Tuesday, 4 March 2025

My problems with the Wheel of Time Show Spoilers.


(Google Image)
My Problems with the Wheel of Time Show.
Spoilers heads up. 

Hey everyone, as you know, I am a Wheel of Time fan, and I've talked about the show before in the past. I have expressed that I like the show but have a few problems with it. Changes have been made to the source material I do not like. Some of the things they are doing with season 3, like cutting the Stone of Tear out this season because that is one of the best moments in the series. Also, they haven't done the characters right. So here are my five problems with the Wheel of Time show. I feel like Rafe Judkins is missing the point of Robert Jordan's work. Also, the cast of this show all do a great job playing their characters. 

5. The series wasted Thom Merlin 

Now, Thom is one of the best characters in the Wheel of Time. He actually first appears in the Two Rivers, but they changed that. We meet Thom in episode 4 at this tavern, and then he is gone by episode six. That is character assassination—it's like how they killed Cyclops off in Last Stand. Both characters were important, and their stories were wasted. Now, they likely will bring back Thom, but the character was done so poorly in the show.

4. The series give Mat terrible parents and also he's not lucky like he was in the beginning.
Mat Caultron is a fan favorite and one of my favorite characters, but they are not doing Mat right. For example, his parents in the books are good parents who love their son and daughters. Mat's dad was a soldier and fought alongside Perrin against the Trollocs. Instead, they made him a deadbeat dad who drinks, and his mother is a mess. His sisters were scared and saw him as a good brother to them, but that change didn't work. Mat is also very lucky in the series, but in the show, he's unlucky; one of my cousins has a theory and a spoiler here. Mat gets hanged and is brought back to life, and he's going to become luckier than ever. The show could make Mat lucky, but overall, they need to fix Mat and his family.

3. Perrin did not need a wife it just didn't work. 
Okay, this didn't need to be in the series. Perrin didn't need a wife in the show, and he accidentally killed her, and there are memes about it now. Personally, I wouldn't have given his wife. Maybe instead, he kills his mentor, or he doesn't kill anyone at all. The wife's character doesn't fit the story because everyone knows that Perrin gets along with Faile, who will be in season three of the show.

2. The show is skipping certain arcs and changes that don't work.
Now, in every adaptation, there will be changes from books to movies/shows. Sometimes, these changes can work, and sometimes, they don't. Lord of the Rings, for example, made some changes to the book but still respected it. The Wheel of Time, however, made some changes that didn't work, and they skipped Stone of Tear, which is a very important arc, but they want to focus more on the Aiel culture and Rand learning more about his true parentage. Stone of Tear should come first before that because it works better development for Rand's character. However, I like how they wrote the romance between A'Lan and Nynaeve. I like that change, but I'm not a big fan of them making Lanfear more into a good guy. Season three could pull a twist. Still, they made some changes, and things skipped that I'm not too big on. 

1. Rand Al'Thor the protagonist of the series is sideline for Moiraine.
Now, this is one thing that bothers me about Wheel of Time, and a lot of fans agree with this. Rand Al'Thor is the main character of the Wheel of Time series; he is our main character. This story is his story, but as he said, "It's not about me; it's never been about me." It's still his story about how he stopped the madness within him and saved his friends and the world from the Dark One. He is the Dragon. 
He's on the cover of every book except for a New Spring which is prequel, and when you think of Wheel of Time, you think of Rand.
However, Rafe decided to change that and make Moiraine the protagonist instead. Now she was the protagonist in a New Spring but that's different. 
Rand gets sidelined a lot in the show, and in seasons one and two, he's not really the focus. It has more to do with Moiraine or someone else. 
Now I love Moiraine. She is a great character—basically, the Gandalf of the Wheel of Time series. Rosamund Pike does a great job playing her.
She's a great supporting character, but making her the main character of the series instead of Rand doesn't work.
Rand should be front and center but is pushed to the back for Moiraine.
I am sure they will change up the leads during season 3. Rafe Judkins addresses this complaint about how Rand has been written on the show. Here is a link.
However, Rand should be the series' main focus as Robert Jordan once said he wanted the main hero to be someone who could save the world and destroy it. As I wrote, Moiraine is like Gandalf. She helps Rand and guides Rand to save the world. 
Switching the protagonists or sidelining your main character is a trope I can't stand. We see it a lot in the MCU but think how people would feel if the Harry Potter reboot series sidelined Harry in favor of Hermione or Dumbledore. It just wouldn't work, and it feels like a forced change. Again, season 3 could shift the focus on Rand as the main lead and if you read the books you know what happens in the Fires of Heaven you know what's coming. Sidelining the main character is never a good idea; your main character is your main character, and this is from their point of view.
Those are my problems with the Wheel of Time show. Now, I hope season 3 makes it better, but skipping the Stone of Tear is not a good move, in my opinion. However, I could be wrong, and it might turn out well.
Some of the changes they have made in this series don't work, but depending on how you feel about them, some do. 
Let me know what you think and if you like were the show is that's fine. I'm just telling how I feel about this show because I'm a fan of the series. 
The Wheel Weaves, as the Wheel wills.

