So after writing my article about, should the MCU get a reboot. I will write I would reboot the MCU, much like in my How I Would Start the DCU. My idea to reboot is inspired by James Gunn's DCU plan. However, we have yet to see if it will succeed, depending on what Superman Legacy does in 2025.
This is not a retelling of the Infinity Saga, nor will we get the same Avengers Rooster.
Here's how I would reboot the MCU starting with Phase 1, and I wouldn't retell the Infinity Saga because that's already been told. However, Phase 1 I would call New Beginnings. Like Dragonball Z sagas, this first saga is also called the Masters of Evil Saga, Phase 2 is The Secret Invasion Saga, and Phase 3 is the The Dark Reign Saga which will have Dr. Doom, Ultron, and Iron Patriot as the big main bads.
(Google Image)
I would also come out with two movies and one show or, occasionally, one movie and two shows. I even heard that Marvel will do this now, which is a good move because rushing every Marvel film or show doesn't work. They need to take time to plan out their movies and shows and have a better plan. Right now, the MCU is not doing well, and Kevin is trying everything to fix it since the writers and actors strike. We won't get any new MCU which is a shame because I'm very excited about Deadpool 3. I am also so happy seeing Wolverine wear his iconic yellow suit. Still, maybe it will give them time to think about what they are doing wrong? At this point, most people are getting tired of Superhero films, but in truth, people just want good stories with good characters.
The first film of Phase 1, aka New Beginnings, would be Captain America and the Invaders.
-Captain America and the Invaders is the start of Phase 1. -The film is not a retelling of Cap's origin. He will already be established as Captain America has been Captain America for a year. He's already being used as the symbol of victory for the Ally forces, much like his MCU counterpart.
-He's still fighting in the war with Bucky as his right hand.
-The film introduces the Invaders team, Namor the Submariner, Jim Hammond/The Torch, and Thomas Raymond/Toro. As well joining the team are Peggy Carter and Col. Nick Fury.
-The film focuses on Cap leading a team to defeat the nazis and HYDRA led by the Red Skull.
-The film is more like a war movie.
-The film's villains are the Red Skull and Baron Zemo. Red Skull and Baron Zemo want to conquer the world and use the power of the cosmic cube to do it.
-Tony Stark's Great Grandfather is in the film, and much like in the original movie helps Cap design his Shield and helps the Invaders in the film.
-Cap and Namor don't get along in the film, but in the end, Namor grows to respect Cap and calls him brother. Jim is an android who can turn into fire and wants to be human along with Toro.
-Peggy Carter is in the film as Steve's love interest, but before she's a SHIELD agent, she's part of the French resistance and helps Steve fight against the Red Skull.
-Nick Fury would be in the film, but it's Colonel Nick Fury, and this movie shows the creation of SHIELD.
-The film ends with Cap getting frozen, Bucky losing his arm and becoming the Winter Soldier, Namor returning to Atlantis, and Jim and Toro are both destroyed but die, heroes.
-The end credit scene shows Cap in modern times paying respect to Jim, Toro, Colonel Fury, Bucky, and most of all, Peggy. Nick Fury approaches Cap and tells him the world still needs him, and Steve agrees. Nick tells him he's putting together a team, and he wants Cap to lead it.
The next film is The Invincible Iron Man.
-The film won't be retelling his origin. He is already established as Iron Man and has been Iron Man for five years. This film takes inspiration from the 2008 comic series. Some of his villains have been established in the universe. It's mentioned he took down the Melter, who will be a villain in a future film. -The film has Jim Rhodes, Pepper Potts (Who will be his love interest,) and Happy Hogan, but Bethany Cabe and his cousin Morgan Stark are in the film too. Bethany is head of security at Stark Industries, has her own security company, and she's Tony's ex. Morgan Stark is Tony's cousin who helps him run Stark Industries.
-Iron Man is building new suits, which we never saw on the big screen. The suit he will use is Mark 51 from the comics.
-Tony's father, Howard Stark, was murdered, but it wasn't Bucky. It was someone else.
