatly, but they couldn't be together since he was an alien and a future ruler of Planet Spartex. However, Peter doesn't hate his dad and considers both J'son and Yondu to be fathers in his life.
-Gamora is still one of the most deadly assassins in the Galaxy. She is also Thanos's adoptive daughter and is skilled in swordsmanship. She becomes close friends with Phyla-Vell.
Unlike in the old MCU, she and Peter will not be in a romantic relationship; instead, Peter will get a love interest in the next film, and her name is Aradia. Gamora would instead be in a romantic relationship with Nova in this film, but we would see their romance develop because they won't like each other. He's a police officer, and she's an assassin who killed people.
Like Gunn said, Rocket is the heart of the movie, and he is. The film features him as their weapon tech and the funny guy. Like the old MCU, he has a tragic origin story. I know Groot is not in the film, but we will see him in the future, and you will see Rocket and Groot together.
-Nova makes his big screen debut in this film, and the Nova Corps are the Green Lanterns of the Marvel universe. Richard Rider is a fast food restaurant manager, let's just say McDonalds. He is chosen by the Nova Corps and becomes one of their most powerful members. Rider and Peter become best friends as they are both from Earth, and he will have a romance with Gamora. Unlike Starlord and Gamora, they don't like each other, but they start to fall in love.
-Moondragon is Drax's daughter. Unlike the old MCU, she's still alive, and her father is too. Drax will appear in future films and projects. Moondragon is a telepath and master material artist whom she learns from her father, Drax. She's also dating Phya-Vell.
Phya-Vell is the twin sister of Genis-Vell and half-sister of Teddy, aka Hulking. She wields the Quantum Sword, a mighty sword forged by Quasar, a superpowered being. However, using all of the blade's power can drain the sword's power and the wielder. Phya-Vell, like her brother, wants to protect the Galaxy like their father. She also wants to keep her younger brother safe. She also needs to find the Quantum Bands and powerful bracelets before Annihilus, who wants to see the power to
-Yondu is the leader of the Ravagers in the film and is similar to his MCU counterpart.
We would see J'son Quill in this film; he loves and cares about his son and mother. Peter's mother still dies of cancer, and no, J'son didn't do that.
-The film would have epic space battles, and the Silver Surfer would make a cameo in this film as well, Galactus.
-The film ends with the team defeating Annihulus and saving the Galaxy. The Guardians celebrate by partying all night after a job well done. Phya-Vell keeps the bracelets as she's more trustworthy than them, and Peter tells her that her father would be so proud of her, and she says the same about his mother. They both lost their parents to cancer, and that's why they have a special bond.
-The film has a mid-credits scene where the Guardians meet Adam Warlock, who tells them he needs their help. Groot appears; he's been back on his home planet, but now he's ready to save the Galaxy.
-The Guardians of the Galaxy will eventually cross over with other Marvel characters, but they will remain more stand-alone for now. They focus on keeping the Galaxy safe while the Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic Four keep Earth safe.
So that's part two of how I would reboot the MCU.
I think a did proper Secret Invasion saga because unlike the MCU.
I actually stay true to the source materiel but I made still made changes to it.
The part is based on Dark Reign I know it's not Norman Osborn but Gregory Stark is the next best thing.
As for the Thanos of this new reboot I would have say it's Dr. Doom is the Thanos of this universe.