Live Action TV Series Fan Cast and Ideas
Now we know there as been so many adaptions of Batman and I've been thinking even though we're getting a new film series with Robert Pattinson. I've been thinking since Gotham is over maybe it's time that WB actually makes a Batman TV series. Like Batman can work both in movies and tv so why not do a live action tv series like maybe DC Universe streaming service can make us a show, or CW but after that Batwoman show were getting I keep Batman franchise away from that trend. Now a recently heard a rumour that DC Universe is going off the streaming networks. HBO Max is always another solution.
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I think DC Universe should make a live action Batman Series
I wouldn't go with CW
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I mean don't get me wrong The CW has given us great shows like
Smallvile, Arrow, Flash, and many others but seeing how CW going down
with the whole being more Woke because we all saw that crappy Batwoman trailer.
I cringe when I watched that series.
Now who knows what will happen the last Batman show we got was Gotham which ended this year and we're getting an Alfred prequel series this month. Which should be interesting now I didn't watch Gotham couldn't get into but from what I heard the show is really good. So I was wonder why haven't we gotten a live action Batman Series I mean we've got fantastic animated series from WB well one of them is bad that is Beware the Batman. Truth Batman can work both in film and television.
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With the right people we could make something like this in
live action form.
Now first here is my cast for a live action Batman Series and later tell you my ideas for the show.
Tom Welling as Bruce Wayne/Batman
Now some of you are thinking Tom Welling? The guy who played Clark Kent from Smallville well Tom Welling has said he wants to play Batman on the CW if they ever interduce the character on the CW. Now if you ask me if they make a Batman TV Series I don't think CW should make it, it should be another studio in WB were they give us a dark gritty tv series with blood and sex. Like Daredevil mixed with True Detective level but I'll talk about that in my ideas later. Now I think Tom could pull it off because he looks like the part for the series Bruce should be older like Robert Pattinson is playing a younger Batman for the film audiences, for tv audiences let's have Batman in his forties and we have Bat family already. Also Tom is 42 he's at that right age to play an older Batman and he looks a great for age too.
Melissa Fumero as Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Melissa Fumero from Brooklyn 99 is who I would cast as Catwoman for this series now I know she's only done comedy but I think she could pull off a good Catwoman. I don't know when Brooklyn 99 will end but if does I think she would be a solid choice for Catwoman. She's also got the looks and I have not seen her act in a serious role before but remember when Michael Keaton was casted as Batman and he did nothing but comedy films and now he is consider to be one of the best Batmen. Catwoman would obviously be one of Batman's love interest but I see the couple breaking up or taking some time off each other.
Peter Capaldi as Alfred Pennyworth
Everyones favourite butler and I would go with Dr. Who to play him and he's at the right age and this Alfred is older but is still bad ass.
Steven R. McQueen as Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Now Dick would already be Nightwing and him Bruce are still very close, they still have that father son relationship. Dick currently lives in Bludheaven but he would visit Gotham time to time to help Batman out on any cases as well keep Gotham safe if Batman's not around. Dick and Barbara are in current relationship.
Bonnie Wright as Barbara Gordon/Oracle
Now since there is a Batgirl movie in the works and it's likely we will see Batgirl in Robert Pattinson's Batman film series. I think for the show they should make Barbara Gordon, Oracle because back then people liked Barbara as Oracle because she was an inspiration for handicap people. It would be mention that she was Batgirl but you know she was crippled by the Joker. Now she helps Batman through her computer skills and hacking abilities. She's also a mentor to the new Batgirl and that is Stephanie Brown. Barbara and Dick are in a current relationship.
Matthew Daddario as Jason Todd/Red Hood
Jason Todd aka The Red Hood/Second Robin would be in the show and I see him either be a character that is welcome back into the Bat Family but Bruce strongly disagrees with his ideas taking out criminals. Red Hood would be more of anti hero in this show and maybe they could do the under the red hood storyline or they already had that and Jason has since then been welcome back but he still kills criminals.
Graham Phillips as Tim Drake/Red Robin
Tim Drake the third Robin who is now Red Robin is the smartest out of all the robins and the better skilled deactivate. Tim is not sidekick on the show like the past three he's on his own but he still a close relationship to Batman, he sees as a father figure in his life. Tim's parents are still alive but are under witness protection.