-The film is an Action, SCI-FI, Comedy film.
-The film's villain is Zeke Stane, the son of Obadiah Stane, who wants revenge on Iron Man for his father's death. Obadiah Stane is mentioned in the film, but it's revealed he killed himself after Tony exposed him for his crimes. As Zeke's girlfriend, Sasha Hammer, will be in the movie, she gets her own iron suit. Zeke will call himself the Iron Monger.
-Jim Rhodey will be War Machine in the film, but Pepper will not be Rescue till the next movie.
-The film is about Tony having his past return to bite him. Tony needs to stop Zeke from killing the people he loves and everything he holds dear.
-The film's ending has Iron Man defeating Iron Monger and locking him away in prison. Tony opens the Maria Stark Foundation for Children, and Tony and Pepper begin a relationship.
-The movie has two end-credit scenes. One has Tony meeting Nick Fury and telling him about a team he's assembling. Tony comments that there are already two other teams, the Fantastic 4 and the X-Men. Nick tells him this is a different team for Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and Fury shows him the team name, The Avengers. Captain America introduces himself to Tony, and Tony is shocked to see Captain America alive again.
-The second end-credit shows Zeke escaping with the help of Sasha, and she says her father wants to speak with him about taking down Tony Stark once and for all.
The next project, The Uncanny X-Men, will be the first show of the new MCU.
-X Men is the first tv show of the New MCU.-It won't be an origin story, for they are already an established team.
-X Men team rooster would be Cyclops, Wolverine, Emma Frost, Storm, Beast, Gambit, Rogue, Psylocke, Archangel, Ice Man, and Colossus. Based on the 90s X Men team Rooster. Professor X is head of the school and helps his X-Men in their missions.
-The series' point of view will be from Cyclops. The show focuses on him and him leading the X-Men as well. He learns his brother Alex is still alive and working for Sinister. Scott is trying to save his brother from Sinister.
-The first season is based on Something Sinister Comes This Way.
-Scott and Emma will be in a romance, and it's mentioned that Jean is dead from the Phoenix Force. It causes Scott to leave the team for a while until he is driven back to help the X-Men, and he's motivated by Wolverine out of everyone. Also because he wants to save his younger brother Alex aka Havok.
-Wolverine is a supporting character in the show but will get his own movie series to explore his origins.
-There will be mention of other X-Men characters who will be in the show.
-The X-Men have been around for a while, and they go out and save a world that hates and fears them.
-In the show, the mutants are looked down upon and looked at as villains. The X-Men want the world to accept mutants.
-Xavier is in the show as the mentor of the team.
-The first villain in the X-Men fight is Mr. Sinister and his Marauders. Sinister experiments on his fellow mutants and turns them into monsters. For Sinister wants to take over the world with a deadly mutant army with his fellow mutants.
-Madelyn Pryor will be in the show as Sinsiter's second, and at first, she pretends to be Jean Grey as she is a clone of her. To trick the X-Men and help Sinister.
- Havok, who will be a member of Sinister's Marauders but eventually betray Mr. Sinister and join the X-Men. Other members of the Marauders are Polaris, Vertigo, Scrambler, Sabertooth, Riptide, N'astirh, Arclight, Blockbuster, and Prism.
-The series will be about 12 episodes long and each an hour long
-X Men I feel it would work better as a series instead of a movie.
-The series would set up future X-Men like Kitty Pryde, Nightcrawler, Sunfire, and many more in future seasons and solo spin-off projects like X Force, X Factor, and New Mutants, and Wolverine would get his own film series, but that would be for phase 2. As well as other X-Men characters like Storm, Gambit, and Nightcrawler.
-X Men explores the mutant community and the struggles mutants face in human society. The X-Men are saving a world that hates and fears them. They want them to know they have nothing to fear.
-The next season has the X-Men go up against the Human Council. You will see a see scene where Stryker says to Nightcrawler. "You dare call that thing a human?!?"
-Magneto will be in the show, but he appears in the last episode and will be in season 2 and the main villain of season 3. As well Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are Magneto's children. I always hated how they changed that all because of film rights.
