My Patch Boomhauer episode review
This is my first episode review, and it's not a top ten or less review. It's more just the focus on this one episode of King of the Hill, which many have said is one of the best episodes. It is, but it's also the episode where we see Hank Hill at his worst, and by that, I mean being a terrible friend to Boomhauer. However, this also one of the best Boomhauer focus episodes because Boomhauer is my favourite King of the Hill character.
In this episode, Boomhauer learns his brother Patch, voiced by Brad Pitt, is getting married to Katherine, voiced by Laura Dern.
Now, Boomhauer is upset by the news, as he loves Katherine, but things between her and Boomhauer didn't work out in the past. Patch asks Boomhauer to be his best man, and Boomhauer accepts for Katherine's sake. However, we later see Patch is more of a womanizer and way more horny than Boomhauer is, especially when he asks Luanne to sit on his lap for money. Boomhauer may be a womanizer, but he respects marriage views and values. If he were getting married, he would move on from his single life and be loyal to his future wife. Boomhauer is a better guy than his brother or characters like Glen Quagmire. Patch doesn't seem to care about vows, as it shows he wants to get some, even being engaged. He tells Patch he needs to grow up, but Patch acts like a jerk, and the two brothers fight. As they do, Hank gets mad at Boomhauer, accusing him of not acting right, but in truth, we know Boomhauer is not the bad guy. So Boomhauer quits being the best man, and Hank becomes Patch's best man.
One thing I find funny about the gang's past bachelor parties is that they claim they were wild, but in truth, they were just playing cards, eating pizza, and pulling a prank on the old ball and chain. Now, these bachelor parties, to be honest, sound boring. I would like mine to be fun, just going out and partying, but some people just keep their parties simple, and that's totally fine.
In the episode, Hank plans out Patch's bachelor party, but Patch already has entertainment coming to the bachelor party. Hank, being naive, assumes it's just fun entertainment like stand-up. I'm looking at Hank like. Hank clearly, Patch is hiring strippers for the party. Had Hank been smart, he would have asked Patch what type of entertainment he was getting and had Patch revealed that it was strippers. Hank would have told him no, and they weren't going to have strippers at the party. Knowing Patch he would have been annoyed with Hank and would fire him looked for another best man because Hank would not allow strippers. This would have made Hank realize that Patch is not a good guy and that he may need a talking too about growing up from Hank.
I really hated Hank in this scene. I wanted Boomhauer to punch him in the face because he deserves it.
Also, marriage means so much to Buck Strickland. Had Hank just turned around and seen him, it would have been funny because it's like Hank, your boss, has cheated on his wife many times.
Now later in the episode, we see Hank being a piece of crap of a friend to Boomhauer. Boomhauer talks to Katherine in one scene, and Hank gets angry at him. He tells Boomhauer he needs to grow up and accept that he can't have Katherine and tells him Patch grew up. I'm looking at Hank like Boomhauer knows he was just talking to her. Hank becomes such a control freak that he lashes out at Boomhauer without letting him explain himself. A good friend would let a friend explain his actions; a bad friend assumes the worst without giving them a chance to explain themselves. Hank is an asshole of a friend to Boomhauer. Later, at the bachelor party, we see how bored everyone was, and I couldn't blame them; I would be bored, too. It doesn't look fun at all, so why not go out to bars, go golfing, play drinking games, or play video games while drinking? Hank would be a lame-best man to have, to be honest. He wouldn't let you have any fun. Boomhauer comes to the bachelor party and makes amends with Patch, and I don't like Hank's smug look at Boomhauer, as if he got him to listen to him. If anything, Hank should have given Patch that talk instead of Boomhauer. I'm still surprised Luanne never told Hank and Peggy about what Patch did earlier in the episode.
Later, a guy named Greg T comes, and Hank thinks the entertainment is just karaoke because he has a stereo. It's actually strippers he brings to dance for Patch and do other things. Boomhauer sees this and is angry at this because Boomhauer respects marriage better than his brother does. He asks them to leave and gives them money, but Patch steps in and loves this. Hank sees this and realizes it was strippers, but instead of getting mad at Patch or asking him if this was the entertainment, he blames Boomhauer. Peggy and Katherine come in and see this, shocked. Boomhauer gets all the blame as Patch accuses him of hiring them, and Hank believes him just like that. Hank made me so mad at this scene that I just wanted Boomhauer to punch him in the face and walk out because Hank wasn't letting Boomhauer explain himself because he clearly never hired those hookers. Katherine hates Boomhauer for this but doesn't know it was Patch.
Lol love this scene.
In the next scene, the guys drink at the alley, and Hank is disappointed in Boomhauer and can't believe he lied to his face. Hank questions if he should be friends with Boomhauer. I'm like Hank; you were the unreasonable jerk; you treated one of your best friends like garbage. If anything, Boomhauer shouldn't be friends with you because you treated him like crap, and you never asked him if hired those stripers. That's a lesson don't treat your friends like crap or assume the worse without letting them explain their actions or ask them if they did this. Of course, Dale tells Hank that Boomhauer didn't actually lie to his face. He just assumed he was lying because Boomhauer was trying to explain, but Hank was blinded by his rage and wouldn't listen. Dale makes a great point that Hank assumed that Boomhauer is trying to break up the marriage and should have asked him if he had tried to break up Patch and Katherine. Hank talks to Boomhauer and tries to save their friendship by asking him three questions: does he love Katherine? The thought of Patch marrying her tears him up inside, and, of course, did he hire those strippers? Boomhauer says yes twice and no once. Hank apologizes to Boomhauer for how he treated him. Still, Hank should have gotten a punch in the face or an ass-kicking from Boomhauer because he was at his worst in this episode. Now I understand that Hank did apologized to Boomhauer, and people who apologize for their mistakes or for being rude to their friends is a good thing that means they are true friend. It's just Hank was such a control freak in this episode, and someone needed to knock some sense into him.
Hank then realizes Patch hired those strippers, and I love how Boomhauer tells him not to fall off that dang o'horse. Hank agrees he deserves that, and they need to set things right. They go to the wedding rehearsal, Hank is about to expose Patch for the scumbag he truly is, but Katherine makes a speech. She reveals she still loves Boomhauer and believes that those stripers mean there might be something between Boomhauer and her. She breaks off her engagement with Patch, and Patch, being an idiot, tells her he hired the stripers. It disgusts everyone that he would do that, and Katherine calls him out, saying he is sleazy, and dumps him. Patch then tries to blame it on Hank, and I love how Peggy gives Hank a look. Hank looks back at her, all worried now.
In all fairness, I would like to see Katherine come back and maybe she and Boomhauer get together or they have a kid or something.
The episode ends with Boomhauer and Katherine saying goodbye as she leaves town for a bit. Boomhauer asks Hank if he will be his best man at his wedding. Which Hank responds. "Boomhauer, I be honored." So that was my review of Patch Boomhauer. It is one of the best episodes by fans, and the episode teaches us that we shouldn't assume the worst out of our friends. We should always be there for our true friends and not just forsake them for someone we're not as close to. That's a lesson for us always ask questions first.
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Now, we never know what happens to Patch, but it's likely he left Arlen on bad terms with Boomhauer and Hank. However, he does appear at Luanne and Lucky's wedding, so he may have patched things up with Boomhauer. It's also mentioned that Boomhauer has a nephew from Patch, so maybe he grew up after his son was born and is now trying to be a better role model for his kid. Still, this is a good episode of King of the Hill because it teaches us we should listen to our friends before passing harsh judgment on them if they did or didn't do something bad without asking them first.
Let me know what you think of my review.
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