Monday, 24 February 2025

How Marvel should have made Captain America Brave New World.

How Marvel Should Have Made Captain America Brave New World.

Here's another example of how Marvel should have made it. It's been a year since I did one, so here is Brave New World. I wrote a review for the film, and here's how I think they should have made it. This film had a lot of issues, like most MCU films nowadays. 

So here is how Marvel should have made Captain America Brave New World. 

8. The film should have adapted All New Captain America by Rick Remender instead of making a sequel to Incredible Hulk. 
This film was more of a sequel to Incredible Hulk instead of making a movie about Sam Wilson as Captain America and having him go up against a new threat he does not defend like he did Falcon and Winter Soldier. You could have used elements of Rick Remember's run on the character and have Sam battle against The Serpent Society or a new villain like Baron Blood. They could still have the idea of Sam reforming the Avengers and Adamantium being introduced in the MCU. With the villains wanting to use it and Cap has to stop them. This film should have been about Captain America, not tying loose ends to the first Hulk film. They should have just made another Hulk movie. 

7. Red Hulk was wasted.
Now Red Hulk, aka Rulk, is one of the best Hulks, and they waste him like he's only in it for ten minutes. Red Hulk should have had a more significant role, and this is why I think they should have made a Hulk sequel because we could have gotten more Red Hulk and Bruce Banner becoming rage Hulk again, as well Betty Ross returning, rekindling their romance, and the LeaderLeader is better suited as Hulk villain instead of Captain America villain. This film just wasted Red Hulk because ten minutes is not enough. 

6. The Serpent Society should have been the main villains or interduce Sin the daughter of the Red Skull.
The film introduces Seth Voelker in the movie, played by Giancarlo Esposito, and I felt he was barely in it. This film would have the Seprent Society at one point, but they changed it. The film should have just stood by it, and this film could have introduced Sin, who is revealed to be the Red Skull's daughter and the Society's leader. They could have made Sin a friend of Sam and Joaquin until they learned the truth: she's the Society's leader and Red Skull's daughter. That would be a good twist, and Sin should be a very hateful villain because we need more of those. 
Brave New World could have set up the Red Skull's return or even set up the Avengers, as she could be from a different reality and work alongside Doom. The film needed a more interesting villain instead of just lame ones. 

5. Sam should have had a love interest in this film.
Now, the film should have given Sam Wilson a love interest because he needed one like Sabra, one of the new characters in the movie, but she didn't need to be there. They should have had Misty Knight appear in the film, and she helped Sam battle the Serpent Society. Hell, I would love to see Simone Missick return to Misty Knight. I can see a scene where she fights Sin, and they pull a Boys' scene like we saw with Starlight, Girl, and Mave beating up Stormfront. Misty makes more sense to be in this film than Sabra because she barely does anything. If Simone didn't return, I would cast Zazie Beetz as Misty Knight. 

4. The film could have interduce Steve Roger's grandchildren.
This would have been a cool idea were we meet a grandchild of Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter. They could have used the character Ian Rogers, who is Steve Rogers's adopted son, but in the MCU, he's Steve Rogers's grandson, and he goes by Nomad because he respects Sam as Captain America. Having Nomad in the film would be cool as if he could be a double agent working for the bad guys, but later, he reveals that he was a double agent. He helps Sam and becomes another partner to Sam and works with him. That would have been a cool idea, but they didn't go with that.

3. The film setting up a New Avengers team would work but it needed to be done properly.
The film does set up the New Avengers as an address by Thunderbolt Ross. I think that was a good set-up, but they should have built it up like Sam decides he's going to reform the Avengers and has some people in mind to join the New Avengers. If I were to pick the New Avengers Roaster, I would go with six characters for this New Avengers team. 
Sam Wilson, aka Captain America Team Leader
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Shang Chi
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Kate Bishop/Hawkeye
Shuri/Black Panther 
I would make this the New Avengers team. I think it works because it's a very grounded Avengers team. Sam recruits this team because he wants it to be new and have heroes you didn't expect. 