-The X-Men will play significant roles in upcoming Avengers movies and many more events.
The next film is Thor or, as I call it, The God of Thunder.
-The film is not an origin story. -Thor is already living on Earth after he was banished. However, a monster named Mangog attacked Asgard and killed all his friends and family. Before he died, Odin sent Mjnoir to Earth before Asgard's destruction. Thor learns from this from Loki, who escaped the destruction of Asgard.
-The film is influenced by J Michael's run on the character.
-Thor wields Mjnoir again; he now seeks to rebuild Asgard and bring back its people. Mjnoir can unlock the human vessels of the Asgardians whose spirits came to earth by Odin.
-The film will have The Warrior's Three, Valkirye, Heimdall, Balder the Brave, and Sif will be Thor's love interest. As well as new characters Bill Cobb, Beth Sooner, Sam Miller, and Kelda.
-Loki will be in the film but won't be the villain until the next movie, unlike the old films. Loki is Thor's half-brother, not his adoptive brother. It's revealed that Loki survived Ragnarok and has been living on Earth. He meets with Thor and helps him bring back everyone who died in Asgard, for their spirits are in the bodies of humans on Earth. Loki warns Thor of Mangog, and he has come to Earth to kill the vessels of Asgardians.
-The film's villain is Mangog, a monster bent on killing all the Norse gods and their people. Thor has stopped him, for he is hunting down the Asgardians' human counterparts.
-The film also shows us Thor using his human name Donald Blake and the film won't have Jane Foster, but we will see her in a future movie.
-Thor rebuilds Asgard, next to a small town in Broxton, Oklahoma.
-Odin will be dead in the movie but will appear in future projects.
-It's revealed in the next film that Balder the Brave learns that he is Odin's son.
-The film's ending has Thor defeating Mangog and releasing all of the Asgardian. Thor lets the world know that Asgard's new home is on Earth, and Thor will protect the Earth as his new home.
-The film has two end-credit scenes. One has Thor meeting Nick Fury and his SHIELD agents, and they agree to let Asgard be, but Nick offers Thor to join a team, which Thor rejects at first, but later he starts to reconsider the offer. The second one has Loki planning on taking Asgard, and he has the Enchantress by his side and has a mission for her.
The next project is a tv series about The Incredible Hulk.
-The Incredible Hulk will be a tv series much like the old 80s series. -The series will be an origin series that shows how Bruce became the Hulk
-The series is action-driven and story-driven and focuses on Bruce trying to control the Hulk
-The series has Betty Ross, her father, Thunderbolt Ross, Rick Jones, Jennifer Walters, Doc Samson, and Sandra Verdugo. Emil Blonsky would be in the first season, but he will become The Abomination in the Avengers film.
-The series' first villain will be Geoffrey Crawford, aka Ravage. Geoffrey is Bruce's mentor, but he later desires to have Bruce's powers, unlike Bruce, who can try to take control. Geoffrey loses control and becomes the villain Ravage. He just wants to destroy everything he sees, unlike the Hulk.
-The series also has Brian Banner Bruce's father, who abused him as a child. Brian appears in flashbacks in the show.
-Rick Jones would be Hulk's sidekick in the show and help Bruce find a cure, but maybe teach him how to control the Hulk.
-Bruce and Betty's romance is in the show and expanded on.
-Hulk would cause massive destruction in the show.
-Jennifer Walters will be in the show, but Bruce saves her with a blood transfusion in this version, unlike the She-Hulk show. Even though he would never give his blood to anyone after defeating Ravage, he does it to save his cousin, who gets badly hurt by Ravage. Also, this Jen is a better version of She-Hulk, unlike that awful show.
-The first season ends with Bruce still on the run, but he is now in control of the Hulk and decides to use the Hulk as a weapon to help people. Nick Fury decides he wants to help Bruce use the Hulk for good. However, it's revealed that Emil Blonsky was secretly working for Baron Zemo and is injected with a gamma and super soldier. We see him start to transform into Abomination.
