Mortal Kombat Review!!
So I saw Mortal Kombat tonight and here is my review of it....I loved it. Like this was a fun film to watch like it was epic, it was bloody and gory like Mortal Kombat should be. The film's story is pretty simple but damn is this movie fun to watch. It's that type of film that really gets blood pumping.
I got to tell ya it makes forget about those 90s films.
Don't get me wrong the first film on your left was a fun movie to watch. It was goofy and very cheesy by today's standards, but Annihilation was just garbage and the dialogue of the film is so cringeworthy.
Ugh 90s video game adaptions are bad but funny to watch when you're drunk.
Now the cast of the film all did a great job playing their characters and the characters looked very fateful to video game counterparts. As well the fighting in this film is done so well and this movie stays faithful to fatalities in the game. This is a great fighting movie to watch.
One thing I loved that this film did was it with an original character as the main character. The character Cole Young played Lewis Tan he was awesome in the film. I really like the idea of them going with original main character instead of picking who should be our main lead Liu Kang? Johnny Cage? Sonya Blade? Scorpion? Cassie Cage? but no they went with something original for a change and it works. Cole was one of the best characters in the film and his story arc is really good. Also you'll be surprise why this character is so important in this film and we learn he has connection with a certain character in the series. Also his wife Alison and his daughter Emily are really good characters too.

The other characters were great too like I loved Sonya like she was a bad ass and she's also really beautiful too. But she was just so cool in this film like I was blown away by how awesome Sonya was in this film. Like she kicked some serious ass in this film and the actress who played Jessica McNamee she did a great job as Sonya Blade.
Liu Kang and Kung Lao were awesome in this film too like those two were so cool together. I really liked Liu Kang in this film he's so bad ass and he's mentor this time. Kung Lao he was a total bad ass in this film and he's also very funny in the film plus I love his hat too. Let me tell ya Kung Lao one of the most insane fatalities in the film. Ludi Lin and Max Huang did a great job playing these two and I liked how the characters were cousins too.
I really liked Jax is in this film like he lost his arms that's not a spoiler because he comes back from it and becomes a total bad ass and the cgi on his arms is really good. It looks so real, like Jax he was really cool in this film and I liked the actor who played him and that actor's name is Mehcad Brooks.
Now Scorpion and Subzero they were the heart of the film because this film does explore Scorpion's origin. Subzero was evil in this film like the bastard was evil but its likely that's Noob if they go with that story arc that he's the brother of the real Subzero. Scorpion was awesome in the film and he's just amazing in this film he's real sympathetic character and he's got a tragic origin story. Subzero is really good villain in the film. The actors who played these two Hirokyuki Sanada and Joe Taslim were really good in this film.
Raiden was also good in the film too played by Tadanobu Asano he served as a Gandalf type character/Nick Fury type character in the film because the writers film are looking at the MCU for inspiration to build a cinematic universe of Mortal Kombat. That's cool I mean everyone is doing that now a days. Everyone else in the film were good like Kano was funny douchebag, I liked Mileena I especially loved how her teeth looked creepy, and the rest of the cast were awesome.
So overall I had a good time with this film its full of great action, its a very good video game adaption, and its really gory too which is what all Mortal Kombat fans want to see in a film.
I give this film a 8 out of 10 and a B. Give this film a watch its a fun movie with great action and if your fan of the games you will love this film.
Also the next film please have Johnny Cage he is a huge fan favourite.
I did hear though I don't know if it's true or but there are plans to do a stand alone Johnny Cage movie that would lead into Mortal Kombat 2.
I mean Johnny is a fan favourite and I can see a Johnny Cage movie happening if its done right.
Also casting choices for Johnny Cage are Jensen Ackles, Chris Pratt, Stephen Amell, and The Miz.
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