Thursday 12 October 2023

Castlevania: Nocturne Review


My Castlevania: Nocturne Review.

I watched Castlevania: Nocturne, and here's my review of it...It's not as good as the original series. This show had a different magic than the old one, and it wasn't as dark and gritty. Now, for the record, I only played the Super Nintendo game, which was so hard to beat I couldn't even get pass the first level. Still, many fans of this series have issues with Nocturne because, unlike the old show, it was less political and more story-driven, as well as great villains that were sympathetic and hateful. We saw great character development with our main characters. The first series still holds up today but this show well I can't be too hard on it because it's only it's first season. It could get better next season after all look at Wheel of Time season 2 was improvement of the first season except they still sideline Rand the protagonist of the series! Richter doesn't get sideline at least in the show. 

I think many fans were hoping for something like this based on Rondo of Blood.
It's about him wanting revenge on Olrox for murdering his mother, but he must save his girlfriend Annette from an evil clan of humans serving an evil vampire queen. Who wants to sacrifice her to block out the sun for their Vampire Queen. 
Richter goes on a quest to save Annette and stop the Vampire Queen. He's not doing it alone. He's got Marie, his adoptive little sister who has magical abilities, maybe a new character like Edouard, and of course Alucard. It would have sounded too similar to the first series because it was about three characters going to kill Dracula, and this series was about them saving someone whose blood can block out the sun. Also you could have Annette help her boyfriend by knowing some magic speaks to him through his dreams and helps him on quest.  

Richter is a huge fan favorite in the Castlevania series. Some fans didn't like how he was written in the show or how this show was written in general, but I liked him and I didn't hate the show I think okay. I never played the games so I don't know how cool Richter is to fans and I don't know the entire lore of Castlevania. I still prefer Trevor over him because Trevor was cool and funny as well Richter does love drinking like him but he does have Sypha in him too. Of course, fans don't like this series because it's too political and changes to the first game Richter first appeared Rondo of Blood. I mean fine with them not having Dracula as the main villain of this show because I was happy with the ending he got in the final season. 

This is only the first season, and maybe season 2 will be an improvement. My biggest issue with the show was that it changed its original writers and show runner. 

This show was beginning of a good adaptations of video games series.

Warren Ellis wrote and created the first series. He did a great job, but as some of you know or don't know, he got metoo because there were allegations against him, so they weren't hiring him back. Still, Netflix at least decided to let him finish the final season, and season 4 was a fantastic ending to the first series. I understand why they had to let him go, but Nocturne could have gotten a better show runner because the show runner of Nocturne is Clive Bradley. In my opinion, he was not suitable for the job because he was adding a lot of agenda to the show. Not to mention, he is a socialist, too. They should have just got another passionate storyteller rather than someone who's very politically driven. 

However, I will admit there were some good moments in the show and I did like some of the characters and the vampires were scary like this.
This scene actually scared me a bit.
I did enjoy some of the characters in this show. They are all likeable, which is good.
However, I still prefer the original characters Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard.

Also the action and animation is good too. I would say the villains are not as good as the last series villains but there are two that you will hate. Again, they could get better in later seasons.
The series is set during the French Revolution, and basically, it's about Richter, a descendant of Trevor and Sypha. He wants revenge on a vampire named Olrox for murdering his mom. He lives with a woman and her daughter Marie, who serves as a little sister in his life. We also meet Annette, his love interest from the games, but they also mades change to the character. She's not being held captive by Dracula and she knows magic powers. I'm not surprised you won't see Richter trying to save his girlfriend in this show because today's modern media doesn't like the damsel in distress troupe. 
Also, the show is basically about them stopping a vampire queen from taking over the world, and some humans are now working with the vampires and such. I won't give too much away. 
I find it funny how the vampire queen wants to block out the sun for some reason; I heard that song snuff out the Light in my head. Snuff out the Light was a song from Emperor's New Grove's original title, Kingdom of the Sun, and Yzma wanted to block out the sun. Look it up. 
Overall, if you like this show, that's fine, but I don't hate it because there were some good moments in this show, but to me it's not as good as the first series in my opinion. 
I give Nocturne a 6 out of 10.
For the first series, I give it a 9 out of 10.
Let me know what you think do you like Nocturne or do you prefer the original series?
Let me know and have a good day. 

Spoiler here skip this part.
With a Spoiler!

They brought back Alucard and he's one of the best character in the series.
Let's hope Alucard will make season 2 better if not well we still have the masterpiece from berfore. 
Let me know what you think.


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