The next project is The Spectacular Spiderman.
-This Spiderman film is not an origin story.- Like X-Men, Spiderman is expanding on the world, and Spidey is the first to explore the street-level superhero community. However, Spiderman will be in the first Avengers film. That's right, Spidey will be a founding Avenger.
-The film focuses on twenty-one year old Peter Parker, living in Manhattan as a college student.
-He's been Spiderman for five years, and most of his rogues are established already, like Rhino, Vulture, Chameleon, Electro, Mysterio, and Shocker. He knows about other heroes and teamed up with the Fantastic 4 once.
-Doc Ock would be in the film, but as Otto, he's Peter's mentor.
-Spidey's supporting cast would be in the film like Gwen Stacy, Aunt May, Mary Jane, Harry Osborn, Flash Thompson, Liz Allen, Kenny Kong, Rudolph Robertson, Jonah Jameson, Robbie Robertson, Betty Brant, Ned Leeds, Captain Stacy, and Norman Osborn. Matt Murdock would make a cameo in the film.
-The film's main villain is Scorpion, and in the movie, Jonah Jameson is responsible for Scorpion because he hates Spiderman and wants to give New York a better hero. Mac Gargan is a guy who is down on his luck and wants to be famous. So Jonah offers to make him a superhero with the help of Dr. Farley Stillwell, and they use a scorpion for it is the spider's natural predator. However, eventually, Gargan feels he doesn't need to take any more orders and becomes a villain. As well, Tinkler would be a villain who designs his suit.
-The film focuses on Peter living college life and hoping to get a job as a teacher. Peter is in a relationship with Gwen Stacy and is friends with Mary Jane but will later develop a romance with her.
-This film is one of the first Marvel films to focus on the street-level hero community.
-Norman Osborn would be set up to become Green Goblin in future films, and Norman Osborn would be a big player in future projects.
-The film ends with Spidey defeating Scorpion, Captain Stacy dies, though, and he knows Peter is Spiderman but tells her to be good to her. Peter and Gwen mourn his death, and Peter reveals he's Spiderman, but Gwen is not angry; somehow, she knew he was Spiderman and still loves him.
Jonah Jameson takes responsibility for his actions, but Spidey defends him, which helps keep the Daily Bugle even though Jonah still hates Spidey.
-The film has two end-credit scenes
-The first end credit scene shows Spiderman in Hell's Kitchen at night, sitting on top of a building, when he gets a surprised visit from Daredevil. Spiderman and Daredevil talk about protecting the streets of New York. Both see a crime happening, and both of them spring into action.
-The second end credit scene shows Otto creating his four metal octopus arms and we see him call a man on screen and it's Baron Zemo. Doc Ock is working with Baron Zemo to take over the world. Not only Spider-Man is joining the Avengers, but Doc Ock is joining the Masters.
The next project is Tales of Suspense.
-Tales of Suspense is a tv show focusing on Black Widow and Hawkeye.-The show is about them going on a mission with Nick Fury to stop the HYDRA operation.
-Black Widow and Hawkeye will be romantically involved in the series, and the series will explore their origins on how they became what they are.
-The series' villains will be HYDRA, but the main villains are Baron Wolfgang, a major for HYDRA, whose trying to build a secret weapon to conquer the world. The series also has Viper, a mutant HYDRA agent, and Trickshot Hawkeye's brother.
-The series will also discuss their origins and how they became Black Widow and Hawkeye.
-Winter Soldier would make a cameo in the show, and it's revealed that Black Widow and Winter Soldier were a couple once.
-Nick Fury would appear in the show along with Maria Hill.
-The series also features Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, mutants captured by HYDRA. Although it is mentioned, they are children of Magneto and are criminals. Clint and Nat still go save them, and they would decide to change their ways, seeing the good in humans. As well they learn Viper is a mutant.
-The first season ends with Black Widow and Hawkeye stopping HYDRA and killing Baron Wolfgang, but both Trickshot and Viper escape. It's revealed that the real mastermind is Baron Zemo, who forms a team called the Masters. Short for Masters of Evil.
