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So I came up with an idea on Monday night about a way to bring back T'Challa in Black Panther 2.
Now Kevin Feige has announced they will not recast the role of T'Challa in the next Black Panther. Now there are many who are mixed about it and there are some fans who agree with it and there are some fans who don't agree with. There is no bad side, both sides have good intentions because in truth they are just passionate fans who love this character and the actor who played him.
Theres even a petition now to recast Black Panther and its not disrespecting Chadwick Boseman, its honouring him and the character of T'Challa. Here is the link to video of EMan's Movie Review on the The #RecastTChalla video. If you wish to watch it and maybe even sign the petition because if you watch the video EMan makes good points on why Marvel should recast the role to honour Chadwick Boseman. But if you don't want to I understand because you support Marvel Studios decision not to recast the role. In truth I respect and understand both sides.
Here is the link to his video.
As well here is the petition if you want to sign it.
Like I wrote I understand why Marvel is not going to recast I understand their reasons, but at the same time there are so many stories about this character that must be told and this character is important to so many people. So I understand why fans want the role to be recast not to disrespect Chadwick but to honour him and the character he brought on screen.
Like theres so many stories to tell about T'Challa like fans want to see him marry Storm, see him fight Dr. Doom or Namor, see him become King of the Dead, Him going into exile being a street level hero in New York, or see him lead the New Avengers.
Sure I know fans would be down to watch a film with Shuri as Black Panther or see something original, but I don't know what Ryan is going to do but I hope he does his best that's all we can ask from him. Because he once said Chadwick would not want him stop and I agree they should make another film but should they recast the role or could they do something else that could still have T'Challa as the lead of these films?
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Now heres what I think they could do to bring back T'Challa instead of recasting, why not just to do a Multiverse. Because I don't know if Marvel will take this petition into account and reconsider because there are still people out there who don't want the character be recast. Nor do fans want this character written out of the films. So how about bringing in a T'Challa from a different universe to take over as The Black Panther of the MCU.
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Since Dr. Strange 2 will be out before Black Panther 2 and the film will be about Multiverse. So why not bring in a T'Challa/Black Panther from a different universe to join the MCU. It wouldn't be a recast because this Black Panther would be different from his MCU counterpart.
Let's look at Spiderman into the Spider Verse.
These Peter Parkers have the same name but they are a lot different from each other and they look different too.
The top one is blonde hair and blue eyes, the one at the bottom is brown hair and hazel eyes. The blonde Spiderman is more successful and has a great life until his death. He was voiced by Chris Pine.
The brown hair Spiderman is older, is a bit of a loser, and he's broken up about MJ leaving him. He was voiced by Jake Johnson.
So why not do this with Black Panther? Like Shuri I don't think is ready to be Black Panther not for a while maybe Black Panther 3. So why not have a Black Panther from different universe come into the main stream and takes over for the MCU counterpart who has died. Now that could work that's been talked about with fans that could solve everything. It wouldn't be a recast more like its new actor playing a different take on T'Challa. I mean with rumours of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield coming back to play both their Spidermen in Spiderman No Way Home so it make sense that it's a different actor playing that role.
But what make this T'Challa different from the MCU counterpart?
I got some ideas for ya!
This T'Challa has lost everything in his life.
Let's say he lost his duel with M'Baku in the first film, he went into exile and M'Baku took over Wakanda. He went to live in New York and changed his name to Luke Charles.
His mother and sister were sent into exile with him as well as much they didn't want this but he lost and he accepted his exile and they have too.
Most of what we saw in the first film gets alternate and we see many different out comes.
Like Kilmonger does go to Wakanda and he kills M'Baku and everyone is in favour of him because he is the son of Prince N'Jobu. So he takes over Wakanda and his plans we see what happens if they went into action.
He invaded America caused a war the Avengers were involved and to make it worse Thanos invades earth during this war.
As well the Avengers couldn't use Wakanda as their base during Infinity War. So guess what Thanos wins very easily the Avengers were fighting Wakanda as well the rest of the world too.
So Thanos easily wins in this universe.
However, this T'Challa did not turn to ash but his mother and sister did. As well he learns that Wakanda was destroyed by Thanos's ship, killing millions of people including Naika and Okoye is killed during the battle. This happens because Kilmonger didn't put up any defensives against Thanos or evacuate the people of Wakanda during their war.
Wakanda is no more.
Everyone he loved is dead and his country is destroyed. He has lost everything and some call him the King of the Dead because he has nothing to rule but corpses.
Now he does have the heart shape herb that gives him his powers, but how did he get it? I mean he was strip of the heartshape herb during the ceremony and Kilmonger burn them all. As well Naika was not there grab one for him.
What happens is the Panther Goddess Bast comes to him and shows him the Heart Shape Herbs had re grown in a secret grove outside of Wakanda and he finds it and takes one. Gets his powers back and he is Black Panther again.
After gaining his powers back this T'Challa became a street level hero and he's very experience in fighting and leading but he's lost everything. First his father, his mother, his sister, his friends, Nakia, and most of all his country.
He's become kind of like Batman in someway and he's a little more darker and they sometimes call him The King of the Dead. Because they say the spirits of the dead go with him wherever he goes.
As well he would wear this costume in the film I think this a bad ass looking costume.
However, if they do kill off T'Challa in the film because it's possible they won't kill him off but just not have him in the film and then the third film they could recast the role. Someone suggested this once and that could work for both sides that Black Panther 2 is about Wakanda even though we have a Wakanda series in the works that could be a better idea to explore more of Wakanda its people, see the other tribes and learn more about its culture and society. But Black Panther 3 could bring back T'Challa with a recast.

I think the second movie really should focus on T'Challa and have him face off against Namor. That's something most fans want to see and it's possible Namor might be in the next film as a villain or a grey character. That could still happen. Who knows maybe Namor killed T'Challa or maybe someone else did and he was set up and T'Challa's death is the reason Wakanda is at war with Atlantis. As well if the film is about a different T'Challa from another universe and he's given a chance on finding a new purpose in this new world and we could see him become King of the Dead like in the comics. He might even become King of Wakanda, Leader of the New Avengers, and he could marry Storm.
I mean that would be an awesome Wedding to see on the big screen.
Now if I were to cast the actor to play this T'Challa and I've mentioned it before in the past. The only actor I can see taking up this role who would be just as good as Chadwick and would honour Chadwick as well and that would be....
John David Washington.
Chadwick Boseman was once said "Without Denzel there would be no Black Panther." Because Denzel Washington helped payed for Chadwick Boseman's tuition in acting in Oxford. So I think a way to honour Chadwick is to have his son John who is becoming a big star with Blackklansman and Tenet. Either as the successor to the MCU T'Challa if the petition works or if they go with a multiverse idea. I don't know what Ryan is going to do but let me just say again both sides who want a recast and don't want a recast all have good intentions for the franchise.
Now Dr. Strange 2 could show a cameo of him were Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch enter the reality I've talked about and Dr. Strange mentions this one of many outcomes if they lost to Thanos. Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch leave but the T'Challa from that universe sees the portal and he follows them and he ends up in the MCU universe. We would see how he would interact everyone in this universe and what would his new purpose in this universe be for him. It's just idea to help both sides get what they want.
So what do you think of this idea to include T'Challa in Black Panther 2 but not recast the role but have different version of the character from a different universe?
Do you think they should recast the role or just not recast?
Do you like the idea of Multiverse were it's not a recast but with a new actor playing a different take on the character of Black Panther.
Let me know what you think?
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