2. They should have just finally made a Incredible Hulk 2 because this film is a Hulk 2 without Hulk.
Again, Marvel should have made a Hulk 2, but I know Universal Rights. Honestly, they should have just made a Hulk sequel because the Red Hulk, The Leader, and Betty Ross need to reunite with Bruce Banner. I heard rumors that they are planning a new Hulk film based on World War Hulk because we need Rage Hulk again. People are sick of Beta Hulk. Hulk should have been in the movie, and maybe this film could set him up to become Rage Hulk again. 

1. The film could have set up Avengers Doomsday better. 
The film sets up Avengers Doomsday, but it's not good. It could have been better, for example, if they had gone with Sin as the bad guy. They could have pulled a twist. It's revealed that Sin is from another universe, and she tells Sam that Doom is coming. See, something like that would have gotten people excited, but let's face it: the MCU is falling, but someday it will get back on its feet. Let's hope Fantastic 4, Daredevil Born Again, or the next Spider-Man film. 

So that's how Marvel should have made Captain America Brave New World.
Let me know what you think did you like the movie or didn't like it.
Let me know.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Captain America Brave New World Review

My Review of Captain America Brave New World.

So, I saw Captain America's Brave New World, and here's my review of it. It was okay. This film is the weakest Captain America film, but it's not bad, and I didn't hate it. I thought it was okay because there were some good moments in the film like seeing Red Hulk and some good action scenes. However, to be honest, this film is more of a sequel to Incredible Hulk than Captain America. 

The film cast did a good job, including Anthony Mackie, who's always great. I've loved him as Sam Wilson for a long time. However, the story could have been better, like better than Falcon and Winter Soldier. I didn't like how he defended the flag smashers and said that quote, "You go to do better." Still, I like Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson.
I look forward to seeing him as Captain America in the next Avengers. I still wanted Bucky to be the new Cap, but I'm cool with Sam. I grew up with Ed Brubaker's run of Captain America.
Now, Harrison Ford, General Thunderbolt Ross, is taking over from William Hurt after he died of cancer. He does a good job as Ross, and it was great seeing Red Hulk or Rulk, but he's only in the film for ten minutes. They could have done more with the character, and I feel like Bruce Banner should have been in this film because they brought Samuel Sterns, aka the Leader, played by Tim Blake Nelson, and Liv Tyler is in the film too. As I mentioned, this film feels more like a sequel to Incredible Hulk. Tim Blake Nelson did a good job playing the leader, but I didn't like how his head wasn't huge like it is in the comics.  
Also, I do love that we got another Rage Hulk. We need to see Rage Hulk again. 
We need to see these two fight, but it's rage, Hulks. I don't want the same crap I got in She-Hulk. 
Now, the rest of the cast, like Danny Ramirez, does a good job as Joaquin, the new Falcon. He's not annoying like most co-leads are, and it's very rare for once that they don't sideline the main character in an MCU film. The rest of the cast, like Giancarlo Esposito, Shira Haas, and Xosha Roquemore, do a good job, too. Fun fact: Shira's character was rewritten for political reasons. 
Now, this film had a lot of reshoots and poor test screenings. Even one of the crew members said this film had a lot of problems. Now, this film was okay, like it's the weakest Captain America film, but the problem was the writing of the film. They could have done better. They could have adapted a better storyline like Dimension Z or adapted Rick Remender's run All-New Captain America. I would have done that, but they turned this film into Incredible Hulk 2 with no Hulk, and it's Cap as the star. 
Overall, I thought the film was okay, and I don't hate it. However, it could have been better, and I wish there had been more Red Hulk in it.
I give a 5 out of 10. It's still a fun movie, but it could have been better. 
I do like that they finally introduced Adamantium to the MCU and set up X-Men.


Wednesday, 12 February 2025

She's Out Of My League Review


She's Out Of My League 

She's Out of My League is a romantic comedy film and a personal favorite film of mine. This film is about a guy named Kirk who has terrible luck with dating life and wants his ex back, but she's moved on. Even though she still goes to his parent's house because she's closer to them, they are her own parents. She even wants to bring her current boyfriend, Ron, to Branson with his parents. To quote Stainer, I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. It's until he meets Molly, this super hot, 10 out of 10 lady whom she asks him out, which shocks him, even his best friends Stainer, Jack, and Devon are shocked by this because even though they love Kirk, he's a five at best. Even Molly's best friend Patty agrees with them. 
The film has some hilarious moments, and Stainer is one of the best characters in the film. It's a shame TJ Miller fell from grace after, well, you know. I do love the scenes with him and Patty. It's funny how they hate each other, but in truth, they are so much alike, and I have to be honest: I wanted them to hook up in the end. I also laughed at the scene when Kirk introduced Molly to everyone, and Marine was there. Goes to show you don't still hang out at your ex's place despite being close to his family. 
The rest of the cast, including Jay Baruchel, Alice Eve, T.J. Miller, Mike Vogel, Krysten Ritter, Nate Torrence, and Lindsay Sloane, do a great job playing their characters. 
The film basically shows us that it shouldn't matter what you are ranked. If you like someone for who they are, that should be enough. This film shows that both Kirk and Molly were really meant to be because they loved each other for who they were and didn't care what they did for a living. This is a good film and a personal favorite of mine. I give this film an 8 out of 10. 
Happy Valentine's Day to all my viewers!