-Hawkeye agrees to join Nick's team, the Avengers, but Black Widow turns it down to focus on dealing with her past. Both Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch want in on the team, and they don't know how their father will react to this, but they want to be better.
-Hawkeye and Black Widow call it quits each other but remain good friends.
-The series would set up a Black Widow film in phase 2 and a Hawkeye TV series in phase 2.
-The following season, I want Tales of Suspense to focus on different characters on dangerous missions.
The next project is The Black Panther. 
-This film will be an origin story for T'Challa. -This film will not have T'Challa join the Avengers until the second Avengers film in phase 2.
-The film focuses on T'Challa's journey to becoming Black Panther after his father is murdered by Klaw. We would see him face many trials to become Black Panther.
-The film explores the other tribes in Wakanda, and we see T'Challa getting his training and preparing to fight for the mantle of Black Panther and the throne. Unlike the original film, we would see T'Challa fight the other tribes' warriors.
-We see many supporting characters from the Black Panther mythos, like Shuri, Ramonda, Okoye, M'Baku, and many more. The film will have Storm as his love interest, and the film will have two new characters T'Challa's uncle S'Yan and his adoptive brother Hunter aka The White Wolf.
-The film's main villain is Klaw, who wants to steal the vibranium from Wakanda and use it to make powerful weapons. Klaw would build a suit-made vibranium and use it to fight T'Challa.
-We will see T'Chaka as Black Panther, and unlike the original T'Chaka's death, this one dies, saving his son from being killed by Klaw.
-Also, the origin would follow more of the comic. Ramonda is not T'Challa's birth mother in the comics, his real N'Yami, who died at birth, but Ramonda loves T'Challa and calls him a son. T'Challa even calls her mother, for she is the only mother he ever had.
-Shuri would be in the film and still be a scientist but also has a bit of her comic counterpart fighting spirit.
-Okoye would be in the film, and she's T'Challa's best friend and part of Dora Millaje, but she's not captain yet.
- S'Yan is T'Challa's uncle and will mentor T'Challa and train him to be Black Panther. S'Yan, however, does have some desire to become King of Wakanda and Black Panther but is a nobleman who would accept anyone else as Black Panther. He fights his nephew for the throne but is defeated and proudly accepts T'Challa as the new Black Panther and King of Wakanda.
-Hunter is T'Challa's adoptive brother, raised by T'Chaka before T'Challa was born. Hunter was considered an outcast since he wasn't from Wakanda, but despite that T'Chaka and his family loved him and viewed him as a son. Unlike his comic counterpart, Hunter accepts he won't be king but still wants to help the country. T'Chaka has Hunter create the White Wolves, the secret police of Wakanda that keep the city safe at night.
-Storm will be in the film, and she returns to Wakanda, and the film explores T'Challa's romance with her.
-The film ends with Black Panther defeating Klaw, and he becomes King of Wakanda. He decides to open up Wakanda's borders and help the outside world. Black Panther will play a significant role in future projects as an Avenger and as King.
-The film would have two end-credit scenes.
-The first end credit has Namor, and he wants to conquer Wakanda and see Wakanda and Atlantis have enemies for centuries.
-The second end credit scene has some Wakandains angry about opening its borders, and one man wearing red stands up and says the people should decide, and that character is Changamire. He will be one of the villains in the next film.
The next project is Marvel's First Family The Fantastic Four
-The Fantastic 4 is not an origin story. The team has been established for five years now, and most of the rogues are established, like Dr. Doom, The Wizard, Puppet Master, Molecular Man, The Frightful Four, and Skrulls. -The Fantastic 4 faces off against Mole Man, who lands and launches an invasion from the underground.
-The Fantastic 4 also has to deal with personal problems like. Reed and Sue have been married for a few years and they have a four-year-old son named Franklin Richards. They are talking about having more kids in the future. Johnny is going around partying, and he's been hanging out with Spiderman, but he's still immature for his age. Franklin calls him the fun uncle. Ben is still the Thing and wants a cure, but he's got his family with him, and he's with Alicia Masters, who loves him for who he is.
