Sunday 16 April 2023

My thoughts on the Harry Potter TV Reboot.

My thoughts on the Harry Potter TV Series Reboot.

So it's finally happening. We are getting a reboot of Harry Potter in tv form from HBO Max, now called Max. It will have ten seasons and will include storylines that films had to drop for movie time. Here are my thoughts on this reboot. 
Daniel, Rupert, and Emma will always be Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
Best of luck to whoever plays these three best of luck to them. 

For the record, I didn't want to see a Harry Potter reboot happen. In truth, I rather they make something more original, like exploring parts of the Wizardry World that we haven't seen before. It's like how I don't want a remake of Lord of the Rings because those films are so nostalgic and unforgettable. However, looking at this show now, it could be good, depending on how it's done. They promise it will be faithful to the books and be just as good as the films. Hopefully, because there is a good chance this could suck but maybe not. It depends on the direction of the show. 

Now a lot of fans are mixed about this. Some are for it, but others aren't. I can already see the reactions to this show, fans will say oh, it's not as good as the films, and of course, there is the drama with JK Rowling and her comments on Twitter. Never use Twitter, people. It's an awful app. 
For example, here's the reaction this show will get when it comes out. Take these in good fun; I'm just doing these for fun.

Fan 1: "Why is Hermione so overpowered in the reboot? I mean, she's already a great character, but she wasn't perfect. She had problems like everyone else, struggled to make friends, and got treated like crap by Draco. In the reboot, they make her too perfect at everything. She's more of the star of the show than Harry himself."

Fan 2: "Why is Harry Potter such a pushover, and why does he get asked out for the Yule Ball instead of him asking that girl out? Also, why does he get rescued a lot more? He did all the rescuing in the books and movies."

Fan 3: "Not surprise that Ron and his family aren't ginger in the reboot. Also, why did they gender-swap Charlie and Percy Weasley to Charlize and Penelope Weasley?"    

Fan 4: "Dumbledore's sexuality is a huge deal now in the reboot. I don't understand no one cared if he was gay because he's Dumbledore. He's one of the best characters in the series, and we all love him for how awesome he is. Also, not a surprise that there's a transgender character in the show, and that character fits well in the show. Hogwarts Legacy did it too, yet they still got hate because they said the game promotes transphobia because J.K. gets royalties from that game. Also, Luna is now non-binary, apparently." 

Fan 5: "Well, at least the show has characters and storylines from the books that the movies didn't have at least. But why are Umbridge and Bellatrix more sympathetic villains?"

These will likely be the reactions of fans who will watch the show when it comes out. Also, the people who hate J.K. Rowling over her transgender comments will hate this show. I don't want to discuss it. I'm just going to focus on what the show will be like and what they are doing. 
JK Rowling is involved with the show, which has caused outrage among fans who don't want her involved.  
Also, they are already people boycotting the show, not because they don't want a reboot but because of, you know what. 
It never ends! This is why you shouldn't use Twitter. 
HBO has said they will have a more diverse cast in the show which is fine because all I care about is the characters are done right and the show is good and respectful to the books.
All we can do is wait and see what this show does in the future. It could be good, or it could be bad, depending on the writing of the show. I'm going into this show with low expectations.

To be honest, I would have preferred that WB make more Harry Potter films that expand the Wizardry World because there are more creative ideas and things to explore. Give us more original stuff, and let's see what the Wizardly World is like in Canada, Japan, and many more. Maybe prequel series about how Hogwarts got started. There are way more opportunities to explore this magical world. A Hogwarts Legacy show would have been a fantastic idea to adapt as a tv show. 

Unknowns for the main cast.
Still, here is my cast for a Harry Potter Reboot. I'm not casting Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Neville, or Luna because I would just go with Unknowns for those roles like the films did. I hope WB at least prepares the kids for harassment online, whoever they play. It will likely happen. 

Now for my cast choices for the grown-up characters.

Jude Law as Albus Dumbledore
Now Dumbledore was played by three actors, Richard Harris, who played him in the first two films until his death. He was recast with Michael Gambon, who played Dumbledore in the rest of the movie. In the Fantastic Beast films, the character was played by Jude Law this film. 
But for Dumbledore, I would go with an actor in his fifties to his early sixties for the role.
I would go with Jude Law.

