DCU Superman
Fan Cast and Ideas
Here is my fan cast and ideas for DCU's Superman reboot.
So with a new Superman on the way from James Gunn and after doing a Trinity Fan Cast, here is my fan cast and ideas for a Superman reboot. Starting with my Fan Cast.
For Director, I would choose Joseph Kosinski for his work on Top Gun Maverick.
David Corenswet as Clark Kent/Superman
Danielle Campbell as Lois Lane
Adam Driver as Lex Luthor
Ty Simpkins as Jimmy Olsen
Greg Kinnear as Perry White
Brandon Michael Hall as Ron Troupe
Lili Reinhart as Cat Grant
Rupert Grint as Steve Lombard
Matthew McConaughey and Julie Bowen as Pa and Ma Kent
Jon Hamm as General Sam Lane
Michael Fassbender as Brainiac
So that's my Fan Cast for a DCU Superman Cast.
Here are my ideas for the film.
6. How people view Superman in the film.
The film needs to show how people feel about Superman. Some people like Lois and Jimmy view him as a hero, while others like Lex Luthor and Sam Lane view him as a threat to humanity. Clark understands why some people don't trust him, but he doesn't care what they think of him. He does want them to know he only wants to help people and tell everyone he can be trusted. That's something that needs to be explored in the film.
5. Use elements and adapt Superman Earth One and Brainiac.
So since James Gunn announced his Superman reboot will focus on a young Superman. I think James will be adapting and using elements from Superman Earth One, where Superman is young and living in Metropolis and protecting it. Gunn has confirmed it will not be an origin story which is good because this story should be Superman Year 3, and they should also adapt the Brainiac storyline by Geoff Johns. We see Superman face off against Brainiac and learn he is responsible for Krypton's destruction. Brainiac wants to take Metropolis as part of his collection of cities from different planets.
4. Superman's romance with Lois Lane and his job at the Daily Planet.
No doubt Lois will be in the film as his love interest, and I hope they develop a good romance between the two. I can see Lois being an intelligent journalist, and she wants to know more about Superman. She would learn that Clark is Superman but in the second film. You could also have her father in the movie who hates Superman and thinks he's an alien, but Lois disagrees with him. In the first film, Lois won't find out Clark is Superman until the second film. In the third film, I can see the two get married, and we would see the birth of Jon Kent. We also see Clark working as a reporter and his job, and I can see him living with Jimmy Olsen in his apartment.
3. Give us a proper Lex Luthor and set him up as the next film's villain.
Lex Luthor will likely be in the film, but he should be set up as a future villain. Like Sam Lane, he thinks Superman is alien and a threat to the world. Lex is one of the smartest men alive, and he believes Superman will one day destroy the world. Lex would help Superman stop Brainiac, but at the film's end, Lex discovers Kryptonite and decides his new goal is to kill Superman.
2. Make the film light-hearted and fun but has serious moments.

This Superman film needs to be light-hearted and fun to watch. We also need Superman to be a very positive character, and he's a character who never gives up on hope. The Kents inspired him to help people, but even he acknowledges that he can't save everyone. I would like a scene where he can't save everyone but doesn't give up. For example, Pa and Ma Kent are killed in a car crash, and he couldn't save them. However, before he dies, his father tells him not to give up, and both of his parents love him and believe he's here for a reason. Clark understands what his father says to him, and he promises to his father that he won't give up and will use his powers to help people. However, he knows he can't save everyone, but he won't give up. We need a scene like that in this film, and I hope James Gunn gives us a scene like that. Also, I think this film needs to have Krypto because who doesn't love dogs. As well as set up Supergirl, Superboy, Steel, and Superwoman to build up the Superman family.

Also would love to see this scene get adapted on screen.
1. This film will set up the DCU and set up a proper Justice League.
Since they announced a proper ten-year plan for DC. This Superman will be the start of the DCU, and Gunn said you won't see Superman interact with other heroes in the first film, but I can see them mentioning other cities and characters. Every DC character needs to build up their own story and universe before you give us Justice League. I can see phase one films being.
DCU Superman, DCU Batman, DCU Wonder Woman, DCU Superman 2, which would set up Justice League, Green Lantern, Flash, Hawkman that will feature Hawkgirl, a Martian Manhunter, and then we get Justice League, and the rooster would be this team.
A lot of fans would get behind this team.
So that's my Superman DCU Fan Cast and Ideas.
Let me know what you think.