Levi Miller as Damian Wayne/Robin
Bruce and Talia Al Ghul's son and this version he's older and still is Robin. He hopes one day to take up the mantle of Batman. Damian gets along great with Dick Grayson, he respects Jason's view on the war against crime but still believes in his father's views, however him and Tim don't get along at all they both can't stand each other.
AnnaSophia Robb as Stephanie Brown/Batgirl
Now Stephanie Brown is in the show but she's not Spoiler I think the films will give us Spoiler but this series she's the new Batgirl. Barbara is her mentor who trained her to be the next Batgirl she was Spoiler but give up the mantle to become Batgirl. She's also in a relationship with Tim Drake too.
Jin Jil Hee as Cassandra Cain/Orphan
Cassandra Cain is set to appear in the Birds of Preys movie next year but this version more younger but she's more violent towards criminals as she was trained to be an assassin. Now Cassandra doesn't talk that much like the comics but she does mostly sign language instead of talking. Bruce took her under his wing and has since manage to get her not to kill anyone.
Caleb McLaughlin as Duke Thomas/The Signal
Duke Thomas is a new character in the Bat family I feel like this a character that should be interduce in an either film or tv. Duke would also be the first sidekick to Batman that doesn't mantle of Robin but makes own name instead and chooses Signal after the Bat Signal. Duke grew up on the streets for his parents he was placed in the foster care system but he didn't want it. Eventually Bruce takes him as a ward and he learns who Batman is and Duke has always looked up to Batman. Duke becomes one of Batman's new sidekicks to help fight crime and find his parents.
Sophia Lillis as Harper Roe/Bluebird
Harper is really good at electrical engineers, she lives with her brother and a deadbeat dad in rough area in Gotham. Harper takes the name the Bluebird and agrees to help to help Batman fight crime.
Jordan Calloway as Luke Fox/Batwing
Luke Fox is Lucius's son who takes up the code name Batwing and like Barbara fights with Batman. First season Luke doesn't become Batwing till the end at first he is a kick boxer champion who then retires to work with his dad after his mom dies. Luke knows Bruce is Batman and by the end of the first season Lucius gives his a suit of armour that he calls project Batwing.
Camila Mendes as Helena Berinelli/Huntresses
Huntress would be in the show and works for Batman at one point in the series she and Dick were in a relationship but have since been broken up but still work together. She works with Barbara most of time and is best friends with the current Batgirl Stephanie.
Evan Rachel Wood as Kate Kane/Batwoman
I'm not a fan of that Batwoman show coming out and this a different version thats more faithful to the comic book counter part. I think Kate Kane needs a better adaption now I understand the show isn't out yet so I can't criticize it until its out. Its just that show doesn't look good to me because it's pandering to PC culture and SJW pandering thats all. I'm not the only one all Batman fans and even some Batwoman fans don't like it. So if fails I think they should make a Batman live action show and get Kate Kane done right.
Alfie Allen as Jean Paul Valley/Azrael
A religious nut case you took over for Batman once but he got too crazy later on. Afterward he redeem himself and became a hero.
Ernie Hudson as Lucius Fox
Lucius Fox would be in the show who helps designs all of Batman suits and gadgets. He even builds the Batwing suit for his son to fight crime with Bruce.
David Wenham as Commissioner James Gordon
Commissioner James Gordon would be in the show played by Lost star Matthew Fox.
Eric Stonestreet as Harvey Bullock
I know some of you are going to disagree with this casting and say "Cam from Modern Family as Harvey! Come on man cast someone better." I know but look Eric looks the part and he has change his voice to play serious roles so he might actually surprise people if he were cast.
Monica Raymund as Renne Montoya
Renne is a detective on GCPD and is partners with Harvey. She's in a current relationship with Kate Kane aka Batwoman.
Gustaf Skarsgard as The Joker
Neil Patrick Harris as Edward Nygma/The Riddler
Desmond Harrington as Harvey Dent/Two Face
Ray Winestone as Oswald Cobberbot/The Penguin
Eva Amurri as Poison Ivy
Emma Roberts as Harley Quinn
Kevin Rahm as Mr. Freeze
Scott Porter as Thomas Elliot/Hush
Matthew Wiig as Bane
Michael Emerson as Hugo Strange
Tom Wlaschiha as Clayface
Derek Mears as Killer Croc
Pilou Asback as Firefly
Meghan Ory as Talia Al Ghul
Oded Fehr as Ra's Al Ghul
Milo Ventimiglia as Talon
So that's my cast for a Batman TV Series let me what you think and here my ideas for a live action show Batman.