-The film is about family and trying to get things in order.
-Mole Man is the bad guy in the first film, and he wants the Mole people to rule the service and block out the sun.
-The film would also feature HERBIE and the Baxter Building.
-Dr. Doom would make a small appearance, and the character will be an essential villain the future films.
-The film ends with the Fantastic 4 defeating Mole Man and saving New York. The team helps rebuild New York, and Reed and Sue announce they are having another kid. Johnny does some growing up, and Ben asks Alicia to marry him.
-The film has two end-credit scenes
-The first end credit has the team celebrating Franklin's birthday, and he gets a surprise visit from one of his favorite superheroes, Spiderman.
-The second end-credit scene has a man named Kurt go into an alleyway and is revealed to be a Skrull this Kl'rt, aka the Super Skrull. He gets a message from his emperor and informs him he is prepared to kill the Fantastic 4 after they sabotage their last small invasion. He says flame on and flies into the air, vowing to destroy the Fantastic Four for the Skrull Empire.
The next project is Daredevil Man Without Fear.
-Daredevil will be a tv series because the character works better as a series.-The series focuses on Daredevil stopping the Kingpin and his criminal organization.
-The series would be influenced by Ed Brubaker's run on Daredevil.
-Daredevil's supporting cast is Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Ben Urich, Stick, and Jack Murdock in flashbacks. Jen Walters is in the show too, but only for one episode, and we will see her as She-Hulk in just one scene setting up season 2 of Hulk.
-The series would be dark and gritty, and it's lawyer drama too.
-The series explores more of the street-level community and heroes who fight to protect the city of New York.
-Kingpin will be the villain in the first season, and as was the series, Mr. Fear will be the secondary villain. Both villains are evil to the core.
-The series would be twelve episodes long and an hour long.
-Luke Cage and Iron Fist will appear in the show, but by the last episodes, it will set up the Heroes for Hire series.
-Daredevil will wear his red suit in the series, and he does have his old yellow suit and first suit.
-Matt Murdock has been Daredevil for a few years, and some of his rogues are established, like Gladiator, Tombstone, Owl, and Purple Man.
-The next season will have Daredevil facing off against Bullseye and Matt meeting his mother for the first time.
The next project is Photon.
-Photon will be the first film to explore the galaxy. I'm not going with Carol Danvers because I don't like that character. -Monica Rambu will get an origin story, and the film has her not become Captain Marvel but Photon.
-Monica's father will be in the film, unlike the first Captain Marvel, where he was cut from the film. Her father was a massive influence in her life, and he will be in this film like her mother.
-Monica gets cosmic powers after she stops a bomb containing alien technology from the Kree.
-Monica would explore the galaxy, and we would be introduced to the Skrulls, Kree, and Nova Corps.
-The film would also have the characters of Genis Vell, Captain Mar'Vell's son. He will be a love interest for her and talk about his father Mar'Vell, who died of cancer. Also, the character Zedrao, a Skrull general, will be in the film. Emperor Dorrek VII of the Skrulls, Supreme Intelligence, Princess Veranke, Princess Anelle, and Dr. Minerva will be in the movie, and Nova will make a cameo.
-The film's villains will be Dr. Minerva and Nitro. Nitro is responsible for Captain Marvel's death.
-As, well, the Skrulls and the Kree are fighting each other, and both sides are grey. Monica herself even sees there is good on both sides of the war.
-This film would set up the Kree/Skrull war in a future project.
-Monica will be set up to join the Avengers but not till the second Avengers film.
-The film ends with Monica returning home to be with her folks and deciding to remain on earth to help people.
-The film has two end-credit scenes.
-The first one has Monica meeting with Janet Van Dye and Hank Pym and telling them about her space adventure and the Kree/Skrull war and that it might be coming to Earth. So we will see the Kree/Skrull war come to earth in a future Avengers film. Hank mentions they know about the Skrulls as the Fantastic 4 have faced them.