Miranda Otto as Professor McGonagall 
I would go with actresses in their late forties to early sixties for Professor McGonagall. I would choose Miranda Otto. Also, Maggie will always be McGonagall to me and to older fans. No matter what, Miranda Otto would be my first choice to play Professor McGonagall in the series. 

For Hagrid, I would just go with Nick Frost.
 Like Nick has the right look and the right type of beard. Nick is a funny actor, and I think he would be a good Hagrid. He's the only one I can think of for the role besides the late Robbie Coltrane. Robbie Coltrane will always be Hagrid, no matter what.

Adam Driver as Professor Snape 
Now first, I want to say Alan Rickman is irreplaceable as Snape. He owned that role. His death was a tragedy for all; he was and always will be Professor Snape. If I were to cast Snape, I would cast Adam Driver. I mean, look at Adam. He looks like Snape. I hope he can do a British accent because I think he's the best choice for the role of Snape. Not to mention he does have those Snape vibes to him as well.

Mackenzie Crook as Mr. Flich
For Mr. Flich, I would go with Mackenzie Crook for the role of Flich. I know he's young, but he can look much older with makeup and stuff.

Freema Agyeman as Professor Aurora Sinistra
 The character didn't play a significant role in the films, but she had a bigger role in the books since this is a show. We will see more Hogwarts teachers we didn't see in the movies.

Sophia Nomvete as Professor Sprout
For Professor Sprout, I went with Sophia Nomvete. I may hate Rings of Power, but I respect the actors and actresses of that show.  

Martin Freeman as Professor Slughorn 
Slughorn was hard to cast because Jim did such a great job, but I think Martin Freeman would be just as good.

Juno Temple as Professor Sybill Trelawney 
Juno has played crazy characters before, so she's a good fit for the role. 

Sonoya Mizuno as Professor Hooch 
Hooch, unlike the films she's only in one film, will have a big role in the show. 

Tom Brooke as Professor Quirrell
Since he's only in the first book, I would go with the actor Tom Brooke for Quirrell. He was in Game of Thrones.

Tom Hiddelston as Professor Gilderoy Lockhart
 For Professor Lockhart, I would go with Tom Hiddleston. He only appeared in one film, and he appeared twice in the books, I think.

Tom Basden as Professor Remus Lupin
I would go with Tom Basden from the hit show Afterlife for Remus.

Mark Addy as Mad-Eye Moody
Branden Gleeson was excellent as Mad-Eye, but if I had to recast him, I would with Mark Addy for the role. He's got a stern voice, and he was fantastic as Robert Baratheon.

Alex Kingston as Umbridge 
Just don't make Umbridge sympathetic; I can't stand sympathetic villains. 

Aidan Turner as Sirius Black
Can I just say Gary Oldman is Sirius? But if I were to recast, I would go with Aidan Tuner. He's a good actor, and if you look at him, he does look like he can pull a good Sirius Black.

 Simon Pegg and Rachel Stirling as Arthur and Molly Weasley
Simon Pegg and Rachel Stirling, who I would cast as Arthur and Molly Weasely. 

Matt Berry and Phoebe Waller as Vern and Petunia Dursley 
These two would work as the Dursleys plus Phoebe Webber fits Petunia. 

Adam Brown as Dobby 
I think Adam Brown is the only actor that comes to mind to voice Dobby.

Harry Llyod as Lucius Mafoley
Harry nailed it as a Viserys Targaryen, and I can see him as Lucius Malfoy.

Natalie Dormer as Narcissa Malfoy 
Natalie just looks at the part, and I think she is a good choice.

Katie McGrath as Bellatrix 
Bellatrix, as much as I love Helena, I think Kate would be great because of her performance in Merlin.

Tobias Menzies as Voldemort 
Voldemort was hard to cast. I think Tobias would be a good choice, and he's played some good villains before. 

Kit Harrington and Rose Leslie as James and Lilly Potter
I mean, just look at them. They would be perfect for the roles. 

So that's who I would cast and my thoughts on the Harry Potter tv reboot. I'm still mixed about the idea, but who knows, it could be good or suck. I understand why some fans are for this reboot and others aren't because the movies are so good. Let me know what you think about this. Are you excited about the Harry Potter TV Series reboot? Or are you not? Let me know.

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