Saturday, 8 February 2025

How I would reboot the MCU Fan Cast

I've shown you my ideas of how I would reboot the MCU and now here is my fan cast for a MCU reboot.
Starting with the Heroes the next blogs will have villain casting and supporting casting.

Patrick Schwarzenegger as Steve Rogers/Captain America

Glen Powell as Tony Stark/Iron Man

Alexander Ludwig as Thor 

Freddie Highmore as Bruce Banner/Hulk

Naomi Scott as Janet Van Dye/Wasp

Max Theiriot as Hank Pym/Giant Man 

Sterling K. Brown as Nick Fury

Asher Angel as Peter Parker/Spider-Man 

Damson Idris as T'Challa/Black Panther 
Sophie Turner as Natsha Romainoff/Black Widow 

Mason Dye as Clint Barton/Hawkeye

Nicholas Hamilton as Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver

Sophie Thatcher as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch 

Stephen James as Jim Rhodes/War Machine 

Dav Patel as Vision 

Caylee Cowan as Barbara Morse/Mockingbird 

Jaz Sinclair as Monica Rambau/Photon 

Samara Weaving as Carol Danvers

Kelvin Harrison Jr as Sam Wilson/Falcon 

Kj Apa as Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier

Josha Starkoski as Jim Hammond/The Torch

Henry Golding as Namor the Submariner 

Michael Cimino as Thomas Raymond/Toro

Joe Keery as Scott Lang/Ant-Man

Mackenzie Foy as Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman

Cameron Monaghan as Matt Murdock/Daredevil 

Dacre Montgormery as Danny Rand/Iron Fist

Trevante Rhodes as Luke Cage

Elizabeth Yu as Colleen Wing

Lovie Simone as Misty Knight 

Charles Melton as Shang Chi

Peyton Reed as Jessica Jones 

Kit Harrington as Stephen Strange/Dr. Strange 

Henry Cavil as Frank Castle/Punisher 

Oliver Jackson-Cohen as Marc Spector/Moon Knight

Lucas Till as Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider

Daisy Edgar-Jones as Jen Walters/She Hulk

Brandon Sklenar as Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic 

Lili Reinhart as Sue Storm/Invisible Woman 

Levi Miller as Johnny Storm/The Human Torch 

Jesse Plemons as Ben Grimm/The Thing

Ross Lynch as Genis-Veil/Legacy

Jack O'Connell as Hercules 

Justin Prentice as John Walker/US Agent 

Ewan McGregor as Professor X 

Harris Dickinson as Cyclops 

Taron Egerton as Wolverine 

Ayo Edebiri as Storm 

Sidney Sweeney as Emma Frost 

Austin Butler as Gambit 

Millie Bobby Brown as Kitty Pryde

Danielle Rose Russell as Jean Grey 

Maya Hawke as Rogue 

Mena Massoud as Nightcrawler 

Natasha Liu Bordizzo as Psylocke 

Alex Pettyfer as Archangel 

Daniel Radcliffe as Beast 

Florian Munteanu as Colossus 

Anya Taylor Joy as Magik 

Rudy Pankow as Havok

Isabella May as Polris 

Nico Robinson as Ice Man

Booboo Stewart as Thunderbird 

Peyton Elizabeth Lee as Juilbee 

Clinton Liberty as Bishop 

Tanner Buchanan as Deadpool

Charlie Rowe as Multiple Man 

Mackenyu as Sunfire

Amber Midthunder as Mirage 

Markella Kavenagh as Wolfbane 

Diego Calva as Rictor 

Forrest Goodluck as Warpath 

Bret Azar as Strong Guy

Manon Bresch as M

Abigail Cowen as Siryn 

Elle Fanning as Layla Miller

Lizze Broadway as Boom Boom

Logan Lerman as StarLord 

Karen Fukuhara as Gamora 

Aaron Paul as Rocket Racoon 

Chloe Grace Moretz as Phyla Veil 

Emma D'Arcy as Moondragon 

Jack Quaid as Nova 

So that's my cast for the heroes of my MCU Reboot. Let me know what you think I will work on the villains next.