-The second one has a Starlord Cameo, and this film sets up Guardians of the Galaxy, which will be in phase 2 as well a Nova movie.
The next project is Heroes for Hire.
-Heroes for Hire is a tv series focusing on Luke Cage and Danny Rand, aka Iron Fist. -The series is about them protecting the streets of New York as well they become Heroes for Hire.
They do private superhero work for money, but they use that money to help the poor.
-Luke and Danny have already been established heroes, and their origins will be explained.
-The show would be comedy action series.
-Jessica Jones, Misty Knight, and Colleen Wing will be in the show, too, as supporting characters.
-The series' first main villain is Cottonmouth, who runs a criminal organization selling dangerous drugs that give someone powers as well Steel Serpent is in the show too.
-Heroes for Hire is ten-episode series an hour long.
-Heroes for Hire expands on the street-level community like Daredevil and Spiderman.
-This series also gets Iron Fist done right because the characters need a good reboot, but Luke Cage is okay because they did the character right in the Netflix show.
-The series would also set up a spin-off show, Daughters of the Dragon, focusing on Misty Knight and Colleen Wing.
The next project is SHIELD.
-SHIELD is a tv series that will focus on Nick Fury. -The series will also have the characters of Hank Pym, aka Giant-Man, and Janet Van Dye, aka Wasp.
-This show will fully set up the Avengers movie
-The series' first main villain is Baron Zemo, who will be the villain in Avengers.
-The series will have other characters like Maria Hill, Dum Dum Dugan, and Victoria Hand, and the show will also have SWORD.
-We would see Nick Fury in action and learn of Zemo's plans to conquer the world with his Masters of Evil.
-The Avengers would appear at the end of the series and lead into Avengers.
-The series would be ten episodes long and an hour long.
-The series ends with Baron Zemo assembling his Masters of Evil: Viper, Trickshot, Radioactive Man, Enchantress, Doc Ock, The Melter, Whirlwind, and Abomination. However, Fury assembles his Avengers: Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Wasp, and Spiderman.
-At the show's end, it's revealed that Wasp suggested the name Avengers.
And the final project for Phase 1 is The Avengers, which I would call Earth's Mightiest Heroes The Avengers.
-The Avengers assemble, and their first mission is to stop the Masters of Evil led by Baron Zemo.-Much like the first Avengers team, we see them all getting to know each having difficulties working together.
-This time, the founding Avengers have nine members, like the Fellowship of the Ring.
-Captain America is the team leader, and Iron Man is second in command.
-Cap and Iron Man have some arguments in the film, but the two would grow to respect each other.
-Spiderman is the last recruited in the film as he meets Nick Fury, who tells him Otto Octavius is part of the Masters of Evil. Spiderman is shocked and can't believe it after he takes it in, and he meets Captain America, who motivates him. After that, Spiderman agrees and joins the Avengers. Spiderman develops a friendship with Iron Man giving fans that nostalgic vibe.
-We see how each team interacts with each other. Some of them get along, and some don't. Wasp is the voice of reason on the team, and Cap is the leader who doesn't take shit from his teammates if they give him crap.
-This is an Avengers movie where we see the team battle a supervillain team. Which wasn't done in the previous films.
-Iron Man designs new suits, and with Thor's help, he builds a suit that can withstand Melter's attacks.
-Quicksilver would not die in this film. He will live, and Scarlet Witch will have an epic battle with Enchantress.
-Hawkeye acts as a big brother to both Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.
-The film would have two battles against the Masters of Evil and HYDRA soldiers. It would end with them defeating the Masters of Evil. Everyone goes their separate ways for now until the world needs them again.
-Hank retires the mantle of Ant-Man and becomes Giant-Man. However, he becomes Giant-Man and is a last-minute member of the team.
-Wasp is the voice of reason of the team because the character is one of the best Avengers in comics. We see Wasp lead the Avengers at some point because she is one of the best Avengers next to Cap, Thor, and Iron Man.
-Nick Fury will have the same role, but this time, he does help the Avengers in combat.
