Tuesday 16 June 2020

What I Want To See and Don't Want To See In The Next Indiana Jones Film.

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What I want to see in the next Indiana Jones Film and What I don't want to see. 
Ah, Indiana Jones one of the greatest characters in film, the character has become such an icon and recently named Greatest Hero in Film in Empire Magazine. So today I'm going to talk about what I want to see and don't want see in the next Indiana Jones film.

Now it's been announce that James Mangold director of Walk The Line and Logan is going to make the next film. I think thats a great choice like James Mangold gave Hugh Jackman's Wolverine a great send off he will give Indy a great send off too. Now as you know I have issues with Lucasfilm they haven't done a good job with Star Wars unless you count Mandalorian which awesome by the way. Really hope Jon Faverau takes over Lucasfilm he knows what he's doing.

Here is what I want to see in the next Indiana Jones film and what I don't want to see.

5. Give Indy a great send off but don't kill him off.
Now Harrison Ford as confirmed this will be his last Indiana Jones performance and also he's going to be eighty years old when the film comes out. Also he has said when he's done Indy is done as well even though the franchise will continue with a new protagonist.  What needs to happen is Indy needs a heroic send off. I hear he won't be killed off but he might be who knows, but for this character he needs a proper send off. Like have him go on one last adventure, have him save the day one last time, or make the biggest discovery of his life time. Have him retire and spend the rest of his days with Marion Ravenwood. The next film could be about his grandson or granddaughter continuing his work. That's what we need to see is give Indy a great send off don't butcher his character like they did Han Solo, give Indy a great send off the kind that Han Solo should have gotten. 

4. Learn from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull mistakes. 
It didn't make any sense.
Now we all know how infamous Kingdom of The Crystal Skull is like Aliens being in that movie. Aliens don't belong in an Indiana Jones movie and that fridge scene like it didn't make sense. Like remember South Park's episode about Kingdom of the Crystal Skull very funny episode and very true. So yeah they need to learn from Kingdom of the Crystal's mistakes. I wouldn't be surprise if South Park does an episode about Rise of Skywalker and how it ruin Star Wars and how it butchered Luke Skywalker, Leia, and Han Solo. 

3. Not only Indy but the same for Marion and Mutt give them proper send offs and respects for the characters.
Not only Indy needs a good send off but also Karen Allen's character Marion too like maybe she died of cancer or something and this drives Indy to come out of retirement or she and Indy are living a happy married life something pushes them to get out of retirement.
Fun fact I got to meet Karen once at Comic Con she was really nice and so sweet. 

Now for Shia's character Mutt Jones it is likely that Shia isn't coming back but they should at least reveal what happen to his character like maybe Mutt is married and has kids, he did go on adventures with his dad but like his dad he gave it up to be a husband and father. Like don't kill him off just because no one liked him or because of Shia Labeouf don't do that. Just give the character a good reason why he's not in the film. Also we could have a kid of Mutt who's like Indiana Jones and the film could be about Indy and grandson or granddaughter go on an adventure together.

2. Indiana Jones needs to have a final epic grand adventure even if he's 80 years old.
 Since this will be Harrison's last film he needs to have one last great adventure like it needs to be something exciting, dangerous, mysterious, and most of all its got be a pass of the torch. I trust James Mangold a lot I know he will do a good job and he will give Harrison a good send off like Jackman did in Logan, but I am worried because I don't trust Kennedy or Disney because I feel like they might butcher this character and ruin what makes him so great. In fact if the the fifth film sucks it will make us appreciate Kingdom of the Crystal Skull more. That's a chance none of us want to do.

1. It needs to be a passing of the torch to new character but this character has to earn it and earn the audiences respect.
This franchise isn't ending with Indiana Jones 5 in fact the series will continue with a new lead hopefully a grandkid taking over the franchise. Now personally I would give Indiana Jones a grandson who is the son of Mutt and his name Henry Jak Jones. The film I see being set in 80s and its all about Indy's last adventure or him coming out of retirement one last time. He goes on another adventure with his grandson maybe. What they need to do is make this new character who is the grandkid of Indiana Jones and Marion. This character has to be likeable and someone we can relate too. We don't want this new character to be better than Indy we want this character to be good on their own terms and make them good at their own thing. That's all we want a proper new character that we can like, whose fun, smart, relatable, and a worthy successor to the series. Just don't have the character commit identity thief in the end of the film.
Let's not have this in the next film. 

Also if I were to cast Indiana Jones's Grandson if they go with grandson I would cast Tye Sheridan.

That's what I want to see in the next Indiana Jones film, now here is what I don't want to see in this film.

4. No Aliens!!!!
No Aliens what so ever Aliens don't belong in a Indiana Jones film because Indiana Jones is about finding ancient artifacts, lost cities of build by humans not aliens, and powerful relics that can change the world. Aliens don't belong in these films so no Aliens, not even mention of the aliens from the last film.
Also no refrigerators that can survive a nuclear explosion that doesn't make any sense.

3. Don't give him his own Rey.
That's another thing if you're going to interduce a new character that will carry on this franchise don't make that character like Rey was in Star Wars. Like I wrote before we don't want an overpowered character, whose smarter, is always right, and for no reason is better than Indy as well as talks down to him all the time about hows he's outdated or he's from a different time. We don't want that we want the new character who looks up to him and is inspired by him as well this character is good at what they do and maybe they learn a few things from Indy. As well if this character takes the name Jones like calls themselves you know I'm Sam Jones or Mary Jones its not a good idea its insulting and teaching audiences its okay to commit identity theft.

2. Don't bring back any bad characters and if you make new characters make sure their good characters.
Now like many franchises there are characters we want to forget about and Indiana Jones has that too. Don't bring back any bad characters that fans have hated that we just want to forget about because they were badly written or annoying or just ugh. So don't bring back Willie Scott or anyone else who was annoying.
For new characters if you're going to have new characters they need to have a purpose being in the story and they have to be interesting and the same goes for the villains.

1. Don't Ruin Indy's Character.
That's the most important thing don't ruin Indiana Jones like don't change anything about what makes Indy great. We don't want to see him as a pushover or someone who just gets talk down too, or he's like Luke Skywalker was in Last Jedi. We want Indy to be at his best in this last film because he was named greatest movie hero of all time in Empire Magazine. Not to mention this character is the reason and inspiration for great characters like Nathan Drake and Lara Croft. Its too late for Han Solo but it's not too late for Indiana Jones to get a better send off.

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So thats what I want to see and don't want to see in the next Indiana Jones because I just want this character to get a proper send off and that send off will make us cry like Logan did.
So let me know what you think what do you want to see and not want to see in the next Indiana Jones film.

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