6. Have the Bat Family and Villains already established and introduce some the newest Batman family members.
Now this one thing we need to see is the Bat family is fully established, its likely we're getting the Bat family in Matt Reeves film trilogy. I don't know what Matt is going to do in the films but lets hope he doesn't screw it up. I think we're all getting tired of Batman being alone with just Alfred it's time to do the Bat Family. Have everything already established no origins needed except for the new members of the family like Duke, Harper, Cassandra, and Luke.
5. Give us an older Batman because the film series should go with younger Batman while TV series go with an older Batman.
Now as we know Ben isn't Batman anymore after two bad movies unless you count Suicide Squad. We not getting that older forty year old Batman and fans really want to see that version of Batman done right so what I think this show do is have an older Batman with already establish Bat Family and Villains. It would could totally work on TV because it's time for an actual Batman TV series. The movies can go with a younger Batman but the TV series should go with an older Batman.
4. Make a dark, detective, thriller, and action television series. Include different POVS from the Bat family members and the villains.
Now this one thing we can all basically agree if WB did a live action show it should be a dark detective series. Kind of like what Matt Reeves is doing with his Batman film series except its a show as well as thriller too and we have more time to do episodes about other characters it won't just be about Batman we will see other characters POVs on the show even some of the villains POVs as well. Batman is the main star of the show but we would see the POVs from Nightwing, Red Robin, Red Hood, Batgirl, Oracle, Signal, Robin, and many more.
3. Have more freedom to adapt any Batman Story arcs, well the good ones not the bad ones.
Since this a tv show the show runners and writers would have freedom to do whatever storyline they want and they don't need to re tell his origin because we all know it already. Like there are so many stories they can adapt on tv like Court of Owls, Hush, Death of a Family, The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul, All Star Batman, Batman Rip, and many more. I mean there are certain storylines they wouldn't need to adapt because like Year One or Batman and Son because we already have those established already.
2. Make it a more mature series with more blood, gore, nudity, and sex. Like look the Daredevil series and maybe even WB's Mature series Titans and Doom Patrol for inspiration.

Now this one thing we should get to see, for the past years we have gotten PG 13 Batman or kid friendly Batman but for this show like this needs to be an M rated tv show. This show would be more for mature fans than for kids. Like Matt Reeves's Batman movie will likely be a hard PG 13 film which is fine but for more mature fans we need a Batman form of media thats for mature audiences. I know some people say Titans is the closes thing to a mature Batman because it's about Robin but I'm not really a big fan of Titans. I try getting into it I just couldn't. I just don't see this on CW like as much I know a lot of fans want Batman on the CW I get it because you want Tyler Hoechlin's Superman to me the CW Batman or team up with Arrow but sadly won't happen Arrow is ending. I hear rumours CW is considering a Superman series so they could interduce CW's Batman in that show if it happens. I just feel like a live action Batman show would better suite for a more mature audience than it being at 8:00 at night on the CW. Not to mention that Batwoman show says Bruce abandon Gotham like really thats just bad writing in my opinion because from what I know Batwoman's origin isn't like that at all. If it's true about DC Streaming coming to an end I would recommend HBO Max this series instead. We need a more mature Batman series for older audiences.
Honorable mentions
1. It's okay to references or do a crossover with other DC heroes but make this more grounded.
2. Don't re tell Batman's origin and some of the characters origin if you're going to do flashbacks thats fine but for the new characters that some people haven't heard about tell their origin stories. Like Duke, Harper, Cassandra, and Luke.
3. Don't do what Batwoman is doing, make this show just epic, dark, and gritty. A tv series that keeps us at the end of our seats wanting more. No pandering to SJWS please just make a good show.
1. Give this show a great title and here are some of my suggests for it.
For this show it doesn't need to be called just called Batman or The Batman. It should sound more bigger and exciting for everyone, if I had choose I would call it Batman Gotham Knights because this show is about Batman and the Bat family. A second title could be Batman Incorporated that also would mean we see Batman travel around the world and maybe we see The Club of Heroes but who knows. These are suggests but it would be cool to see Batman leave Gotham and explore other parts of the world or even alternate realties.
So those are my ideas for a Batman Live Action TV Series let me know what you think. I really would love to see this happen in future if they ever do it because DC needs to just build a multiverse cinematic universe combining movies and tv. I hope you guys like it and let me know do you want a Batman live action series or would you rather they stick to films only.