-Hulk is on the team, but Bruce has control. At one point, he loses control but later regains control of the Hulk with the help of Spiderman, who tells him a joke.
-This film ends with setting up each character's own next storyline.
-Cap learns about the Winter Soldier from Black Widow and Hawkeye and knows he is Bucky setting up the next film.
-Iron Man learns about Zeke Stane's escape and knows that the other armor suits are being built, and he has to stop them. This sets up Armor Wars, and Tony builds the Avengers Tower.
-Thor takes Enchantress back to Asgard to stand trial for her crimes. Still unaware Loki had her join the team.
-Bruce decides to use the Hulk to help the world as a weapon for good, and he learns about his cousin becoming She-Hulk and decides to meet with her.
-Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch go to the X Mansion.
-Spiderman returns to New York, where he returns on time for his date with Gwen. It's a fancy restaurant, and it's on Tony Stark.
-Hank, Janet, and Tony started working on a project Hank calls it... Project Ultron.
-The end credit scene shows Skrulls on their home planet and tell their emperor that earth has the most life force out of all planets but warns that Earth is guarded. The emperor turns and says "Then we will destroy them from within."
This film serves as Epilogue to Phase 1.
Captain America The Secret Empire.
-This film serves as an epilogue for phase 1. -The film focuses on Cap after Avengers. In his spare time, he learned more about what he has missed for the past 80 years, and he's fighting terrorists.
-The film introduces Sharon Carter as his new love interest, and no, he won't go back in time to be with Peggy. He's moving on with his life, and yes, he will be dating his late girlfriend's grand-niece.
-Sam Wilson, the Falcon, will be Cap's new best friend in the film.
-The film is about Steve trying to save Bucky, now the Winter Soldier. Now this film wouldn't be a copy of Winter Soldier from the MCU because that will always be the best MCU film.
-Namor will return in this film as he is an alley and old friend of Cap's. It's also revealed that he kept Cap's frozen body safe for over eighty years.
-Nick Fury will also be in the film, and it's a kind of Invaders reunion.
-The film would have Zola as the main villain of the film, and it will feature Doctor Faustus as well as Crossbones and Sin. General Aleksander Lukin, who is Zola's general, is in the movie too.
-The film is an action-adventure film.
-Cap faces off against his best friend, who is now the Winter Soldier and under Doctor Faustus's mind control, and Leviathan, a Soviet terrorist group. Instead of HYDRA, this time, it's Leviathan.
-The film has the cosmic cube that Zola plans to use to rewrite history, but he is stopped by Cap, and he later uses it to save Bucky in the end.
-The character of Sin is revealed to be Red Skull's daughter, and we learn Red Skull is still alive, but his mind is in Aleksander Lukin. We learn that Red Skull was the real mastermind behind everything, not Zola. It's revealed that Zola brought Red Skull back to life by preserving his mind and placing it into Aleksander, who volunteered to share his body with Red Skull.
- The ends with Cap defeating Leviathan along with Falcon, Namor, Sharon, and Nick Fury. Though Red Skull escapes with Sin and Crossbones, Zola and Dr. Faustus are killed. Bucky is saved but goes missing. He remembers Steve and even saves him from Red Skull. Cap begins a relationship with Sharon, and Sam becomes a member of the Avengers. Steve still wonders about Bucky but knows he's all right and hopes to see him soon.
-The film has two end-credit scenes. Red Skull returns to his base, plans to get revenge on Cap, and says, "We are going to destroy Captain America and everything he holds dear!" The second end-credit shows Steve having a conversation with Tony and discussing with him the idea of expanding the Avengers into more teams.
So That's How I Would Reboot The MCU.
Now I still hope that MCU will improve in the future, but with the strikes happening, it will take some time. It depends on what will happen after the strikes because big changes are coming to Hollywood.
However, if they reboot the MCU in the future, I would go with Gunn's plan for DC, depending if it is a success. I liked his idea of world-building from what I've seen from Superman Legacy. There are already established heroes and teams like the Authority, but no Justice League yet.
So let me know what you think, and yes, I will work a part 2 in the future but got other things to work on.